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4 | <title>Boost.Regex: Perl Regular Expression Syntax</title> |
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15 | <H1 align="center">Boost.Regex</H1> |
16 | <H2 align="center"> |
17 | Perl Regular Expression Syntax</H2> |
18 | </TD> |
19 | <td width="50"> |
20 | <h3><A href="index.html"><IMG height="45" alt="Boost.Regex Index" src="uarrow.gif" width="43" border="0"></A></h3> |
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25 | <HR> |
26 | <H3>Contents</H3> |
27 | <dl class="index"> |
28 | <dt><A href="#synopsis">Synopsis</A> <dt><A href="#Perl">Perl Syntax</A> <dt><A href="#what"> |
29 | What Gets Matched</A> <dt><A href="#variations">Variations</A> |
30 | <dd> |
31 | <dt><A href="#options">Options</A> <dt><A href="#mods">Modifiers</A> <dt><A href="#refs">References</A></dt> |
32 | </dl> |
33 | <H3><A name="synopsis"></A>Synopsis</H3> |
34 | <P>The Perl regular expression syntax is based on that used by the programming |
35 | language <EM>Perl</EM> . Perl regular expressions are the default |
36 | behavior in Boost.Regex or you can pass the flag <EM>perl</EM> to the |
37 | regex constructor, for example:</P> |
38 | <PRE>// e1 is a case sensitive Perl regular expression: |
39 | // since Perl is the default option there's no need to explicitly specify the syntax used here: |
40 | boost::regex e1(my_expression); |
41 | // e2 a case insensitive Perl regular expression: |
42 | boost::regex e2(my_expression, boost::regex::perl|boost::regex::icase);</PRE> |
43 | <H3>Perl Regular Expression Syntax<A name="Perl"></A></H3> |
44 | <P>In Perl regular expressions, all characters match themselves except for |
45 | the following special characters:</P> |
46 | <PRE>.[{()\*+?|^$</PRE> |
47 | <H4>Wildcard:</H4> |
48 | <P>The single character '.' when used outside of a character set will match any |
49 | single character except:</P> |
50 | <P>The NULL character when the flag <EM>match_no_dot_null</EM> is passed to the |
51 | matching algorithms.</P> |
52 | <P>The newline character when the flag <EM>match_not_dot_newline</EM> is passed to |
53 | the matching algorithms.</P> |
54 | <H4>Anchors:</H4> |
55 | <P>A '^' character shall match the start of a line.</P> |
56 | <P>A '$' character shall match the end of a line.</P> |
57 | <H4>Marked sub-expressions:</H4> |
58 | <P>A section beginning ( and ending ) acts as a marked sub-expression. |
59 | Whatever matched the sub-expression is split out in a separate field by the |
60 | matching algorithms. Marked sub-expressions can also repeated, or |
61 | referred to by a back-reference.</P> |
62 | <H4>Non-marking grouping:</H4> |
63 | <P>A marked sub-expression is useful to lexically group part of a regular |
64 | expression, but has the side-effect of spitting out an extra field in the |
65 | result. As an alternative you can lexically group part of a regular |
66 | expression, without generating a marked sub-expression by using (?: and ) , for |
67 | example (?:ab)+ will repeat "ab" without splitting out any separate |
68 | sub-expressions.</P> |
69 | <H4>Repeats:</H4> |
70 | <P>Any atom (a single character, a marked sub-expression, or a character class) |
71 | can be repeated with the *, +, ?, and {} operators.</P> |
72 | <P>The * operator will match the preceding atom zero or more times, for example |
73 | the expression a*b will match any of the following:</P> |
74 | <PRE>b |
75 | ab |
76 | aaaaaaaab</PRE> |
77 | <P>The + operator will match the preceding atom one or more times, for example the |
