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3 | <HEAD> |
4 | <TITLE>Iostreams Quick Reference</TITLE> |
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14 | <!-- Begin Banner --> |
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16 | <H1 CLASS="title">Quick Reference</H1> |
17 | <HR STYLE="margin-bottom:1em"> |
18 | |
19 | <!-- End Banner --> |
20 | |
21 | <DL CLASS="page-index"> |
22 | <DT><A href="#core">Core Components</A></DT> |
23 | <DT><A href="#devices">Devices</A></DT> |
24 | <DT><A href="#filters">Filters</A></DT> |
25 | <DT><A href="#algorithms">Algorithms</A></DT> |
26 | <DT><A href="#views">Views</A></DT> |
27 | </DL> |
28 | |
29 | <HR STYLE="margin-top:1em"> |
30 | |
31 | <!-- -------------- Core Components -------------- --> |
32 | |
33 | <A NAME='core'></A> |
34 | <H2>Core Components</H2> |
35 | |
36 | <P>These components form the interface between Boost.Iostreams and the standard iostreams library.</P> |
37 | |
38 | <TABLE STYLE="margin-bottom:1em" BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="6" CELLSPACING="1"> |
39 | <TR> |
40 | <TH>Name</TH> |
41 | <TH>Header<A STYLE='font-weight:normal' CLASS='footnote_ref' NAME='note_1_ref' HREF="#note_1"><SUP>[1]</SUP></A></TH> |
42 | <TH>Description</TH> |
43 | </TR> |
44 | <TR> |
45 | <TD><A HREF="guide/generic_streams.html#stream"><CODE>stream</CODE></A></TD> |
46 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/stream.hpp"><CODE>stream.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
47 | <TD> |
48 | Stream template which performs i/o using an instance of its first template parameter, which must model the concept <A HREF="concepts/device.html">Device</A>. Derives from <CODE>std::basic_istream</CODE>, <CODE>std::basic_ostream</CODE> or <CODE>std::basic_iostream</CODE> depending on whether its first template parameter models <A HREF="concepts/source.html">Source</A>, <A HREF="concepts/sink.html">Sink</A> or both. |
49 | </TD> |
50 | </TR> |
51 | <TR> |
52 | <TD><A HREF="guide/generic_streams.html#stream_buffer"><CODE>stream_buffer</CODE></A></TD> |
53 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/stream_buffer.hpp"><CODE>stream_buffer.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
54 | <TD> |
55 | Stream buffer template which performs i/o using an instance of its first template parameter, which must model the concept <A HREF="concepts/device.html">Device</A>. |
56 | </TD> |
57 | </TR> |
58 | <TR> |
59 | <TD><A HREF="classes/filtering_stream.html"><CODE>filtering_stream</CODE></A></TD> |
60 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/filtering_stream.hpp"><CODE>filtering_stream.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
61 | <TD> |
62 | Stream template which performs filtered i/o using a contained <A HREF="classes/chain.html"><CODE>chain</CODE></A>. Derives from <CODE>std::basic_istream</CODE>, <CODE>std::basic_ostream</CODE> or <CODE>std::basic_iostream</CODE> depending on its <A HREF="guide/modes.html">mode</A>, which is specified as its first template parameter. |
63 | </TD> |
64 | </TR> |
65 | <TR> |
66 | <TD><A HREF="classes/filtering_stream.html"><CODE>filtering_streambuf</CODE></A></TD> |
67 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/filtering_streambuf.hpp"><CODE>filtering_streambuf.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
68 | <TD> |
69 | Stream buffer template which performs filtered i/o using a contained <A HREF="classes/chain.html"><CODE>chain</CODE></A>. |
70 | </TD> |
71 | </TR> |
72 | <TR> |
73 | <TD><A HREF="classes/chain.html"><CODE>chain</CODE></A></TD> |
74 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/chain.hpp"><CODE>chain.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
75 | <TD> |
76 | Sequence of zero or more <A HREF="concepts/filter.html">Filters</A>, followed by an optional <A HREF="concepts/device.html">Device</A>, accessed with a stack-like interface. Used by <A HREF="classes/filtering_stream.html"><CODE>filtering_stream</CODE></A> and <A HREF="classes/filtering_streambuf.html"><CODE>filtering_streambuf</CODE></A>. |
