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26 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"> |
27 | <a name="program_options.overview"></a>Library Overview</h2></div></div></div> |
28 | <div class="toc"><dl> |
29 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="overview.html#id1591423">Options Description Component</a></span></dt> |
30 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="overview.html#id1592003">Parsers Component</a></span></dt> |
31 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="overview.html#id1592104">Storage Component</a></span></dt> |
32 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="overview.html#id1592208">Specific parsers</a></span></dt> |
33 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="overview.html#id1592393">Annotated List of Symbols</a></span></dt> |
34 | </dl></div> |
35 | <p>In the tutorial section, we saw several examples of library usage. |
36 | Here we will describe the overall library design including the primary |
37 | components and their function. |
38 | </p> |
39 | <p>The library has three main components: |
40 | </p> |
41 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"> |
42 | <li><p>The options description component, which describes the allowed options |
43 | and what to do with the values of the options. |
44 | </p></li> |
45 | <li><p>The parsers component, which uses this information to find option names |
46 | and values in the input sources and return them. |
47 | </p></li> |
48 | <li><p>The storage component, which provides the |
49 | interface to access the value of an option. It also converts the string |
50 | representation of values that parsers return into desired C++ types. |
51 | </p></li> |
52 | </ul></div> |
53 | <p> |
54 | </p> |
55 | <p>To be a little more concrete, the <code class="computeroutput">options_description</code> |
56 | class is from the options description component, the |
57 | <code class="computeroutput">parse_command_line</code> function is from the parsers component, and the |
58 | <code class="computeroutput">variables_map</code> class is from the storage component. </p> |
59 | <p>In the tutorial we've learned how those components can be used by the |
60 | <code class="computeroutput">main</code> function to parse the command line and config |
61 | file. Before going into the details of each component, a few notes about |
62 | the world outside of <code class="computeroutput">main</code>. |
63 | </p> |
64 | <p> |
65 | For that outside world, the storage component is the most important. It |
66 | provides a class which stores all option values and that class can be |
67 | freely passed around your program to modules which need access to the |
68 | options. All the other components can be used only in the place where |
69 | the actual parsing is the done. However, it might also make sense for the |
70 | individual program modules to describe their options and pass them to the |
71 | main module, which will merge all options. Of course, this is only |
72 | important when the number of options is large and declaring them in one |
73 | place becomes troublesome. |
74 | </p> |
75 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
76 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"> |
77 | <a name="id1591423"></a>Options Description Component</h3></div></div></div> |
78 | <div class="toc"><dl> |
79 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="overview.html#id1591676">Syntactic Information</a></span></dt> |
80 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="overview.html#id1591838">Semantic Information</a></span></dt> |
81 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="overview.html#id1591885">Positional Options</a></span></dt> |
82 | </dl></div> |
83 | <p>The options description component has three main classes: |
84 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/option_description.html" title="Class option_description">option_description</a></code>, <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/value_semantic.html" title="Class value_semantic">value_semantic</a></code> and <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/options_description.html" title="Class options_description">options_description</a></code>. The |
85 | first two together describe a single option. The <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/option_description.html" title="Class option_description">option_description</a></code> |
86 | class contains the option's name, description and a pointer to <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/value_semantic.html" title="Class value_semantic">value_semantic</a></code>, |
87 | which, in turn, knows the type of the option's value and can parse the value, |
88 | apply the default value, and so on. The <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/options_description.html" title="Class options_description">options_description</a></code> class is a |
89 | container for instances of <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/option_description.html" title="Class option_description">option_description</a></code>. |
