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27 | <a name="threads.implementation_notes"></a>Implementation Notes</h3></div></div></div> |
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30 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"> |
31 | <a name="threads.implementation_notes.win32"></a>Win32</h4></div></div></div> |
32 | <p> |
33 | In the current Win32 implementation, creating a boost::thread object |
34 | during dll initialization will result in deadlock because the thread |
35 | class constructor causes the current thread to wait on the thread that |
36 | is being created until it signals that it has finished its initialization, |
37 | and, as stated in the |
38 | <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dllproc/base/dllmain.asp" target="_top">MSDN Library, "DllMain" article, "Remarks" section</a>, |
39 | "Because DLL notifications are serialized, entry-point functions should not |
40 | attempt to communicate with other threads or processes. Deadlocks may occur as a result." |
41 | (Also see <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/msj/archive/S220.aspx" target="_top">"Under the Hood", January 1996</a> |
42 | for a more detailed discussion of this issue). |
43 | </p> |
44 | <p> |
45 | The following non-exhaustive list details some of the situations that |
46 | should be avoided until this issue can be addressed: |
47 | </p> |
48 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"> |
49 | <li>Creating a boost::thread object in DllMain() or in any function called by it.</li> |
50 | <li>Creating a boost::thread object in the constructor of a global static object or in any function called by one.</li> |
51 | <li>Creating a boost::thread object in MFC's CWinApp::InitInstance() function or in any function called by it.</li> |
52 | <li>Creating a boost::thread object in the function pointed to by MFC's _pRawDllMain function pointer or in any function called by it.</li> |
53 | </ul></div> |
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56 | <table width="100%"><tr> |
57 | <td align="left"><small><p>Last revised: July 17, 2004 at 04:33:59 GMT</p></small></td> |
58 | <td align="right"><small>Copyright © 2001-2003 William E. Kempf</small></td> |
59 | </tr></table> |
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