78 | expression a+b will match any of the following:</P> |
79 | <PRE>ab |
80 | aaaaaaaab</PRE> |
81 | <P>But will not match:</P> |
82 | <PRE>b</PRE> |
83 | <P>The ? operator will match the preceding atom zero or one times, for |
84 | example the expression ca?b will match any of the following:</P> |
85 | <PRE>cb |
86 | cab</PRE> |
87 | <P>But will not match:</P> |
88 | <PRE>caab</PRE> |
89 | <P>An atom can also be repeated with a bounded repeat:</P> |
90 | <P>a{n} Matches 'a' repeated exactly <EM>n</EM> times.</P> |
91 | <P>a{n,} Matches 'a' repeated <EM>n</EM> or more times.</P> |
92 | <P>a{n, m} Matches 'a' repeated between <EM>n</EM> and <EM>m</EM> times |
93 | inclusive.</P> |
94 | <P>For example:</P> |
95 | <PRE>^a{2,3}$</PRE> |
96 | <P>Will match either of:</P> |
97 | <PRE>aa |
98 | aaa</PRE> |
99 | <P>But neither of:</P> |
100 | <PRE>a |
101 | aaaa</PRE> |
102 | <P>It is an error to use a repeat operator, if the preceding construct can not be |
103 | repeated, for example:</P> |
104 | <PRE>a(*)</PRE> |
105 | <P>Will raise an error, as there is nothing for the * operator to be applied to.</P> |
106 | <H4>Non greedy repeats</H4> |
107 | <P>The normal repeat operators are "greedy", that is to say they will consume as |
108 | much input as possible. There are non-greedy versions available that will |
109 | consume as little input as possible while still producing a match.</P> |
110 | <P>*? Matches the previous atom zero or more times, while consuming as little |
111 | input as possible.</P> |
112 | <P>+? Matches the previous atom one or more times, while consuming as little input |
113 | as possible.</P> |
114 | <P>?? Matches the previous atom zero or one times, while consuming as little input |
115 | as possible.</P> |
116 | <P>{n,}? Matches the previous atom <EM>n</EM> or more times, while consuming |
117 | as little input as possible.</P> |
118 | <P>{n,m}? Matches the previous atom between <EM>n</EM> and <EM>m</EM> times, |
119 | while consuming as little input as possible.</P> |
120 | <H4>Back references:</H4> |
121 | <P>An escape character followed by a digit <EM>n</EM>, where <EM>n </EM>is in the |
122 | range 1-9, matches the same string that was matched by sub-expression <EM>n</EM>. |
123 | For example the expression:</P> |
124 | <PRE>^(a*).*\1$</PRE> |
125 | <P>Will match the string:</P> |
126 | <PRE>aaabbaaa</PRE> |
127 | <P>But not the string:</P> |
128 | <PRE>aaabba</PRE> |
129 | <H4>Alternation</H4> |
130 | <P>The | operator will match either of its arguments, so for example: abc|def will |
131 | match either "abc" or "def". |
132 | </P> |
133 | <P>Parenthesis can be used to group alternations, for example: ab(d|ef) will match |
134 | either of "abd" or "abef".</P> |
135 | <P>Empty alternatives are not allowed (these are almost always a mistake), |
136 | but if you really want an empty alternative use (?:) as a placeholder, for |
137 | example:</P> |
138 | <BLOCKQUOTE dir="ltr" style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"> |
139 | <P>"|abc" is not a valid expression, but<BR> |
140 | "(?:)|abc" is and is equivalent, also the expression:<BR> |
141 | "(?:abc)??" has exactly the same effect.</P> |
142 | </BLOCKQUOTE> |
143 | <H4>Character sets:</H4> |
144 | <P>A character set is a bracket-expression starting with [ and ending with ], it |
145 | defines a set of characters, and matches any single character that is a member |
146 | of that set.</P> |
