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26 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"> |
27 | <a name="string_algo.design"></a>Design Topics</h3></div></div></div> |
28 | <div class="toc"><dl> |
29 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="design.html#string_algo.string">String Representation</a></span></dt> |
30 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="design.html#string_algo.sequence_traits">Sequence Traits</a></span></dt> |
31 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="design.html#string_algo.find">Find Algorithms</a></span></dt> |
32 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="design.html#string_algo.replace">Replace Algorithms</a></span></dt> |
33 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="design.html#string_algo.split">Find Iterators & Split Algorithms</a></span></dt> |
34 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="design.html#string_algo.exception">Exception Safety</a></span></dt> |
35 | </dl></div> |
36 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
37 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"> |
38 | <a name="string_algo.string"></a>String Representation</h4></div></div></div> |
39 | <p> |
40 | As the name suggest, this library works mainly with strings. However, in the context of this library, |
41 | a string is not restricted to any particular implementation (like <code class="computeroutput">std::basic_string</code>), |
42 | rather it is a concept. This allows the algorithms in this library to be reused for any string type, |
43 | that satisfies the given requirements. |
44 | </p> |
45 | <p><span class="bold"><strong>Definition:</strong></span> A string is a |
46 | <a href="../../../libs/range/doc/range.html" target="_top">range</a> of characters accessible in sequential |
47 | ordered fashion. Character is any value type with "cheap" copying and assignment. |
48 | </p> |
49 | <p> |
50 | First requirement of string-type is that it must accessible using |
51 | <a href="../../../libs/range/index.html" target="_top">Boost.Range</a>. This facility allows to access |
52 | the elements inside the string in a uniform iterator-based fashion. |
53 | This is sufficient for our library |
54 | </p> |
55 | <p> |
56 | Second requirement defines the way in which the characters are stored in the string. Algorithms in |
57 | this library work with an assumption that copying a character is cheaper then allocating extra |
58 | storage to cache results. This is a natural assumption for common character types. Algorithms will |
59 | work even if this requirement is not satisfied, however at the cost of performance degradation. |
60 | </p> |
61 | <p></p> |
62 | <p> |
63 | In addition some algorithms have additional requirements on the string-type. Particularly, it is required |
64 | that an algorithm can create a new string of the given type. In this case, it is required that |
65 | the type satisfies the sequence (Std §23.1.1) requirements. |
66 | </p> |
67 | <p> |
68 | In the reference and also in the code, requirement on the string type is designated by the name of |
69 | template argument. <code class="computeroutput">RangeT</code> means that the basic range requirements must hold. |
70 | <code class="computeroutput">SequenceT</code> designates extended sequence requirements. |
71 | </p> |
72 | </div> |
73 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
74 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"> |
75 | <a name="string_algo.sequence_traits"></a>Sequence Traits</h4></div></div></div> |
76 | <p> |
77 | The major difference between <code class="computeroutput">std::list</code> and <code class="computeroutput">std::vector</code> is not in the interfaces |
78 | they provide, but rather in the inner details of the class and the way how it performs |
79 | various operations. The problem is that it is not possible to infer this difference from the |
80 | definitions of classes without some special mechanism. |
81 | However, some algorithms can run significantly faster with the knowledge of the properties |
82 | of a particular container. |
83 | </p> |
84 | <p> |
85 | Sequence traits allow one to specify additional properties of a sequence container (see Std.§32.2). |
86 | These properties are then used by algorithms to select optimized handling for some operations. |
87 | The sequence traits are declared in the header |
88 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="reference.html#id2372677" title="Header <boost/algorithm/string/sequence_traits.hpp>">boost/algorithm/string/sequence_traits.hpp</a></code>. |
