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16<title>Quick Tour of Boost Graph Library</title>
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21<body bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#0000ee" text="#000000" vlink="#551a8b" alink="#ff0000">
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24<h1>A Quick Tour of the Boost Graph Library</h1>
25<p>The domain of graph data structures and algorithms is in some respects more
26complicated than that of containers. The abstract iterator interface used by STL
27is not sufficiently rich to encompass the numerous ways that graph algorithms
28may traverse a graph. Instead, we formulate an abstract interface that serves
29the same purpose for graphs that iterators do for basic containers (though
30iterators still play a large role). <a href="#fig:analogy">Figure 1</a> depicts
31the analogy between the STL and the BGL.
33<div align="CENTER">
34  <a name="fig:analogy"></a><a name="752"></a>
35  <table>
36    <caption valign="bottom"><strong>Figure 1:</strong> The analogy between the
37      STL and the BGL.</caption>
38    <tr>
39      <td><img src="figs/analogy.gif" width="518" height="335"></td>
40    </tr>
41  </table>
44The graph abstraction consists of a set of vertices (or nodes), and a set of
45edges (or arcs) that connect the vertices. <a href="#fig:quick-start">Figure 2</a>
46depicts a directed graph with five vertices (labeled 0 through 4) and 11 edges.
47The edges leaving a vertex are called the <i>out-edges</i> of the vertex. The
48edges <tt>{(0,1),(0,2),(0,3),(0,4)}</tt> are all out-edges of vertex 0. The
49edges entering a vertex are called the <i>in-edges</i> of the vertex. The edges <tt>{(0,4),(2,4),(3,4)}</tt>
50are all in-edges of vertex 4.
52<div align="CENTER">
53  <a name="fig:quick-start"></a>
54  <table>
55    <caption valign="bottom"><strong>Figure 2:</strong> An example of a directed
56      graph.</caption>
57    <tr>
58      <td><img src="figs/quick_start.gif" width="103" height="124"></td>
59    </tr>
60  </table>
63<p>In the following sections we will use the BGL to construct this example graph
64and manipulate it in various ways. The complete source code for this example can
65be found in <a href="../example/quick_tour.cpp"><tt>examples/quick_tour.cpp</tt></a>.
66Each of the following sections discusses a &quot;slice&quot; of this example
67file. Excerpts from the output of the example program will also be listed.
69<h2>Constructing a Graph</h2>
70<p>In this example we will use the BGL <a href="adjacency_list.html"><tt>adjacency_list</tt></a>
71class to demonstrate the main ideas in the BGL interface. The <tt>adjacency_list</tt>
72class provides a generalized version of the classic &quot;adjacency list&quot;
73data structure. The <tt>adjacency_list</tt> is a template class with six
74template parameters, though here we only fill in the first three parameters and
75use the defaults for the remaining three. The first two template arguments (<tt>vecS,
76vecS</tt>) determine the data structure used to represent the out-edges for each
77vertex in the graph and the data structure used to represent the graph's vertex
78set (see section <a href="using_adjacency_list.html#sec:choosing-graph-type">Choosing
79the <tt>Edgelist</tt> and <tt>VertexList</tt></a> for information about the
80tradeoffs of the different data structures). The third argument, <tt>bidirectionalS</tt>,
81selects a directed graph that provides access to both out and in-edges. The
82other options for the third argument are <tt>directedS</tt> which selects a
83directed graph with only out-edges, and <tt>undirectedS</tt> which selects an
84undirected graph.
85<p>Once we have the graph type selected, we can create the graph in <a href="#fig:quick-start">Figure
862</a> by declaring a graph object and filling in edges using the <a href="MutableGraph.html#sec:add-edge"><tt>add_edge()</tt></a>
87function of the <a href="MutableGraph.html">MutableGraph</a> interface (which <tt>adjacency_list</tt>
88implements). We use the array of pairs <tt>edge_array</tt> merely as a
89convenient way to explicitly create the edges for this example.
