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| 28 | <a name="reference"></a>Chapter 20. Reference</h2></div></div></div> |
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| 30 | <p><b>Table of Contents</b></p> |
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| 33 | <p>Elements:</p> |
| 34 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc" compact> |
| 35 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/boostbook.html" title=" |
| 36 | BoostBook element boostbook">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">boostbook</code> - Defines a BoostBook book</a></li> |
| 37 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/class.html" title=" |
| 38 | BoostBook element class">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">class</code> - Declares a class or class template</a></li> |
| 39 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/class-specialization.html" title=" |
| 40 | BoostBook element class-specialization">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">class-specialization</code> - A specialization (partial or full) of a class template</a></li> |
| 41 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/code.html" title=" |
| 42 | BoostBook element code">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">code</code> - Mimics the <code class="sgmltag-element">code</code> tag in HTML</a></li> |
| 43 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/compile-fail-test.html" title=" |
| 44 | BoostBook element compile-fail-test">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">compile-fail-test</code> - A testcase that should fail to compile</a></li> |
| 45 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/compile-test.html" title=" |
| 46 | BoostBook element compile-test">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">compile-test</code> - A testcase that should compile correctly</a></li> |
| 47 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/complexity.html" title=" |
| 48 | BoostBook element complexity">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">complexity</code> - The time/space/etc. complexity of a function</a></li> |
| 49 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/constructor.html" title=" |
| 50 | BoostBook element constructor">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">constructor</code> - Declares a constructor of the enclosing class</a></li> |
| 51 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/copy-assignment.html" title=" |
| 52 | BoostBook element copy-assignment">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">copy-assignment</code> - Declares a copy-assignment operator</a></li> |
| 53 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/data-member.html" title=" |
| 54 | BoostBook element data-member">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">data-member</code> - Declares a data member of a class</a></li> |
| 55 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/default.html" title=" |
| 56 | BoostBook element default">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">default</code> - The default value of a function or template parameter</a></li> |
| 57 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/description.html" title=" |
| 58 | BoostBook element description">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">description</code> - Detailed description of a construct</a></li> |
| 59 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/destructor.html" title=" |
| 60 | BoostBook element destructor">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">destructor</code> - Declares a destructor for the enclosing class</a></li> |
| 61 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/effects.html" title=" |
| 62 | BoostBook element effects">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">effects</code> - Declares the side effects of a function</a></li> |
| 63 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/enum.html" title=" |
| 64 | BoostBook element enum">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">enum</code> - Declares an enumeration type</a></li> |
| 65 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/enumvalue.html" title=" |
| 66 | BoostBook element enumvalue">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">enumvalue</code> - A single value of an enumeration</a></li> |
| 67 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/free-function-group.html" title=" |
| 68 | BoostBook element free-function-group">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">free-function-group</code> - A set of functions that are grouped together under one name</a></li> |
| 69 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/function.html" title=" |
| 70 | BoostBook element function">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">function</code> - Declares a function</a></li> |
| 71 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/functionname.html" title=" |
| 72 | BoostBook element functionname">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">functionname</code> - References a function with the given name</a></li> |
| 73 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/header.html" title=" |
| 74 | BoostBook element header">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">header</code> - Declares a C++ header with the given name</a></li> |
| 75 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/if-fails.html" title=" |
| 76 | BoostBook element if-fails">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">if-fails</code> - What it means when a testcase fails</a></li> |
| 77 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/inherit.html" title=" |
| 78 | BoostBook element inherit">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">inherit</code> - Declares a base class of the enclosing class or struct</a></li> |
| 79 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/lib.html" title=" |
| 80 | BoostBook element lib">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">lib</code> - A library dependency</a></li> |
| 81 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/library.html" title=" |
| 82 | BoostBook element library">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">library</code> - Top-level element for a library</a></li> |
| 83 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/library-reference.html" title=" |
| 84 | BoostBook element library-reference">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">library-reference</code> - Declares the reference material for a library</a></li> |
| 85 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/librarycategory.html" title=" |
| 86 | BoostBook element librarycategory">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">librarycategory</code> - Declares that the enclosing library is in this category</a></li> |
| 87 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/librarycategorydef.html" title=" |
| 88 | BoostBook element librarycategorydef">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">librarycategorydef</code> - Defines a new library category</a></li> |
| 89 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/librarycategorylist.html" title=" |
| 90 | BoostBook element librarycategorylist">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">librarycategorylist</code> - Categorized listing of libraries</a></li> |
| 91 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/libraryinfo.html" title=" |
| 92 | BoostBook element libraryinfo">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">libraryinfo</code> - Provides information about a library</a></li> |
| 93 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/librarylist.html" title=" |
| 94 | BoostBook element librarylist">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">librarylist</code> - Placeholder for an alphabetical list of libraries</a></li> |
| 95 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/libraryname.html" title=" |
| 96 | BoostBook element libraryname">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">libraryname</code> - References a library of the given name</a></li> |
| 97 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/librarypurpose.html" title=" |
| 98 | BoostBook element librarypurpose">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">librarypurpose</code> - Describes in one short sentence or phrase the purpose of a library</a></li> |
| 99 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/link-fail-test.html" title=" |
| 100 | BoostBook element link-fail-test">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">link-fail-test</code> - Declares a test that should compile but fail to link</a></li> |
| 101 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/link-test.html" title=" |
| 102 | BoostBook element link-test">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">link-test</code> - Declares a test that should compile and link</a></li> |
| 103 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/method.html" title=" |
| 104 | BoostBook element method">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">method</code> - Declares a method, i.e., a member function</a></li> |
| 105 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/method-group.html" title=" |
| 106 | BoostBook element method-group">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">method-group</code> - A set of methods that are grouped together under one name</a></li> |