89 | </p> |
90 | <p> |
91 | In the table C denotes a container and c is an object of C. |
92 | </p> |
93 | <div class="table"> |
94 | <a name="id2745481"></a><p class="title"><b>Table 11.11. Sequence Traits</b></p> |
95 | <table class="table" summary="Sequence Traits"> |
96 | <colgroup> |
97 | <col> |
98 | <col> |
99 | </colgroup> |
100 | <thead><tr> |
101 | <th align="left">Trait</th> |
102 | <th align="left">Description</th> |
103 | </tr></thead> |
104 | <tbody> |
105 | <tr> |
106 | <td align="left"> |
107 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../has_native_replace.html" title="Class template has_native_replace">has_native_replace<C></a></code>::value</td> |
108 | <td align="left">Specifies that the sequence has std::string like replace method</td> |
109 | </tr> |
110 | <tr> |
111 | <td align="left"> |
112 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../has_stable_iterators.html" title="Class template has_stable_iterators">has_stable_iterators<C></a></code>::value</td> |
113 | <td align="left"> |
114 | Specifies that the sequence has stable iterators. It means, |
115 | that operations like <code class="computeroutput">insert</code>/<code class="computeroutput">erase</code>/<code class="computeroutput">replace</code> |
116 | do not invalidate iterators. |
117 | </td> |
118 | </tr> |
119 | <tr> |
120 | <td align="left"> |
121 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../has_const_time_insert.html" title="Class template has_const_time_insert">has_const_time_insert<C></a></code>::value</td> |
122 | <td align="left"> |
123 | Specifies that the insert method of the sequence has |
124 | constant time complexity. |
125 | </td> |
126 | </tr> |
127 | <tr> |
128 | <td align="left"> |
129 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../has_const_time_erase.html" title="Class template has_const_time_erase">has_const_time_erase<C></a></code>::value</td> |
130 | <td align="left"> |
131 | Specifies that the erase method of the sequence has constant time complexity |
132 | </td> |
133 | </tr> |
134 | </tbody> |
135 | </table> |
136 | </div> |
137 | <p> |
138 | Current implementation contains specializations for std::list<T> and |
139 | std::basic_string<T> from the standard library and SGI's std::rope<T> and std::slist<T>. |
140 | </p> |
141 | </div> |
142 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
143 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"> |
144 | <a name="string_algo.find"></a>Find Algorithms</h4></div></div></div> |
145 | <p> |
146 | Find algorithms have similar functionality to <code class="computeroutput">std::search()</code> algorithm. They provide a different |
147 | interface which is more suitable for common string operations. |
148 | Instead of returning just the start of matching subsequence they return a range which is necessary |
149 | when the length of the matching subsequence is not known beforehand. |
150 | This feature also allows a partitioning of the input sequence into three |
151 | parts: a prefix, a substring and a suffix. |
152 | </p> |
153 | <p> |
154 | Another difference is an addition of various searching methods besides find_first, including find_regex. |
155 | </p> |
156 | <p> |
157 | It the library, find algorithms are implemented in terms of |
158 | <a href="concept.html#string_algo.finder_concept" title="Finder Concept">Finders</a>. Finders are used also by other facilities |
159 | (replace,split). |
160 | For convenience, there are also function wrappers for these finders to simplify find operations. |
161 | </p> |
162 | <p> |
163 | Currently the library contains only naive implementation of find algorithms with complexity |
164 | O(n * m) where n is the size of the input sequence and m is the size of the search sequence. |
165 | There are algorithms with complexity O(n), but for smaller sequence a constant overhead is |
166 | rather big. For small m << n (m by magnitude smaller than n) the current implementation |
167 | provides acceptable efficiency. |
168 | Even the C++ standard defines the required complexity for search algorithm as O(n * m). |
169 | It is possible that a future version of library will also contain algorithms with linear |
170 | complexity as an option |
171 | </p> |
172 | </div> |
173 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
174 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"> |
175 | <a name="string_algo.replace"></a>Replace Algorithms</h4></div></div></div> |
176 | <p> |
177 | The implementation of replace algorithms follows the layered structure of the library. The |