92  #include &lt;iostream&gt;                  // for std::cout
93  #include &lt;utility&gt;                   // for std::pair
94  #include &lt;algorithm&gt;                 // for std::for_each
95  #include &lt;boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp&gt;
96  #include &lt;boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp&gt;
97  #include &lt;boost/graph/dijkstra_shortest_paths.hpp&gt;
99  using namespace boost;
101  int main(int,char*[])
102  {
103    // create a typedef for the Graph type
104    typedef adjacency_list&lt;vecS, vecS, bidirectionalS&gt; Graph;
106    // Make convenient labels for the vertices
107    enum { A, B, C, D, E, N };
108    const int num_vertices = N;
109    const char* name = "ABCDE";
111    // writing out the edges in the graph
112    typedef std::pair&lt;int, int&gt; Edge;
113    Edge edge_array[] =
114    { Edge(A,B), Edge(A,D), Edge(C,A), Edge(D,C),
115      Edge(C,E), Edge(B,D), Edge(D,E) };
116    const int num_edges = sizeof(edge_array)/sizeof(edge_array[0]);
118    // declare a graph object
119    Graph g(num_vertices);
121    // add the edges to the graph object
122    for (int i = 0; i &lt; num_edges; ++i)
123      add_edge(edge_array[i].first, edge_array[i].second, g);
124    ...
125    return 0;
126  }
128<p>Instead of calling the <tt>add_edge()</tt> function for each edge, we could
129use the <a href="adjacency_list.html#sec:iterator-constructor">edge iterator
130constructor</a> of the graph. This is typically more efficient than using <tt>add_edge()</tt>.
131Pointers to the <tt>edge_array</tt> can be viewed as iterators, so we can call
132the iterator constructor by passing pointers to the beginning and end of the
135    Graph g(edge_array, edge_array + sizeof(edge_array) / sizeof(Edge), num_vertices);
137<p>Instead of creating a graph with a certain number of vertices to begin with,
138it is also possible to add and remove vertices with the <a href="MutableGraph.html#sec:add-vertex"><tt>add_vertex()</tt></a>
139and <a href="MutableGraph.html#sec:remove-vertex"><tt>remove_vertex()</tt></a>
140functions, also of the <a href="MutableGraph.html">MutableGraph</a> interface.
141<h2>Accessing the Vertex Set</h2>
142<p>Now that we have created a graph, we can use the graph interface to access
143the graph data in different ways. First we can access all of the vertices in the
144graph using the <a href="VertexListGraph.html#sec:vertices"><tt>vertices()</tt></a>
145function of the <a href="VertexListGraph.html">VertexListGraph</a> interface.
146This function returns a <tt>std::pair</tt> of <i>vertex iterators</i> (the <tt>first</tt>
147iterator points to the &quot;beginning&quot; of the vertices and the <tt>second</tt>
148iterator points &quot;past the end&quot;). Dereferencing a vertex iterator gives
149a vertex object. The type of the vertex iterator is given by the <a href="graph_traits.html"><tt>graph_traits</tt></a>
150class. Note that different graph classes can have different associated vertex
151iterator types, which is why we need the <tt>graph_traits</tt> class. Given some
152graph type, the <tt>graph_traits</tt> class will provide access to the <tt>vertex_iterator</tt>
154<p>The following example prints out the index for each of the vertices in the
155graph. All vertex and edge properties, including index, are accessed via
156property map objects. The <a href="property_map.html"><tt>property_map</tt></a>
157class is used to obtain the property map type for a specific property (specified
158by <tt>vertex_index_t</tt>, one of the BGL predefined properties) and function
159call <tt>get(vertex_index, g)</tt> returns the actual property map object.
162  // ...
163  int main(int,char*[])
164  {
165    // ...
167    // get the property map for vertex indices
168    typedef property_map&lt;Graph, vertex_index_t&gt;::type IndexMap;
169    IndexMap index = get(vertex_index, g);
171    std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;vertices(g) = &quot;;
172    typedef graph_traits&lt;Graph&gt;::vertex_iterator vertex_iter;
173    std::pair&lt;vertex_iter, vertex_iter&gt; vp;
174    for (vp = vertices(g); vp.first != vp.second; ++vp.first)
175      std::cout &lt;&lt; index[*vp.first] &lt;&lt;  &quot; &quot;;
176    std::cout &lt;&lt; std::endl;
177    // ...
