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8<title>Boost Filesystem Library Design</title>
11<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
14<img border="0" src="../../../boost.png" align="center" width="277" height="86">Filesystem
15Library Design</h1>
17<p><a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a><br>
18<a href="#Requirements">Requirements</a><br>
19<a href="#Realities">Realities</a><br>
20<a href="#Rationale">Rationale</a><br>
21<a href="#Abandoned_Designs">Abandoned_Designs</a><br>
22<a href="#References">References</a></p>
24<h2><a name="Introduction">Introduction</a></h2>
26<p>The primary motivation for beginning work on the Filesystem Library was
27frustration with Boost administrative tools.&nbsp; Scripts were written in
28Python, Perl, Bash, and Windows command languages.&nbsp; There was no single
29scripting language familiar and acceptable to all Boost administrators. Yet they
30were all skilled C++ programmers - why couldn't C++ be used as the scripting
33<p>The key feature C++ lacked for script-like applications was the ability to
34perform portable filesystem operations on directories and their contents. The
35Filesystem Library was developed to fill that void.</p>
37<p>The intent is not to compete with traditional scripting languages, but to
38provide a solution for situations where C++ is already the language
39of choice..</p>
41<h2><a name="Requirements">Requirements</a></h2>
43  <li>Be able to write portable script-style filesystem operations in modern
44  C++.<br>
45  <br>
46  Rationale: This is a common programming need. It is both an
47  embarrassment and a hardship that this is not possible with either the current
48  C++ or Boost libraries.&nbsp; The need is particularly acute
49  when C++ is the only toolset allowed in the tool chain.&nbsp; File system
50  operations are provided by many languages&nbsp;used on multiple platforms,
51  such as Perl and Python, as well as by many platform specific scripting
52  languages. All operating systems provide some form of API for filesystem
53  operations, and the POSIX bindings are increasingly available even on
54  operating systems not normally associated with POSIX, such as the Mac, z/OS,
55  or OS/390.<br>
57  <li>Work within the <a href="#Realities">realities</a> described below.<br>
58  <br>
59  Rationale: This isn't a research project. The need is for something that works on
60  today's platforms, including some of the embedded operating systems
61  with limited file systems. Because of the emphasis on portability, such a
62  library would be much more useful if standardized. That means being able to
63  work with a much wider range of platforms that just Unix or Windows and their
64  clones.<br>
66  <li>Avoid dangerous programming practices. Particularly, all-too-easy-to-ignore error notifications
67  and use of global variables.&nbsp;If a dangerous feature is provided, identify it as such.<br>
68  <br>
69  Rationale: Normally this would be covered by &quot;the usual Boost requirements...&quot;,
70  but it is mentioned explicitly because the equivalent native platform and
71  scripting language interfaces often depend on all-too-easy-to-ignore error
72  notifications and global variables like &quot;current
73  working directory&quot;.<br>
75  <li>Structure the library so that it is still useful even if some functionality
76  does not map well onto a given platform or directory tree. Particularly, much
77  useful functionality should be portable even to flat
78(non-hierarchical) filesystems.<br>
79  <br>
80  Rationale: Much functionality which does not
81  require a hierarchical directory structure is still useful on flat-structure
82  filesystems.&nbsp; There are many systems, particularly embedded systems,
83  where even very limited functionality is still useful.</li>
86  <li>Interface smoothly with current C++ Standard Library input/output
87  facilities.&nbsp; For example, paths should be
88  easy to use in std::basic_fstream constructors.<br>
89  <br>
90  Rationale: One of the most common uses of file system functionality is to
91  manipulate paths for eventual use in input/output operations.&nbsp; 
92  Thus the need to interface smoothly with standard library I/O.<br>
94  <li>Suitable for eventual standardization. The implication of this requirement
95  is that the interface be close to minimal, and that great care be take
96  regarding portability.<br>
97  <br>
98  Rationale: The lack of file system operations is a serious hole
99  in the current standard, with no other known candidates to fill that hole.
