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source: downloads/boost_1_34_1/libs/mpl/doc/src/refmanual/RandomAccessSequence.rst @ 29

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Random Access Sequence


A |Random Access Sequence| is a |Bidirectional Sequence| whose iterators model |Random Access Iterator|. A random access sequence guarantees amortized constant time access to an arbitrary sequence element.

Refinement of

|Bidirectional Sequence|

Expression requirements

In addition to the requirements defined in |Bidirectional Sequence|, for any |Random Access Sequence| s the following must be met:

Expression Type Complexity
begin<s>::type |Random Access Iterator| Amortized constant time
end<s>::type |Random Access Iterator| Amortized constant time
at<s,n>::type Any type Amortized constant time

Expression semantics

Semantics of an expression is defined only where it differs from, or is not defined in |Bidirectional Sequence|.

Expression Semantics
at<s,n>::type The nth element from the beginning of the sequence; see |at|.

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