90 | </p> |
91 | <p>For almost every library, those classes could be created in a |
92 | conventional way: that is, you'd create new options using constructors and |
93 | then call the <code class="computeroutput">add</code> method of <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/options_description.html" title="Class options_description">options_description</a></code>. However, |
94 | that's overly verbose for declaring 20 or 30 options. This concern led |
95 | to creation of the syntax that you've already seen: |
96 | </p> |
97 | <pre class="programlisting"> |
98 | options_description desc; |
99 | desc.add_options() |
100 | ("help", "produce help") |
101 | ("optimization", value<int>()->default_value(10), "optimization level") |
102 | ; |
103 | </pre> |
104 | <p> |
105 | </p> |
106 | <p>The call to the <code class="computeroutput">value</code> function creates an instance of |
107 | a class derived from the <code class="computeroutput">value_semantic</code> class: <code class="computeroutput">typed_value</code>. |
108 | That class contains the code to parse |
109 | values of a specific type, and contains a number of methods which can be |
110 | called by the user to specify additional information. (This |
111 | essentially emulates named parameters of the constructor.) Calls to |
112 | <code class="computeroutput">operator()</code> on the object returned by <code class="computeroutput">add_options</code> |
113 | forward arguments to the constructor of the <code class="computeroutput">option_description</code> |
114 | class and add the new instance. |
115 | </p> |
116 | <p> |
117 | Note that in addition to the |
118 | <code class="computeroutput">value</code>, library provides the <code class="computeroutput">bool_switch</code> |
119 | function, and user can write his own function which will return |
120 | other subclasses of <code class="computeroutput">value_semantic</code> with |
121 | different behaviour. For the remainder of this section, we'll talk only |
122 | about the <code class="computeroutput">value</code> function. |
123 | </p> |
124 | <p>The information about an option is divided into syntactic and |
125 | semantic. Syntactic information includes the name of the option and the |
126 | number of tokens which can be used to specify the value. This |
127 | information is used by parsers to group tokens into (name, value) pairs, |
128 | where value is just a vector of strings |
129 | (<code class="computeroutput">std::vector<std::string></code>). The semantic layer |
130 | is responsible for converting the value of the option into more usable C++ |
131 | types. |
132 | </p> |
133 | <p>This separation is an important part of library design. The parsers |
134 | use only the syntactic layer, which takes away some of the freedom to |
135 | use overly complex structures. For example, it's not easy to parse |
136 | syntax like: </p> |
137 | <pre class="screen">calc --expression=1 + 2/3</pre> |
138 | <p> because it's not |
139 | possible to parse </p> |
140 | <pre class="screen">1 + 2/3</pre> |
141 | <p> without knowing that it's a C |
142 | expression. With a little help from the user the task becomes trivial, |
143 | and the syntax clear: </p> |
144 | <pre class="screen">calc --expression="1 + 2/3"</pre> |
145 | <p> |
146 | </p> |
147 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
148 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"> |
149 | <a name="id1591676"></a>Syntactic Information</h4></div></div></div> |
150 | <div class="toc"><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="overview.html#id1591766">Description formatting</a></span></dt></dl></div> |
151 | <p>The syntactic information is provided by the |
152 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/options_description.html" title="Class options_description">boost::program_options::options_description</a></code> class |
153 | and some methods of the |
154 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/value_semantic.html" title="Class value_semantic">boost::program_options::value_semantic</a></code> class |
155 | and includes: |
156 | </p> |
157 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"> |
158 | <li><p> |
159 | name of the option, used to identify the option inside the |
160 | program, |
161 | </p></li> |
162 | <li><p> |
163 | description of the option, which can be presented to the user, |
164 | </p></li> |
165 | <li><p> |
166 | the allowed number of source tokens that comprise options's |
167 | value, which is used during parsing. |
168 | </p></li> |
169 | </ul></div> |
170 | <p> |
171 | </p> |
172 | <p>Consider the following example: |
173 | </p> |
174 | <pre class="programlisting"> |
175 | options_description desc; |
176 | desc.add_options() |
177 | ("help", "produce help message") |
178 | ("compression", value<string>(), "compression level") |
179 | ("verbose", value<string>()->zero_token(), "verbosity level") |
180 | ("email", value<string>()->multitoken(), "email to send to") |
181 | ; |
182 | </pre> |
183 | <p> |