100  Libraries with elaborate interfaces and difficult to port specifications are much less likely to be accepted for
101  standardization.<br>
103  <li>The usual Boost <a href="../../../more/lib_guide.htm">requirements and
104  guidelines</a> apply.<br>
106  <li>Encourage, but do not require, portability in path names.<br>
107  <br>
108  Rationale: For paths which originate from user input it is unreasonable to
109  require portable path syntax.<br>
111  <li>Avoid giving the illusion of portability where portability in fact does not
112  exist.<br>
113  <br>
114  Rationale: Leaving important behavior unspecified or &quot;implementation defined&quot; does a
115  great disservice to programmers using a library because it makes it appear
116  that code relying on the behavior is portable, when in fact there is nothing
117  portable about it. The only case where such under-specification is acceptable is when both users and implementors know from
118  other sources exactly what behavior is required, yet for some reason it isn't
119  possible to specify it exactly.</li>
121<h2><a name="Realities">Realities</a></h2>
123  <li>Some operating systems have a single directory tree root, others have
124  multiple roots.<br>
126  <li>Some file systems provide both a long and short form of filenames.<br>
128  <li>Some file systems have different syntax for file paths and directory
129  paths.<br>
131  <li>Some file systems have different rules for valid file names and valid
132  directory names.<br>
134  <li>Some file systems (ISO-9660, level 1, for example) use very restricted
135  (so-called 8.3) file names.<br>
137  <li>Some operating systems allow file systems with different
138  characteristics to be &quot;mounted&quot; within a directory tree.&nbsp; Thus a
139  ISO-9660 or Windows
140  file system may end up as a sub-tree of a POSIX directory tree.<br>
142  <li>Wide-character versions of directory and file operations are available on some operating
143  systems, and not available on others.<br>
145  <li>There is no law that says directory hierarchies have to be specified in
146  terms of left-to-right decent from the root.<br>
148  <li>Some file systems have a concept of file &quot;version number&quot; or &quot;generation
149  number&quot;.&nbsp; Some don't.<br>
151  <li>Not all operating systems use single character separators in path names.&nbsp; Some use
152  paired notations. A typical fully-specified OpenVMS filename
153  might look something like this:<br>
154  <br>
156  </code><br>
157  The general OpenVMS format is:<br>
158  <br>
160  <i>Device:[]filename.extension;version_number</i><br>
162  <li>For common file systems, determining if two descriptors are for same
163  entity is extremely difficult or impossible.&nbsp; For example, the concept of
164  equality can be different for each portion of a path - some portions may be
165  case or locale sensitive, others not. Case sensitivity is a property of the
166  pathname itself, and not the platform. Determining collating sequence is even
167  worse.<br>
169  <li>Race-conditions may occur. Directory trees, directories, files, and file attributes are in effect shared between all threads, processes, and computers which have access to the
170  filesystem.&nbsp; That may well include computers on the other side of the
171  world or in orbit around the world. This implies that file system operations
172  may fail in unexpected ways.&nbsp;For example:<br>
173  <br>
174  <code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; assert( exists(&quot;foo&quot;) == exists(&quot;foo&quot;) );
175  // may fail!<br>
176&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; assert( is_directory(&quot;foo&quot;) == is_directory(&quot;foo&quot;);
177  // may fail!<br>
178  </code><br>
179  In the first example, the file may have been deleted between calls to
180  exists().&nbsp; In the second example, the file may have been deleted and then
181  replaced by a directory of the same name between the calls to is_directory().<br>
183  <li>Even though an application may be portable, it still will have to traffic
184  in system specific paths occasionally; user provided input is a common
185  example.<br>
187  <li><a name="symbolic-link-use-case">Symbolic</a> links cause canonical and
188  normal form of some paths to represent different files or directories. For
189  example, given the directory hierarchy <code>/a/b/c</code>, with a symbolic
190  link in <code>/a</code> named <code>x</code>&nbsp; pointing to <code>b/c</code>,
191  then under POSIX Pathname Resolution rules a path of <code>&quot;/a/x/..&quot;</code> 
192  should resolve to <code>&quot;/a/b&quot;</code>. If <code>&quot;/a/x/..&quot;</code> were first
193  normalized to <code>&quot;/a&quot;</code>, it would resolve incorrectly. (Case supplied
194  by Walter Landry.)</li>
197<h2><a name="Rationale">Rationale</a></h2>
199<p>The <a href="#Requirements">Requirements</a> and <a href="#Realities">
200Realities</a> above drove much of the C++ interface design.&nbsp; In particular,
201the desire to make script-like code straightforward caused a great deal of
202effort to go into ensuring that apparently simple expressions like <i>exists( &quot;foo&quot; 
203)</i> work as expected.</p>
205<p>See the <a href="faq.htm">FAQ</a> for the rationale behind many detailed
206design decisions.</p>
208<p>Several key insights went into the <i>path</i> class design:</p>
210  <li>Decoupling of the input formats, internal conceptual (<i>vector&lt;string&gt;</i> 
211  or other sequence)
212  model, and output formats.</li>
213  <li>Providing two input formats (generic and O/S specific) broke a major
214  design deadlock.</li>
215  <li>Providing several output formats solved another set of previously
216  intractable problems.</li>
217  <li>Several non-obvious functions (particularly decomposition and composition)
218  are required to support portable code. (Peter Dimov, Thomas Witt, Glen
219  Knowles, others.)</li>
222<p>Error checking was a particularly difficult area. One key insight was that
