/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. You may alternatively use this source under the terms of a specific version of the OGRE Unrestricted License provided you have obtained such a license from Torus Knot Software Ltd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "OgreCgProgram.h" #include "OgreGpuProgramManager.h" #include "OgreStringConverter.h" #include "OgreLogManager.h" namespace Ogre { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CgProgram::CmdEntryPoint CgProgram::msCmdEntryPoint; CgProgram::CmdProfiles CgProgram::msCmdProfiles; CgProgram::CmdArgs CgProgram::msCmdArgs; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void CgProgram::selectProfile(void) { mSelectedProfile.clear(); mSelectedCgProfile = CG_PROFILE_UNKNOWN; StringVector::iterator i, iend; iend = mProfiles.end(); GpuProgramManager& gpuMgr = GpuProgramManager::getSingleton(); for (i = mProfiles.begin(); i != iend; ++i) { if (gpuMgr.isSyntaxSupported(*i)) { mSelectedProfile = *i; mSelectedCgProfile = cgGetProfile(mSelectedProfile.c_str()); // Check for errors checkForCgError("CgProgram::selectProfile", "Unable to find CG profile enum for program " + mName + ": ", mCgContext); break; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void CgProgram::buildArgs(void) { StringVector args; if (!mCompileArgs.empty()) args = StringUtil::split(mCompileArgs); StringVector::const_iterator i; if (mSelectedCgProfile == CG_PROFILE_VS_1_1) { // Need the 'dcls' argument whenever we use this profile // otherwise compilation of the assembler will fail bool dclsFound = false; for (i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ++i) { if (*i == "dcls") { dclsFound = true; break; } } if (!dclsFound) { args.push_back("-profileopts"); args.push_back("dcls"); } } // Now split args into that god-awful char** that Cg insists on freeCgArgs(); mCgArguments = new char*[args.size() + 1]; int index = 0; for (i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ++i, ++index) { mCgArguments[index] = new char[i->length() + 1]; strcpy(mCgArguments[index], i->c_str()); } // Null terminate list mCgArguments[index] = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void CgProgram::freeCgArgs(void) { if (mCgArguments) { size_t index = 0; char* current = mCgArguments[index]; while (current) { delete [] current; current = mCgArguments[++index]; } delete [] mCgArguments; mCgArguments = 0; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void CgProgram::loadFromSource(void) { // Create Cg Program selectProfile(); if (mSelectedCgProfile == CG_PROFILE_UNKNOWN) { LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage( "Attempted to load Cg program '" + mName + "', but no suported " "profile was found. "); return; } buildArgs(); mCgProgram = cgCreateProgram(mCgContext, CG_SOURCE, mSource.c_str(), mSelectedCgProfile, mEntryPoint.c_str(), const_cast(mCgArguments)); // Test //LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(cgGetProgramString(mCgProgram, CG_COMPILED_PROGRAM)); // Check for errors checkForCgError("CgProgram::loadFromSource", "Unable to compile Cg program " + mName + ": ", mCgContext); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void CgProgram::createLowLevelImpl(void) { // ignore any previous error if (mSelectedCgProfile != CG_PROFILE_UNKNOWN) { // Create a low-level program, give it the same name as us mAssemblerProgram = GpuProgramManager::getSingleton().createProgramFromString( mName, mGroup, cgGetProgramString(mCgProgram, CG_COMPILED_PROGRAM), mType, mSelectedProfile); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void CgProgram::unloadHighLevelImpl(void) { // Unload Cg Program // Lowlevel program will get unloaded elsewhere if (mCgProgram) { cgDestroyProgram(mCgProgram); checkForCgError("CgProgram::unloadImpl", "Error while unloading Cg program " + mName + ": ", mCgContext); mCgProgram = 0; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void CgProgram::buildConstantDefinitions() const { // Derive parameter names from Cg mFloatLogicalToPhysical.bufferSize = 0; mIntLogicalToPhysical.bufferSize = 0; mConstantDefs.floatBufferSize = 0; mConstantDefs.intBufferSize = 0; if (!mCgProgram) return; recurseParams(cgGetFirstParameter(mCgProgram, CG_PROGRAM)); recurseParams(cgGetFirstParameter(mCgProgram, CG_GLOBAL)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void