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26 | <a name="boost.recursive_try_mutex"></a><div class="titlepage"></div> |
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28 | <h2><span class="refentrytitle">Class recursive_try_mutex</span></h2> |
29 | <p>boost::recursive_try_mutex — <p>The <a href="recursive_try_mutex.html" title="Class recursive_try_mutex">recursive_try_mutex</a> class is a model of the |
30 | <a href="../thread/concepts.html#thread.concepts.TryMutex" title="TryMutex Concept">TryMutex</a> concept.</p></p> |
31 | </div> |
32 | <h2 xmlns:rev="http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~gregod/boost/tools/doc/revision" class="refsynopsisdiv-title">Synopsis</h2> |
33 | <div xmlns:rev="http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~gregod/boost/tools/doc/revision" class="refsynopsisdiv"><pre class="synopsis"> |
34 | <span class="bold"><strong>class</strong></span> recursive_try_mutex : <span class="bold"><strong>private</strong></span> boost::noncopyable <span class="emphasis"><em>// Exposition only</em></span> |
35 | { |
36 | <span class="bold"><strong>public</strong></span>: |
37 | <span class="emphasis"><em>// types</em></span> |
38 | <span class="bold"><strong>typedef</strong></span> <span class="emphasis"><em>implementation-defined</em></span> scoped_lock; |
39 | <span class="bold"><strong>typedef</strong></span> <span class="emphasis"><em>implementation-defined</em></span> scoped_try_lock; |
40 | |
41 | <span class="emphasis"><em>// <a href="recursive_try_mutex.html#boost.recursive_try_mutexconstruct-copy-destruct">construct/copy/destruct</a></em></span> |
42 | <a href="recursive_try_mutex.html#id1291196-bb">recursive_try_mutex</a>(); |
43 | <a href="recursive_try_mutex.html#id1292339-bb">~recursive_try_mutex</a>(); |
44 | };</pre></div> |
45 | <div class="refsect1" lang="en"> |
46 | <a name="id1740751"></a><h2>Description</h2> |
47 | <p>The <a href="recursive_try_mutex.html" title="Class recursive_try_mutex">recursive_try_mutex</a> class is a model of the |
48 | <a href="../thread/concepts.html#thread.concepts.TryMutex" title="TryMutex Concept">TryMutex</a> concept. |
49 | It should be used to synchronize access to shared resources using |
50 | <a href="../thread/concepts.html#thread.concepts.recursive-locking-strategy" title="Recursive Locking Strategy">Recursive</a> |
51 | locking mechanics.</p> |
52 | <p>For classes that model related mutex concepts, see |
53 | <a href="recursive_mutex.html" title="Class recursive_mutex">recursive_mutex</a> and <a href="recursive_timed_mutex.html" title="Class recursive_timed_mutex">recursive_timed_mutex</a>.</p> |
54 | <p>For <a href="../thread/concepts.html#thread.concepts.unspecified-locking-strategy" title="Unspecified Locking Strategy">Unspecified</a> |
55 | locking mechanics, see <a href="mutex.html" title="Class mutex">mutex</a>, |
56 | <a href="try_mutex.html" title="Class try_mutex">try_mutex</a>, and <a href="timed_mutex.html" title="Class timed_mutex">timed_mutex</a>. |
57 | </p> |
58 | <p>The <a href="recursive_try_mutex.html" title="Class recursive_try_mutex">recursive_try_mutex</a> class supplies the following typedefs, |
59 | which model the specified locking strategies: |
60 | |
61 | </p> |
62 | <div class="table"> |
63 | <a name="id1740848"></a><p class="title"><b>Table 15.24. Supported Lock Types</b></p> |
64 | <table class="table" summary="Supported Lock Types"> |
65 | <colgroup> |
66 | <col> |
67 | <col> |
68 | </colgroup> |
69 | <thead><tr> |
70 | <th align="left">Lock Name</th> |
71 | <th align="left">Lock Concept</th> |
72 | </tr></thead> |
73 | <tbody> |
74 | <tr> |
75 | <td align="left">scoped_lock</td> |
76 | <td align="left"><a href="../thread/concepts.html#thread.concepts.ScopedLock" title="ScopedLock Concept">ScopedLock</a></td> |
77 | </tr> |
78 | <tr> |
79 | <td align="left">scoped_try_lock</td> |