77 | </TD> |
78 | </TR> |
79 | <TR> |
80 | <TD><A HREF="classes/code_converter.html"><CODE>code_converter</CODE></A></TD> |
81 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/code_converter.hpp"><CODE>code_converter.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
82 | <TD> |
83 | Device adapter which takes a narrow-character <A HREF="concepts/device.html">Device</A> and produces a wide-character <A HREF="concepts/device.html">Device</A> by introducing a layer of <A HREF="guide/code_conversion.html">code conversion</A>. |
84 | </TD> |
85 | </TR> |
86 | </TABLE> |
87 | |
88 | <!-- -------------- Devices -------------- --> |
89 | |
90 | <A NAME='devices'></A> |
91 | <H2>Devices</H2> |
92 | |
93 | <TABLE STYLE="margin-bottom:1em" BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="6" CELLSPACING="1"> |
94 | <TR> |
95 | <TH>Device</TH> |
96 | <TH>Header<A STYLE='font-weight:normal' CLASS='footnote_ref' NAME='note_2_ref' HREF="#note_2"><SUP>[2]</SUP></A></TH> |
97 | <TH>Description</TH> |
98 | </TR> |
99 | <TR> |
100 | <TD> |
101 | <A HREF="classes/array.html#array_source"><CODE>basic_array_source</CODE></A>,<BR> |
102 | <A HREF="classes/array.html#array_sink"><CODE>basic_array_sink</CODE></A>,<BR> |
103 | <A HREF="classes/array.html#array"><CODE>basic_array</CODE></A> |
104 | </TD> |
105 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/device/array.hpp"><CODE>array.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
106 | <TD> |
107 | Accesses a in-memory character sequence. |
108 | </TD> |
109 | </TR> |
110 | <TR> |
111 | <TD> |
112 | <A HREF="classes/back_inserter.html#synopsis"><CODE>back_insert_device</CODE></A> |
113 | </TD> |
114 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/device/back_inserter.hpp"><CODE>back_inserter.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
115 | <TD> |
116 | Appends to an STL sequence. |
117 | </TD> |
118 | </TR> |
119 | <TR> |
120 | <TD> |
121 | <A HREF="classes/file.html#file_source"><CODE>basic_file_source</CODE></A>,<BR> |
122 | <A HREF="classes/file.html#file_sink"><CODE>basic_file_sink</CODE></A>,<BR> |
123 | <A HREF="classes/file.html#file"><CODE>basic_file</CODE></A> |
124 | </TD> |
125 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/device/file.hpp"><CODE>file.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
126 | <TD> |
127 | Accesses the filesystem using a <CODE>std::basic_filebuf</CODE>. |
128 | </TD> |
129 | </TR> |
130 | <TR> |
131 | <TD> |
132 | <A HREF="classes/null.html#null_source"><CODE>basic_null_source</CODE></A> |
133 | </TD> |
134 | <TD ROWSPAN=2><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/device/null.hpp"><CODE>null.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
135 | <TD> |
136 | Reads characters from an empty sequence. |
137 | </TD> |
138 | </TR> |
139 | <TR> |
140 | <TD> |
141 | <A HREF="classes/null.html#null_sink"><CODE>basic_null_sink</CODE></A> |
142 | </TD> |
143 | <TD> |
144 | Consumes and ignores characters. |
145 | </TD> |
146 | </TR> |
147 | <TR> |
148 | <TD> |
149 | <A HREF="classes/file_descriptor.html#file_descriptor_source"><CODE>file_descriptor_source</CODE></A>,<BR> |
150 | <A HREF="classes/file_descriptor.html#file_descriptor_sink"><CODE>file_descriptor_sink</CODE></A>,<BR> |
151 | <A HREF="classes/file_descriptor.html#file_descriptor"><CODE>file_descriptor</CODE></A> |
152 | </TD> |
153 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/device/file_descriptor.hpp"><CODE>file_descriptor.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
154 | <TD> |
155 | Accesses the filesystem using an operating system file descriptor or file handle. |
156 | </TD> |
157 | </TR> |
158 | <TR> |
159 | <TD> |
160 | <A HREF="classes/mapped_file.html#mapped_file_source"><CODE>mapped_file_source</CODE></A>,<BR> |
161 | <A HREF="classes/mapped_file.html#mapped_file_sink"><CODE>mapped_file_sink</CODE></A>,<BR> |
162 | <A HREF="classes/mapped_file.html#mapped_file"><CODE>mapped_file</CODE></A> |
163 | </TD> |
164 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/device/mapped_file.hpp"><CODE>mapped_file.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
