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26 | <a name="boost.barrier"></a><div class="titlepage"></div> |
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28 | <h2><span class="refentrytitle">Class barrier</span></h2> |
29 | <p>boost::barrier — <p>An object of class <a href="barrier.html" title="Class barrier">barrier</a> is a synchronization |
30 | primitive used to cause a set of threads to wait until they each perform a |
31 | certain function or each reach a particular point in their execution.</p></p> |
32 | </div> |
33 | <h2 xmlns:rev="http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~gregod/boost/tools/doc/revision" class="refsynopsisdiv-title">Synopsis</h2> |
34 | <div xmlns:rev="http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~gregod/boost/tools/doc/revision" class="refsynopsisdiv"><pre class="synopsis"> |
35 | <span class="bold"><strong>class</strong></span> barrier : <span class="bold"><strong>private</strong></span> boost::noncopyable <span class="emphasis"><em>// Exposition only</em></span> |
36 | { |
37 | <span class="bold"><strong>public</strong></span>: |
38 | <span class="emphasis"><em>// <a href="barrier.html#boost.barrierconstruct-copy-destruct">construct/copy/destruct</a></em></span> |
39 | <a href="barrier.html#id751828-bb">barrier</a>(size_t); |
40 | <a href="barrier.html#id825827-bb">~barrier</a>(); |
41 | |
42 | <span class="emphasis"><em>// <a href="barrier.html#id768369-bb">waiting</a></em></span> |
43 | <span class="type"><span class="bold"><strong>bool</strong></span></span> <a href="barrier.html#id768373-bb">wait</a>(); |
44 | };</pre></div> |
45 | <div class="refsect1" lang="en"> |
46 | <a name="id1736550"></a><h2>Description</h2> |
47 | <p>When a barrier is created, it is initialized with a thread count N. |
48 | The first N-1 calls to <code class="computeroutput">wait()</code> will all cause their threads to be blocked. |
49 | The Nth call to <code class="computeroutput">wait()</code> will allow all of the waiting threads, including |
50 | the Nth thread, to be placed in a ready state. The Nth call will also "reset" |
51 | the barrier such that, if an additional N+1th call is made to <code class="computeroutput">wait()</code>, |
52 | it will be as though this were the first call to <code class="computeroutput">wait()</code>; in other |
53 | words, the N+1th to 2N-1th calls to <code class="computeroutput">wait()</code> will cause their |
54 | threads to be blocked, and the 2Nth call to <code class="computeroutput">wait()</code> will allow all of |
55 | the waiting threads, including the 2Nth thread, to be placed in a ready state |
56 | and reset the barrier. This functionality allows the same set of N threads to re-use |
57 | a barrier object to synchronize their execution at multiple points during their |
58 | execution.</p> |
59 | <p>See <a href="../thread.html#thread.glossary" title="Glossary">Glossary</a> for definitions of thread |
60 | states <a href="../thread.html#thread.glossary.thread-state">blocked</a> |
61 | and <a href="../thread.html#thread.glossary.thread-state">ready</a>. |
62 | Note that "waiting" is a synonym for blocked.</p> |
63 | <div class="refsect2" lang="en"> |
64 | <a name="id1736632"></a><h3> |
65 | <a name="boost.barrierconstruct-copy-destruct"></a><code class="computeroutput">barrier</code> construct/copy/destruct</h3> |
66 | <div class="orderedlist"><ol type="1"> |
67 | <li> |
68 | <pre class="literallayout"><a name="id751828-bb"></a>barrier(size_t count);</pre> |
69 | <div class="variablelist"><table border="0"> |
70 | <col align="left" valign="top"> |
71 | <tbody><tr> |
72 | <td> |
73 | <span class="term">Effects:</span></td> |
74 | <td>Constructs a <a href="barrier.html" title="Class barrier">barrier</a> object that |
75 | will cause <code class="computeroutput">count</code> threads to block on a call to <code class="computeroutput">wait()</code>. |
76 | </td> |
77 | </tr></tbody> |
78 | </table></div> |
79 | </li> |
80 | <li> |
81 | <pre class="literallayout"><a name="id825827-bb"></a>~barrier();</pre> |
82 | <div class="variablelist"><table border="0"> |
83 | <col align="left" valign="top"> |
84 | <tbody><tr> |
85 | <td> |
86 | <span class="term">Effects:</span></td> |
87 | <td>Destroys <code class="computeroutput">*this</code>. If threads are still executing |
88 | their <code class="computeroutput">wait()</code> operations, the behavior for these threads is undefined. |
89 | </td> |
90 | </tr></tbody> |
91 | </table></div> |
92 | </li> |
93 | </ol></div> |
94 | </div> |
95 | <div class="refsect2" lang="en"> |
96 | <a name="id1736735"></a><h3> |
97 | <a name="id768369-bb"></a><code class="computeroutput">barrier</code> waiting</h3> |
98 | <div class="orderedlist"><ol type="1"><li> |
99 | <pre class="literallayout"><span class="type"><span class="bold"><strong>bool</strong></span></span> <a name="id768373-bb"></a>wait();</pre> |
100 | <div class="variablelist"><table border="0"> |
101 | <col align="left" valign="top"> |
102 | <tbody> |
103 | <tr> |
104 | <td> |
105 | <span class="term">Effects:</span></td> |
106 | <td> |
107 | <p>Wait until N threads call <code class="computeroutput">wait()</code>, where |
108 | N equals the <code class="computeroutput">count</code> provided to the constructor for the |
109 | barrier object.</p> |
110 | <p><span class="bold"><strong>Note</strong></span> that if the barrier is |
111 | destroyed before <code class="computeroutput">wait()</code> can return, the behavior is |
112 | undefined.</p> |
113 | </td> |
114 | </tr> |
115 | <tr> |
116 | <td> |
117 | <span class="term">Returns:</span></td> |
118 | <td>Exactly one of the N threads will receive a return value |
119 | of <code class="computeroutput">true</code>, the others will receive a value of <code class="computeroutput">false</code>. |
120 | Precisely which thread receives the return value of <code class="computeroutput">true</code> will |
121 | be implementation-defined. Applications can use this value to designate one |
122 | thread as a leader that will take a certain action, and the other threads |
123 | emerging from the barrier can wait for that action to take place.</td> |
124 | </tr> |
125 | </tbody> |
126 | </table></div> |
127 | </li></ol></div> |
128 | </div> |
129 | </div> |
130 | </div> |
131 | <table width="100%"><tr> |
132 | <td align="left"></td> |
133 | <td align="right"><small>Copyright © 2001-2003 William E. Kempf</small></td> |
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