184 | For the first parameter, we specify only the name and the |
185 | description. No value can be specified in the parsed source. |
186 | For the first option, the user must specify a value, using a single |
187 | token. For the third option, the user may either provide a single token |
188 | for the value, or no token at all. For the last option, the value can |
189 | span several tokens. For example, the following command line is OK: |
190 | </p> |
191 | <pre class="screen"> |
192 | test --help --compression 10 --verbose --email beadle@mars beadle2@mars |
193 | </pre> |
194 | <p> |
195 | </p> |
196 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
197 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title"> |
198 | <a name="id1591766"></a>Description formatting</h5></div></div></div> |
199 | <p> |
200 | Sometimes the description can get rather long, for example, when |
201 | several option's values need separate documentation. Below we |
202 | describe some simple formatting mechanisms you can use. |
203 | </p> |
204 | <p>The description string has one or more paragraphs, separated by |
205 | the newline character ('\n'). When an option is output, the library |
206 | will compute the indentation for options's description. Each of the |
207 | paragraph is output as a separate line with that intentation. If |
208 | a paragraph does not fit on one line it is spanned over multiple |
209 | lines (which will have the same indentation). |
210 | </p> |
211 | <p>You may specify additional indent for the first specified by |
212 | inserting spaces at the beginning of a paragraph. For example: |
213 | </p> |
214 | <pre class="programlisting"> |
215 | options.add_options() |
216 | ("help", " A long help msg a long help msg a long help msg a long help |
217 | msg a long help msg a long help msg a long help msg a long help msg ") |
218 | ; |
219 | </pre> |
220 | <p> |
221 | will specify a four-space indent for the first line. The output will |
222 | look like: |
223 | </p> |
224 | <pre class="screen"> |
225 | --help A long help msg a long |
226 | help msg a long help msg |
227 | a long help msg a long |
228 | help msg a long help msg |
229 | a long help msg a long |
230 | help msg |
231 | |
232 | </pre> |
233 | <p> |
234 | </p> |
235 | <p>For the case where line is wrapped, you can want an additional |
236 | indent for wrapped text. This can be done by |
237 | inserting a tabulator character ('\t') at the desired position. For |
238 | example: |
239 | </p> |
240 | <pre class="programlisting"> |
241 | options.add_options() |
242 | ("well_formated", "As you can see this is a very well formatted |
243 | option description.\n" |
244 | "You can do this for example:\n\n" |
245 | "Values:\n" |
246 | " Value1: \tdoes this and that, bla bla bla bla |
247 | bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla\n" |
248 | " Value2: \tdoes something else, bla bla bla bla |
249 | bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla\n\n" |
250 | " This paragraph has a first line indent only, |
251 | bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla"); |
252 | </pre> |
253 | <p> |
254 | will produce: |
255 | </p> |
256 | <pre class="screen"> |
257 | --well_formated As you can see this is a |
258 | very well formatted |
259 | option description. |
260 | You can do this for |
261 | example: |
262 | |
263 | Values: |
264 | Value1: does this and |
265 | that, bla bla |
266 | bla bla bla bla |
267 | bla bla bla bla |
268 | bla bla bla bla |
269 | bla |
270 | Value2: does something |
271 | else, bla bla |
272 | bla bla bla bla |
273 | bla bla bla bla |
274 | bla bla bla bla |
275 | bla |
276 | |
277 | This paragraph has a |
278 | first line indent only, |
279 | bla bla bla bla bla bla |
280 | bla bla bla bla bla bla |
281 | bla bla bla |
282 | </pre> |
283 | <p> |
284 | The tab character is removed before output. Only one tabulator per |
285 | paragraph is allowed, otherwisee an exception of type |
286 | program_options::error is thrown. Finally, the tabulator is ignored if |
287 | it's is not on the first line of the paragraph or is on the last |
288 | possible position of the first line. |
289 | </p> |
290 | </div> |
291 | </div> |
292 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
293 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"> |
294 | <a name="id1591838"></a>Semantic Information</h4></div></div></div> |
295 | <p>The semantic information is completely provided by the |
296 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/value_semantic.html" title="Class value_semantic">boost::program_options::value_semantic</a></code> class. For |
297 | example: |
298 | </p> |
299 | <pre class="programlisting"> |
300 | options_description desc; |
301 | desc.add_options() |
302 | ("compression", value<int>()->default_value(10), "compression level") |
303 | ("email", value< vector<string> >() |
304 | ->composing()->notifier(&your_function), "email") |
305 | ; |
306 | </pre> |
307 | <p> |
308 | These declarations specify that default value of the first option is 10, |