165 | <TD> |
166 | Accesses a memory-mapped file. |
167 | </TD> |
168 | </TR> |
169 | </TABLE> |
170 | |
171 | <!-- -------------- Filters -------------- --> |
172 | |
173 | <A NAME='filters'></A> |
174 | <H2>Filters</H2> |
175 | |
176 | <TABLE STYLE="margin-bottom:1em" BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="6" CELLSPACING="1"> |
177 | <TR> |
178 | <TH>Category</TH> |
179 | <TH>Filter</TH> |
180 | <TH>Header<A STYLE='font-weight:normal' CLASS='footnote_ref' NAME='note_3_ref' HREF="#note_3"><SUP>[3]</SUP></A></TH> |
181 | <TH>Description</TH> |
182 | </TR> |
183 | |
184 | <!-- -------------- Compression -------------- --> |
185 | |
186 | <TR> |
187 | <TH ROWSPAN=3>Compression</TH> |
188 | <TD> |
189 | <A HREF="classes/bzip2.html#basic_bzip2_compressor"><CODE>basic_bzip2_compressor</CODE></A>,<BR> |
190 | <A HREF="classes/bzip2.html#basic_bzip2_decompressor"><CODE>basic_bzip2_decompressor</CODE></A> |
191 | </TD> |
192 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/filter/bzip2.hpp"><CODE>bzip2.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
193 | <TD> |
194 | Perform compression and decompression using the libbzip2 data compression library (<A CLASS='bib_ref' NAME='zlib' HREF="bibliography.html#seward">[Seward]</A>). |
195 | </TD> |
196 | </TR> |
197 | <TR> |
198 | <TD> |
199 | <A HREF="classes/gzip.html#basic_gzip_compressor"><CODE>basic_gzip_compressor</CODE></A>,<BR> |
200 | <A HREF="classes/gzip.html#basic_gzip_decompressor"><CODE>basic_gzip_decompressor</CODE></A> |
201 | </TD> |
202 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/filter/gzip.hpp"><CODE>gzip.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
203 | <TD> |
204 | Perform compression and decompression based on the the G<SPAN STYLE="font-size:80%">ZIP</SPAN> format (<A CLASS="bib_ref" HREF="bibliography.html#deutsch3">[Deutsch3]</A>). |
205 | </TD> |
206 | </TR> |
207 | <TR> |
208 | <TD> |
209 | <A HREF="classes/zlib.html#basic_zlib_compressor"><CODE>basic_zlib_compressor</CODE></A>,<BR> |
210 | <A HREF="classes/zlib.html#basic_zlib_decompressor"><CODE>basic_zlib_decompressor</CODE></A> |
211 | </TD> |
212 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/filter/zlib.hpp"><CODE>zlib.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
213 | <TD> |
214 | Perform compression and decompression using the zlib data compression library (<A CLASS='bib_ref' NAME='zlib' HREF="bibliography.html#gailly">[Gailly]</A>). |
215 | </TD> |
216 | </TR> |
217 | |
218 | <!-- -------------- Text -------------- --> |
219 | |
220 | <TR> |
221 | <TH ROWSPAN=4>Text</TH> |
222 | <TD> |
223 | <A HREF="classes/counter.html"><CODE>basic_counter</CODE></A> |
224 | </TD> |
225 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/filter/counter.hpp"><CODE>counter.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
226 | <TD> |
227 | Maintains a character and line count. |
228 | </TD> |
229 | </TR> |
230 | <TR> |
231 | <TD> |
232 | <A HREF="classes/regex_filter.html"><CODE>basic_regex_filter</CODE></A> |
233 | </TD> |
234 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/filter/regex.hpp"><CODE>regex.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
235 | <TD> |
236 | Performs text substitutions using regular expressions from the <A HREF="http://www.boost.org/libs/regex" TARGET="_top">Boost Regular Expression Library</A>. |
237 | </TD> |
238 | </TR> |
239 | <TR> |
240 | <TD> |
241 | <A HREF="classes/newline_filter.html#newline_checker"><CODE>newline_checker</CODE></A> |
242 | </TD> |
243 | <TD ROWSPAN=2><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/filter/newline.hpp"><CODE>newline.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
244 | <TD> |
245 | Verifies that a character sequence conforms to a given line-ending convention. |
246 | </TD> |
247 | </TR> |
248 | <TR> |
249 | <TD> |
250 | <A HREF="classes/newline_filter.html#newline_filter"><CODE>newline_filter</CODE></A> |
251 | </TD> |
252 | <TD> |
253 | Converts between the line-ending conventions used by various operating systems. |
