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4 | <title>Boost.Regex: POSIX-Basic Regular Expression Syntax</title> |
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15 | <H1 align="center">Boost.Regex</H1> |
16 | <H2 align="center">POSIX Basic Regular Expression Syntax</H2> |
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25 | <H3>Contents</H3> |
26 | <dl class="index"> |
27 | <dt><A href="#synopsis">Synopsis</A> <dt><A href="#Basic">POSIX Basic Syntax</A> <dt><A href="#variations"> |
28 | Variations</A> |
29 | <dd> |
30 | <dl> |
31 | <dt><A href="#grep">Grep</A> <dt><A href="#emacs">Emacs</A></dt> |
32 | </dl> |
33 | <dt><A href="#options">Options</A> <dt><A href="#refs">References</A></dt> |
34 | </dl> |
35 | <H3><A name="synopsis"></A>Synopsis</H3> |
36 | <P>The POSIX-Basic regular expression syntax is used by the Unix utility <EM>sed</EM>, |
37 | and variations are used by <EM>grep</EM> and <EM>emacs</EM>. You can |
38 | construct POSIX basic regular expressions in Boost.Regex by passing the flag <EM>basic</EM> |
39 | to the regex constructor, for example:</P> |
40 | <PRE>// e1 is a case sensitive POSIX-Basic expression: |
41 | boost::regex e1(my_expression, boost::regex::basic); |
42 | // e2 a case insensitive POSIX-Basic expression: |
43 | boost::regex e2(my_expression, boost::regex::basic|boost::regex::icase);</PRE> |
44 | <H3>POSIX Basic Syntax<A name="Basic"></A></H3> |
45 | <P>In POSIX-Basic regular expressions, all characters are match themselves except |
46 | for the following special characters:</P> |
47 | <PRE>.[\*^$</PRE> |
48 | <H4>Wildcard:</H4> |
49 | <P>The single character '.' when used outside of a character set will match any |
50 | single character except:</P> |
51 | <P>The NULL character when the flag <EM>match_no_dot_null</EM> is passed to the |
52 | matching algorithms.</P> |
53 | <P>The newline character when the flag <EM>match_not_dot_newline</EM> is passed to |
54 | the matching algorithms.</P> |
55 | <H4>Anchors:</H4> |
56 | <P>A '^' character shall match the start of a line when used as the first |
57 | character of an expression, or the first character of a sub-expression.</P> |
58 | <P>A '$' character shall match the end of a line when used as the last character |
59 | of an expression, or the last character of a sub-expression.</P> |
60 | <H4>Marked sub-expressions:</H4> |
61 | <P>A section beginning \( and ending \) acts as a marked sub-expression. |
62 | Whatever matched the sub-expression is split out in a separate field by the |
63 | matching algorithms. Marked sub-expressions can also repeated, or |
64 | referred-to by a back-reference.</P> |
65 | <H4>Repeats:</H4> |
66 | <P>Any atom (a single character, a marked sub-expression, or a character class) |
67 | can be repeated with the * operator.</P> |
68 | <P>For example a* will match any number of letter a's repeated zero or more times |
69 | (an atom repeated zero times matches an empty string), so the expression a*b |
70 | will match any of the following:</P> |
71 | <PRE>b |
72 | ab |
73 | aaaaaaaab</PRE> |
74 | <P>An atom can also be repeated with a bounded repeat:</P> |
75 | <P>a\{n\} Matches 'a' repeated exactly <EM>n</EM> times.</P> |
76 | <P>a\{n,\} Matches 'a' repeated <EM>n</EM> or more times.</P> |
77 | <P>a\{n, m\} Matches 'a' repeated between <EM>n</EM> and <EM>m</EM> times |
78 | inclusive.</P> |
79 | <P>For example:</P> |
80 | <PRE>^a\{2,3\}$</PRE> |
81 | <P>Will match either of:</P> |
82 | <PRE>aa |
83 | aaa</PRE> |
84 | <P>But neither of:</P> |
85 | <PRE>a |
86 | aaaa</PRE> |
87 | <P>It is an error to use a repeat operator, if the preceding construct can not be |
88 | repeated, for example:</P> |
89 | <PRE>a\(*\)</PRE> |
90 | <P>Will raise an error, as there is nothing for the * operator to be applied to.</P> |
91 | <H4>Back references:</H4> |
92 | <P>An escape character followed by a digit <EM>n</EM>, where <EM>n </EM>is in the |
93 | range 1-9, matches the same string that was matched by sub-expression <EM>n</EM>. |
94 | For example the expression:</P> |
95 | <PRE>^\(a*\).*\1$</PRE> |
96 | <P>Will match the string:</P> |
97 | <PRE>aaabbaaa</PRE> |
98 | <P>But not the string:</P> |
99 | <PRE>aaabba</PRE> |
100 | <H4>Character sets:</H4> |
101 | <P>A character set is a bracket-expression starting with [ and ending with ], it |
102 | defines a set of characters, and matches any single character that is a member |
103 | of that set.</P> |