178    return 0;
179  }
181The output is:
183  vertices(g) = 0 1 2 3 4
186<h2>Accessing the Edge Set</h2>
187<p>The set of edges for a graph can be accessed with the <a href="EdgeListGraph.html#sec:edges"><tt>edges()</tt></a>
188function of the <a href="EdgeListGraph.html">EdgeListGraph</a> interface.
189Similar to the <tt>vertices()</tt> function, this returns a pair of iterators,
190but in this case the iterators are <i>edge iterators</i>. Dereferencing an edge
191iterator gives an edge object. The <tt>source()</tt> and <tt>target()</tt>
192functions return the two vertices that are connected by the edge. Instead of
193explicitly creating a <tt>std::pair</tt> for the iterators, this time we will
194use the <a href="../../tuple/doc/tuple_users_guide.html#tiers"><tt>tie()</tt></a> helper function.
195This handy function can be used to assign the parts of a <tt>std::pair</tt> into
196two separate variables, in this case <tt>ei</tt> and <tt>ei_end</tt>. This is
197usually more convenient than creating a <tt>std::pair</tt> and is our method of
198choice for the BGL.
201  // ...
202  int main(int,char*[])
203  {
204    // ...
205    std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;edges(g) = &quot;;
206    graph_traits&lt;Graph&gt;::edge_iterator ei, ei_end;
207    for (tie(ei, ei_end) = edges(g); ei != ei_end; ++ei)
208        std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;(&quot; &lt;&lt; index[source(*ei, g)]
209                  &lt;&lt; &quot;,&quot; &lt;&lt; index[target(*ei, g)] &lt;&lt; &quot;) &quot;;
210    std::cout &lt;&lt; std::endl;
211    // ...
212    return 0;
213  }
215The output is:
217  edges(g) = (0,1) (0,2) (0,3) (0,4) (2,0) (2,4) (3,0)
218    (3,1) (3,4) (4,0) (4,1)
221<h2>The Adjacency Structure</h2>
222<p>In the next few examples we will explore the adjacency structure of the graph
223from the point of view of a particular vertex. We will look at the vertices'
224in-edges, out-edges, and its adjacent vertices. We will encapsulate this in an
225&quot;exercise vertex&quot; function, and apply it to each vertex in the graph.
226To demonstrate the STL-interoperability of BGL, we will use the STL <tt>for_each()</tt>
227function to iterate through the vertices and apply the function.
230  //...
231  int main(int,char*[])
232  {
233    //...
234    std::for_each(vertices(g).first, vertices(g).second,
235                  exercise_vertex&lt;Graph&gt;(g));
236    return 0;
237  }
239<p>We use a functor for <tt>exercise_vertex</tt> instead of just a function
240because the graph object will be needed when we access information about each
241vertex; using a functor gives us a place to keep a reference to the graph object
242during the execution of the <tt>std::for_each()</tt>. Also we template the
243functor on the graph type so that it is reusable with different graph classes.
244Here is the start of the <tt>exercise_vertex</tt> functor:
247  template &lt;class Graph&gt; struct exercise_vertex {
248    exercise_vertex(Graph&amp; g_) : g(g_) {}
249    //...
250    Graph&amp; g;
251  };
254<h3>Vertex Descriptors</h3>
255<p>The first thing we need to know in order to write the <tt>operator()</tt>
256method of the functor is the type for the vertex objects of the graph. The
257vertex type will be the parameter to the <tt>operator()</tt> method. To be
258precise, we do not deal with actual vertex objects, but rather with <i>vertex
259descriptors</i>. Many graph representations (such as adjacency lists) do not
260store actual vertex objects, while others do (e.g., pointer-linked graphs). This
261difference is hidden underneath the &quot;black-box&quot; of the vertex
262descriptor object. The vertex descriptor is something provided by each graph
263type that can be used to access information about the graph via the <tt>out_edges()</tt>,
264<tt>in_edges()</tt>, <tt>adjacent_vertices()</tt>, and property map functions
265that are described in the following sections. The <tt>vertex_descriptor</tt>
266type is obtained through the <tt>graph_traits</tt> class. The <tt>typename</tt>
267keyword used below is necessary because the type on the left hand side of the
268scope <tt>::</tt> operator (the <tt>graph_traits&lt;Graph&gt;</tt> type) is
269dependent on a template parameter (the <tt>Graph</tt> type). Here is how we
270define the functor's apply method:
273  template &lt;class Graph&gt; struct exercise_vertex {
274    //...