254 | </TD> |
255 | </TR> |
256 | |
257 | <!-- -------------- Helpers -------------- --> |
258 | |
259 | <TR> |
260 | <TH ROWSPAN=4>Helpers</TH> |
261 | <TD> |
262 | <A HREF="classes/line_filter.html"><CODE>basic_line_filter</CODE></A> |
263 | </TD> |
264 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/filter/line.hpp"><CODE>line.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
265 | <TD> |
266 | Filters a character sequence one line at a time. |
267 | </TD> |
268 | </TR> |
269 | <TR> |
270 | <TD> |
271 | <A HREF="classes/stdio_filter.html"><CODE>basic_stdio_filter</CODE></A> |
272 | </TD> |
273 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/filter/stdio.hpp"><CODE>stdio.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
274 | <TD> |
275 | Filters by reading from standard input and writing to standard output. |
276 | </TD> |
277 | </TR> |
278 | <TR> |
279 | <TD> |
280 | <A HREF="classes/aggregate.html"><CODE>aggregate_filter</CODE></A> |
281 | </TD> |
282 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/filter/aggregate.hpp"><CODE>aggregate.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
283 | <TD> |
284 | Filters an entire character sequence at once. |
285 | </TD> |
286 | </TR> |
287 | <TR> |
288 | <TD> |
289 | <A HREF="classes/symmetric_filter.html"><CODE>symmetric_filter</CODE></A> |
290 | </TD> |
291 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/filter/symmetric.hpp"><CODE>symmetric.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
292 | <TD> |
293 | Filters using a model of <A HREF="concepts/symmetric_filter.html">SymmetricFilter</A>. |
294 | </TD> |
295 | </TR> |
296 | </TABLE> |
297 | |
298 | <!-- -------------- Algorithms -------------- --> |
299 | |
300 | <A NAME='algorithms'></A> |
301 | <H2>Algorithms</H2> |
302 | |
303 | <TABLE STYLE="margin-bottom:1em" BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="6" CELLSPACING="1"> |
304 | <TR> |
305 | <TH>Algorithm</TH> |
306 | <TH>Header</TH> |
307 | <TH>Description</TH> |
308 | </TR> |
309 | <TR> |
310 | <TD> |
311 | <A HREF="functions/copy.html"><CODE>copy</CODE></A> |
312 | </TD> |
313 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/copy.hpp"><CODE>boost/iostreams/copy.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
314 | <TD> |
315 | <P>Reads characters from a <A HREF="concepts/source.html">Source</A> and writes them to a <A HREF="concepts/sink.html">Sink</A> until the end of stream is reached; returns the number of characters written.</P> |
316 | </TD> |
317 | </TR> |
318 | </TABLE> |
319 | |
320 | <!-- -------------- Views -------------- --> |
321 | |
322 | <A NAME='views'></A> |
323 | <H2>Views</H2> |
324 | |
325 | <P> |
326 | Each view consists of one or more class templates together with an <A HREF="../../../more/generic_programming.html#object_generator" TARGTE="_top">object generator</A>. <I>See</I> <A HREF="guide/views.html">Views</A>. |
327 | <P> |
328 | |
329 | <TABLE STYLE="margin-bottom:1em" BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="6" CELLSPACING="1"> |
330 | <TR> |
331 | <TH>Object Generator</TH> |
332 | <TH>View Template</TH> |
333 | <TH>Header<A STYLE='font-weight:normal' CLASS='footnote_ref' NAME='note_1_ref' HREF="#note_1"><SUP>[1]</SUP></A></TH> |
334 | <TH>Description</TH> |
335 | </TR> |
336 | <TR> |
337 | <TD><A HREF="functions/combine.html"><CODE>combine</CODE></A></TD> |
338 | <TD><A HREF="functions/combine.html#synopsis"><CODE>combination</CODE></A></TD> |
339 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/combine.hpp"><CODE>combine.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
340 | <TD> |
341 | Takes a pair of <A HREF="concepts/filter.html">Filters</A> or <A HREF="concepts/device.html">Devices</A> and yields a filter or device which performs input using the first component and output using the second. |
342 | </TD> |
343 | </TR> |
344 | <TR> |
345 | <TD><A HREF="functions/compose.html"><CODE>compose</CODE></A></TD> |
346 | <TD><A HREF="functions/compose.html#composite"><CODE>composite</CODE></A></TD> |
