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27 | <div><h2 class="title"> |
28 | <a name="xpressive"></a>Chapter 21. Boost.Xpressive</h2></div> |
29 | <div><div class="author"><h3 class="author"> |
30 | <span class="firstname">Eric</span> <span class="surname">Niebler</span> |
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32 | <div><p class="copyright">Copyright © 2003, 2004 Eric Niebler</p></div> |
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34 | <a name="id1953490"></a><p> |
35 | Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying |
36 | file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt" target="_top">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</a>) |
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41 | <p><b>Table of Contents</b></p> |
42 | <dl> |
43 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive.html#boost_xpressive.preface">Preface</a></span></dt> |
44 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/user_s_guide.html">User's Guide</a></span></dt> |
45 | <dd><dl> |
46 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/user_s_guide.html#boost_xpressive.user_s_guide.introduction">Introduction</a></span></dt> |
47 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/user_s_guide.html#boost_xpressive.user_s_guide.installing_xpressive">Installing xpressive</a></span></dt> |
48 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/user_s_guide.html#boost_xpressive.user_s_guide.quick_start">Quick Start</a></span></dt> |
49 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/user_s_guide.html#xpressive.user_s_guide.creating_a_regex_object">Creating a Regex Object</a></span></dt> |
50 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/user_s_guide.html#boost_xpressive.user_s_guide.matching_and_searching">Matching and Searching</a></span></dt> |
51 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/user_s_guide.html#boost_xpressive.user_s_guide.accessing_results">Accessing Results</a></span></dt> |
52 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/user_s_guide.html#boost_xpressive.user_s_guide.string_substitutions">String Substitutions</a></span></dt> |
53 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/user_s_guide.html#boost_xpressive.user_s_guide.string_splitting_and_tokenization">String Splitting and Tokenization</a></span></dt> |
54 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/user_s_guide.html#boost_xpressive.user_s_guide.grammars_and_nested_matches">Grammars and Nested Matches</a></span></dt> |
55 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/user_s_guide.html#boost_xpressive.user_s_guide.localization_and_regex_traits">Localization and Regex Traits</a></span></dt> |
56 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/user_s_guide.html#boost_xpressive.user_s_guide.tips_n_tricks"> Tips 'N Tricks</a></span></dt> |
57 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/user_s_guide.html#boost_xpressive.user_s_guide.concepts">Concepts</a></span></dt> |
58 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/user_s_guide.html#boost_xpressive.user_s_guide.examples">Examples</a></span></dt> |
59 | </dl></dd> |
60 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html">Reference</a></span></dt> |
61 | <dd><dl> |
62 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.basic_regex.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/basic_regex.hpp></a></span></dt> |
63 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.traits.c_regex_traits.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/traits/c_regex_traits.hpp></a></span></dt> |
64 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.traits.cpp_regex_traits.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/traits/cpp_regex_traits.hpp></a></span></dt> |
65 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.match_results.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/match_results.hpp></a></span></dt> |
66 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.traits.null_regex_traits.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/traits/null_regex_traits.hpp></a></span></dt> |
67 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.regex_algorithms.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/regex_algorithms.hpp></a></span></dt> |
68 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.regex_compiler.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/regex_compiler.hpp></a></span></dt> |
69 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.regex_constants.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/regex_constants.hpp></a></span></dt> |
70 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.regex_error.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/regex_error.hpp></a></span></dt> |
71 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.regex_iterator.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/regex_iterator.hpp></a></span></dt> |
72 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.regex_primitives.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/regex_primitives.hpp></a></span></dt> |
73 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.regex_token_iterator.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/regex_token_iterator.hpp></a></span></dt> |
74 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.regex_traits.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/regex_traits.hpp></a></span></dt> |
75 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.sub_match.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/sub_match.hpp></a></span></dt> |
76 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.xpressive.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/xpressive.hpp></a></span></dt> |
77 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.xpressive_dynamic.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/xpressive_dynamic.hpp></a></span></dt> |
78 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.xpressive_fwd.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/xpressive_fwd.hpp></a></span></dt> |
79 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.xpressive_static.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/xpressive_static.hpp></a></span></dt> |