147 | <P>A bracket expression may contain any combination of the following:</P> |
148 | <BLOCKQUOTE dir="ltr" style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"> |
149 | <H5>Single characters:</H5> |
150 | <P>For example [abc], will match any of the characters 'a', 'b', or 'c'.</P> |
151 | <H5>Character ranges:</H5> |
152 | <P>For example [a-c] will match any single character in the range 'a' to |
153 | 'c'. By default, for POSIX-Perl regular expressions, a character <EM>x</EM> |
154 | is within the range <EM>y</EM> to <EM>z</EM>, if it collates within that |
155 | range; this results in locale specific behavior. This behavior can |
156 | be turned off by unsetting the <EM><A href="syntax_option_type.html#Perl">collate</A></EM> |
157 | option flag - in which case whether a character appears within a range is |
158 | determined by comparing the code points of the characters only</P> |
159 | <H5>Negation:</H5> |
160 | <P>If the bracket-expression begins with the ^ character, then it matches the |
161 | complement of the characters it contains, for example [^a-c] matches any |
162 | character that is not in the range a-c.</P> |
163 | <H5>Character classes:</H5> |
164 | <P>An expression of the form [[:name:]] matches the named character class "name", |
165 | for example [[:lower:]] matches any lower case character. See <A href="character_class_names.html"> |
166 | character class names</A>.</P> |
167 | <H5>Collating Elements:</H5> |
168 | <P>An expression of the form [[.col.] matches the collating element <EM>col</EM>. |
169 | A collating element is any single character, or any sequence of characters that |
170 | collates as a single unit. Collating elements may also be used as the end |
171 | point of a range, for example: [[.ae.]-c] matches the character sequence "ae", |
172 | plus any single character in the range "ae"-c, assuming that "ae" is treated as |
173 | a single collating element in the current locale.</P> |
174 | <P>As an extension, a collating element may also be specified via it's <A href="collating_names.html"> |
175 | symbolic name</A>, for example:</P> |
176 | <P>[[.NUL.]]</P> |
177 | <P>matches a NUL character.</P> |
178 | <H5>Equivalence classes:</H5> |
179 | <P> |
180 | An expression oftheform[[=col=]], matches any character or collating element |
181 | whose primary sort key is the same as that for collating element <EM>col</EM>, |
182 | as with colating elements the name <EM>col</EM> may be a <A href="collating_names.html"> |
183 | symbolic name</A>. A primary sort key is one that ignores case, |
184 | accentation, or locale-specific tailorings; so for example [[=a=]] matches any |
185 | of the characters: a, à, á, â, ã, ä, å, A, À, Á, Â, Ã, Ä and Å. |
186 | Unfortunately implementation of this is reliant on the platform's collation and |
187 | localisation support; this feature can not be relied upon to work portably |
188 | across all platforms, or even all locales on one platform.</P> |
189 | <H5>Escapes:</H5> |
190 | <P>All the escape sequences that match a single character, or a single character |
191 | class are permitted within a character class definition, <EM>except</EM> the |
192 | negated character classes (\D \W etc).</P> |
193 | </BLOCKQUOTE> |
194 | <H5>Combinations:</H5> |
195 | <P>All of the above can be combined in one character set declaration, for example: |
196 | [[:digit:]a-c[.NUL.]].</P> |
197 | <H4>Escapes</H4> |
198 | <P>Any special character preceded by an escape shall match itself. |
199 | </P> |