347 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/compose.hpp"><CODE>compose.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
348 | <TD> |
349 | Takes a <A HREF="concepts/filter.html">Filter</A> and either a second <A HREF="concepts/filter.html">Filter</A> or a <A HREF="concepts/device.html">Device</A> and yields a Filter or Device whose output flows through the two components in order and whose input flows flows through the two components in reverse order. |
350 | </TD> |
351 | </TR> |
352 | <TR> |
353 | <TD><A HREF="functions/invert.html"><CODE>invert</CODE></A></TD> |
354 | <TD><A HREF="functions/invert.html#inverse"><CODE>inverse</CODE></A></TD> |
355 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/invert.hpp"><CODE>invert.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
356 | <TD> |
357 | Takes a <A HREF="concepts/filter.html">Filter</A> and yields a Filter that performs the same filtering algorithm but is an <A HREF="concepts/output_filter.html">OutputFilter</A> if the given component is an <A HREF="concepts/input_filter.html">InputFilter</A>, and an <A HREF="concepts/input_filter.html">InputFilter</A> otherwise. |
358 | </TD> |
359 | </TR> |
360 | <TR> |
361 | <TD><A HREF="functions/restrict.html"><CODE>restrict</CODE></A></TD> |
362 | <TD><A HREF="functions/restrict.html#restriction"><CODE>restriction</CODE></A></TD> |
363 | <TD><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/restrict.hpp"><CODE>restrict.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
364 | <TD> |
365 | Takes a <A HREF="concepts/filter.html">Filter</A> or <A HREF="concepts/device.html">Device</A> together with a stream offset and an optional length and yields a <A HREF="concepts/filter.html">Filter</A> or <A HREF="concepts/device.html">Device</A> for accessing the specifed subquence of the given component |
366 | </TD> |
367 | </TR> |
368 | <TR> |
369 | <TD ROWSPAN='2'><A HREF="functions/tee.html"><CODE>tee</CODE></A></TD> |
370 | <TD> |
371 | <A HREF="functions/tee.html#tee_device"><CODE>tee_device</CODE></A> |
372 | </TD> |
373 | <TD ROWSPAN='2'><A HREF="../../../boost/iostreams/tee.hpp"><CODE>tee.hpp</CODE></A></TD> |
374 | <TD> |
375 | Takes a pair of <A HREF="concepts/sink.html">Sinks</A> and yields a Sink which sends all incoming data to both of the given Sinks. |
376 | </TD> |
377 | </TR> |
378 | <TR> |
379 | <TD> |
380 | <A HREF="functions/tee.html#tee_filter"><CODE>tee_filter</CODE></A> |
381 | </TD> |
382 | <TD> |
383 | Takes a <A HREF="concepts/filter.html">Filter</A> and a <A HREF="concepts/sink.html">Sink</A> and yields a Filter which sends all outgoing data to the Sink in addition to passing it downsteam. |
384 | </TD> |
385 | </TR> |
386 | </TABLE> |
387 | |
388 | <!-- Begin Footnotes --> |
389 | |
390 | <H4>Notes</H4> |
391 | |
392 | <P> |
393 | <A CLASS="footnote_ref" NAME="note_1" HREF="#note_1_ref"><SUP>[1]</SUP></A>Pathnames should be interpreted relative to the directory <CODE>boost/iostreams</CODE>. |
394 | </P> |
395 | |
396 | <P> |
397 | <A CLASS="footnote_ref" NAME="note_2" HREF="#note_2_ref"><SUP>[2]</SUP></A>Pathnames should be interpreted relative to the directory <CODE>boost/iostreams/device</CODE>. |
398 | </P> |
399 | |
400 | <P> |
401 | <A CLASS="footnote_ref" NAME="note_3" HREF="#note_3_ref"><SUP>[3]</SUP></A>Pathnames should be interpreted relative to the directory <CODE>boost/iostreams/filter</CODE>. |
402 | </P> |
403 | |
404 | <!-- End Footnotes --> |
405 | |
406 | <!-- Begin Footer --> |
407 | |
408 | <P STYLE="margin-top:2em" CLASS="copyright">Revised |
409 | <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%d %B, %Y" startspan --> |
410 | 20 May, 2004 |
411 | <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="38504" --> |
412 | </P> |
413 | |
414 | <P CLASS="copyright">© Copyright <A HREF="http://www.kangaroologic.com" TARGET="_top">Jonathan Turkanis</A>, 2004. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at <A HREF="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</A>) |
415 | </P> |
416 | |
417 | <!-- End Footer --> |
418 | |
419 | </BODY> |