275    typedef typename graph_traits&lt;Graph&gt;
276      ::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
278    void operator()(const Vertex&amp; v) const
279    {
280      //...
281    }
282    //...
283  };
286<h3>Out-Edges, In-Edges, and Edge Descriptors</h3>
287<p>The out-edges of a vertex are accessed with the <a href="IncidenceGraph.html#sec:out-edges"><tt>out_edges()</tt></a>
288function of the <a href="IncidenceGraph.html">IncidenceGraph</a> interface. The <tt>out_edges()</tt>
289function takes two arguments: the first argument is the vertex and the second is
290the graph object. The function returns a pair of iterators which provide access
291to all of the out-edges of a vertex (similar to how the <tt>vertices()</tt>
292function returned a pair of iterators). The iterators are called <i>out-edge
293iterators</i> and dereferencing one of these iterators gives an <i>edge
294descriptor</i> object. An edge descriptor plays the same kind of role as the
295vertex descriptor object, it is a &quot;black box&quot; provided by the graph
296type. The following code snippet prints the source-target pairs for each
297out-edge of vertex <tt>v</tt>.
300  template &lt;class Graph&gt; struct exercise_vertex {
301    //...
302    void operator()(const Vertex&amp; v) const
303    {
304      typedef graph_traits&lt;Graph&gt; GraphTraits;
305      typename property_map&lt;Graph, vertex_index_t&gt;::type
306        index = get(vertex_index, g);
308      std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;out-edges: &quot;;
309      typename GraphTraits::out_edge_iterator out_i, out_end;
310      typename GraphTraits::edge_descriptor e;
311      for (tie(out_i, out_end) = out_edges(v, g);
312           out_i != out_end; ++out_i) {
313        e = *out_i;
314        Vertex src = source(e, g), targ = target(e, g);
315        std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;(&quot; &lt;&lt; index[src] &lt;&lt; &quot;,&quot; 
316                  &lt;&lt; index[targ] &lt;&lt; &quot;) &quot;;
317      }
318      std::cout &lt;&lt; std::endl;
319      //...
320    }
321    //...
322  };
324For vertex 0 the output is:
326  out-edges: (0,1) (0,2) (0,3) (0,4)
328<p>The <a href="BidirectionalGraph.html#sec:in-edges"><tt>in_edges()</tt></a>
329function of the <a href="BidirectionalGraph.html">BidirectionalGraph</a>
330interface provides access to all the in-edges of a vertex through <i>in-edge
331iterators</i>. The <tt>in_edges()</tt> function is only available for the <tt>adjacency_list</tt>
332if <tt>bidirectionalS</tt> is supplied for the <tt>Directed</tt> template
333parameter. There is an extra cost in space when <tt>bidirectionalS</tt> is
334specified instead of <tt>directedS</tt>.
337  template &lt;class Graph&gt; struct exercise_vertex {
338    //...
339    void operator()(const Vertex&amp; v) const
340    {
341      //...
342      std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;in-edges: &quot;;
343      typedef typename graph_traits&lt;Graph&gt; GraphTraits;
344      typename GraphTraits::in_edge_iterator in_i, in_end;
345      for (tie(in_i, in_end) = in_edges(v,g);
346           in_i != in_end; ++in_i) {
347        e = *in_i;
348        Vertex src = source(e, g), targ = target(e, g);
349        std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;(&quot; &lt;&lt; index[src] &lt;&lt; &quot;,&quot; &lt;&lt; index[targ] &lt;&lt; &quot;) &quot;;
350      }
351      std::cout &lt;&lt; std::endl;
352      //...
353    }
354    //...
355  };
357For vertex 0 the output is:
359  in-edges: (2,0) (3,0) (4,0)
362<h3>Adjacent Vertices</h3>
363<p>Given the out-edges of a vertex, the target vertices of these edges are <i>adjacent</i>
364to the source vertex. Sometimes an algorithm does not need to look at the edges
365of the graph and only cares about the vertices. Therefore the graph interface
366also includes the <a href="AdjacencyGraph.html#sec:adjacent-vertices"><tt>adjacent_vertices()</tt></a>
367function of the <a href="AdjacencyGraph.html">AdjacencyGraph</a> interface which
368provides direct access to the adjacent vertices. This function returns a pair of
369<i>adjacency iterators</i>. Dereferencing an adjacency iterator gives a vertex
370descriptor for an adjacent vertex.
