1 | %% |
2 | %% This is file `lgrind.sty', |
3 | %% generated with the docstrip utility. |
4 | %% |
5 | %% The original source files were: |
6 | %% |
7 | %% lgrind.dtx (with options: `package') |
8 | %% |
9 | %% LGrind is used to format source code of different programming |
10 | %% languages for LaTeX. |
11 | %% |
12 | %% LGrind is a major adaptation of Jerry Leichter's tgrind for LaTeX, |
13 | %% which was a notable improvement upon Van Jacobsen's tgrind for |
14 | %% plain TeX, which was adapted from vgrind, a troff prettyprinter. |
15 | %% |
16 | %% Author: Michael Piefel, piefel@cs.tu-berlin.de |
17 | %% Based on Van Jacobson's ``tgrindmac'', a macro package for TeX. |
18 | %% Modified, 1987 by Jerry Leichter. Put '@' in all internal names. |
19 | %% Modified, 1991 by George Reilly. Changed name from tgrind to lgrind. |
20 | %% Modified, 1995 by Michael Piefel. Made it work with \LaTeXe. |
21 | %% -1999 Hundreds of bells and whistles. No changelog here. |
22 | \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1996/06/01] |
23 | \ProvidesPackage{lgrind} |
24 | [1999/05/28 v3.6 LGrind environment and supporting stuff] |
25 | %%stopzone % VIM syncing |
26 | \newcount\lc@unt |
27 | \newcount\ln@xt |
28 | \newcount\LGnuminterval |
29 | \LGnuminterval=10 |
30 | \DeclareOption{nolineno}{\LGnuminterval=50000} |
31 | \DeclareOption{lineno5}{\LGnuminterval=5} |
32 | \DeclareOption{lineno1}{\LGnuminterval=1} |
33 | \newif\ifLGleftnum |
34 | \DeclareOption{leftno}{\LGleftnumtrue} |
35 | \newskip\LGindent |
36 | \LGindent=1.0\parindent |
37 | \DeclareOption{noindent}{\LGindent=0pt} |
38 | \newif\ifLGnorules |
39 | \DeclareOption{norules}{\LGnorulestrue} |
40 | \newlength{\LGsloppy} |
41 | \setlength{\LGsloppy}{7.2pt} |
42 | \DeclareOption{fussy}{\LGsloppy=0pt} |
43 | \newcommand{\DefaultProc}{\@gobble} |
44 | \newcommand{\DefaultProcCont}{\@gobble} |
45 | \DeclareOption{procnames}{ |
46 | \renewcommand{\DefaultProc}[1]{\renewcommand{\Procname}{#1}% |
47 | \global\setbox\procbox=\hbox{\PNsize #1}} |
48 | \renewcommand{\DefaultProcCont}[1]{\renewcommand\Procname{#1} |
49 | \global\setbox\procbox=\hbox{\PNsize\dots #1}}} |
50 | \newbox\procbox |
51 | \newcommand{\Procname}{} |
52 | \newif\ifLGnoprocindex |
53 | \DeclareOption{noprocindex}{\LGnoprocindextrue} |
54 | \ProcessOptions |
55 | %\def\BGfont{\sffamily} |
56 | \def\BGfont{\ttfamily\bfseries} |
57 | \def\CMfont{\rmfamily\itshape} |
58 | \def\NOfont{\sffamily} |
59 | %\def\NOfont{\ttfamily} |
60 | %\def\KWfont{\rmfamily\bfseries} |
61 | \def\KWfont{\rmfamily\itshape\bfseries} |
62 | %\def\KWfont{\ttfamily} |
63 | %\def\STfont{\ttfamily} |
64 | \def\STfont{\rmfamily\itshape\bfseries} |
65 | %\def\TTfont{\ttfamily\upshape} |
66 | \def\TTfont{\rmfamily\itshape\bfseries} |
67 | %\def\VRfont{\ttfamily} |
68 | \def\VRfont{\rmfamily\itshape\bfseries} |
69 | \def\PNsize{\BGfont\small} |
70 | \def\LGsize{\small} |
71 | \def\LGfsize{\footnotesize} |
72 | \newif\ifLGinline |
73 | \newif\ifLGd@fault |
74 | \def\LGbegin{\ifLGinline$\hbox\else$$\vbox\fi\bgroup\LGd@faulttrue} |
