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17 | <div class="section" id="placeholders"> |
18 | <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="./lambda-details.html#id55" name="placeholders">Placeholders</a></h1> |
19 | <p>The definition of "placeholder" may surprise you:</p> |
20 | <div class="admonition-definition admonition"> |
21 | <p class="admonition-title first">Definition</p> |
22 | <p>A <strong>placeholder</strong> is a metafunction class of the form <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">mpl::arg<X></span></tt>.</p> |
23 | </div> |
24 | <div class="section" id="implementation"> |
25 | <h2><a name="implementation">Implementation</a></h2> |
26 | <p>The convenient names <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">_1</span></tt>, <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">_2</span></tt>,... <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">_5</span></tt> are actually |
27 | <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">typedef</span></tt>s for specializations of <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">mpl::arg</span></tt> that simply |
28 | select the <em>N</em>th argument for any <em>N</em>. <a class="footnote-reference" href="#config" id="id12" name="id12">[6]</a> The |
29 | implementation of placeholders looks something like this:</p> |
30 | <table class="footnote" frame="void" id="config" rules="none"> |
31 | <colgroup><col class="label" /><col /></colgroup> |
32 | <tbody valign="top"> |
33 | <tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id12" name="config">[6]</a></td><td>MPL provides five placeholders by default. See |
34 | the Configuration Macros section of <a class="reference" href="./reference-manual.html">the MPL reference manual</a> for a |
35 | description of how to change the number of placeholders |
36 | provided.</td></tr> |
37 | </tbody> |
38 | </table> |
39 | <pre class="literal-block"> |
40 | namespace boost { namespace mpl { namespace placeholders { |
41 | |
42 | template <int N> struct arg; // forward declarations |
43 | struct void_; |
44 | |
45 | template <> |
46 | struct arg<<strong>1</strong>> |
47 | { |
48 | template < |
49 | class <strong>A1</strong>, class A2 = void_, ... class A<em>m</em> = void_> |
50 | struct apply |
51 | { |
52 | typedef <strong>A1</strong> type; // return the first argument |
53 | }; |
54 | }; |
55 | typedef <strong>arg<1> _1</strong>; |
56 | |
57 | template <> |
58 | struct arg<<strong>2</strong>> |
59 | { |
60 | template < |
61 | class A1, class <strong>A2</strong>, class A3 = void_, ...class A<em>m</em> = void_ |
62 | > |
63 | struct apply |
64 | { |
65 | typedef <strong>A2</strong> type; // return the second argument |
66 | }; |
67 | }; |
68 | typedef <strong>arg<2> _2</strong>; |
69 | |
70 | <em>more specializations and typedefs...</em> |
71 | |
72 | }}} |
73 | </pre> |
74 | <!-- @example.replace('...','') --> |
75 | <p>Remember that invoking a metafunction class is the same as invoking |
76 | its nested <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">apply</span></tt> metafunction. When a placeholder in a lambda |
77 | expression is evaluated, it is invoked on the expression's actual |
78 | arguments, returning just one of them. The results are then |
79 | substituted back into the lambda expression and the evaluation |
80 | process continues.</p> |
81 | </div> |
82 | <div class="section" id="the-unnamed-placeholder"> |
83 | <h2><a name="the-unnamed-placeholder">The Unnamed Placeholder</a></h2> |
84 | <p>There's one special placeholder, known as the <strong>unnamed |
85 | placeholder</strong>, that we haven't yet defined:</p> |
86 | <pre class="literal-block"> |
87 | namespace boost { namespace mpl { namespace placeholders { |
88 | |
89 | <strong>typedef arg<-1> _;</strong> // the unnamed placeholder |
90 | |
91 | }}} |
92 | </pre> |
93 | <!-- @ stack[-2].prepend('namespace shield {') |
94 | example.append('}') # so we don't conflict with the prefix |
95 | compile('all') --> |
96 | <p>The details of its implementation aren't important; all you really |
97 | need to know about the unnamed placeholder is that it gets special |
98 | treatment. When a lambda expression is being transformed into a |
99 | metafunction class by <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">mpl::lambda</span></tt>,</p> |
100 | <blockquote> |
101 | the <em>n</em>th appearance of the unnamed placeholder <em>in a given |
102 | template specialization</em> is replaced with <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">_</span></tt><em>n</em>.</blockquote> |
103 | <p>So, for example, every row of Table 1.1 |
104 | below contains two equivalent lambda expressions.</p> |
105 | <table border="1" class="table"> |
106 | <caption>Unnamed Placeholder Semantics</caption> |
107 | <colgroup> |
108 | <col width="48%" /> |
109 | <col width="52%" /> |
110 | </colgroup> |
111 | <tbody valign="top"> |
112 | <tr><td><pre class="first last literal-block"> |
113 | mpl::plus<_,_> |
114 | </pre> |
115 | </td> |
116 | <td><pre class="first last literal-block"> |
117 | mpl::plus<_1,_2> |
118 | </pre> |
119 | </td> |
120 | </tr> |
121 | <tr><td><pre class="first last literal-block"> |
122 | boost::is_same< |
123 | _ |
124 | , boost::add_pointer<_> |
125 | > |
126 | </pre> |
127 | </td> |
128 | <td><pre class="first last literal-block"> |
129 | boost::is_same< |
130 | _1 |
131 | , boost::add_pointer<_1> |
132 | > |
133 | </pre> |
134 | </td> |
135 | </tr> |
136 | <tr><td><pre class="first last literal-block"> |
137 | mpl::multiplies< |
138 | mpl::plus<_,_> |
139 | , mpl::minus<_,_> |
140 | > |
141 | </pre> |
142 | </td> |
143 | <td><pre class="first last literal-block"> |
144 | mpl::multiplies< |
145 | mpl::plus<_1,_2> |
146 | , mpl::minus<_1,_2> |
147 | > |
148 | </pre> |
149 | </td> |
150 | </tr> |
151 | </tbody> |
152 | </table> |
153 | <!-- @ for n in range(len(stack)): |
154 | stack[n].wrap('typedef ', 'type%d;' % n) |
155 | compile('all') --> |
156 | <p>Especially when used in simple lambda expressions, the unnamed |
157 | placeholder often eliminates just enough syntactic "noise" to |
158 | significantly improve readability.</p> |
159 | </div> |
160 | </div> |
161 | |
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