178 | lower layer implements generic substitution of a range in the input sequence. |
179 | This layer takes a <a href="concept.html#string_algo.finder_concept" title="Finder Concept">Finder</a> object and a |
180 | <a href="concept.html#string_algo.formatter_concept" title="Formatter concept">Formatter</a> object as an input. These two |
181 | functors define what to replace and what to replace it with. The upper layer functions |
182 | are just wrapping calls to the lower layer. Finders are shared with the find and split facility. |
183 | </p> |
184 | <p> |
185 | As usual, the implementation of the lower layer is designed to work with a generic sequence while |
186 | taking advantage of specific features if possible |
187 | (by using <a href="design.html#string_algo.sequence_traits" title="Sequence Traits">Sequence traits</a>) |
188 | </p> |
189 | </div> |
190 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
191 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"> |
192 | <a name="string_algo.split"></a>Find Iterators & Split Algorithms</h4></div></div></div> |
193 | <p> |
194 | Find iterators are a logical extension of the <a href="design.html#string_algo.find" title="Find Algorithms">find facility</a>. |
195 | Instead of searching for one match, the whole input can be iteratively searched for multiple matches. |
196 | The result of the search is then used to partition the input. It depends on the algorithms which parts |
197 | are returned as the result. They can be the matching parts (<code class="computeroutput"><a href="../find_iterator.html" title="Class template find_iterator">find_iterator</a></code>) of the parts in |
198 | between (<code class="computeroutput"><a href="../split_iterator.html" title="Class template split_iterator">split_iterator</a></code>). |
199 | </p> |
200 | <p> |
201 | In addition the split algorithms like <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../find_all.html" title="Function template find_all">find_all()</a></code> and <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../id2580251.html" title="Function template split">split()</a></code> |
202 | can simplify the common operations. They use a find iterator to search the whole input and copy the |
203 | matches they found into the supplied container. |
204 | </p> |
205 | </div> |
206 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
207 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"> |
208 | <a name="string_algo.exception"></a>Exception Safety</h4></div></div></div> |
209 | <p> |
210 | The library requires that all operations on types used as template |
211 | or function arguments provide the <span class="emphasis"><em>basic exception-safety guarantee</em></span>. |
212 | In turn, all functions and algorithms in this library, except where stated |
213 | otherwise, will provide the <span class="emphasis"><em>basic exception-safety guarantee</em></span>. |
214 | In other words: |
215 | The library maintains its invariants and does not leak resources in |
216 | the face of exceptions. Some library operations give stronger |
217 | guarantees, which are documented on an individual basis. |
218 | </p> |
219 | <p> |
220 | Some functions can provide the <span class="emphasis"><em>strong exception-safety guarantee</em></span>. |
221 | That means that following statements are true: |
222 | </p> |
223 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"> |
224 | <li> |
225 | If an exception is thrown, there are no effects other than those |
226 | of the function |
227 | </li> |
228 | <li> |
229 | If an exception is thrown other than by the function, there are no effects |
230 | </li> |
231 | </ul></div> |
232 | <p> |
233 | This guarantee can be provided under the condition that the operations |
234 | on the types used for arguments for these functions either |
235 | provide the strong exception guarantee or do not alter the global state . |
236 | </p> |
237 | <p> |
238 | In the reference, under the term <span class="emphasis"><em>strong exception-safety guarantee</em></span>, we mean the |
239 | guarantee as defined above. |
240 | </p> |
241 | <p> |
242 | For more information about the exception safety topics, follow this |
243 | <a href="../../../more/generic_exception_safety.html" target="_top">link</a></p> |
244 | </div> |
245 | </div> |
246 | <table width="100%"><tr> |
247 | <td align="left"><small><p>Last revised: May 14, 2005 at 19:11:09 GMT</p></small></td> |
248 | <td align="right"><small>Copyright © 2002-2004 Pavol Droba</small></td> |
249 | </tr></table> |
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