75 | \def\LGend{\ifLGd@fault\egroup\ifLGinline$\else$$\fi\LGd@faultfalse\fi} |
76 | %%stopzone % VIM syncing |
77 | \newif\ifc@mment |
78 | \newif\ifstr@ng |
79 | \newif\ifright@ |
80 | \newbox\ls@far |
81 | \newbox\tb@x |
82 | \newdimen\TBw@d |
83 | \newdimen\@ts |
84 | {\catcode`\_=\active \gdef\@setunder{\let_=\sp@ce}} |
85 | \newcommand{\lgrindhead}{} |
86 | \newcommand{\lgrindfilename}{}\newcommand{\lgrindfilesize}{} |
87 | \newcommand{\lgrindmodyear}{}\newcommand{\lgrindmodmonth}{} |
88 | \newcommand{\lgrindmodday}{}\newcommand{\lgrindmodtime}{} |
89 | \newenvironment{lgrind}[1][1]{% |
90 | \def\Line##1{\L{\LB{##1}}}% |
91 | \newcommand{\Head}[1]{\gdef\lgrindhead{##1}}% |
92 | \newcommand{\File}[6]{\gdef\lgrindfilename{##1}\message{(LGround: ##1)}% |
93 | \gdef\lgrindmodyear{##2}\gdef\lgrindmodmonth{##3}% |
94 | \gdef\lgrindmodday{##4}\gdef\lgrindmodtime{##5}% |
95 | \gdef\lgrindfilesize{##6}}% |
96 | \let\Proc=\DefaultProc% |
97 | \let\ProcCont=\DefaultProcCont% |
98 | \ifLGnoprocindex% |
99 | \let\index\@gobble% |
100 | \fi% |
101 | \hfuzz=\LGsloppy |
102 | \def\NewPage{\filbreak\bigskip}% |
103 | \ifLGinline |
104 | \def\L##1{\setbox\ls@far\null{\CF\strut##1}\ignorespaces}% |
105 | \else |
106 | \let\r@ghtlno\relax\let\l@ftlno\relax |
107 | \ifnum\LGnuminterval>\z@ |
108 | \ifLGleftnum |
109 | \def\l@ftlno{\ifnum\lc@unt>\ln@xt |
110 | \global\advance\ln@xt by\LGnuminterval |
111 | \llap{{\normalfont\scriptsize\the\lc@unt\quad}}\fi} |
112 | \def\r@ghtlno{\rlap{\enspace\box\procbox}}% |
113 | \else |
114 | \def\r@ghtlno{\ifnum\lc@unt>\ln@xt |
115 | \global\advance\ln@xt by\LGnuminterval |
116 | \rlap{{\normalfont\scriptsize\enspace\the\lc@unt% |
117 | \enspace\box\procbox}} |
118 | \else\rlap{\enspace\box\procbox}\fi}% |
119 | \fi |
120 | \fi |
121 | \def\L##1{\@@par\setbox\ls@far=\null\strut |
122 | \global\advance\lc@unt by1% |
123 | \hbox to \linewidth{\hskip\LGindent\l@ftlno ##1\egroup% |
124 | \hfil\r@ghtlno}% |
125 | \ignorespaces}% |
126 | \fi |
127 | \lc@unt=#1\advance\lc@unt by-1% |
128 | \ln@xt=\LGnuminterval\advance\ln@xt by-1% |
129 | \loop\ifnum\lc@unt>\ln@xt\advance\ln@xt by\LGnuminterval\repeat% |
130 | \def\LB{\hbox\bgroup\bgroup\box\ls@far\CF\let\next=}% |
131 | \def\Tab##1{\egroup\setbox\tb@x=\lastbox\TBw@d=\wd\tb@x% |
132 | \advance\TBw@d by 1\@ts\ifdim\TBw@d>##1\@ts |
133 | \setbox\ls@far=\hbox{\box\ls@far \box\tb@x \sp@ce}\else |
134 | \setbox\ls@far=\hbox to ##1\@ts{\box\ls@far \box\tb@x \hfil}\fi\LB}% |
135 | \ifLGinline\def\sp@ce{{\hskip .3333em}}% |
136 | \else \setbox\tb@x=\hbox{\texttt{0}}% |
137 | \@ts=0.8\wd\tb@x \def\sp@ce{{\hskip 1\@ts}}\fi |
138 | \catcode`\_=\active \@setunder |
139 | \def\CF{\ifc@mment\CMfont\else\ifstr@ng\STfont\fi\fi} |
140 | \def\N##1{{\NOfont ##1}\global\futurelet\next\ic@r}% |
141 | \def\K##1{{\KWfont ##1}\global\futurelet\next\ic@r}% |
142 | \def\V##1{{\VRfont ##1}\global\futurelet\next\ic@r}% |
143 | \def\ic@r{\let\@tempa\/\ifx.\next\let\@tempa\relax% |
144 | \else\ifx,\next\let\@tempa\relax\fi\fi\@tempa}% |
145 | \def\C{\egroup\bgroup\CMfont \global\c@mmenttrue \global\right@false}% |
