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26 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"> |
27 | <a name="tribool.tutorial"></a>Tutorial</h2></div></div></div> |
28 | <div class="toc"><dl> |
29 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="tutorial.html#id1816834">Basic usage</a></span></dt> |
30 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="tutorial.html#id1817306">Renaming the indeterminate state</a></span></dt> |
31 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="tutorial.html#id1817393"><code class="computeroutput">tribool</code> input/output</a></span></dt> |
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33 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
34 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"> |
35 | <a name="id1816834"></a>Basic usage</h3></div></div></div> |
36 | <p> The <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> class acts |
37 | like the built-in <code class="computeroutput">bool</code> type, but for 3-state boolean |
38 | logic. The three states are <code class="computeroutput">true</code>, <code class="computeroutput">false</code>, |
39 | and <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/indeterminate.html" title="Function indeterminate">indeterminate</a></code>, where |
40 | the first two states are equivalent to those of the C++ |
41 | <code class="computeroutput">bool</code> type and the last state represents an unknown |
42 | boolean value (that may be <code class="computeroutput">true</code> or |
43 | <code class="computeroutput">false</code>, we don't know).</p> |
44 | <p> The <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> class |
45 | supports conversion from <code class="computeroutput">bool</code> values and literals |
46 | along with its own |
47 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/indeterminate.html" title="Function indeterminate">indeterminate</a></code> |
48 | keyword:</p> |
49 | <pre class="programlisting"><code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> b(true); |
50 | b = false; |
51 | b = <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/indeterminate.html" title="Function indeterminate">indeterminate</a></code>; |
52 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> b2(b);</pre> |
53 | <p> <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> supports |
54 | conversions to <code class="computeroutput">bool</code> for use in conditional |
55 | statements. The conversion to <code class="computeroutput">bool</code> will be |
56 | <code class="computeroutput">true</code> when the value of the |
57 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> is always true, and |
58 | <code class="computeroutput">false</code> otherwise. Consequently, the following idiom |
59 | may be used to determine which of the three states a |
60 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> currently |
61 | holds:</p> |
62 | <pre class="programlisting"><code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> b = some_operation(); |
63 | if (b) { |
64 | // b is true |
65 | } |
66 | else if (!b) { |
67 | // b is false |
68 | } |
69 | else { |
70 | // b is indeterminate |
71 | }</pre> |
72 | <p> <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> supports the |
73 | 3-state logic operators <code class="computeroutput">!</code> (negation), |
74 | <code class="computeroutput">&&</code> (AND), and <code class="computeroutput">||</code> (OR), with |
75 | <code class="computeroutput">bool</code> and <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> |
76 | values. For instance:</p> |
77 | <pre class="programlisting"><code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> x = some_op(); |
78 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> y = some_other_op(); |
79 | if (x && y) { |
80 | // both x and y are true |
81 | } |
82 | else if (!(x && y)) { |
83 | // either x or y is false |
84 | } |
85 | else { |
86 | // neither x nor y is false, but we don't know that both are true |
87 | |
88 | if (x || y) { |
89 | // either x or y is true |
90 | } |
91 | }</pre> |
92 | <p> Similarly, <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> |
93 | supports 3-state equality comparisons via the operators |
94 | <code class="computeroutput">==</code> and <code class="computeroutput">!=</code>. These operators differ from |
95 | "normal" equality operators in C++ because they return a |
96 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code>, because potentially we |
97 | might not know the result of a comparison (try to compare |
98 | <code class="computeroutput">true</code> and |
99 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/indeterminate.html" title="Function indeterminate">indeterminate</a></code>). For |
100 | instance:</p> |
101 | <pre class="programlisting"><code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> x(true); |
102 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> y(<code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/indeterminate.html" title="Function indeterminate">indeterminate</a></code>); |
103 | |
104 | assert(x == x); // okay, x == x returns true |
105 | assert(x == true); // okay, can compare <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code>s and bools</pre> |
106 | <p> The <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/indeterminate.html" title="Function indeterminate">indeterminate</a></code> keyword (representing the |
