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10 | <h1 class="title"><a class="reference" href="../../../index.htm"><img align="middle" alt="Boost" src="../../../boost.png" /></a> <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">read_graphviz</span></tt></h1> |
11 | <div class="document" id="logo-read-graphviz"> |
12 | <pre class="literal-block"> |
13 | template <typename MutableGraph> |
14 | bool read_graphviz(std::istream& in, MutableGraph& graph, |
15 | dynamic_properties& dp, |
16 | const std::string& node_id = "node_id"); |
17 | |
18 | // Only available if BOOST_GRAPH_READ_GRAPHVIZ_ITERATORS is defined |
19 | template <typename MultiPassIterator, typename MutableGraph> |
20 | bool read_graphviz(MultiPassIterator begin, MultiPassIterator end, |
21 | MutableGraph& graph, dynamic_properties& dp, |
22 | const std::string& node_id = "node_id"); |
23 | |
24 | // Deprecated GraphViz readers |
25 | void read_graphviz(const std::string& file, GraphvizDigraph& g); |
26 | void read_graphviz(FILE* file, GraphvizDigraph& g); |
27 | void read_graphviz(const std::string& file, GraphvizGraph& g); |
28 | void read_graphviz(FILE* file, GraphvizGraph& g); |
29 | </pre> |
30 | <p>The <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">read_graphviz</span></tt> function interprets a graph described using the |
31 | <a class="reference" href="http://graphviz.org/">GraphViz</a> DOT language and builds a BGL graph that captures that |
32 | description. Using this function, you can initialize a graph using |
33 | data stored as text. To use the iterator version of <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">read_graphviz</span></tt>, |
34 | you will need to define the macro BOOST_GRAPH_READ_GRAPHVIZ_ITERATORS |
35 | before including the header <tt class="literal"><span class="pre"><boost/graph/graphviz.hpp></span></tt>. Doing so |
36 | may greatly increase the amount of time required to compile the |
37 | GraphViz reader.</p> |
38 | <p>The DOT language can specify both directed and undirected graphs, and |
39 | <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">read_graphviz</span></tt> differentiates between the two. One must pass |
40 | <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">read_graphviz</span></tt> an undirected graph when reading an undirected graph; |
41 | the same is true for directed graphs. Furthermore, <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">read_graphviz</span></tt> |
42 | will throw an exception if it encounters parallel edges and cannot add |
43 | them to the graph.</p> |
44 | <p>To handle properties expressed in the DOT language, <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">read_graphviz</span></tt> |
45 | takes a <a class="reference" href="../../property_map/doc/dynamic_property_map.html">dynamic_properties</a> object and operates on its collection of |
46 | property maps. The reader passes all the properties encountered to |
47 | this object, using the GraphViz string keys as the property keys. |
48 | Furthermore, <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">read_graphviz</span></tt> stores node identifier names under the |
49 | vertex property map named node_id.</p> |
50 | <dl> |
51 | <dt>Requirements:</dt> |
52 | <dd><ul class="first last simple"> |
53 | <li>The type of the graph must model the <a class="reference" href="MutableGraph.html">Mutable Graph</a> concept.</li> |
54 | <li>The type of the iterator must model the <a class="reference" href="../../iterator/index.html">Multi-Pass Iterator</a> |
55 | concept.</li> |
56 | <li>The property map value types must be default-constructible.</li> |
57 | </ul> |
58 | </dd> |
59 | </dl> |
60 | <div class="contents topic" id="contents"> |
61 | <p class="topic-title first"><a name="contents">Contents</a></p> |
62 | <ul class="simple"> |
63 | <li><a class="reference" href="#where-defined" id="id2" name="id2">Where Defined</a></li> |
64 | <li><a class="reference" href="#exceptions" id="id3" name="id3">Exceptions</a></li> |
65 | <li><a class="reference" href="#building-the-graphviz-readers" id="id4" name="id4">Building the GraphViz Readers</a></li> |
66 | <li><a class="reference" href="#deprecated-readers" id="id5" name="id5">Deprecated Readers</a></li> |
67 | <li><a class="reference" href="#notes" id="id6" name="id6">Notes</a></li> |
68 | <li><a class="reference" href="#see-also" id="id7" name="id7">See Also</a></li> |