| 107 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/namespace.html" title=" |
| 108 | BoostBook element namespace">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">namespace</code> - Declares a namespace</a></li> |
| 109 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/notes.html" title=" |
| 110 | BoostBook element notes">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">notes</code> - Non-normative notes about a function's semantics</a></li> |
| 111 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/overloaded-function.html" title=" |
| 112 | BoostBook element overloaded-function">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">overloaded-function</code> - An overloaded function</a></li> |
| 113 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/overloaded-method.html" title=" |
| 114 | BoostBook element overloaded-method">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">overloaded-method</code> - An overloaded method</a></li> |
| 115 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/parameter.html" title=" |
| 116 | BoostBook element parameter">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">parameter</code> - A function parameter</a></li> |
| 117 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/paramtype.html" title=" |
| 118 | BoostBook element paramtype">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">paramtype</code> - The type of a function parameter</a></li> |
| 119 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/postconditions.html" title=" |
| 120 | BoostBook element postconditions">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">postconditions</code> - Conditions that must hold after the function returns</a></li> |
| 121 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/precondition.html" title=" |
| 122 | BoostBook element precondition">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">precondition</code> - Conditions that must be met prior to executing a function</a></li> |
| 123 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/programlisting.html" title=" |
| 124 | BoostBook element programlisting">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">programlisting</code> - A sample of program code</a></li> |
| 125 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/purpose.html" title=" |
| 126 | BoostBook element purpose">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">purpose</code> - A short description of an entity's use</a></li> |
| 127 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/rationale.html" title=" |
| 128 | BoostBook element rationale">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">rationale</code> - Describes the rationale for a particular function's design</a></li> |
| 129 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/requirement.html" title=" |
| 130 | BoostBook element requirement">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">requirement</code> - A requirement/property in the Jamfile for a testcase</a></li> |
| 131 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/requires.html" title=" |
| 132 | BoostBook element requires">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">requires</code> - Declares the requirements of a function</a></li> |
| 133 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/returns.html" title=" |
| 134 | BoostBook element returns">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">returns</code> - Description of the return value of a function</a></li> |
| 135 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/run-fail-test.html" title=" |
| 136 | BoostBook element run-fail-test">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">run-fail-test</code> - A testcase that should compile and link, but fail on execution</a></li> |
| 137 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/run-test.html" title=" |
| 138 | BoostBook element run-test">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">run-test</code> - A testcase that should compile, link, and execute</a></li> |
| 139 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/signature.html" title=" |
| 140 | BoostBook element signature">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">signature</code> - One signature of an overloaded function or method</a></li> |
| 141 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/snippet.html" title=" |
| 142 | BoostBook element snippet">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">snippet</code> - Pulls in a code snippet from a <code class="sgmltag-element">programlisting</code> element</a></li> |
| 143 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/source.html" title=" |
| 144 | BoostBook element source">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">source</code> - Defines source code for a test</a></li> |
| 145 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/specialization.html" title=" |
| 146 | BoostBook element specialization">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">specialization</code> - Defines the specialization arguments for a class specialization</a></li> |
| 147 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/static-constant.html" title=" |
| 148 | BoostBook element static-constant">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">static-constant</code> - Declares a static constant, e.g., <code class="computeroutput">const int foo = 5;</code>.</a></li> |
| 149 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/struct.html" title=" |
| 150 | BoostBook element struct">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">struct</code> - Declares a C++ struct</a></li> |
| 151 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/struct-specialization.html" title=" |
| 152 | BoostBook element struct-specialization">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">struct-specialization</code> - A specialization (full or partial) of a struct template</a></li> |
| 153 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/template.html" title=" |
| 154 | BoostBook element template">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">template</code> - Declares the template parameters of a class or function</a></li> |
| 155 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/template-arg.html" title=" |
| 156 | BoostBook element template-arg">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">template-arg</code> - A template argument in a specialization</a></li> |
| 157 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/template-nontype-parameter.html" title=" |
| 158 | BoostBook element template-nontype-parameter">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">template-nontype-parameter</code> - A nontype template parameter</a></li> |
| 159 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/template-type-parameter.html" title=" |
| 160 | BoostBook element template-type-parameter">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">template-type-parameter</code> - Declares a template type parameter</a></li> |
| 161 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/template-varargs.html" title=" |
| 162 | BoostBook element template-varargs">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">template-varargs</code> - Declares a variable-length list of template parameters</a></li> |
| 163 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/testsuite.html" title=" |
| 164 | BoostBook element testsuite">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">testsuite</code> - Describes a library testsuite</a></li> |
| 165 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/throws.html" title=" |
| 166 | BoostBook element throws">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">throws</code> - Description of the exceptions thrown by a function</a></li> |
| 167 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/type.html" title=" |
| 168 | BoostBook element type">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">type</code> - The type of an element or return type of a function</a></li> |
| 169 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/typedef.html" title=" |
| 170 | BoostBook element typedef">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">typedef</code> - Declares a typedef</a></li> |
| 171 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/union.html" title=" |
| 172 | BoostBook element union">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">union</code> - Declares a C++ union or union template</a></li> |
| 173 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/union-specialization.html" title=" |
| 174 | BoostBook element union-specialization">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">union-specialization</code> - A specialization (full or partial) of a union template</a></li> |
| 175 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/using-class.html" title=" |
| 176 | BoostBook element using-class">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">using-class</code> - Injects the method and function names of a class into the local scope</a></li> |
| 177 | <li><a href="boostbook/dtd/using-namespace.html" title=" |
| 178 | BoostBook element using-namespace">Element <code class="sgmltag-element">using-namespace</code> - Injects the declared names from a namespace into the local scope</a></li> |
| 179 | </ul></div> |
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