200 | <P>The following escape sequences are also supported:</P> |
201 | <BLOCKQUOTE dir="ltr" style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"> |
202 | <H5>Escapes matching a specific character</H5> |
203 | <P>The following escape sequences are all synonyms for single characters:</P> |
204 | <P> |
205 | <TABLE id="Table7" cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="1" width="100%" border="1"> |
206 | <TR> |
207 | <TD><STRONG>Escape</STRONG></TD> |
208 | <TD><STRONG>Character</STRONG></TD> |
209 | </TR> |
210 | <TR> |
211 | <TD>\a</TD> |
212 | <TD>'\a'</TD> |
213 | </TR> |
214 | <TR> |
215 | <TD>\e</TD> |
216 | <TD>0x1B</TD> |
217 | </TR> |
218 | <TR> |
219 | <TD>\f</TD> |
220 | <TD>\f</TD> |
221 | </TR> |
222 | <TR> |
223 | <TD>\n</TD> |
224 | <TD>\n</TD> |
225 | </TR> |
226 | <TR> |
227 | <TD>\r</TD> |
228 | <TD>\r</TD> |
229 | </TR> |
230 | <TR> |
231 | <TD>\t</TD> |
232 | <TD>\t</TD> |
233 | </TR> |
234 | <TR> |
235 | <TD>\v</TD> |
236 | <TD>\v</TD> |
237 | </TR> |
238 | <TR> |
239 | <TD>\b</TD> |
240 | <TD>\b (but only inside a character class declaration).</TD> |
241 | </TR> |
242 | <TR> |
243 | <TD>\cX</TD> |
244 | <TD>An ASCII escape sequence - the character whose code point is X % 32</TD> |
245 | </TR> |
246 | <TR> |
247 | <TD>\xdd</TD> |
248 | <TD>A hexadecimal escape sequence - matches the single character whose code point |
249 | is 0xdd.</TD> |
250 | </TR> |
251 | <TR> |
252 | <TD>\x{dddd}</TD> |
253 | <TD>A hexadecimal escape sequence - matches the single character whose code point |
254 | is 0xdddd.</TD> |
255 | </TR> |
256 | <TR> |
257 | <TD>\0ddd</TD> |
258 | <TD>An octal escape sequence - matches the single character whose code point is |
259 | 0ddd.</TD> |
260 | </TR> |
261 | <TR> |
262 | <TD>\N{name}</TD> |
263 | <TD>Matches the single character which has the <A href="collating_names.html">symbolic |
264 | name</A> <EM>name. </EM>For example \N{newline} matches the single |
265 | character \n.</TD> |
266 | </TR> |
267 | </TABLE> |
268 | </P> |
269 | <H5>"Single character" character classes:</H5> |
270 | <P>Any escaped character <EM>x</EM>, if <EM>x</EM> is the name of a character |
271 | class shall match any character that is a member of that class, and any escaped |
272 | character <EM>X</EM>, if <EM>x</EM> is the name of a character class, shall |
273 | match any character not in that class.</P> |
274 | <P>The following are supported by default:</P> |
275 | <P> |
276 | <TABLE id="Table3" cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="1" width="300" border="1"> |
277 | <TR> |
278 | <TD><STRONG>Escape sequence</STRONG></TD> |
279 | <TD><STRONG>Equivalent to</STRONG></TD> |
280 | </TR> |
281 | <TR> |
282 | <TD>\d</TD> |
283 | <TD>[[:digit:]]</TD> |
284 | </TR> |
285 | <TR> |
286 | <TD>\l</TD> |
287 | <TD>[[:lower:]]</TD> |
288 | </TR> |
289 | <TR> |
290 | <TD>\s</TD> |
291 | <TD>[[:space:]]</TD> |
292 | </TR> |
293 | <TR> |
294 | <TD>\u</TD> |
295 | <TD>[[:upper:]]</TD> |
296 | </TR> |
297 | <TR> |
298 | <TD>\w</TD> |
299 | <TD>[[:word:]]</TD> |
300 | </TR> |
301 | <TR> |
302 | <TD>\D</TD> |
303 | <TD>[^[:digit:]]</TD> |
304 | </TR> |
305 | <TR> |
306 | <TD>\L</TD> |
307 | <TD>[^[:lower:]]</TD> |
308 | </TR> |
309 | <TR> |
310 | <TD>\S</TD> |
311 | <TD>[^[:space:]]</TD> |
312 | </TR> |
313 | <TR> |
314 | <TD>\U</TD> |
315 | <TD>[^[:upper:]]</TD> |
316 | </TR> |
317 | <TR> |
318 | <TD>\W</TD> |
319 | <TD>[^[:word:]]</TD> |
320 | </TR> |
321 | </TABLE> |
322 | </P> |
323 | <H5>Character Properties</H5> |
