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17 | <div class="section" id="inserter"> |
18 | <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="./algorithms-concepts.html#id390" name="inserter">Inserter</a></h1> |
19 | <div class="section" id="inserter-description"> |
20 | <h3><a class="subsection-title" href="#description" name="description">Description</a></h3> |
21 | <p>An <a class="reference" href="./inserter.html">Inserter</a> is a compile-time substitute for STL <a class="reference" href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/OutputIterator.html" target="_top">Output Iterator</a>. |
22 | Under the hood, it's simply a type holding |
23 | two entities: a <em>state</em> and an <em>operation</em>. When passed to a |
24 | <a class="reference" href="./transformation-algorithms.html">transformation algorithm</a>, the inserter's binary operation is |
25 | invoked for every element that would normally be written into the |
26 | output iterator, with the element itself (as the second |
27 | argument) and the result of the previous operation's invocation — or, |
28 | for the very first element, the inserter's initial state.</p> |
29 | <p>Technically, instead of taking a single inserter parameter, |
30 | <a class="reference" href="./transformation-algorithms.html">transformation algorithms</a> could accept the state and the "output" |
31 | operation separately. Grouping these in a single parameter entity, |
32 | however, brings the algorithms semantically and syntactically closer to |
33 | their STL counterparts, significantly simplifying many of the common |
34 | use cases.</p> |
35 | </div> |
36 | <div class="section" id="valid-expressions"> |
37 | <h3><a class="subsection-title" href="#valid-expressions" name="valid-expressions">Valid expressions</a></h3> |
38 | <p>In the following table and subsequent specifications, <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">in</span></tt> is a model of <a class="reference" href="./inserter.html">Inserter</a>.</p> |
39 | <table border="1" class="table"> |
40 | <colgroup> |
41 | <col width="43%" /> |
42 | <col width="57%" /> |
43 | </colgroup> |
44 | <thead valign="bottom"> |
45 | <tr><th>Expression</th> |
46 | <th>Type</th> |
47 | </tr> |
48 | </thead> |
49 | <tbody valign="top"> |
50 | <tr><td><tt class="literal"><span class="pre">in::state</span></tt></td> |
51 | <td>Any type</td> |
52 | </tr> |
53 | <tr><td><tt class="literal"><span class="pre">in::operation</span></tt></td> |
54 | <td>Binary <a class="reference" href="./lambda-expression.html">Lambda Expression</a></td> |
55 | </tr> |
56 | </tbody> |
57 | </table> |
58 | </div> |
59 | <div class="section" id="inserter-expression-semantics"> |
60 | <h3><a class="subsection-title" href="#expression-semantics" name="expression-semantics">Expression semantics</a></h3> |
61 | <table border="1" class="table"> |
62 | <colgroup> |
63 | <col width="35%" /> |
64 | <col width="65%" /> |
65 | </colgroup> |
66 | <thead valign="bottom"> |
67 | <tr><th>Expression</th> |
68 | <th>Semantics</th> |
69 | </tr> |
70 | </thead> |
71 | <tbody valign="top"> |
72 | <tr><td><tt class="literal"><span class="pre">in::state</span></tt></td> |
73 | <td>The inserter's initial state.</td> |
74 | </tr> |
75 | <tr><td><tt class="literal"><span class="pre">in::operation</span></tt></td> |
76 | <td>The inserter's "output" operation.</td> |
77 | </tr> |
78 | </tbody> |
79 | </table> |
80 | </div> |
81 | <div class="section" id="inserter-example"> |
82 | <h3><a class="subsection-title" href="#example" name="example">Example</a></h3> |
83 | <pre class="literal-block"> |
84 | typedef <a href="./transform.html" class="identifier">transform</a>< |
85 | <a href="./range-c.html" class="identifier">range_c</a><int,0,10> |
86 | , <a href="./plus.html" class="identifier">plus</a><_1,_1> |
87 | , <a href="./back-inserter.html" class="identifier">back_inserter</a>< vector0<> > |
88 | >::type result; |
89 | </pre> |
90 | </div> |
91 | <div class="section" id="inserter-models"> |
92 | <h3><a class="subsection-title" href="#models" name="models">Models</a></h3> |
93 | <ul class="simple"> |
94 | <li><a class="refentry reference" href="./inserters-inserter.html"><tt class="refentry literal"><span class="pre">inserter</span></tt></a></li> |
95 | <li><a class="refentry reference" href="./front-inserter.html"><tt class="refentry literal"><span class="pre">front_inserter</span></tt></a></li> |
96 | <li><a class="refentry reference" href="./back-inserter.html"><tt class="refentry literal"><span class="pre">back_inserter</span></tt></a></li> |
97 | </ul> |
98 | </div> |
99 | <div class="section" id="inserter-see-also"> |
100 | <h3><a class="subsection-title" href="#see-also" name="see-also">See also</a></h3> |
101 | <p><a class="reference" href="./algorithms.html">Algorithms</a>, <a class="reference" href="./transformation-algorithms.html">Transformation Algorithms</a>, <a class="refentry reference" href="./inserters-inserter.html"><tt class="refentry literal"><span class="pre">inserter</span></tt></a>, <a class="refentry reference" href="./front-inserter.html"><tt class="refentry literal"><span class="pre">front_inserter</span></tt></a>, <a class="refentry reference" href="./back-inserter.html"><tt class="refentry literal"><span class="pre">back_inserter</span></tt></a></p> |
102 | <!-- modtime: November 13, 2004 01:42:40 +0000 --> |
103 | <!-- Algorithms/Concepts//Reversible Algorithm --> |
104 | </div> |
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