373  template &lt;class Graph&gt; struct exercise_vertex {
374    //...
375    void operator()(Vertex v) const
376    {
377      //...
378      std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;adjacent vertices: &quot;;
379      typename graph_traits&lt;Graph&gt;::adjacency_iterator ai;
380      typename graph_traits&lt;Graph&gt;::adjacency_iterator ai_end;
381      for (tie(ai, ai_end) = adjacent_vertices(v, g);
382           ai != ai_end; ++ai)
383        std::cout &lt;&lt; index[*ai] &lt;&lt;  &quot; &quot;;
384      std::cout &lt;&lt; std::endl;
385    }
386    //...
387  };
389For vertex 4 the output is:
391  adjacent vertices: 0 1
394<h2>Adding Some Color to your Graph</h2>
395<p>BGL attempts to be as flexible as possible in terms of accommodating how
396properties are attached to a graph. For instance, a property such as edge weight
397may need to be used throughout a graph object's lifespan and therefore it would
398be convenient to have the graph object also manage the property storage. On the
399other hand, a property like vertex color may only be needed for the duration of
400a single algorithm, and it would be better to have the property stored
401separately from the graph object. The first kind of property is called an <i>internally
402stored property</i> while the second kind is called an <i>externally stored
403property</i>. BGL uses a uniform mechanism to access both kinds of properties
404inside its graph algorithms called the <i>property map</i> interface, described
405in Section <a href="property_map.html">Property Map Concepts</a>. In addition,
406the <a href="PropertyGraph.html">PropertyGraph</a> concept defines the interface
407for obtaining a property map object for an internally stored property.
408<p>The BGL <tt>adjacency_list</tt> class allows users to specify internally
409stored properties through plug-in template parameters of the graph class. How to
410do this is discussed in detail in Section <a href="using_adjacency_list.html#sec:adjacency-list-properties">Internal
411Properties</a>. Externally stored properties can be created in many different
412ways, although they are ultimately passed as separate arguments to the graph
413algorithms. One straightforward way to store properties is to create an array
414indexed by vertex or edge index. In the <tt>adjacency_list</tt> with <tt>vecS</tt>
415specified for the <tt>VertexList</tt> template parameter, vertices are
416automatically assigned indices, which can be accessed via the property map for
417the <tt>vertex_index_t</tt>. Edges are not automatically assigned indices.
418However the property mechanism can be used to attach indices to the edges which
419can be used to index into other externally stored properties.
420<p>In the following example, we construct a graph and apply <a href="dijkstra_shortest_paths.html"><tt>dijkstra_shortest_paths()</tt></a>.
421The complete source code for the example is in <a href="../example/dijkstra-example.cpp"><tt>examples/dijkstra-example.cpp</tt></a>.
422Dijkstra's algorithm computes the shortest distance from the starting vertex to
423every other vertex in the graph.
424<p>Dijkstra's algorithm requires that a weight property is associated with each
425edge and a distance property with each vertex. Here we use an internal property
426for the weight and an external property for the distance. For the weight
427property we use the <tt>property</tt> class and specify <tt>int</tt> as the type
428used to represent weight values and <tt>edge_weight_t</tt> for the property tag
429(which is one of the BGL predefined property tags). The weight property is then
430used as a template argument for <tt>adjacency_list</tt>.
431<p>The <tt>listS</tt> and <tt>vecS</tt> types are selectors that determine the
432data structure used inside the <tt>adjacency_list</tt> (see Section <a href="using_adjacency_list.html#sec:choosing-graph-type">Choosing
433the <tt>Edgelist</tt> and <tt>VertexList</tt></a>). The <tt>directedS</tt> type
434specifies that the graph should be directed (versus undirected). The following
435code shows the specification of the graph type and then the initialization of
436the graph. The edges and weights are passed to the graph constructor in the form
437of iterators (a pointer qualifies as a <a href="">RandomAccessIterator</a>).