324 | <P>The character property names in the following table are all equivalent to the <A href="character_class_names.html"> |
325 | names used in character classes</A>.</P> |
326 | <P> |
327 | <TABLE id="Table9" cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="1" width="100%" border="0"> |
328 | <TR> |
329 | <TD><STRONG>Form</STRONG></TD> |
330 | <TD><STRONG>Description</STRONG></TD> |
331 | <TD><STRONG>Equivalent character set form</STRONG></TD> |
332 | </TR> |
333 | <TR> |
334 | <TD>\pX</TD> |
335 | <TD>Matches any character that has the property X.</TD> |
336 | <TD>[[:X:]]</TD> |
337 | </TR> |
338 | <TR> |
339 | <TD>\p{Name}</TD> |
340 | <TD>Matches any character that has the property <EM>Name</EM>.</TD> |
341 | <TD>[[:Name:]]</TD> |
342 | </TR> |
343 | <TR> |
344 | <TD>\PX</TD> |
345 | <TD>Matches any character that does not have the property X.</TD> |
346 | <TD>[^[:X:]]</TD> |
347 | </TR> |
348 | <TR> |
349 | <TD>\P{Name}</TD> |
350 | <TD>Matches any character that does not have the property <EM>Name</EM>.</TD> |
351 | <TD>[^[:Name:]]</TD> |
352 | </TR> |
353 | </TABLE> |
354 | </P> |
355 | <H5>Word Boundaries</H5> |
356 | <P>The following escape sequences match the boundaries of words:</P> |
357 | <P> |
358 | <TABLE id="Table4" cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="1" width="100%" border="1"> |
359 | <TR> |
360 | <TD>\<</TD> |
361 | <TD>Matches the start of a word.</TD> |
362 | </TR> |
363 | <TR> |
364 | <TD>\></TD> |
365 | <TD>Matches the end of a word.</TD> |
366 | </TR> |
367 | <TR> |
368 | <TD>\b</TD> |
369 | <TD>Matches a word boundary (the start or end of a word).</TD> |
370 | </TR> |
371 | <TR> |
372 | <TD>\B</TD> |
373 | <TD>Matches only when not at a word boundary.</TD> |
374 | </TR> |
375 | </TABLE> |
376 | </P> |
377 | <H5>Buffer boundaries</H5> |
378 | <P>The following match only at buffer boundaries: a "buffer" in this context is |
379 | the whole of the input text that is being matched against (note that ^ and |
380 | $ may match embedded newlines within the text).</P> |
381 | <P> |
382 | <TABLE id="Table5" cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="1" width="100%" border="1"> |
383 | <TR> |
384 | <TD>\`</TD> |
385 | <TD>Matches at the start of a buffer only.</TD> |
386 | </TR> |
387 | <TR> |
388 | <TD>\'</TD> |
389 | <TD>Matches at the end of a buffer only.</TD> |
390 | </TR> |
391 | <TR> |
392 | <TD>\A</TD> |
393 | <TD>Matches at the start of a buffer only (the same as \`).</TD> |
394 | </TR> |
395 | <TR> |
396 | <TD>\z</TD> |
397 | <TD>Matches at the end of a buffer only (the same as \').</TD> |
398 | </TR> |
399 | <TR> |
400 | <TD>\Z</TD> |
401 | <TD>Matches an optional sequence of newlines at the end of a buffer: equivalent to |
402 | the regular expression \n*\z</TD> |
403 | </TR> |
404 | </TABLE> |
405 | </P> |
406 | <H5>Continuation Escape</H5> |
407 | <P>The sequence \G matches only at the end of the last match found, or at the |
408 | start of the text being matched if no previous match was found. This |
409 | escape useful if you're iterating over the matches contained within a text, and |
410 | you want each subsequence match to start where the last one ended.</P> |
411 | <H5>Quoting escape</H5> |
412 | <P>The escape sequence \Q begins a "quoted sequence": all the subsequent |
413 | characters are treated as literals, until either the end of the regular |
414 | expression or \E is found. For example the expression: \Q\*+\Ea+ would |
415 | match either of:</P> |
416 | <PRE>\*+a<BR>\*+aaa</PRE> |
