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28 | <a name="variant"></a>Chapter 20. Boost.Variant</h2></div> |
29 | <div><div class="author"><h3 class="author"> |
30 | <span class="firstname">Eric</span> <span class="surname">Friedman</span> |
31 | </h3></div></div> |
32 | <div><div class="author"><h3 class="author"> |
33 | <span class="firstname">Itay</span> <span class="surname">Maman</span> |
34 | </h3></div></div> |
35 | <div><p class="copyright">Copyright © 2002, 2003 Eric Friedman, Itay Maman</p></div> |
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37 | <a name="id1940572"></a><p>Permission to copy, use, sell and distribute this software |
38 | is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. |
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41 | a notice that the code was modified is included with the copyright |
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43 | <p> This software is provided "as is" without express or |
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48 | <div class="toc"> |
49 | <p><b>Table of Contents</b></p> |
50 | <dl> |
51 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant.html#variant.intro">Introduction</a></span></dt> |
52 | <dd><dl> |
53 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant.html#variant.abstract">Abstract</a></span></dt> |
54 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant.html#variant.motivation">Motivation</a></span></dt> |
55 | </dl></dd> |
56 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/tutorial.html">Tutorial</a></span></dt> |
57 | <dd><dl> |
58 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/tutorial.html#variant.tutorial.basic">Basic Usage</a></span></dt> |
59 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/tutorial.html#variant.tutorial.advanced">Advanced Topics</a></span></dt> |
60 | </dl></dd> |
61 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/reference.html">Reference</a></span></dt> |
62 | <dd><dl> |
63 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/reference.html#variant.concepts">Concepts</a></span></dt> |
64 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/reference.html#header.boost.variant.hpp">Header <boost/variant.hpp></a></span></dt> |
65 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/reference.html#header.boost.variant.variant_fwd.hpp">Header <boost/variant/variant_fwd.hpp></a></span></dt> |
66 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/reference.html#header.boost.variant.variant.hpp">Header <boost/variant/variant.hpp></a></span></dt> |
67 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/reference.html#header.boost.variant.recursive_variant.hpp">Header <boost/variant/recursive_variant.hpp></a></span></dt> |
68 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/reference.html#header.boost.variant.recursive_wrapper.hpp">Header <boost/variant/recursive_wrapper.hpp></a></span></dt> |
69 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/reference.html#header.boost.variant.apply_visitor.hpp">Header <boost/variant/apply_visitor.hpp></a></span></dt> |
70 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/reference.html#header.boost.variant.get.hpp">Header <boost/variant/get.hpp></a></span></dt> |
71 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/reference.html#header.boost.variant.bad_visit.hpp">Header <boost/variant/bad_visit.hpp></a></span></dt> |
72 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/reference.html#header.boost.variant.static_visitor.hpp">Header <boost/variant/static_visitor.hpp></a></span></dt> |
73 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/reference.html#header.boost.variant.visitor_ptr.hpp">Header <boost/variant/visitor_ptr.hpp></a></span></dt> |
74 | </dl></dd> |
75 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/design.html">Design Overview</a></span></dt> |
76 | <dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/design.html#variant.design.never-empty">"Never-Empty" Guarantee</a></span></dt></dl></dd> |
77 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/misc.html">Miscellaneous Notes</a></span></dt> |
78 | <dd><dl> |
79 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/misc.html#variant.versus-any">Boost.Variant vs. Boost.Any</a></span></dt> |
80 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/misc.html#id1952714">Portability</a></span></dt> |
81 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/misc.html#variant.troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a></span></dt> |
82 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/misc.html#variant.ack">Acknowledgments</a></span></dt> |
83 | </dl></dd> |
84 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant/refs.html">References</a></span></dt> |
85 | </dl> |
86 | </div> |
87 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
88 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"> |
89 | <a name="variant.intro"></a>Introduction</h2></div></div></div> |
90 | <div class="toc"><dl> |
91 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant.html#variant.abstract">Abstract</a></span></dt> |
92 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant.html#variant.motivation">Motivation</a></span></dt> |
93 | </dl></div> |
94 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
95 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"> |
96 | <a name="variant.abstract"></a>Abstract</h3></div></div></div> |
97 | <p>The <code class="computeroutput">variant</code> class template is a safe, generic, stack-based |
98 | discriminated union container, offering a simple solution for manipulating an |
99 | object from a heterogeneous set of types in a uniform manner. Whereas |
100 | standard containers such as <code class="computeroutput">std::vector</code> may be thought of as |
101 | "<span class="bold"><strong>multi-value, single type</strong></span>," |
102 | <code class="computeroutput">variant</code> is "<span class="bold"><strong>multi-type, |
103 | single value</strong></span>."</p> |
104 | <p>Notable features of <code class="computeroutput"><a href="boost/variant.html" title="Class template variant">boost::variant</a></code> |
105 | include:</p> |
106 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"> |
107 | <li>Full value semantics, including adherence to standard |