80 | <td align="left"><a href="../thread/concepts.html#thread.concepts.ScopedTryLock" title="ScopedTryLock Concept">ScopedTryLock</a></td> |
81 | </tr> |
82 | </tbody> |
83 | </table> |
84 | </div> |
85 | <p> |
86 | </p> |
87 | <p>The <a href="recursive_try_mutex.html" title="Class recursive_try_mutex">recursive_try_mutex</a> class uses a |
88 | <a href="../thread/concepts.html#thread.concepts.recursive-locking-strategy" title="Recursive Locking Strategy">Recursive</a> |
89 | locking strategy, so attempts to recursively lock a |
90 | <a href="recursive_try_mutex.html" title="Class recursive_try_mutex">recursive_try_mutex</a> object |
91 | succeed and an internal "lock count" is maintained. |
92 | Attempts to unlock a <a href="recursive_mutex.html" title="Class recursive_mutex">recursive_mutex</a> object |
93 | by threads that don't own a lock on it result in |
94 | <span class="bold"><strong>undefined behavior</strong></span>.</p> |
95 | <p>Like all |
96 | <a href="../thread/concepts.html#thread.concepts.mutex-models" title="Mutex Models">mutex models</a> |
97 | in <span class="bold"><strong>Boost.Thread</strong></span>, <a href="recursive_try_mutex.html" title="Class recursive_try_mutex">recursive_try_mutex</a> leaves the |
98 | <a href="../thread/concepts.html#thread.concepts.sheduling-policies" title="Scheduling Policies">scheduling policy</a> |
99 | as <a href="../thread/concepts.html#thread.concepts.unspecified-scheduling-policy" title="Unspecified Policy">Unspecified</a>. |
100 | Programmers should make no assumptions about the order in which |
101 | waiting threads acquire a lock.</p> |
102 | <div class="refsect2" lang="en"> |
103 | <a name="id1740996"></a><h3> |
104 | <a name="boost.recursive_try_mutexconstruct-copy-destruct"></a><code class="computeroutput">recursive_try_mutex</code> construct/copy/destruct</h3> |
105 | <div class="orderedlist"><ol type="1"> |
106 | <li> |
107 | <pre class="literallayout"><a name="id1291196-bb"></a>recursive_try_mutex();</pre> |
108 | <div class="variablelist"><table border="0"> |
109 | <col align="left" valign="top"> |
110 | <tbody> |
111 | <tr> |
112 | <td> |
113 | <span class="term">Effects:</span></td> |
114 | <td>Constructs a <a href="recursive_try_mutex.html" title="Class recursive_try_mutex">recursive_try_mutex</a> object. |
115 | </td> |
116 | </tr> |
117 | <tr> |
118 | <td> |
119 | <span class="term">Postconditions:</span></td> |
120 | <td> |
121 | <code class="computeroutput">*this</code> is in an unlocked state. |
122 | </td> |
123 | </tr> |
124 | </tbody> |
125 | </table></div> |
126 | </li> |
127 | <li> |
128 | <pre class="literallayout"><a name="id1292339-bb"></a>~recursive_try_mutex();</pre> |
129 | <div class="variablelist"><table border="0"> |
130 | <col align="left" valign="top"> |
131 | <tbody> |
132 | <tr> |
133 | <td> |
134 | <span class="term">Effects:</span></td> |
135 | <td>Destroys a <a href="recursive_try_mutex.html" title="Class recursive_try_mutex">recursive_try_mutex</a> object. |
136 | </td> |
137 | </tr> |
138 | <tr> |
139 | <td> |
140 | <span class="term">Requires:</span></td> |
141 | <td> |
142 | <code class="computeroutput">*this</code> is in an unlocked state.</td> |
143 | </tr> |
144 | <tr> |
145 | <td> |
146 | <span class="term">Notes:</span></td> |
147 | <td> |
148 | <span class="bold"><strong>Danger:</strong></span> Destruction of a |
149 | locked mutex is a serious programming error resulting in undefined |
150 | behavior such as a program crash.</td> |
151 | </tr> |
152 | </tbody> |
153 | </table></div> |
154 | </li> |
155 | </ol></div> |
156 | </div> |
157 | </div> |
158 | </div> |
159 | <table width="100%"><tr> |
160 | <td align="left"></td> |
161 | <td align="right"><small>Copyright © 2001-2003 William E. Kempf</small></td> |
162 | </tr></table> |
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