/**************************************************************** Thanks to Bandures for the particle exporter ****************************************************************/ /********************************************************************************* * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * **********************************************************************************/ #include "particles.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace OgreMayaExporter { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const float FP_2PI = 6.28318531f; static float FP_MINDELTA = 0.005f; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline float ToRadians( float fD ) { return fD * ( FP_2PI / 360.f ); } inline float ToDegrees( float fR ) { return fR * ( 360.f / FP_2PI ); } template void DropSame( const std::vector &values, int nBeginTime, TKeyTrack *pRes ); template void MakeLinearSpline( const std::vector &values, int nBeginTime, float fEpsilon, TKeyTrack *pRes ); template void writeTrackToXML( std::ofstream &outStream, const TKeyTrack &dataTrack, const std::string &name ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Particles //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Particles::Particles(): nFrames(0) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Particles::~Particles() { clear(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MStatus Particles::load( MDagPath& dagPath, ParamList& params ) { int nMaxFrame, nMinFrame; MGlobal::executeCommand( "playbackOptions -q -max", nMaxFrame ); MGlobal::executeCommand( "playbackOptions -q -min", nMinFrame ); if ( nMinFrame > 0 ) nMinFrame = 0; for ( int nFrame = nMinFrame; nFrame <= nMaxFrame; ++nFrame ) ExportFrame( dagPath, nFrame ); FinalizeData( nMinFrame, nMaxFrame ); return MS::kSuccess; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MStatus Particles::writeToXML( ParamList& params ) { params.outParticles << "\n"; for ( uint nTemp = 0; nTemp < particleTracks.size(); ++nTemp ) { const SParticle &particle = particleTracks[nTemp]; params.outParticles << "\t\n"; writeTrackToXML( params.outParticles, particle.pos, "position" ); writeTrackToXML( params.outParticles, particle.rotation, "rotation" ); writeTrackToXML( params.outParticles, particle.scale, "scale" ); writeTrackToXML( params.outParticles, particle.color, "color" ); writeTrackToXML( params.outParticles, particle.sprite, "sprite" ); params.outParticles << "\t\n"; } params.outParticles << "\n"; return MS::kSuccess; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Particles::clear() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MStatus Particles::ExportFrame( MDagPath &dagPath, int nFrame ) { MGlobal::viewFrame( nFrame ); MStatus retStatus; MFnDagNode dagNode( dagPath ); //// int nParticles = 0; MPlug countPlug = dagNode.findPlug( MString( "count" ), &retStatus ); retStatus = countPlug.getValue( nParticles ); if ( nParticles <= 0 ) return MS::kFailure; //// std::vector idIndex( nParticles ); std::vector sortedId( nParticles ); std::vector particlesFrame( nParticles ); //// MObject tempObj; MPlug mappingPlug = dagNode.findPlug( MString( "idMapping" ), &retStatus ); //// MPlug idPlug = mappingPlug.child( 0 ); retStatus = idPlug.getValue( tempObj ); MFnIntArrayData sSortedIDArray( tempObj, &retStatus ); for ( int nTemp = 0; nTemp < nParticles; ++nTemp ) sortedId[nTemp] = sSortedIDArray[nTemp]; //// MPlug indexPlug = mappingPlug.child( 1 ); retStatus = indexPlug.getValue( tempObj ); MFnIntArrayData idIndexArray( tempObj, &retStatus ); for ( int nTemp = 0; nTemp < nParticles; ++nTemp ) idIndex[nTemp] = idIndexArray[nTemp]; //// Position MPlug posPlug = dagNode.findPlug( MString( "worldPosition" ), &retStatus ); retStatus = posPlug.getValue( tempObj ); MFnVectorArrayData posData( tempObj, &retStatus ); for ( int nTemp = 0; nTemp < nParticles; ++nTemp ) { SParticleData &particle = particlesFrame[nTemp]; particle.nFrame = nFrame; particle.pos.x = (float)posData[idIndex[nTemp]].x; particle.pos.y = (float)posData[idIndex[nTemp]].y; particle.pos.z = (float)posData[idIndex[nTemp]].z; } //// Rotation MPlug rotPlug = dagNode.findPlug( MString( "spriteTwistPP" ), &retStatus ); if ( retStatus == MS::kSuccess ) { retStatus = rotPlug.getValue( tempObj ); MFnDoubleArrayData rotPlug( tempObj, &retStatus ); for ( int nTemp = 0; nTemp < nParticles; ++nTemp ) particlesFrame[nTemp].fRotation = ToRadians( (float)rotPlug[idIndex[nTemp]] ); } //// ScaleX MPlug scaleXPlug = dagNode.findPlug( MString( "spriteScaleXPP" ), &retStatus ); if ( retStatus == MS::kSuccess ) { retStatus = scaleXPlug.getValue( tempObj ); MFnDoubleArrayData scaleX( tempObj, &retStatus ); for ( int nTemp = 0; nTemp < nParticles; ++nTemp ) particlesFrame[nTemp].scale.x = float( scaleX[idIndex[nTemp]] ); } //// ScaleY MPlug scaleYPlug = dagNode.findPlug( MString( "spriteScaleYPP" ), &retStatus ); if ( retStatus == MS::kSuccess ) { retStatus = scaleYPlug.getValue( tempObj ); MFnDoubleArrayData scaleY( tempObj, &retStatus ); for ( int nTemp = 0; nTemp < nParticles; ++nTemp ) particlesFrame[nTemp].scale.y = float( scaleY[idIndex[nTemp]] ); } //// Sprite MPlug spritePlug = dagNode.findPlug( MString( "spriteNumPP" ), &retStatus ); if ( retStatus == MS::kSuccess ) { retStatus = spritePlug.getValue( tempObj ); MFnDoubleArrayData sprite( tempObj, &retStatus ); for ( int nTemp = 0; nTemp < nParticles; ++nTemp ) particlesFrame[nTemp].nSprite = int( sprite[idIndex[nTemp]] - 1 ); } //// Color MPlug colorPlug = dagNode.findPlug( MString( "rgbPP" ), &retStatus ); if ( retStatus == MS::kSuccess ) { retStatus = colorPlug.getValue( tempObj ); MFnVectorArrayData rgbData( tempObj, &retStatus ); for ( int nTemp = 0; nTemp < nParticles; ++nTemp ) { particlesFrame[nTemp].color.r = float( rgbData[idIndex[nTemp]].x ); particlesFrame[nTemp].color.g = float( rgbData[idIndex[nTemp]].y ); particlesFrame[nTemp].color.b = float( rgbData[idIndex[nTemp]].z ); } } //// Opacity MPlug alphaPlug = dagNode.findPlug( MString( "opacityPP" ), &retStatus ); if ( retStatus == MS::kSuccess ) { retStatus = alphaPlug.getValue( tempObj ); MFnDoubleArrayData alphaData( tempObj, &retStatus ); for ( int nTemp = 0; nTemp < nParticles; ++nTemp ) particlesFrame[nTemp].color.a = float( alphaData[idIndex[nTemp]] ); } for ( int nTemp = 0; nTemp < nParticles; ++nTemp ) data[sortedId[nTemp]].push_back( particlesFrame[nTemp] ); return MS::kSuccess; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MStatus Particles::FinalizeData( int nMinFrame, int nMaxFrame ) { nFrames = nMaxFrame - nMinFrame + 1; particleTracks.resize( data.size() ); int nTemp = 0; for ( CParticlesData::const_iterator iTemp = data.begin(); iTemp != data.end(); ++iTemp, ++nTemp ) { SParticle &particle = particleTracks[nTemp]; //// const CParticlesTrack &particlesTrack = iTemp->second; int nEndFrame = particlesTrack.back().nFrame; int nStartFrame = particlesTrack.front().nFrame; int nFrames = nEndFrame - nStartFrame + 1; //// if ( nFrames != particlesTrack.size() ) { std::cout << "ERROR: particle dosn't exist in some frames (unsupported)!