CgProgram::recurseParams(CGparameter parameter, size_t contextArraySize) const { while (parameter != 0) { // Look for uniform (non-sampler) parameters only // Don't bother enumerating unused parameters, especially since they will // be optimised out and therefore not in the indexed versions CGtype paramType = cgGetParameterType(parameter); if (cgGetParameterVariability(parameter) == CG_UNIFORM && paramType != CG_SAMPLER1D && paramType != CG_SAMPLER2D && paramType != CG_SAMPLER3D && paramType != CG_SAMPLERCUBE && paramType != CG_SAMPLERRECT && cgGetParameterDirection(parameter) != CG_OUT && cgIsParameterReferenced(parameter)) { int arraySize; switch(paramType) { case CG_STRUCT: recurseParams(cgGetFirstStructParameter(parameter)); break; case CG_ARRAY: // Support only 1-dimensional arrays arraySize = cgGetArraySize(parameter, 0); recurseParams(cgGetArrayParameter(parameter, 0), (size_t)arraySize); break; default: // Normal path (leaf) String paramName = cgGetParameterName(parameter); size_t logicalIndex = cgGetParameterResourceIndex(parameter); // Get the parameter resource, to calculate the physical index CGresource res = cgGetParameterResource(parameter); bool isRegisterCombiner = false; size_t regCombinerPhysicalIndex = 0; switch (res) { case CG_COMBINER_STAGE_CONST0: // register combiner, const 0 // the index relates to the texture stage; store this as (stage * 2) + 0 regCombinerPhysicalIndex = logicalIndex * 2; isRegisterCombiner = true; break; case CG_COMBINER_STAGE_CONST1: // register combiner, const 1 // the index relates to the texture stage; store this as (stage * 2) + 1 regCombinerPhysicalIndex = (logicalIndex * 2) + 1; isRegisterCombiner = true; break; default: // normal constant break; } // Trim the '[0]' suffix if it exists, we will add our own indexing later if (StringUtil::endsWith(paramName, "[0]", false)) { paramName.erase(paramName.size() - 3); } GpuConstantDefinition def; def.arraySize = contextArraySize; mapTypeAndElementSize(paramType, isRegisterCombiner, def); if (def.constType == GCT_UNKNOWN) { LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage( "Problem parsing the following Cg Uniform: '" + paramName + "' in file " + mName); // next uniform continue; } if (isRegisterCombiner) { def.physicalIndex = regCombinerPhysicalIndex; } else { // base position on existing buffer contents if (def.isFloat()) { def.physicalIndex = mFloatLogicalToPhysical.bufferSize; } else { def.physicalIndex = mIntLogicalToPhysical.bufferSize; } } mConstantDefs.map.insert(GpuConstantDefinitionMap::value_type(paramName, def)); // Record logical / physical mapping if (def.isFloat()) { OGRE_LOCK_MUTEX(mFloatLogicalToPhysical.mutex) mFloatLogicalToPhysical.map.insert( GpuLogicalIndexUseMap::value_type(logicalIndex, GpuLogicalIndexUse(def.physicalIndex, def.arraySize * def.elementSize))); mFloatLogicalToPhysical.bufferSize += def.arraySize * def.elementSize; mConstantDefs.floatBufferSize = mFloatLogicalToPhysical.bufferSize; } else { OGRE_LOCK_MUTEX(mIntLogicalToPhysical.mutex) mIntLogicalToPhysical.map.insert( GpuLogicalIndexUseMap::value_type(logicalIndex, GpuLogicalIndexUse(def.physicalIndex, def.arraySize * def.elementSize))); mIntLogicalToPhysical.bufferSize += def.arraySize * def.elementSize; mConstantDefs.intBufferSize = mIntLogicalToPhysical.bufferSize; } // Deal with array indexing mConstantDefs.generateConstantDefinitionArrayEntries(paramName, def); break; } } // Get next parameter = cgGetNextParameter(parameter); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void CgProgram::mapTypeAndElementSize(CGtype cgType, bool isRegisterCombiner, GpuConstantDefinition& def) const { if (isRegisterCombiner) { // register combiners are the only single-float entries in our buffer def.constType = GCT_FLOAT1; def.elementSize = 1; } else { switch(cgType) { case CG_FLOAT: case CG_FLOAT1: case CG_HALF: case CG_HALF1: def.constType = GCT_FLOAT1; def.elementSize = 4; // padded to 4 elements break; case CG_FLOAT2: case CG_HALF2: def.constType = GCT_FLOAT2; def.elementSize = 4; // padded to 4 elements break; case CG_FLOAT3: case CG_HALF3: def.constType = GCT_FLOAT3; def.elementSize = 4; // padded to 4 elements break; case CG_FLOAT4: case CG_HALF4: def.constType = GCT_FLOAT4; def.elementSize = 4; break; case CG_FLOAT2x2: case