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26 | <a name="LessThanComparable"></a><div class="titlepage"></div> |
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28 | <h2><span class="refentrytitle">Concept LessThanComparable</span></h2> |
29 | <p>LessThanComparable</p> |
30 | </div> |
31 | <div class="refsect1" lang="en"> |
32 | <a name="id962619"></a><h2>Description</h2> |
33 | <p>LessThanComparable types must have <code class="computeroutput"><</code>, |
34 | <code class="computeroutput">></code>, <code class="computeroutput"><=</code>, and <code class="computeroutput">>=</code> |
35 | operators.</p> |
36 | </div> |
37 | <div class="refsect1" lang="en"> |
38 | <a name="id962649"></a><h2>Notation</h2> |
39 | <div class="variablelist"><dl> |
40 | <dt><span class="term">X</span></dt> |
41 | <dd>A type playing the role of comparable-type in the <a href="LessThanComparable.html" title="Concept LessThanComparable">LessThanComparable</a> concept.</dd> |
42 | <dt> |
43 | <span class="term"><code class="varname">x</code>, </span><span class="term"><code class="varname">y</code></span> |
44 | </dt> |
45 | <dd>Objects of type X</dd> |
46 | </dl></div> |
47 | </div> |
48 | <div class="refsect1" lang="en"> |
49 | <a name="id962680"></a><h2>Valid expressions</h2> |
50 | <div class="informaltable"><table class="table"> |
51 | <colgroup> |
52 | <col> |
53 | <col> |
54 | <col> |
55 | <col> |
56 | </colgroup> |
57 | <thead><tr> |
58 | <th>Name</th> |
59 | <th>Expression</th> |
60 | <th>Type</th> |
61 | <th>Semantics</th> |
62 | </tr></thead> |
63 | <tbody> |
64 | <tr> |
65 | <td><p>Less than</p></td> |
66 | <td><p>x < y</p></td> |
67 | <td><p>Convertible to <span class="type">bool</span></p></td> |
68 | <td><p>Determine if one value is less than another.</p></td> |
69 | </tr> |
70 | <tr> |
71 | <td><p>Less than or equal</p></td> |
72 | <td><p>x <= y</p></td> |
73 | <td><p>Convertible to <span class="type">bool</span></p></td> |
74 | <td><p>Determine if one value is less than or equal to another.</p></td> |
75 | </tr> |
76 | <tr> |
77 | <td><p>Greater than</p></td> |
78 | <td><p>x > y</p></td> |
79 | <td><p>Convertible to <span class="type">bool</span></p></td> |
80 | <td><p>Determine if one value is greater than another.</p></td> |
81 | </tr> |
82 | <tr> |
83 | <td><p>Greater than or equal to</p></td> |
84 | <td><p>x >= y</p></td> |
85 | <td><p>Convertible to <span class="type">bool</span></p></td> |
86 | <td><p>Determine if one value is greater than or equal to another.</p></td> |
87 | </tr> |
88 | </tbody> |
89 | </table></div> |
90 | </div> |
91 | <div class="refsect1" lang="en"> |
92 | <a name="id962773"></a><h2>Models</h2> |
93 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><span class="simplelist"><span class="type">int</span></span></li></ul></div> |
94 | </div> |
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98 | <td align="right"><small>Copyright © 2001, 2002 Indiana University<br>Copyright © 2000, 2001 University of Notre Dame du Lac<br>Copyright © 2000 Jeremy Siek, Lie-Quan Lee, Andrew Lumsdaine<br>Copyright © 1996-1999 Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.<br>Copyright © 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company</small></td> |
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