309 | that the second option can appear several times and all instances should |
310 | be merged, and that after parsing is done, the library will call |
311 | function <code class="computeroutput">&your_function</code>, passing the value of the |
312 | "email" option as argument. |
313 | </p> |
314 | </div> |
315 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
316 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"> |
317 | <a name="id1591885"></a>Positional Options</h4></div></div></div> |
318 | <p>Our definition of option as (name, value) pairs is simple and |
319 | useful, but in one special case of the command line, there's a |
320 | problem. A command line can include a <em class="firstterm">positional option</em>, |
321 | which does not specify any name at all, for example: |
322 | </p> |
323 | <pre class="screen"> |
324 | archiver --compression=9 /etc/passwd |
325 | </pre> |
326 | <p> |
327 | Here, the "/etc/passwd" element does not have any option name. |
328 | </p> |
329 | <p>One solution is to ask the user to extract positional options |
330 | himself and process them as he likes. However, there's a nicer approach |
331 | -- provide a method to automatically assign the names for positional |
332 | options, so that the above command line can be interpreted the same way |
333 | as: |
334 | </p> |
335 | <pre class="screen"> |
336 | archiver --compression=9 --input-file=/etc/passwd |
337 | </pre> |
338 | <p> |
339 | </p> |
340 | <p>The <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/positional_options_description.html" title="Class positional_options_description">positional_options_description</a></code> class allows the command line |
341 | parser to assign the names. The class specifies how many positional options |
342 | are allowed, and for each allowed option, specifies the name. For example: |
343 | </p> |
344 | <pre class="programlisting"> |
345 | positional_options_description pd; pd.add("input-file", 1); |
346 | </pre> |
347 | <p> specifies that for exactly one, first, positional |
348 | option the name will be "input-file". |
349 | </p> |
350 | <p>It's possible to specify that a number, or even all positional options, be |
351 | given the same name. |
352 | </p> |
353 | <pre class="programlisting"> |
354 | positional_options_description pd; |
355 | pd.add("output-file", 2).add("input-file", -1); |
356 | </pre> |
357 | <p> |
358 | In the above example, the first two positional options will be associated |
359 | with name "output-file", and any others with the name "input-file". |
360 | </p> |
361 | <div class="warning"><table border="0" summary="Warning"> |
362 | <tr> |
363 | <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Warning]" src="../images/warning.png"></td> |
364 | <th align="left">Warning</th> |
365 | </tr> |
366 | <tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>The <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/positional_options_description.html" title="Class positional_options_description">positional_options_description</a></code> class only specifies translation from |
367 | position to name, and the option name should still be registered with |
368 | an instance of the <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/options_description.html" title="Class options_description">options_description</a></code> class.</p></td></tr> |
369 | </table></div> |
370 | </div> |
371 | </div> |
372 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
373 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"> |
374 | <a name="id1592003"></a>Parsers Component</h3></div></div></div> |
375 | <p>The parsers component splits input sources into (name, value) pairs. |
376 | Each parser looks for possible options and consults the options |
377 | description component to determine if the option is known and how its value |
378 | is specified. In the simplest case, the name is explicitly specified, |
379 | which allows the library to decide if such option is known. If it is known, the |
380 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/value_semantic.html" title="Class value_semantic">value_semantic</a></code> instance determines how the value is specified. (If |
381 | it is not known, an exception is thrown.) Common |
382 | cases are when the value is explicitly specified by the user, and when |
383 | the value cannot be specified by the user, but the presence of the |
384 | option implies some value (for example, <code class="computeroutput">true</code>). So, the |
385 | parser checks that the value is specified when needed and not specified |
386 | when not needed, and returns new (name, value) pair. |
387 | </p> |
388 | <p> |
389 | To invoke a parser you typically call a function, passing the options |
390 | description and command line or config file or something else. |
391 | The results of parsing are returned as an instance of the <code class="computeroutput">parsed_options</code> |
392 | class. Typically, that object is passed directly to the storage |
393 | component. However, it also can be used directly, or undergo some additional |
394 | processing. |
395 | </p> |
