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| 26 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"> |
| 27 | <a name="variant.refs"></a>References</h3></div></div></div> |
| 28 | <p><a name="variant.refs.abr00"></a><a href="http://boost.org/more/generic_exception_safety.html" target="_top">[Abr00]</a> |
| 29 | David Abrahams. |
| 30 | "Exception-Safety in Generic Components." |
| 31 | M. Jazayeri, R. Loos, D. Musser (eds.): |
| 32 | Generic Programming '98, Proc. of a Dagstuhl Seminar, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Vol. 1766, pp. 69-79. |
| 33 | Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. |
| 34 | 2000. |
| 35 | </p> |
| 36 | <p><a name="variant.refs.abr01"></a><a href="http://boost.org/more/error_handling.html" target="_top">[Abr01]</a> |
| 37 | David Abrahams. |
| 38 | "Error and Exception Handling." |
| 39 | Boost technical article. |
| 40 | 2001-2003. |
| 41 | </p> |
| 42 | <p><a name="variant.refs.ale01a"></a><a href="http://www.oonumerics.org/tmpw01/alexandrescu.pdf" target="_top">[Ale01a]</a> |
| 43 | Andrei Alexandrescu. |
| 44 | "An Implementation of Discriminated Unions in C++." |
| 45 | <span class="emphasis"><em>OOPSLA 2001</em></span>, Second Workshop on C++ Template Programming. |
| 46 | Tampa Bay, 14 October 2001. |
| 47 | </p> |
| 48 | <p><a name="variant.refs.ale01b"></a><a href="http://www.moderncppdesign.com/book/main.html" target="_top">[Ale01b]</a> |
| 49 | Andrei Alexandrescu. |
| 50 | <span class="emphasis"><em>Modern C++ Design</em></span>. |
| 51 | Addison-Wesley, C++ In-Depth series. |
| 52 | 2001. |
| 53 | </p> |
| 54 | <p><a name="variant.refs.ale02"></a><a href="http://cuj.com/experts/2008/alexandr.htm" target="_top">[Ale02]</a> |
| 55 | Andrei Alexandrescu. |
| 56 | "Generic<Programming>: Discriminated Unions" series: |
| 57 | <a href="http://cuj.com/experts/2004/alexandr.htm" target="_top">Part 1</a>, |
| 58 | <a href="http://cuj.com/experts/2006/alexandr.htm" target="_top">Part 2</a>, |
| 59 | <a href="http://cuj.com/experts/2008/alexandr.htm" target="_top">Part 3</a>. |
| 60 | <span class="emphasis"><em>C/C++ Users Journal</em></span>. |
| 61 | 2002. |
| 62 | </p> |
| 63 | <p><a name="variant.refs.boo02"></a><a href="http://lists.boost.org/MailArchives/boost/msg30415.php" target="_top">[Boo02]</a> |
| 64 | Various Boost members. |
| 65 | "Proposal --- A type-safe union." |
| 66 | Boost public discussion. |
| 67 | 2002. |
| 68 | </p> |
| 69 | <p><a name="variant.refs.c++98"></a> |
| 70 | [C++98] |
| 71 | <span class="emphasis"><em>International Standard, Programming Languages – C++</em></span>. |
| 72 | ISO/IEC:14882. |
| 73 | 1998. |
| 74 | </p> |
| 75 | <p><a name="variant.refs.gof95"></a> |
| 76 | [GoF95] |
| 77 | Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides. |
| 78 | <span class="emphasis"><em>Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software</em></span>. |
| 79 | Addison-Wesley. |
| 80 | 1995. |
| 81 | </p> |
| 82 | <p><a name="variant.refs.gre02"></a><a href="http://www.crystalclearsoftware.com/cgi-bin/boost_wiki/wiki.pl?variant" target="_top">[Gre02]</a> |
| 83 | Douglas Gregor. |
| 84 | "BOOST_USER: variant." |
| 85 | Boost Wiki paper. |
| 86 | 2002. |
| 87 | </p> |
| 88 | <p><a name="variant.refs.gur02"></a><a href="../../../libs/mpl/index.html" target="_top">[Gur02]</a> |
| 89 | Aleksey Gurtovoy. |
| 90 | <span class="emphasis"><em>Boost Metaprogramming Library.</em></span> |
| 91 | 2002. |
| 92 | </p> |
| 93 | <p><a name="variant.refs.hen01"></a><a href="../any.html" title="Chapter 1. Boost.Any">[Hen01]</a> |
| 94 | Kevlin Henney. |
| 95 | <span class="emphasis"><em>Boost Any Library.</em></span> |
| 96 | 2001. |
| 97 | </p> |
| 98 | <p><a name="variant.refs.mk02"></a><a href="../../../libs/preprocessor/index.html" target="_top">[MK02]</a> |
| 99 | Paul Mensonides and Vesa Karvonen. |
| 100 | <span class="emphasis"><em>Boost Preprocessor Library.</em></span> |
| 101 | 2002. |
| 102 | </p> |
| 103 | <p><a name="variant.refs.mcd+01"></a>Type Traits |
| 104 | Steve Cleary, Beman Dawes, Aleksey Gurtovoy, Howard Hinnant, Jesse Jones, Mat Marcus, John Maddock, Jeremy Siek. |
| 105 | <span class="emphasis"><em>Boost Type Traits Library</em></span>. |
| 106 | 2001. |
| 107 | </p> |
| 108 | <p><a name="variant.refs.sut00"></a><a href="http://www.gotw.ca/publications/xc++.htm" target="_top">[Sut00]</a> |
| 109 | Herb Sutter. |
| 110 | <span class="emphasis"><em>Exceptional C++: 47 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, and Solutions</em></span>. |
| 111 | Addison-Wesley, C++ In-Depth series. |
| 112 | 2000. |
| 113 | </p> |
| 114 | <p><a name="variant.refs.wil02"></a><a href="http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/boost/1314807" target="_top">[Wil02]</a> |
| 115 | Anthony Williams. |
| 116 | Double-Storage Proposal. |
| 117 | 2002. |
| 118 | </p> |
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| 122 | <td align="right"><small>Copyright © 2002, 2003 Eric Friedman, Itay Maman</small></td> |
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