69 | <li><a class="reference" href="#future-work" id="id8" name="id8">Future Work</a></li> |
70 | </ul> |
71 | </div> |
72 | <div class="section" id="where-defined"> |
73 | <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id2" name="where-defined">Where Defined</a></h1> |
74 | <p><tt class="literal"><span class="pre"><boost/graph/graphviz.hpp></span></tt></p> |
75 | </div> |
76 | <div class="section" id="exceptions"> |
77 | <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id3" name="exceptions">Exceptions</a></h1> |
78 | <pre class="literal-block"> |
79 | struct graph_exception : public std::exception { |
80 | virtual ~graph_exception() throw(); |
81 | virtual const char* what() const throw() = 0; |
82 | }; |
83 | |
84 | struct bad_parallel_edge : public graph_exception { |
85 | std::string from; |
86 | std::string to; |
87 | |
88 | bad_parallel_edge(const std::string&, const std::string&); |
89 | virtual ~bad_parallel_edge() throw(); |
90 | const char* what() const throw(); |
91 | }; |
92 | |
93 | struct directed_graph_error : public graph_exception { |
94 | virtual ~directed_graph_error() throw(); |
95 | virtual const char* what() const throw(); |
96 | }; |
97 | |
98 | struct undirected_graph_error : public graph_exception { |
99 | virtual ~undirected_graph_error() throw(); |
100 | virtual const char* what() const throw(); |
101 | }; |
102 | </pre> |
103 | <p>Under certain circumstances, <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">read_graphviz</span></tt> will throw one of the |
104 | above exceptions. The three concrete exceptions can all be caught |
105 | using the general <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">graph_exception</span></tt> moniker when greater precision |
106 | is not needed. In addition, all of the above exceptions derive from |
107 | the standard <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">std::exception</span></tt> for even more generalized error |
108 | handling.</p> |
109 | <p>The <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">bad_parallel_edge</span></tt> exception is thrown when an attempt to add a |
110 | parallel edge to the supplied MutableGraph fails. The DOT language |
111 | supports parallel edges, but some BGL-compatible graph types do not. |
112 | One example of such a graph is <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">boost::adjacency_list<setS,vecS></span></tt>, |
113 | which allows at most one edge between any two vertices.</p> |
114 | <p>The <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">directed_graph_error</span></tt> exception occurs when an undirected graph |
115 | type is passed to <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">read_graph</span></tt> but the textual representation of the |
116 | graph is directed, as indicated by the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">digraph</span></tt> keyword in the DOT |
117 | language.</p> |
118 | <p>The <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">undirected_graph_error</span></tt> exception occurs when a directed graph |
119 | type is passed to <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">read_graph</span></tt> but the textual representation of the |
120 | graph is undirected, as indicated by the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">graph</span></tt> keyword in the DOT |
121 | language.</p> |
122 | </div> |
123 | <div class="section" id="building-the-graphviz-readers"> |
124 | <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id4" name="building-the-graphviz-readers">Building the GraphViz Readers</a></h1> |
125 | <p>To use the GraphViz readers, you will need to build and link against |
126 | the "bgl-viz" library. The library can be built by following the |
127 | <a class="reference" href="../../../more/getting_started.html#Build_Install">Boost Jam Build Instructions</a> for the subdirectory <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">libs/graph/build</span></tt>.</p> |
128 | </div> |
129 | <div class="section" id="deprecated-readers"> |
130 | <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id5" name="deprecated-readers">Deprecated Readers</a></h1> |
131 | <p>The deprecated readers do not provide exceptions on error (they |
132 | abort), they require the use of one of the predefined graph types |