440  typedef adjacency_list&lt;listS, vecS, directedS,
441                         no_property, property&lt;edge_weight_t, int&gt; &gt; Graph;
442  typedef graph_traits&lt;Graph&gt;::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
443  typedef std::pair&lt;int,int&gt; E;
445  const int num_nodes = 5;
446  E edges[] = { E(0,2),
447                E(1,1), E(1,3), E(1,4),
448                E(2,1), E(2,3),
449                E(3,4),
450                E(4,0), E(4,1) };
451  int weights[] = { 1, 2, 1, 2, 7, 3, 1, 1, 1};
453  Graph G(edges + sizeof(edges) / sizeof(E), weights, num_nodes);
455<p>For the external distance property we will use a <tt>std::vector</tt> for
456storage. BGL algorithms treat random access iterators as property maps, so we
457can just pass the beginning iterator of the distance vector to Dijkstra's
458algorithm. Continuing the above example, the following code shows the creation
459of the distance vector, the call to Dijkstra's algorithm (implicitly using the
460internal edge weight property), and then the output of the results.
463  // vector for storing distance property
464  std::vector&lt;int&gt; d(num_vertices(G));
466  // get the first vertex
467  Vertex s = *(vertices(G).first);
468  // invoke variant 2 of Dijkstra's algorithm
469  dijkstra_shortest_paths(G, s, distance_map(&amp;d[0]));
471  std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;distances from start vertex:&quot; &lt;&lt; std::endl;
472  graph_traits&lt;Graph&gt;::vertex_iterator vi;
473  for(vi = vertices(G).first; vi != vertices(G).second; ++vi)
474    std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;distance(&quot; &lt;&lt; index(*vi) &lt;&lt; &quot;) = &quot; 
475              &lt;&lt; d[*vi] &lt;&lt; std::endl;
476  std::cout &lt;&lt; std::endl;
478The output is:
480  distances from start vertex:
481  distance(0) = 0
482  distance(1) = 6
483  distance(2) = 1
484  distance(3) = 4
485  distance(4) = 5
488<h2>Extending Algorithms with Visitors</h2>
489<p>Often times an algorithm in a library <i>almost</i> does what you need, but
490not quite. For example, in the previous section we used Dijkstra's algorithm to
491calculate the shortest distances to each vertex, but perhaps we also wanted to
492record the tree of shortest paths. One way to do this is to record the
493predecessor (parent) for each node in the shortest-paths tree.
494<p>It would be nice if we could avoid rewriting Dijkstra's algorithm, and just
495add that little bit extra needed to record the predecessors <a href="#1">[1]</a>. In the STL, this
496kind of extensibility is provided by functors, which are optional parameters to
497each algorithm. In the BGL this role is fulfilled by <i>visitors</i>.
498<p>A visitor is like a functor, but instead of having just one &quot;apply&quot;
499method, it has several. Each of these methods get invoked at certain
500well-defined points within the algorithm. The visitor methods are explained in
501detail in Section <a href="visitor_concepts.html">Visitor Concepts</a>. The BGL
502provides a number of visitors for some common tasks including a predecessor
503recording visitor. The user is encouraged to write his or her own visitors as a
504way of extending the BGL. Here we will take a quick look at the implementation
505and use of the predecessor recorder. Since we will be using the <a href="dijkstra_shortest_paths.html">dijkstra_shortest_paths()</a>
506algorithm, the visitor we create must be a <a href="DijkstraVisitor.html">Dijkstra Visitor</a>.
507<p>The functionality of the <tt>record_predecessors</tt> visitor is separated
508into two parts. For the storage and access of the predecessor property, we will
509use a <a href="../../property_map/property_map.html">property map</a>. The
510predecessor visitor will then only be responsible for what parent to record. To
511implement this, we create a <tt>record_predecessors</tt> class and template it
512on the predecessor property map <tt>PredecessorMap</tt>. Since this visitor will
513only be filling in one of the visitor methods, we will inherit from <a href="dijkstra_visitor.html"><tt>dijkstra_visitor</tt></a>
514which will provide empty methods for the rest. The constructor of the <tt>predecessor_recorder</tt>
515will take the property map object and save it away in a data member.