108 | overload resolution rules for conversion operations.</li> |
109 | <li>Compile-time type-safe value visitation via |
110 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="boost/apply_visitor.html" title="Function apply_visitor">boost::apply_visitor</a></code>.</li> |
111 | <li>Run-time checked explicit value retrieval via |
112 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="boost/get.html" title="Function get">boost::get</a></code>.</li> |
113 | <li>Support for recursive variant types via both |
114 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="boost/make_recursive_variant.html" title="Class template make_recursive_variant">boost::make_recursive_variant</a></code> and |
115 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="boost/recursive_wrapper.html" title="Class template recursive_wrapper">boost::recursive_wrapper</a></code>.</li> |
116 | <li>Efficient implementation -- stack-based when possible (see |
117 | <a href="variant/design.html#variant.design.never-empty" title='"Never-Empty" Guarantee'>the section called “"Never-Empty" Guarantee”</a> for more details).</li> |
118 | </ul></div> |
119 | </div> |
120 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
121 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"> |
122 | <a name="variant.motivation"></a>Motivation</h3></div></div></div> |
123 | <div class="toc"><dl> |
124 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant.html#variant.motivation.problem">Problem</a></span></dt> |
125 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="variant.html#variant.motivation.solution">Solution: A Motivating Example</a></span></dt> |
126 | </dl></div> |
127 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
128 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"> |
129 | <a name="variant.motivation.problem"></a>Problem</h4></div></div></div> |
130 | <p>Many times, during the development of a C++ program, the |
131 | programmer finds himself in need of manipulating several distinct |
132 | types in a uniform manner. Indeed, C++ features direct language |
133 | support for such types through its <code class="computeroutput">union</code> |
134 | keyword:</p> |
135 | <pre class="programlisting">union { int i; double d; } u; |
136 | u.d = 3.14; |
137 | u.i = 3; // overwrites u.d (OK: u.d is a POD type)</pre> |
138 | <p>C++'s <code class="computeroutput">union</code> construct, however, is nearly |
139 | useless in an object-oriented environment. The construct entered |
140 | the language primarily as a means for preserving compatibility with |
141 | C, which supports only POD (Plain Old Data) types, and so does not |
142 | accept types exhibiting non-trivial construction or |
143 | destruction:</p> |
144 | <pre class="programlisting">union { |
145 | int i; |
146 | std::string s; // illegal: std::string is not a POD type! |
147 | } u;</pre> |
148 | <p>Clearly another approach is required. Typical solutions |
149 | feature the dynamic-allocation of objects, which are subsequently |
150 | manipulated through a common base type (often a virtual base class |
151 | [<a href="variant/refs.html#variant.refs.hen01">Hen01</a>] |
152 | or, more dangerously, a <code class="computeroutput">void*</code>). Objects of |
153 | concrete type may be then retrieved by way of a polymorphic downcast |
154 | construct (e.g., <code class="computeroutput">dynamic_cast</code>, |
155 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="boost/any_cast.html" title="Function any_cast">boost::any_cast</a></code>, etc.).</p> |
156 | <p>However, solutions of this sort are highly error-prone, due |
157 | to the following:</p> |
158 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"> |
159 | <li> |
160 | <span class="emphasis"><em>Downcast errors cannot be detected at |
161 | compile-time.</em></span> Thus, incorrect usage of downcast |
162 | constructs will lead to bugs detectable only at run-time.</li> |
163 | <li> |
164 | <span class="emphasis"><em>Addition of new concrete types may be |
165 | ignored.</em></span> If a new concrete type is added to the |
166 | hierarchy, existing downcast code will continue to work as-is, |
167 | wholly ignoring the new type. Consequently, the programmer must |
168 | manually locate and modify code at numerous locations, which often |
169 | results in run-time errors that are difficult to find.</li> |
170 | </ul></div> |
171 | <p>Furthermore, even when properly implemented, these solutions tend |
172 | to incur a relatively significant abstraction penalty due to the use of |
173 | the heap, virtual function calls, and polymorphic downcasts.</p> |
174 | </div> |
175 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
176 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"> |
177 | <a name="variant.motivation.solution"></a>Solution: A Motivating Example</h4></div></div></div> |
178 | <p>The <code class="computeroutput"><a href="boost/variant.html" title="Class template variant">boost::variant</a></code> class template |
179 | addresses these issues in a safe, straightforward, and efficient manner. The |
180 | following example demonstrates how the class can be used:</p> |
181 | <pre class="programlisting">#include "boost/variant.hpp" |
182 | #include <iostream> |
183 | |
184 | class my_visitor : public <code class="computeroutput"><a href="boost/static_visitor.html" title="Class template static_visitor">boost::static_visitor</a></code><int> |
185 | { |
186 | public: |
187 | int operator()(int i) const |
188 | { |
189 | return i; |
190 | } |
191 | |
192 | int operator()(const <code class="computeroutput">std::string</code> & str) const |
193 | { |
194 | return str.length(); |
195 | } |
196 | }; |
197 | |
198 | int main() |
199 | { |
200 | <code class="computeroutput"><a href="boost/variant.html" title="Class template variant">boost::variant</a></code>< int, std::string > u("hello world"); |
201 | std::cout << u; // output: hello world |
202 | |
203 | int result = <code class="computeroutput"><a href="boost/apply_visitor.html" title="Function apply_visitor">boost::apply_visitor</a></code>( my_visitor(), u ); |
204 | std::cout << result; // output: 11 (i.e., length of "hello world") |
205 | } |
206 | </pre> |
207 | </div> |
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