396 | <p> |
397 | There are three exceptions to the above model -- all related to |
398 | traditional usage of the command line. While they require some support |
399 | from the options description component, the additional complexity is |
400 | tolerable. |
401 | </p> |
402 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"> |
403 | <li><p>The name specified on the command line may be |
404 | different from the option name -- it's common to provide a "short option |
405 | name" alias to a longer name. It's also common to allow an abbreviated name |
406 | to be specified on the command line. |
407 | </p></li> |
408 | <li><p>Sometimes it's desirable to specify value as several |
409 | tokens. For example, an option "--email-recipient" may be followed |
410 | by several emails, each as a separate command line token. This |
411 | behaviour is supported, though it can lead to parsing ambiguities |
412 | and is not enabled by default. |
413 | </p></li> |
414 | <li><p>The command line may contain positional options -- elements |
415 | which don't have any name. The command line parser provides a |
416 | mechanism to guess names for such options, as we've seen in the |
417 | tutorial. |
418 | </p></li> |
419 | </ul></div> |
420 | <p> |
421 | </p> |
422 | </div> |
423 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
424 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"> |
425 | <a name="id1592104"></a>Storage Component</h3></div></div></div> |
426 | <p>The storage component is responsible for: |
427 | </p> |
428 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"> |
429 | <li><p>Storing the final values of an option into a special class and in |
430 | regular variables</p></li> |
431 | <li><p>Handling priorities among different sources.</p></li> |
432 | <li><p>Calling user-specified <code class="computeroutput">notify</code> functions with the final |
433 | values of options.</p></li> |
434 | </ul></div> |
435 | <p> |
436 | </p> |
437 | <p>Let's consider an example: |
438 | </p> |
439 | <pre class="programlisting"> |
440 | variables_map vm; |
441 | store(parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm); |
442 | store(parse_config_file("example.cfg", desc), vm); |
443 | notify(vm); |
444 | </pre> |
445 | <p> |
446 | The <code class="computeroutput">variables_map</code> class is used to store the option |
447 | values. The two calls to the <code class="computeroutput">store</code> function add values |
448 | found on the command line and in the config file. Finally the call to |
449 | the <code class="computeroutput">notify</code> function runs the user-specified notify |
450 | functions and stores the values into regular variables, if needed. |
451 | </p> |
452 | <p>The priority is handled in a simple way: the <code class="computeroutput">store</code> |
453 | function will not change the value of an option if it's already |
454 | assigned. In this case, if the command line specifies the value for an |
455 | option, any value in the config file is ignored. |
456 | </p> |
457 | <div class="warning"><table border="0" summary="Warning"> |
458 | <tr> |
459 | <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Warning]" src="../images/warning.png"></td> |
460 | <th align="left">Warning</th> |
461 | </tr> |
462 | <tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>Don't forget to call the <code class="computeroutput">notify</code> function after you've |
463 | stored all parsed values.</p></td></tr> |
464 | </table></div> |
465 | </div> |
466 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
467 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"> |
468 | <a name="id1592208"></a>Specific parsers</h3></div></div></div> |
469 | <div class="toc"><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="overview.html#id1592214">Environment variables</a></span></dt></dl></div> |
470 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
471 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"> |
472 | <a name="id1592214"></a>Environment variables</h4></div></div></div> |
473 | <p><em class="firstterm">Environment variables</em> are string variables |
474 | which are available to all programs via the <code class="computeroutput">getenv</code> function |
475 | of C runtime library. The operating system allows to set initial values |
476 | for a given user, and the values can be further changed on the command |
477 | line. For example, on Windows one can use the |
478 | <code class="filename">autoexec.bat</code> file or (on recent versions) the |
479 | <code class="filename">Control Panel/System/Advanced/Environment Variables</code> |
480 | dialog, and on Unix —, the <code class="filename">/etc/profile</code>, |
481 | <code class="filename">~/.profile</code> and <code class="filename">~/.bash_profile</code> |
482 | files. Because environment variables can be set for the entire system, |
483 | they are particularly suitable for options which apply to all programs. |
484 | </p> |
485 | <p>The environment variables can be parsed with the |