104 | <P>A bracket expression may contain any combination of the following:</P> |
105 | <BLOCKQUOTE dir="ltr" style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"> |
106 | <H5>Single characters:</H5> |
107 | <P>For example [abc], will match any of the characters 'a', 'b', or 'c'.</P> |
108 | <H5>Character ranges:</H5> |
109 | <P>For example [a-c] will match any single character in the range 'a' to |
110 | 'c'. By default, for POSIX-Basic regular expressions, a character <EM>x</EM> |
111 | is within the range <EM>y</EM> to <EM>z</EM>, if it collates within that |
112 | range; this results in locale specific behavior. This behavior can |
113 | be turned off by unsetting the <EM><A href="syntax_option_type.html#basic">collate</A></EM> |
114 | option flag - in which case whether a character appears within a range is |
115 | determined by comparing the code points of the characters only</P> |
116 | <H5>Negation:</H5> |
117 | <P>If the bracket-expression begins with the ^ character, then it matches the |
118 | complement of the characters it contains, for example [^a-c] matches any |
119 | character that is not in the range a-c.</P> |
120 | <H5>Character classes:</H5> |
121 | <P>An expression of the form [[:name:]] matches the named character class "name", |
122 | for example [[:lower:]] matches any lower case character. See <A href="character_class_names.html"> |
123 | character class names</A>.</P> |
124 | <H5>Collating Elements:</H5> |
125 | <P>An expression of the form [[.col.] matches the collating element <EM>col</EM>. |
126 | A collating element is any single character, or any sequence of characters that |
127 | collates as a single unit. Collating elements may also be used as the end |
128 | point of a range, for example: [[.ae.]-c] matches the character sequence "ae", |
129 | plus any single character in the rangle "ae"-c, assuming that "ae" is treated |
130 | as a single collating element in the current locale.</P> |
131 | <P>Collating elements may be used in place of escapes (which are not normally |
132 | allowed inside character sets), for example [[.^.]abc] would match either one |
133 | of the characters 'abc^'.</P> |
134 | <P>As an extension, a collating element may also be specified via its <A href="collating_names.html"> |
135 | symbolic name</A>, for example:</P> |
136 | <P>[[.NUL.]]</P> |
137 | <P>matches a NUL character.</P> |
138 | <H5>Equivalence classes:</H5> |
139 | <P> |
140 | An expression of theform[[=col=]], matches any character or collating element |
141 | whose primary sort key is the same as that for collating element <EM>col</EM>, |
142 | as with collating elements the name <EM>col</EM> may be a <A href="collating_names.html"> |
143 | symbolic name</A>. A primary sort key is one that ignores case, |
144 | accentation, or locale-specific tailorings; so for example [[=a=]] matches any |
145 | of the characters: a, à, á, â, ã, ä, å, A, À, Á, Â, Ã, Ä and Å. |
146 | Unfortunately implementation of this is reliant on the platform's collation and |
147 | localisation support; this feature can not be relied upon to work portably |
148 | across all platforms, or even all locales on one platform.</P> |
149 | </BLOCKQUOTE> |
150 | <H5>Combinations:</H5> |
151 | <P>All of the above can be combined in one character set declaration, for example: |
152 | [[:digit:]a-c[.NUL.]].</P> |
153 | <H4>Escapes</H4> |
154 | <P>With the exception of the escape sequences \{, \}, \(, and \), which are |
155 | documented above, an escape followed by any character matches that |
156 | character. This can be used to make the special characters .[\*^$, |
157 | "ordinary". Note that the escape character loses its special meaning |
158 | inside a character set, so [\^] will match either a literal '\' or a '^'.</P> |
159 | <H4>What Gets Matched</H4> |
160 | <P>When there is more that one way to match a regular expression, the "best" |
161 | possible match is obtained using the <A href="syntax_leftmost_longest.html">leftmost-longest |
162 | rule</A>.</P> |
163 | <H3><A name="variations"></A>Variations</H3> |
164 | <H4><A name="grep"></A>Grep</H4> |
165 | <P>When an expression is compiled with the flag <EM>grep</EM> set, then the |
166 | expression is treated as a newline separated list of <A href="#Basic">POSIX-Basic</A> |
167 | expressions, a match is found if any of the expressions in the list match, for |
168 | example:</P> |
169 | <PRE>boost::regex e("abc\ndef", boost::regex::grep);</PRE> |