223with file and directory names, portability isn't a universal truth.&nbsp; 
224Rather, the programmer must think out the question &quot;What operating systems do I
225want this path to be portable to?&quot;&nbsp; By providing support for several
226answers to that question, the Filesystem Library alerts programmers of the need
227to ask it in the first place.</p>
228<h2><a name="Abandoned_Designs">Abandoned Designs</a></h2>
230<p>Dietmar Kühl's original dir_it design and implementation supported
231wide-character file and directory names. It was abandoned after extensive
232discussions among Library Working Group members failed to identify portable
233semantics for wide-character names on systems not providing native support. See
234<a href="faq.htm#wide-character_names">FAQ</a>.</p>
235<p>Previous iterations of the interface design used explicitly named functions providing a
236large number of convenience operations, with no compile-time or run-time
237options. There were so many function names that they were very confusing to use,
238and the interface was much larger. Any benefits seemed theoretical rather than
239real. </p>
240<p>Designs based on compile time (rather than runtime) flag and option selection
241(via policy, enum, or int template parameters) became so complicated that they
242were abandoned, often after investing quite a bit of time and effort. The need
243to qualify attribute or option names with namespaces, even aliases, made use in
244template parameters ugly; that wasn't fully appreciated until actually writing
245real code.</p>
246<p>Yet another set of convenience functions ( for example, <i>remove</i> with
247permissive, prune, recurse, and other options, plus predicate, and possibly
248other, filtering features) were abandoned because the details became both
249complex and contentious.</p>
251<p>What is left is a toolkit of low-level operations from which the user can
252create more complex convenience operations, plus a very small number of
253convenience functions which were found to be useful enough to justify inclusion.</p>
257<p>There were so many abandoned path designs, I've lost track. Policy-based
258class templates in several flavors, constructor supplied runtime policies,
259operation specific runtime policies, they were all considered, often
260implemented, and ultimately abandoned as far too complicated for any small
261benefits observed.</p>
263<p>Additional design considerations apply to <a href="i18n.html">
264Internationalization</a>. </p>
266<h3>error checking</h3>
268<p>A number of designs for the error checking machinery were abandoned, some
269after experiments with implementations. Totally automatic error checking was
270attempted in particular. But automatic error checking tended to make the overall
271library design much more complicated.</p>
273<p>Some designs associated error checking mechanisms with paths.&nbsp; Some with
274operations functions.&nbsp; A policy-based error checking template design was
275partially implemented, then abandoned as too complicated for everyday
276script-like programs.</p>
278<p>The final design, which depends partially on explicit error checking function
279calls,&nbsp; is much simpler and straightforward, although it does depend to
280some extent on programmer discipline.&nbsp; But it should allow programmers who
281are concerned about portability to be reasonably sure that their programs will
282work correctly on their choice of target systems.</p>
284<h2><a name="References">References</a></h2>
286<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%">
287  <tr>
288    <td width="13%" valign="top">[<a name="IBM-01">IBM-01</a>]</td>
289    <td width="87%">IBM Corporation, <i>z/OS V1R3.0 C/C++ Run-Time
290Library Reference</i>, SA22-7821-02, 2001,
291<a href="">
293  </tr>
294  <tr>
295    <td width="13%" valign="top">[<a name="ISO-9660">ISO-9660</a>]</td>
296    <td width="87%">International Standards Organization, 1988</td>
297  </tr>
298  <tr>
299    <td width="13%" valign="top">[<a name="Kuhn">Kuhn</a>]</td>
300    <td width="87%">UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ for Unix/Linux,
301<a href="">
303  </tr>
304  <tr>
305    <td width="13%" valign="top">[<a name="MSDN">MSDN</a>] </td>
306    <td width="87%">Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows, Storage Start
308<a href="">
310  </tr>
311  <tr>
312    <td width="13%" valign="top">[<a name="POSIX-01">POSIX-01</a>]</td>
313    <td width="87%">IEEE&nbsp;Std&nbsp;1003.1-2001, ISO/IEC 9945:2002, and The Open Group Base Specifications, Issue 6. Also known as The
314    Single Unix<font face="Times New Roman">® Specification, Version 3.
315    Available from each of the organizations involved in its creation. For
316    example, read online or download from
317    <a href="">
318</a>.</font> The ISO JTC1/SC22/WG15 - POSIX
319homepage is <a href="">
321  </tr>
322  <tr>
323    <td width="13%" valign="top">[<a name="URI">URI</a>]</td>
324    <td width="87%">RFC-2396, Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic
325Syntax, <a href="">
327  </tr>
328  <tr>
329    <td width="13%" valign="top">[<a name="UTF-16">UTF-16</a>]</td>
330    <td width="87%">Wikipedia, UTF-16,
331<a href="">
333  </tr>
334  <tr>
335    <td width="13%" valign="top">[<a name="Wulf-Shaw-73">Wulf-Shaw-73</a>]</td>
336    <td width="87%">William Wulf, Mary Shaw, <i>Global
337Variable Considered Harmful</i>, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 8, 2, 1973, pp. 23-34</td>
338  </tr>
343<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%d %B, %Y" startspan -->02 August, 2005<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="34600" --></p>
345<p>© Copyright Beman Dawes, 2002</p>
346<p> Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the Boost Software
347License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file <a href="../../../LICENSE_1_0.txt">
348LICENSE_1_0.txt</a> or copy at <a href=""></a>)</p>
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