486 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../id1004920-bb.html" title="Function parse_environment">parse_environment</a></code> function. The function have several overloaded |
487 | versions. The first parameter is always an <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/options_description.html" title="Class options_description">options_description</a></code> |
488 | instance, and the second specifies what variables must be processed, and |
489 | what option names must correspond to it. To describe the second |
490 | parameter we need to consider naming conventions for environment |
491 | variables.</p> |
492 | <p>If you have an option that should be specified via environment |
493 | variable, you need make up the variable's name. To avoid name clashes, |
494 | we suggest that you use a sufficiently unique prefix for environment |
495 | variables. Also, while option names are most likely in lower case, |
496 | environment variables conventionally use upper case. So, for an option |
497 | name <code class="literal">proxy</code> the environment variable might be called |
498 | <code class="envar">BOOST_PROXY</code>. During parsing, we need to perform reverse |
499 | conversion of the names. This is accomplished by passing the choosen |
500 | prefix as the second parameter of the <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../id1004920-bb.html" title="Function parse_environment">parse_environment</a></code> function. |
501 | Say, if you pass <code class="literal">BOOST_</code> as the prefix, and there are |
502 | two variables, <code class="envar">CVSROOT</code> and <code class="envar">BOOST_PROXY</code>, the |
503 | first variable will be ignored, and the second one will be converted to |
504 | option <code class="literal">proxy</code>. |
505 | </p> |
506 | <p>The above logic is sufficient in many cases, but it is also |
507 | possible to pass, as the second parameter of the <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../id1004920-bb.html" title="Function parse_environment">parse_environment</a></code> |
508 | function, any function taking a <code class="computeroutput">std::string</code> and returning |
509 | <code class="computeroutput">std::string</code>. That function will be called for each |
510 | environment variable and should return either the name of the option, or |
511 | empty string if the variable should be ignored. |
512 | </p> |
513 | </div> |
514 | </div> |
515 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
516 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"> |
517 | <a name="id1592393"></a>Annotated List of Symbols</h3></div></div></div> |
518 | <p>The following table describes all the important symbols in the |
519 | library, for quick access.</p> |
520 | <div class="informaltable"><table class="table" width="100%"> |
521 | <colgroup> |
522 | <col> |
523 | <col> |
524 | </colgroup> |
525 | <thead><tr> |
526 | <th>Symbol</th> |
527 | <th>Description</th> |
528 | </tr></thead> |
529 | <tbody> |
530 | <tr><td colspan="2">Options description component</td></tr> |
531 | <tr> |
532 | <td><code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/options_description.html" title="Class options_description">options_description</a></code></td> |
533 | <td>describes a number of options</td> |
534 | </tr> |
535 | <tr> |
536 | <td><code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/value.html" title="Function value">value</a></code></td> |
537 | <td>defines the option's value</td> |
538 | </tr> |
539 | <tr><td colspan="2">Parsers component</td></tr> |
540 | <tr> |
541 | <td><code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/parse_command_line.html" title="Function template parse_command_line">parse_command_line</a></code></td> |
542 | <td>parses command line (simpified interface)</td> |
543 | </tr> |
544 | <tr> |
545 | <td><code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/basic_command_line_parser.html" title="Class template basic_command_line_parser">basic_command_line_parser</a></code></td> |
546 | <td>parses command line (extended interface)</td> |
547 | </tr> |
548 | <tr> |
549 | <td><code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/parse_config_file.html" title="Function template parse_config_file">parse_config_file</a></code></td> |
550 | <td>parses config file</td> |
551 | </tr> |
552 | <tr> |
553 | <td><code class="computeroutput"><a href="../id1004920-bb.html" title="Function parse_environment">parse_environment</a></code></td> |
554 | <td>parses environment</td> |
555 | </tr> |
556 | <tr><td colspan="2">Storage component</td></tr> |
557 | <tr> |
558 | <td><code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/program_options/variables_map.html" title="Class variables_map">variables_map</a></code></td> |
559 | <td>storage for option values</td> |
560 | </tr> |
561 | </tbody> |
562 | </table></div> |
563 | </div> |
564 | </div> |
565 | <table width="100%"><tr> |
566 | <td align="left"></td> |
567 | <td align="right"><small>Copyright © 2002-2004 Vladimir Prus</small></td> |
568 | </tr></table> |
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