80 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/reference.html#header.boost.xpressive.xpressive_typeof.hpp">Header <boost/xpressive/xpressive_typeof.hpp></a></span></dt> |
81 | </dl></dd> |
82 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="boost_xpressive/acknowledgments.html">Acknowledgments</a></span></dt> |
83 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/appendices.html">Appendices</a></span></dt> |
84 | <dd><dl> |
85 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/appendices.html#boost_xpressive.appendices.appendix_1__not_yet_implemented">Appendix 1: Not Yet Implemented</a></span></dt> |
86 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/appendices.html#boost_xpressive.appendices.appendix_2__differences_from_boost_regex">Appendix 2: Differences from Boost.Regex</a></span></dt> |
87 | <dt><span class="section"><a href="xpressive/appendices.html#boost_xpressive.appendices.perf"> Appendix 3: Performance Comparison</a></span></dt> |
88 | </dl></dd> |
89 | </dl> |
90 | </div> |
91 | <div class="section" lang="en"> |
92 | <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"> |
93 | <a name="boost_xpressive.preface"></a>Preface</h2></div></div></div> |
94 | <div class="blockquote"><blockquote class="blockquote"><p> |
95 | <span class="emphasis"><em>Wife:</em></span> It's a floor wax!<br> <span class="emphasis"><em>Husband:</em></span> |
96 | No, it's a dessert topping!<br> <span class="emphasis"><em>Announcer:</em></span> Stop! You're |
97 | both right. It's a floor wax <span class="emphasis"><em>and</em></span> a dessert topping! |
98 | </p></blockquote></div> |
99 | <div class="blockquote"><blockquote class="blockquote"><p> |
100 | <span class="bold"><strong><span class="emphasis"><em>-- Saturday Night Live</em></span></strong></span> |
101 | </p></blockquote></div> |
102 | <a name="boost_xpressive.preface.description"></a><h2> |
103 | <a name="id1953567"></a> |
104 | Description |
105 | </h2> |
106 | <p> |
107 | xpressive is an advanced, object-oriented regular expression template library |
108 | for C++. Regular expressions can be written as strings that are parsed at run-time, |
109 | or as expression templates that are parsed at compile-time. Regular expressions |
110 | can refer to each other and to themselves recursively, allowing you to build |
111 | arbitrarily complicated grammars out of them. |
112 | </p> |
113 | <a name="boost_xpressive.preface.motivation"></a><h2> |
114 | <a name="id1953590"></a> |
115 | Motivation |
116 | </h2> |
117 | <p> |
118 | If you need to manipulate text in C++, you have typically had two disjoint |
119 | options: a regular expression engine or a parser generator. Regular expression |
120 | engines (like <a href="../../libs/regex" target="_top">Boost.Regex</a>) are powerful |
121 | and flexible; patterns are represented as strings which can be specified at |
122 | runtime. However, that means that syntax errors are likewise not detected until |
123 | runtime. Also, regular expressions are ill-suited to advanced text processing |
124 | tasks such as matching balanced, nested tags. Those tasks have traditionally |
125 | been handled by parser generators (like the <a href="http://spirit.sourceforge.net" target="_top">Spirit |
126 | Parser Framework</a>). These beasts are more powerful but less flexible. |
127 | They generally don't allow you to arbitrarily modify your grammar rules on |
128 | the fly. In addition, they don't have the exhaustive backtracking semantics |
129 | of regular expressions, which can make it more challenging to author some types |
130 | of patterns. |
131 | </p> |
132 | <p> |
133 | xpressive brings these two approaches seamlessly together and occupies a unique |
134 | niche in the world of C++ text processing. With xpressive, you can choose to |
135 | use it much as you would use <a href="../../libs/regex" target="_top">Boost.Regex</a>, |
136 | representing regular expressions as strings. Or you can use it as you would |
137 | use <a href="http://spirit.sourceforge.net" target="_top">Spirit</a>, writing your |
138 | regexes as C++ expressions, enjoying all the benefits of an embedded language |
139 | dedicated to text manipulation. What's more, you can mix the two to get the |
140 | benefits of both, writing regular expression <span class="emphasis"><em>grammars</em></span> |
141 | in which some of the regular expressions are statically bound -- hard-coded |
142 | and syntax-checked by the compiler -- and others are dynamically bound and |
143 | specified at runtime. These regular expressions can refer to each other recursively, |
144 | matching patterns in strings that ordinary regular expressions cannot. |
145 | </p> |
146 | <a name="boost_xpressive.preface.influences_and_related_work"></a><h2> |
147 | <a name="id1953666"></a> |
148 | Influences and Related Work |
149 | </h2> |
150 | <p> |
151 | The design of xpressive's interface has been strongly influenced by John Maddock's |
152 | <a href="../../libs/regex" target="_top">Boost.Regex</a> library and his <a href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2003/n1429.htm" target="_top">proposal</a> |
153 | to add regular expressions to the Standard Library. I also drew a great deal |
154 | of inspiration from Joel de Guzman's <a href="http://spirit.sourceforge.net" target="_top">Spirit |
155 | Parser Framework</a>, which served as the model for static xpressive. Other |
156 | sources of inspiration are the <a href="http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2002/06/04/apo5.html" target="_top">Perl |
157 | 6</a> redesign and <a href="http://research.microsoft.com/projects/greta" target="_top">GRETA</a>. |
158 | (You can read a summary of the changes Perl 6 will bring to regex culture |
159 | <a href="http://dev.perl.org/perl6/doc/design/syn/S05.html" target="_top">here</a>.) |
160 | </p> |
161 | </div> |
162 | </div> |
163 | <table width="100%"><tr> |
164 | <td align="left"><small><p>Last revised: July 16, 2007 at 17:52:22 GMT</p></small></td> |
165 | <td align="right"><small></small></td> |
166 | </tr></table> |
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