CG_HALF2x2: def.constType = GCT_MATRIX_2X2; def.elementSize = 8; // Cg pads this to 2 float4s break; case CG_FLOAT2x3: case CG_HALF2x3: def.constType = GCT_MATRIX_2X3; def.elementSize = 8; // Cg pads this to 2 float4s break; case CG_FLOAT2x4: case CG_HALF2x4: def.constType = GCT_MATRIX_2X4; def.elementSize = 8; break; case CG_FLOAT3x2: case CG_HALF3x2: def.constType = GCT_MATRIX_2X3; def.elementSize = 12; // Cg pads this to 3 float4s break; case CG_FLOAT3x3: case CG_HALF3x3: def.constType = GCT_MATRIX_3X3; def.elementSize = 12; // Cg pads this to 3 float4s break; case CG_FLOAT3x4: case CG_HALF3x4: def.constType = GCT_MATRIX_3X4; def.elementSize = 12; break; case CG_FLOAT4x2: case CG_HALF4x2: def.constType = GCT_MATRIX_4X2; def.elementSize = 16; // Cg pads this to 4 float4s break; case CG_FLOAT4x3: case CG_HALF4x3: def.constType = GCT_MATRIX_4X3; def.elementSize = 16; // Cg pads this to 4 float4s break; case CG_FLOAT4x4: case CG_HALF4x4: def.constType = GCT_MATRIX_4X4; def.elementSize = 16; // Cg pads this to 4 float4s break; case CG_INT: case CG_INT1: def.constType = GCT_INT1; def.elementSize = 4; // Cg pads this to int4 break; case CG_INT2: def.constType = GCT_INT2; def.elementSize = 4; // Cg pads this to int4 break; case CG_INT3: def.constType = GCT_INT3; def.elementSize = 4; // Cg pads this to int4 break; case CG_INT4: def.constType = GCT_INT4; def.elementSize = 4; break; default: def.constType = GCT_UNKNOWN; break; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CgProgram::CgProgram(ResourceManager* creator, const String& name, ResourceHandle handle, const String& group, bool isManual, ManualResourceLoader* loader, CGcontext context) : HighLevelGpuProgram(creator, name, handle, group, isManual, loader), mCgContext(context), mCgProgram(0), mSelectedCgProfile(CG_PROFILE_UNKNOWN), mCgArguments(0) { if (createParamDictionary("CgProgram")) { setupBaseParamDictionary(); ParamDictionary* dict = getParamDictionary(); dict->addParameter(ParameterDef("entry_point", "The entry point for the Cg program.", PT_STRING),&msCmdEntryPoint); dict->addParameter(ParameterDef("profiles", "Space-separated list of Cg profiles supported by this profile.", PT_STRING),&msCmdProfiles); dict->addParameter(ParameterDef("compile_arguments", "A string of compilation arguments to pass to the Cg compiler.", PT_STRING),&msCmdArgs); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CgProgram::~CgProgram() { freeCgArgs(); // have to call this here reather than in Resource destructor // since calling virtual methods in base destructors causes crash if (isLoaded()) { unload(); } else { unloadHighLevel(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CgProgram::isSupported(void) const { if (mCompileError || !isRequiredCapabilitiesSupported()) return false; StringVector::const_iterator i, iend; iend = mProfiles.end(); // Check to see if any of the profiles are supported for (i = mProfiles.begin(); i != iend; ++i) { if (GpuProgramManager::getSingleton().isSyntaxSupported(*i)) { return true; } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void CgProgram::setProfiles(const StringVector& profiles) { mProfiles.clear(); StringVector::const_iterator i, iend; iend = profiles.end(); for (i = profiles.begin(); i != iend; ++i) { mProfiles.push_back(*i); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const String& CgProgram::getLanguage(void) const { static const String language = "cg"; return language; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- String CgProgram::CmdEntryPoint::doGet(const void *target) const { return static_cast(target)->getEntryPoint(); } void CgProgram::CmdEntryPoint::doSet(void *target, const String& val) { static_cast(target)->setEntryPoint(val); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- String CgProgram::CmdProfiles::doGet(const void *target) const { return StringConverter::toString( static_cast(target)->getProfiles() ); } void CgProgram::CmdProfiles::doSet(void *target, const String& val) { static_cast(target)->setProfiles(StringUtil::split(val)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- String CgProgram::CmdArgs::doGet(const void *target) const { return static_cast(target)->getCompileArguments(); } void CgProgram::CmdArgs::doSet(void *target, const String& val) { static_cast(target)->setCompileArguments(val); } }