107 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/indeterminate.html" title="Function indeterminate">indeterminate</a></code> <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> value) |
108 | doubles as a function to check if the value of a |
109 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> is indeterminate, |
110 | e.g.,</p> |
111 | <pre class="programlisting"><code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> x = try_to_do_something_tricky(); |
112 | if (<code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/indeterminate.html" title="Function indeterminate">indeterminate</a></code>(x)) { |
113 | // value of x is indeterminate |
114 | } |
115 | else { |
116 | // report success or failure of x |
117 | }</pre> |
118 | </div> |
119 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
120 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"> |
121 | <a name="id1817306"></a>Renaming the indeterminate state</h3></div></div></div> |
122 | <p> Users may introduce additional keywords for the indeterminate |
123 | value in addition to the implementation-supplied |
124 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/indeterminate.html" title="Function indeterminate">indeterminate</a></code> using the |
125 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../BOOST_TRIBOOL_THIRD_STATE.html" title="Macro BOOST_TRIBOOL_THIRD_STATE">BOOST_TRIBOOL_THIRD_STATE</a></code> |
126 | macro. For instance, the following macro instantiation (at the |
127 | global scope) will introduce the keyword <code class="computeroutput">maybe</code> as a |
128 | synonym for <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/indeterminate.html" title="Function indeterminate">indeterminate</a></code> |
129 | (also residing in the <code class="computeroutput">boost</code> namespace):</p> |
130 | <pre class="programlisting"><code class="computeroutput"><a href="../BOOST_TRIBOOL_THIRD_STATE.html" title="Macro BOOST_TRIBOOL_THIRD_STATE">BOOST_TRIBOOL_THIRD_STATE</a></code>(maybe) |
131 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> x = maybe; |
132 | if (maybe(x)) { /* ... */ }</pre> |
133 | </div> |
134 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
135 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"> |
136 | <a name="id1817393"></a><code class="computeroutput">tribool</code> input/output</h3></div></div></div> |
137 | <p><code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> objects may be |
138 | read from and written to streams by including the |
139 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="reference.html#header.boost.logic.tribool_io.hpp" title="Header <boost/logic/tribool_io.hpp>">boost/logic/tribool_io.hpp</a></code> header in a |
140 | manner very similar to <code class="computeroutput">bool</code> values. When the |
141 | <code class="computeroutput">boolalpha</code> flag is not set on the input/output stream, |
142 | the integral values 0, 1, and 2 correspond to <code class="computeroutput">tribool</code> |
143 | values <code class="computeroutput">false</code>, <code class="computeroutput">true</code>, and |
144 | <code class="computeroutput">indeterminate</code>, respectively. When |
145 | <code class="computeroutput">boolalpha</code> is set on the stream, arbitrary strings can |
146 | be used to represent the three values, the default being "false", |
147 | "true", and "indeterminate". For instance:</p> |
148 | <pre class="programlisting"><code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> x; |
149 | cin >> x; // Type "0", "1", or "2" to get false, true, or indeterminate |
150 | cout << boolalpha << x; // Produces "false", "true", or "indeterminate"</pre> |
151 | <p><code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> input and output |
152 | is sensitive to the stream's current locale. The strings associated |
153 | with false and true values are contained in the standard |
154 | <code class="computeroutput">std::numpunct</code> facet, and the |
155 | string naming the indeterminate type is contained in the |
156 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/indeterminate_name.html" title="Class template indeterminate_name">indeterminate_name</a></code> facet. To |
157 | replace the name of the indeterminate state, you need to imbue your |
158 | stream with a local containing a |
159 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/indeterminate_name.html" title="Class template indeterminate_name">indeterminate_name</a></code> facet, e.g.:</p> |
160 | <pre class="programlisting"><code class="computeroutput"><a href="../BOOST_TRIBOOL_THIRD_STATE.html" title="Macro BOOST_TRIBOOL_THIRD_STATE">BOOST_TRIBOOL_THIRD_STATE</a></code>(maybe) |
161 | locale global; |
162 | locale test_locale(global, new <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/indeterminate_name.html" title="Class template indeterminate_name">indeterminate_name</a></code><char>("maybe")); |
163 | cout.imbue(test_locale); |
164 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="../boost/logic/tribool.html" title="Class tribool">tribool</a></code> x(maybe); |
165 | cout << boolalpha << x << endl; // Prints "maybe"</pre> |
166 | <p>If you C++ standard library implementation does not support |
167 | locales, <code class="computeroutput">tribool</code> input/output will still work, but you |
168 | will be unable to customize the strings printed/parsed when |
169 | <code class="computeroutput">boolalpha</code> is set.</p> |
170 | </div> |
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