518  template &lt;class PredecessorMap&gt;
519  class record_predecessors : public dijkstra_visitor&lt;&gt;
520  {
521  public:
522    record_predecessors(PredecessorMap p)
523      : m_predecessor(p) { }
525    template &lt;class Edge, class Graph&gt;
526    void edge_relaxed(Edge e, Graph&amp; g) {
527      // set the parent of the target(e) to source(e)
528      put(m_predecessor, target(e, g), source(e, g));
529    }
530  protected:
531    PredecessorMap m_predecessor;
532  };
534<p>The job of recording the predecessors is quite simple. When Dijkstra's
535algorithm relaxes an edge (potentially adding it to the shortest-paths tree) we
536record the source vertex as the predecessor of the target vertex. Later, if the
537edge is relaxed again the predecessor property will be overwritten by the new
538predecessor. Here we use the <tt>put()</tt> function associated with the
539property map to record the predecessor. The <tt>edge_filter</tt> of the visitor
540tells the algorithm when to invoke the <tt>explore()</tt> method. In this case
541we only want to be notified about edges in the shortest-paths tree so we specify
543<p>As a finishing touch, we create a helper function to make it more convenient
544to create predecessor visitors. All BGL visitors have a helper function like
548  template &lt;class PredecessorMap&gt;
549  record_predecessors&lt;PredecessorMap&gt;
550  make_predecessor_recorder(PredecessorMap p) {
551    return record_predecessors&lt;PredecessorMap&gt;(p);
552  }
554<p>We are now ready to use the <tt>record_predecessors</tt> in
555Dijkstra's algorithm. Luckily, BGL's Dijkstra's algorithm is already
556equipped to handle visitors, so we just pass in our new visitor. In
557this example we only need to use one visitor, but the BGL is also
558equipped to handle the use of multiple visitors in the same algorithm
559(see Section <a href="visitor_concepts.html">Visitor Concepts</a>).
562  using std::vector;
563  using std::cout;
564  using std::endl;
565  vector&lt;Vertex&gt; p(num_vertices(G)); //the predecessor array
566  dijkstra_shortest_paths(G, s, distance_map(&amp;d[0]).
567                          visitor(make_predecessor_recorder(&amp;p[0])));
569  cout &lt;&lt; &quot;parents in the tree of shortest paths:&quot; &lt;&lt; endl;
570  for(vi = vertices(G).first; vi != vertices(G).second; ++vi) {
571    cout &lt;&lt; &quot;parent(&quot; &lt;&lt; *vi;
572    if (p[*vi] == Vertex())
573      cout &lt;&lt; &quot;) = no parent&quot; &lt;&lt; endl;
574    else
575      cout &lt;&lt; &quot;) = &quot; &lt;&lt; p[*vi] &lt;&lt; endl;
576  }
578The output is:
580  parents in the tree of shortest paths:
581  parent(0) = no parent
582  parent(1) = 4
583  parent(2) = 0
584  parent(3) = 2
585  parent(4) = 3
592<a name="1">[1]</a> The new version of Dijkstra's algorithm now includes
593a named parameter for recording predecessors, so a predecessor visitor
594is no long necessary, though this still makes for a good example.
599  <tr valign="top">
600    <td nowrap>Copyright © 2000</td>
601    <td><a href="../../../people/jeremy_siek.htm">Jeremy Siek</a>,
602      Indiana University (<a href=""></a>)</td>
603  </tr>
609<!--  LocalWords:  STL BGL cpp vecS bidirectionalS directedS undirectedS hpp vp
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611<!--  LocalWords:  iostream namespace int const num sizeof map ID's gif typedef
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613<!--  LocalWords:  iter ei interoperability struct typename GraphTraits src ai
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615<!--  LocalWords:  targ PropertyGraph  Properties property iterator iterators
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617<!--  LocalWords:  VertexList dijkstra listS Edgelist RandomAccessIterator cout
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619<!--  LocalWords:  weightp  adjacency tradeoffs undirected MutableGraph indices
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621<!--  LocalWords:  VertexListGraph Dereferencing IndexMap EdgeListGraph functor
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623<!--  LocalWords:  functor's IncidenceGraph dereferencing BidirectionalGraph
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625<!--  LocalWords:  AdjacencyGraph Dijkstra's extensibility functors BGL's endl
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627<!--  LocalWords:  DijkstraVisitor PredecessorMap siek htm Univ Notre
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