146 | \def\CE{\egroup\bgroup \global\c@mmentfalse}% |
147 | \def\S{\egroup\bgroup\STfont \global\str@ngtrue}% |
148 | \def\SE{\egroup\bgroup \global\str@ngfalse}% |
149 | \def\,{\relax \ifmmode\mskip\thinmuskip \else\thinspace \fi}% |
150 | \def\!{\relax \ifmmode\mskip-\thinmuskip \else\negthinspace \fi}% |
151 | %%stopzone % VIM syncing |
152 | \def\CH##1##2##3{\relax\ifmmode ##1\relax |
153 | \else\ifstr@ng ##2\relax\else$##3$\fi\fi }% |
154 | \def\|{\CH|||}% not necessary for T1 |
155 | \def\<{\CH<<<}% dto. |
156 | \def\>{\CH>>>}% dto. |
157 | \def\-{\CH---}% minus sign nicer than hyphen |
158 | \def\_{\ifstr@ng {\char'137}\else |
159 | \leavevmode \kern.06em \vbox{\hrule width.35em}% |
160 | \ifdim\fontdimen\@ne\font=\z@ \kern.06em \fi\fi }% |
161 | \def\#{{\STfont\char'043}}% |
162 | \def\2{\CH\backslash {\char'134}\backslash }% % \ |
163 | \def\3{\ifc@mment\ifright@ ''\global\right@false% |
164 | \else``\global\right@true \fi |
165 | \else{\texttt{\char'042}}\fi}% % " |
166 | \def\5{{\texttt{\char'136}}}% % ^ |
167 | \parindent\z@\parskip\z@ plus 1pt% |
168 | \bgroup\BGfont |
169 | } |
170 | {\egroup\@@par} % end of environment lgrind |
171 | \def\lgrinde{\ifLGinline\else\LGsize\fi\begin{lgrind}} |
172 | \def\endlgrinde{\end{lgrind}} |
173 | \def\lagrind{\@ifstar{\@slagrind}{\@lagrind}} |
174 | |
175 | \def\@lagrind{\@ifnextchar[{\@@lagrind}{\@@lagrind[t]}} |
176 | \def\@slagrind{\@ifnextchar[{\@@slagrind}{\@@slagrind[t]}} |
177 | \def\@@lagrind[#1]#2#3#4{% |
178 | \begin{figure}[#1] |
179 | \ifLGnorules\else\hrule\fi |
180 | \vskip .5\baselineskip |
181 | \begin{minipage}\columnwidth\LGsize\LGindent\z@ |
182 | \begin{lgrind} |
183 | \input #2\relax |
184 | \end{lgrind} |
185 | \end{minipage} |
186 | \vskip .5\baselineskip plus .5\baselineskip |
187 | \ifLGnorules\else\hrule\fi\vskip .5\baselineskip |
188 | \begingroup |
189 | \setbox\z@=\hbox{#4}% |
190 | \ifdim\wd\z@>\z@ |
191 | \caption{#3}% |
192 | \label{#4}% |
193 | \else |
194 | \captcont{#3}% |
195 | \fi |
196 | \endgroup |
197 | \vskip 2pt |
198 | \end{figure} |
199 | } |
200 | \def\@@slagrind[#1]#2#3#4{% |
201 | \begin{figure*}[#1] |
202 | \ifLGnorules\else\hrule\fi |
203 | \vskip .5\baselineskip |
204 | \begin{minipage}\linewidth\LGsize\LGindent\z@ |
205 | \begin{lgrind} |
206 | \input #2\relax |
207 | \end{lgrind} |
208 | \end{minipage} |
209 | \vskip .5\baselineskip plus .5\baselineskip |
210 | \ifLGnorules\else\hrule\fi\vskip .5\baselineskip |
211 | \begingroup |
212 | \setbox\z@=\hbox{#4}% |
213 | \ifdim\wd\z@>\z@ |
214 | \caption{#3}% |
215 | \label{#4}% |
216 | \else |
217 | \captcont{#3}% |
218 | \fi |
219 | \endgroup |
220 | \vskip 2pt |
221 | \end{figure*} |
222 | } |
223 | \def\lgrindfile#1{% |
224 | \par\addvspace{0.1in} |
225 | \ifLGnorules\else\hrule\fi |
226 | \vskip .5\baselineskip |
227 | \begingroup\LGfsize\LGindent\z@ |
228 | \begin{lgrind} |
229 | \input #1\relax |
230 | \end{lgrind} |
231 | \endgroup |
232 | \vskip .5\baselineskip |
233 | \ifLGnorules\else\hrule\fi |
234 | \addvspace{0.1in} |
235 | } |
236 | \endinput |
237 | %% |
238 | %% End of file `lgrind.sty'. |