// // Copyright (c) 2000-2002 // Joerg Walter, Mathias Koch // // Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software // and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, // provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and // that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear // in supporting documentation. The authors make no representations // about the suitability of this software for any purpose. // It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. // // The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of // GeNeSys mbH & Co. KG in producing this work. // #ifndef _BOOST_UBLAS_TRAITS_ #define _BOOST_UBLAS_TRAITS_ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace ublas { // Use Joel de Guzman's return type deduction // uBLAS assumes a common return type for all binary arithmetic operators template struct promote_traits { typedef type_deduction_detail::base_result_of base_type; static typename base_type::x_type x; static typename base_type::y_type y; static const std::size_t size = sizeof ( type_deduction_detail::test< typename base_type::x_type , typename base_type::y_type >(x + y) // Use x+y to stand of all the arithmetic actions ); static const std::size_t index = (size / sizeof (char)) - 1; typedef typename mpl::at_c< typename base_type::types, index>::type id; typedef typename id::type promote_type; }; // Type traits - generic numeric properties and functions template struct type_traits; // Define properties for a generic scalar type template struct scalar_traits { typedef scalar_traits self_type; typedef T value_type; typedef const T &const_reference; typedef T &reference; typedef T real_type; typedef real_type precision_type; // we do not know what type has more precision then the real_type static const unsigned plus_complexity = 1; static const unsigned multiplies_complexity = 1; static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE real_type real (const_reference t) { return t; } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE real_type imag (const_reference /*t*/) { return 0; } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE value_type conj (const_reference t) { return t; } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE real_type type_abs (const_reference t) { return std::abs (t); // must use explict std:: as bultin types are not in std namespace } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE value_type type_sqrt (const_reference t) { // force a type conversion back to value_type for intgral types return value_type (std::sqrt (t)); // must use explict std:: as bultin types are not in std namespace } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE real_type norm_1 (const_reference t) { return self_type::type_abs (t); } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE real_type norm_2 (const_reference t) { return self_type::type_abs (t); } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE real_type norm_inf (const_reference t) { return self_type::type_abs (t); } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool equals (const_reference t1, const_reference t2) { return self_type::norm_inf (t1 - t2) < BOOST_UBLAS_TYPE_CHECK_EPSILON * (std::max) ((std::max) (self_type::norm_inf (t1), self_type::norm_inf (t2)), BOOST_UBLAS_TYPE_CHECK_MIN); } }; // Define default type traits, assume T is a scalar type template struct type_traits : scalar_traits { typedef type_traits self_type; typedef T value_type; typedef const T &const_reference; typedef T &reference; typedef T real_type; typedef real_type precision_type; static const unsigned multiplies_complexity = 1; }; // Define real type traits template<> struct type_traits : scalar_traits { typedef type_traits self_type; typedef float value_type; typedef const value_type &const_reference; typedef value_type &reference; typedef value_type real_type; typedef double precision_type; }; template<> struct type_traits : scalar_traits { typedef type_traits self_type; typedef double value_type; typedef const value_type &const_reference; typedef value_type &reference; typedef value_type real_type; typedef long double precision_type; }; template<> struct type_traits : scalar_traits { typedef type_traits self_type; typedef long double value_type; typedef const value_type &const_reference; typedef value_type &reference; typedef value_type real_type; typedef value_type precision_type; }; // Define properties for a generic complex type template struct complex_traits { typedef complex_traits self_type; typedef T value_type; typedef const T &const_reference; typedef T &reference; typedef typename T::value_type real_type; typedef real_type precision_type; // we do not know what type has more precision then the real_type static const unsigned plus_complexity = 2; static const unsigned multiplies_complexity = 6; static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE real_type real (const_reference t) { return std::real (t); } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE real_type imag (const_reference t) { return std::imag (t); } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE value_type conj (const_reference t) { return std::conj (t); } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE real_type type_abs (const_reference t) { return abs (t); } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE value_type type_sqrt (const_reference t) { return sqrt (t); } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE real_type norm_1 (const_reference t) { return type_traits::type_abs (self_type::real (t)) + type_traits::type_abs (self_type::imag (t)); } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE real_type norm_2 (const_reference t) { return self_type::type_abs (t); } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE real_type norm_inf (const_reference t) { return (std::max) (type_traits::type_abs (self_type::real (t)), type_traits::type_abs (self_type::imag (t))); } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool equals (const_reference t1, const_reference t2) { return self_type::norm_inf (t1 - t2) < BOOST_UBLAS_TYPE_CHECK_EPSILON * (std::max) ((std::max) (self_type::norm_inf (t1), self_type::norm_inf (t2)), BOOST_UBLAS_TYPE_CHECK_MIN); } }; // Define complex type traits template<> struct type_traits > : complex_traits >{ typedef type_traits > self_type; typedef std::complex value_type; typedef const value_type &const_reference; typedef value_type &reference; typedef float real_type; typedef std::complex precision_type; }; template<> struct type_traits > : complex_traits >{ typedef type_traits > self_type; typedef std::complex value_type; typedef const value_type &const_reference; typedef value_type &reference; typedef double real_type; typedef std::complex precision_type; }; template<> struct type_traits > : complex_traits > { typedef type_traits > self_type; typedef std::complex value_type; typedef const value_type &const_reference; typedef value_type &reference; typedef long double real_type; typedef value_type precision_type; }; #ifdef BOOST_UBLAS_USE_INTERVAL // Define properties for a generic scalar interval type template struct scalar_interval_type_traits : scalar_type_traits { typedef scalar_interval_type_traits self_type; typedef boost::numeric::interval value_type; typedef const value_type &const_reference; typedef value_type &reference; typedef value_type real_type; typedef real_type precision_type; // we do not know what type has more precision then the real_type static const unsigned plus_complexity = 1; static const unsigned multiplies_complexity = 1; static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE real_type type_abs (const_reference t) { return abs (t); } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE value_type type_sqrt (const_reference t) { return sqrt (t); } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE real_type norm_1 (const_reference t) { return self_type::type_abs (t); } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE real_type norm_2 (const_reference t) { return self_type::type_abs (t); } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE real_type norm_inf (const_reference t) { return self_type::type_abs (t); } static BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE bool equals (const_reference t1, const_reference t2) { return self_type::norm_inf (t1 - t2) < BOOST_UBLAS_TYPE_CHECK_EPSILON * (std::max) ((std::max) (self_type::norm_inf (t1), self_type::norm_inf (t2)), BOOST_UBLAS_TYPE_CHECK_MIN); } }; // Define scalar interval type traits template<> struct type_traits > : scalar_interval_type_traits > { typedef type_traits > self_type; typedef boost::numeric::interval value_type; typedef const value_type &const_reference; typedef value_type &reference; typedef value_type real_type; typedef boost::numeric::interval precision_type; }; template<> struct type_traits > : scalar_interval_type_traits > { typedef type_traits > self_type; typedef boost::numeric::interval value_type; typedef const value_type &const_reference; typedef value_type &reference; typedef value_type real_type; typedef boost::numeric::interval precision_type; }; template<> struct type_traits > : scalar_interval_type_traits > { typedef type_traits > self_type; typedef boost::numeric::interval value_type; typedef const value_type &const_reference; typedef value_type &reference; typedef value_type real_type; typedef value_type precision_type; }; #endif // Storage tags -- hierarchical definition of storage characteristics struct unknown_storage_tag {}; struct sparse_proxy_tag: public unknown_storage_tag {}; struct sparse_tag: public sparse_proxy_tag {}; struct packed_proxy_tag: public sparse_proxy_tag {}; struct packed_tag: public packed_proxy_tag {}; struct dense_proxy_tag: public packed_proxy_tag {}; struct dense_tag: public dense_proxy_tag {}; template struct storage_restrict_traits { typedef S1 storage_category; }; template<> struct storage_restrict_traits { typedef sparse_proxy_tag storage_category; }; template<> struct storage_restrict_traits { typedef sparse_proxy_tag storage_category; }; template<> struct storage_restrict_traits { typedef sparse_proxy_tag storage_category; }; template<> struct storage_restrict_traits { typedef packed_proxy_tag storage_category; }; template<> struct storage_restrict_traits { typedef packed_proxy_tag storage_category; }; template<> struct storage_restrict_traits { typedef sparse_proxy_tag storage_category; }; template<> struct storage_restrict_traits { typedef sparse_proxy_tag storage_category; }; template<> struct storage_restrict_traits { typedef dense_proxy_tag storage_category; }; template<> struct storage_restrict_traits { typedef packed_proxy_tag storage_category; }; template<> struct storage_restrict_traits { typedef sparse_proxy_tag storage_category; }; template<> struct storage_restrict_traits { typedef packed_proxy_tag storage_category; }; template<> struct storage_restrict_traits { typedef sparse_proxy_tag storage_category; }; // Iterator tags -- hierarchical definition of storage characteristics struct sparse_bidirectional_iterator_tag : public std::bidirectional_iterator_tag {}; struct packed_random_access_iterator_tag : public std::random_access_iterator_tag {}; struct dense_random_access_iterator_tag : public packed_random_access_iterator_tag {}; // Thanks to Kresimir Fresl for convincing Comeau with iterator_base_traits ;-) template struct iterator_base_traits {}; template<> struct iterator_base_traits { template struct iterator_base { typedef forward_iterator_base type; }; }; template<> struct iterator_base_traits { template struct iterator_base { typedef bidirectional_iterator_base type; }; }; template<> struct iterator_base_traits { template struct iterator_base { typedef bidirectional_iterator_base type; }; }; template<> struct iterator_base_traits { template struct iterator_base { typedef random_access_iterator_base type; }; }; template<> struct iterator_base_traits { template struct iterator_base { typedef random_access_iterator_base type; }; }; template<> struct iterator_base_traits { template struct iterator_base { typedef random_access_iterator_base type; }; }; template struct iterator_restrict_traits { typedef I1 iterator_category; }; template<> struct iterator_restrict_traits { typedef sparse_bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; }; template<> struct iterator_restrict_traits { typedef sparse_bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; }; template<> struct iterator_restrict_traits { typedef sparse_bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; }; template<> struct iterator_restrict_traits { typedef sparse_bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; }; template<> struct iterator_restrict_traits { typedef packed_random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category; }; template<> struct iterator_restrict_traits { typedef packed_random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category; }; template BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE void increment (I &it, const I &it_end, typename I::difference_type compare, packed_random_access_iterator_tag) { it += (std::min) (compare, it_end - it); } template BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE void increment (I &it, const I &/* it_end */, typename I::difference_type /* compare */, sparse_bidirectional_iterator_tag) { ++ it; } template BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE void increment (I &it, const I &it_end, typename I::difference_type compare) { increment (it, it_end, compare, typename I::iterator_category ()); } template BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE void increment (I &it, const I &it_end) { #if BOOST_UBLAS_TYPE_CHECK I cit (it); while (cit != it_end) { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (*cit == typename I::value_type/*zero*/(), internal_logic ()); ++ cit; } #endif it = it_end; } }}} #endif