417 | <H5>Unicode escapes</H5> |
418 | <P> |
419 | <TABLE id="Table6" cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="1" width="100%" border="1"> |
420 | <TR> |
421 | <TD>\C</TD> |
422 | <TD>Matches a single code point: in Boost regex this has exactly the same effect |
423 | as a "." operator.</TD> |
424 | </TR> |
425 | <TR> |
426 | <TD>\X</TD> |
427 | <TD>Matches a combining character sequence: that is any non-combining character |
428 | followed by a sequence of zero or more combining characters.</TD> |
429 | </TR> |
430 | </TABLE> |
431 | </P> |
432 | <H5>Any other escape</H5> |
433 | <P>Any other escape sequence matches the character that is escaped, for example \@ |
434 | matches a literal <A href="mailto:'@'">'@'</A>.</P> |
435 | </BLOCKQUOTE> |
436 | <H4 dir="ltr">Perl Extended Patterns</H4> |
437 | <P dir="ltr">Perl-specific extensions to the regular expression syntax all start |
438 | with (?.</P> |
439 | <BLOCKQUOTE dir="ltr" style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"> |
440 | <H5 dir="ltr">Comments</H5> |
441 | <P dir="ltr">(?# ... ) is treated as a comment, it's contents are ignored.</P> |
442 | <H5 dir="ltr">Modifiers</H5> |
443 | <P dir="ltr">(?imsx-imsx ... ) alters which of the perl modifiers are in effect |
444 | within the pattern, changes take effect from the point that the block is first |
445 | seen and extend to any enclosing ). Letters before a '-' turn that perl |
446 | modifier on, letters afterward, turn it off.</P> |
447 | <P dir="ltr">(?imsx-imsx:pattern) applies the specified modifiers to <EM>pattern</EM> |
448 | only.</P> |
449 | <H5 dir="ltr">Non-marking grouping</H5> |
450 | <P dir="ltr">(?:pattern) lexically groups <EM>pattern</EM>, without generating an |
451 | additional sub-expression.</P> |
452 | <H5 dir="ltr">Lookahead</H5> |
453 | <P dir="ltr">(?=pattern) consumes zero characters, only if <EM>pattern</EM> matches.</P> |
454 | <P dir="ltr">(?!pattern) consumes zero characters, only if <EM>pattern</EM> does |
455 | not match.</P> |
456 | <P dir="ltr">Lookahead is typically used to create the logical AND of two regular |
457 | expressions, for example if a password must contain a lower case letter, an |
458 | upper case letter, a punctuation symbol, and be at least 6 characters long, |
459 | then the expression:</P> |
460 | <PRE dir="ltr">(?=.*[[:lower:]])(?=.*[[:upper:]])(?=.*[[:punct:]]).{6,}</PRE> |
461 | <P dir="ltr">could be used to validate the password.</P> |
462 | <H5 dir="ltr">Lookbehind</H5> |
463 | <P dir="ltr">(?<=pattern) consumes zero characters, only if <EM>pattern</EM> could |
464 | be matched against the characters preceding the current position (<EM>pattern</EM> |
465 | must be of fixed length).</P> |
466 | <P dir="ltr">(?<!pattern) consumes zero characters, only if <EM>pattern</EM> could |
467 | not be matched against the characters preceding the current position (<EM>pattern</EM> |
468 | must be of fixed length).</P> |
469 | <H5 dir="ltr">Independent sub-expressions</H5> |
470 | <P dir="ltr">(?>pattern) <EM>pattern</EM> is matched independently of the |
471 | surrounding patterns, the expression will never backtrack into <EM>pattern</EM>. |
472 | Independent sub-expressions are typically used to improve performance; only the |
473 | best possible match for <EM>pattern</EM> will be considered, if this doesn't |
474 | allow the expression as a whole to match then no match is found at all.</P> |
475 | <H5 dir="ltr">Conditional Expressions</H5> |