170 | <P>will match either of the POSIX-Basic expressions "abc" or "def".</P> |
171 | <P>As its name suggests, this behavior is consistent with the Unix utility <EM>grep</EM>.</P> |
172 | <H4><A name="emacs"></A>emacs</H4> |
173 | <P>In addition to the <A href="#Basic">POSIX-Basic features</A> the following |
174 | characters are also special:</P> |
175 | <BLOCKQUOTE dir="ltr" style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"> |
176 | <P>+ repeats the preceding atom one or more times.</P> |
177 | <P>? repeats the preceding atom zero or one times.</P> |
178 | <P>*? A non-greedy version of *.</P> |
179 | <P>+? A non-greedy version of +.</P> |
180 | <P>?? A non-greedy version of ?.</P> |
181 | </BLOCKQUOTE> |
182 | <P>And the following escape sequences are also recognised:</P> |
183 | <BLOCKQUOTE dir="ltr" style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"> |
184 | <P>\| specifies an alternative.</P> |
185 | <P>\(?: ... \) is a non-marking grouping construct - allows you to |
186 | lexically group something without spitting out an extra sub-expression.</P> |
187 | <P>\w matches any word character.</P> |
188 | <P>\W matches any non-word character.</P> |
189 | <P>\sx matches any character in the syntax group <EM>x</EM>, the following emacs |
190 | groupings are supported: 's', ' ', '_', 'w', '.', ')', '(', '"', '\'', '>' |
191 | and '<'. Refer to the emacs docs for details.</P> |
192 | <P>\Sx matches any character not in the syntax grouping <EM>x</EM>.</P> |
193 | <P>\c and \C are not supported.</P> |
194 | <P>\` matches zero characters only at the start of a buffer (or string being |
195 | matched).</P> |
196 | <P>\' matches zero characters only at the end of a buffer (or string being |
197 | matched).</P> |
198 | <P>\b matches zero characters at a word boundary.</P> |
199 | <P>\B matches zero characters, not at a word boundary.</P> |
200 | <P>\< matches zero characters only at the start of a word.</P> |
201 | <P>\> matches zero characters only at the end of a word.</P> |
202 | </BLOCKQUOTE> |
203 | <P dir="ltr">Finally, you should note that emacs style regular expressions are |
204 | matched according to the <A href="syntax_perl.html#what">Perl "depth first search" |
205 | rules</A>. Emacs expressions are matched this way because they contain |
206 | Perl-like extensions, that do not interact well with the <A href="syntax_leftmost_longest.html"> |
207 | POSIX-style leftmost-longest rule</A>.</P> |
208 | <H3><A name="options"></A>Options</H3> |
209 | <P>There are a <A href="syntax_option_type.html#basic">variety of flags</A> that |
210 | may be combined with the <EM>basic</EM> and <EM>grep</EM> options when |
211 | constructing the regular expression, in particular note that the <A href="syntax_option_type.html#basic"> |
212 | newline_alt, no_char_classes, no-intervals, bk_plus_qm and bk_plus_vbar</A> options |
213 | all alter the syntax, while the <A href="syntax_option_type.html#basic">collate |
214 | and icase</A> options modify how the case and locale sensitivity are to be |
215 | applied.</P> |
216 | <H3><A name="refs"></A>References</H3> |
217 | <P><A href="http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/000095399/basedefs/xbd_chap09.html">IEEE |
218 | Std 1003.1-2001, Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX ), Base Definitions |
219 | and Headers, Section 9, Regular Expressions (FWD.1).</A></P> |
220 | <P><A href="http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/000095399/utilities/grep.html">IEEE |
221 | Std 1003.1-2001, Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX ), Shells and |
222 | Utilities, Section 4, Utilities, grep (FWD.1).</A></P> |
223 | <P><A href="http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/">Emacs Version 21.3</A>.</P> |
224 | <P> |
225 | <HR> |
226 | <P></P> |
227 | <p>Revised |
228 | <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%d %B, %Y" startspan --> |
229 | 21 Aug 2004 |
230 | <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="39359" --></p> |
231 | <P><I>© Copyright <a href="mailto:jm@regex.fsnet.co.uk">John Maddock</a> 2004</I></P> |
232 | <I> |
233 | <P><I>Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, |
234 | Version 1.0. (See accompanying file <A href="../../../LICENSE_1_0.txt">LICENSE_1_0.txt</A> |
235 | or copy at <A href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</A>).</I></P> |
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