133 | (<tt class="literal"><span class="pre">GraphvizDigraph</span></tt> or <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">GraphvizGraph</span></tt>), and they do not support |
134 | arbitrary properties. They will be removed in a future Boost version.</p> |
135 | </div> |
136 | <div class="section" id="notes"> |
137 | <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id6" name="notes">Notes</a></h1> |
138 | <blockquote> |
139 | <ul class="simple"> |
140 | <li>The <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">read_graphviz</span></tt> function does not use any code from the |
141 | GraphViz distribution to interpret the DOT Language. Rather, the |
142 | implementation was based on documentation found on the GraphViz web |
143 | site, as well as experiments run using the dot application. The |
144 | resulting interpretation may be subtly different from dot for some |
145 | corner cases that are not well specified.</li> |
146 | <li><tt class="literal"><span class="pre">read_graphviz</span></tt> treats subgraphs as syntactic sugar. It does not |
147 | reflect subgraphs as actual entities in the BGL. Rather, they are |
148 | used to shorten some edge definitions as well as to give a subset |
149 | of all nodes or edges certain properties. For example, the |
150 | DOT graphs <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">digraph</span> <span class="pre">{</span> <span class="pre">a</span> <span class="pre">-></span> <span class="pre">subgraph</span> <span class="pre">{b</span> <span class="pre">-></span> <span class="pre">c}</span> <span class="pre">-></span> <span class="pre">e</span> <span class="pre">}</span></tt> and |
151 | <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">digraph</span> <span class="pre">{</span> <span class="pre">a</span> <span class="pre">-></span> <span class="pre">b</span> <span class="pre">-></span> <span class="pre">e</span> <span class="pre">;</span> <span class="pre">a</span> <span class="pre">-></span> <span class="pre">c</span> <span class="pre">-></span> <span class="pre">e</span> <span class="pre">;</span> <span class="pre">b</span> <span class="pre">-></span> <span class="pre">c}</span></tt> are equivalent.</li> |
152 | <li>Subgraph IDs refer to subgraphs defined earlier in the graph |
153 | description. Undefined subgraphs behave as empty subgraphs |
154 | (<tt class="literal"><span class="pre">{}</span></tt>).</li> |
155 | <li>On successful reading of a graph, every vertex and edge will have |
156 | an associated value for every respective edge and vertex property |
157 | encountered while interpreting the graph. These values will be set |
158 | using the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">dynamic_properties</span></tt> object. Some properties may be |
159 | <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">put</span></tt> multiple times during the course of reading in order to |
160 | ensure the same semantics as the GraphViz tools. Those edges and |
161 | vertices that are not explicitly given a value for a property (and that |
162 | property has no default) will be |
163 | given the default constructed value of the value type. <strong>Be sure |
164 | that property map value types are default constructible.</strong></li> |
165 | </ul> |
166 | </blockquote> |
167 | </div> |
168 | <div class="section" id="see-also"> |
169 | <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id7" name="see-also">See Also</a></h1> |
170 | <p><a class="reference" href="write-graphviz.html">write_graphviz</a></p> |
171 | </div> |
172 | <div class="section" id="future-work"> |
173 | <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id8" name="future-work">Future Work</a></h1> |
174 | <blockquote> |
175 | <ul class="simple"> |
176 | <li>Currently the parser relies upon lowercase language keywords |
177 | (i.e. "graph", "edge", etc.). The DOT Language specifies that they |
178 | are case-insensitive. This change should be easy given the proper |
179 | understanding of Spirit and some free time (hint hint!)</li> |
180 | <li>The parser currently does not handle continuation lines as defined |
181 | in the DOT Language. Some more sophisticated parsing of identifiers |
182 | (so-called "ID" in the source) is required to support this.</li> |
183 | </ul> |
184 | </blockquote> |
185 | </div> |
186 | </div> |
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189 | Generated on: 2005-03-23 18:37 UTC. |
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