\n"; std::cout.flush(); return MS::kFailure; } //// int nBeginTime = nStartFrame; particle.nEndTime = nEndFrame; particle.nStartTime = nStartFrame; //// std::vector tmpPos( nFrames ); for ( int nTemp = 0; nTemp < nFrames; ++nTemp ) tmpPos[nTemp] = particlesTrack[nTemp].pos; MakeLinearSpline( tmpPos, nBeginTime, FP_MINDELTA, &particle.pos ); //// std::vector tmpRot( nFrames ); for ( int nTemp = 0; nTemp < nFrames; ++nTemp ) tmpRot[nTemp] = particlesTrack[nTemp].fRotation; MakeLinearSpline( tmpRot, nBeginTime, FP_MINDELTA, &particle.rotation ); //// std::vector tmpScale( nFrames ); for ( int nTemp = 0; nTemp < nFrames; ++nTemp ) tmpScale[nTemp] = particlesTrack[nTemp].scale; MakeLinearSpline( tmpScale, nBeginTime, FP_MINDELTA, &particle.scale ); //// std::vector tmpColor( nFrames ); for ( int nTemp = 0; nTemp < nFrames; ++nTemp ) tmpColor[nTemp] = particlesTrack[nTemp].color; MakeLinearSpline( tmpColor, nBeginTime, FP_MINDELTA, &particle.color ); //// std::vector tmpSprite( nFrames ); for ( int nTemp = 0; nTemp < nFrames; ++nTemp ) tmpSprite[nTemp] = particlesTrack[nTemp].nSprite; DropSame( tmpSprite, nBeginTime, &particle.sprite ); } return MS::kSuccess; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template bool CanDropValue( const T &value, const T &prevVal, const T &nextVal, int nDelta, int nRange, float fEpsilon ) { T resVal; float fCoeff = float( nDelta ) / nRange; Interpolate( prevVal, nextVal, fCoeff, &resVal ); if ( fabs( resVal - value ) < fEpsilon ) return true; //// return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void MakeLinearSpline( const std::vector &values, int nBeginTime, float fEpsilon, TKeyTrack *pRes ) { if ( values.size() == 0 ) return; //// TKey startKey; startKey.nTime = nBeginTime; startKey.value = values.front(); pRes->keys.push_back( startKey ); if ( values.size() == 1 ) return; //// uint nIndex = 0; uint nPrevIndex = 0; while( nIndex < values.size() - 1 ) { if ( !CanDropValue( values[nIndex], values[nPrevIndex], values[nIndex + 1], nIndex - nPrevIndex, nIndex - nPrevIndex + 1, fEpsilon ) ) { nPrevIndex = nIndex; TKey resKey; resKey.nTime = nBeginTime + nIndex; resKey.value = values[nIndex]; pRes->keys.push_back( resKey ); } //// nIndex++; } //// TKey endKey; endKey.nTime = nBeginTime + values.size() - 1; endKey.value = values.back(); pRes->keys.push_back( endKey ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void DropSame( const std::vector &values, int nBeginTime, TKeyTrack *pRes ) { if ( values.size() == 0 ) return; //// TKey startKey; startKey.nTime = nBeginTime; startKey.value = values.front(); pRes->keys.push_back( startKey ); if ( values.size() == 1 ) return; //// T nCurrent = values.front(); TKey curKey; for ( uint nTemp = 1; nTemp < values.size() - 1; ++nTemp ) { if ( values[nTemp] != nCurrent ) { curKey.nTime = nBeginTime + nTemp; curKey.value = values[nTemp]; pRes->keys.push_back( curKey ); //// nCurrent = values[nTemp]; } } //// TKey endKey; endKey.nTime = nBeginTime + values.size() - 1; endKey.value = values.back(); pRes->keys.push_back( endKey ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void writeKeyToXML( std::ofstream &outStream, const TKey &data ) { outStream << "\t\t\t\n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void writeKeyToXML( std::ofstream &outStream, const TKey &data ) { outStream << "\t\t\t\n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void writeKeyToXML( std::ofstream &outStream, const TKey &data ) { outStream << "\t\t\t\n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void writeKeyToXML( std::ofstream &outStream, const TKey &data ) { outStream << "\t\t\t\n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void writeTrackToXML( std::ofstream &outStream, const TKeyTrack &dataTrack, const std::string &name ) { outStream << "\t\t<" << name.c_str() << " keys=\"" << dataTrack.keys.size() << "\" >\n"; for ( uint nTemp = 0; nTemp < dataTrack.keys.size(); ++nTemp ) writeKeyToXML( outStream, dataTrack.keys[nTemp] ); outStream << "\t\t\n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // NAMESPACE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////