476 | <P dir="ltr">(?(condition)yes-pattern|no-pattern) attempts to match <EM>yes-pattern</EM> |
477 | if the <EM>condition </EM>is true, otherwise attempts to match <EM>no-pattern</EM>.</P> |
478 | <P dir="ltr">(?(condition)yes-pattern) attempts to match <EM>yes-pattern</EM> if |
479 | the <EM>condition </EM>is true, otherwise fails.</P> |
480 | <P dir="ltr"><EM>Condition</EM> may be either a forward lookahead assert, or the |
481 | index of a marked sub-expression (the condition becomes true if the |
482 | sub-expression has been matched).</P> |
483 | </BLOCKQUOTE><A name="what"> |
484 | <H4>Operator precedence</H4> |
485 | <P> The order of precedence for of operators is as shown in the following |
486 | table:</P> |
487 | <P> |
488 | <TABLE id="Table2" cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="1" width="100%" border="1"> |
489 | <TR> |
490 | <TD>Collation-related bracket symbols</TD> |
491 | <TD>[==] [::] [..]</TD> |
492 | </TR> |
493 | <TR> |
494 | <TD>Escaped characters |
495 | </TD> |
496 | <TD>\</TD> |
497 | </TR> |
498 | <TR> |
499 | <TD>Character set (bracket expression) |
500 | </TD> |
501 | <TD>[]</TD> |
502 | </TR> |
503 | <TR> |
504 | <TD>Grouping</TD> |
505 | <TD>()</TD> |
506 | </TR> |
507 | <TR> |
508 | <TD>Single-character-ERE duplication |
509 | </TD> |
510 | <TD>* + ? {m,n}</TD> |
511 | </TR> |
512 | <TR> |
513 | <TD>Concatenation</TD> |
514 | <TD></TD> |
515 | </TR> |
516 | <TR> |
517 | <TD>Anchoring</TD> |
518 | <TD>^$</TD> |
519 | </TR> |
520 | <TR> |
521 | <TD>Alternation</TD> |
522 | <TD>|</TD> |
523 | </TR> |
524 | </TABLE> |
525 | </P> |
526 | </A> |
527 | <H3>What gets matched</H3> |
528 | <P>If you view the regular expression as a directed (possibly cyclic) graph, then |
529 | the best match found is the first match found by a depth-first-search performed |
530 | on that graph, while matching the input text.</P> |
531 | <P>Alternatively:</P> |
532 | <P>the best match found is the leftmost match, with individual elements matched as |
533 | follows;</P> |
534 | <P> |
535 | <TABLE id="Table8" cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="1" width="100%" border="0"> |
536 | <TR> |
537 | <TD><STRONG>Construct</STRONG></TD> |
538 | <TD><STRONG>What gets matches</STRONG></TD> |
539 | </TR> |
540 | <TR> |
541 | <TD>AtomA AtomB</TD> |
542 | <TD>Locates the best match for AtomA that has a following match for AtomB.</TD> |
543 | </TR> |
544 | <TR> |
545 | <TD>Expression1 | Expression2</TD> |
546 | <TD>If Expresion1 can be matched then returns that match, otherwise attempts to |
547 | match Expression2.</TD> |
548 | </TR> |
549 | <TR> |
550 | <TD>S{N}</TD> |
551 | <TD>Matches S repeated exactly N times.</TD> |
552 | </TR> |
553 | <TR> |
554 | <TD>S{N,M}</TD> |
555 | <TD>Matches S repeated between N and M times, and as many times as possible.</TD> |
556 | </TR> |
557 | <TR> |
558 | <TD>S{N,M}?</TD> |
559 | <TD>Matches S repeated between N and M times, and as few times as possible.</TD> |
560 | </TR> |
561 | <TR> |
562 | <TD><!--StartFragment --> S?, S*, S+</TD> |
563 | <TD><!--StartFragment --> The same as <CODE>S{0,1}</CODE>, <CODE>S{0,UINT_MAX}</CODE>, |
564 | <CODE>S{1,UINT_MAX}</CODE> respectively. |
565 | </TD> |
566 | </TR> |
567 | <TR> |
568 | <TD>S??, S*?, S+?</TD> |
569 | <TD>The same as <CODE>S{0,1}?</CODE>, <CODE>S{0,UINT_MAX}?</CODE>, <CODE>S{1,UINT_MAX}?</CODE> |
570 | respectively. |
571 | </TD> |
572 | </TR> |
573 | <TR> |
574 | <TD><!--StartFragment --> (?>S) |
575 | </TD> |
576 | <TD>Matches the best match for S, and only that.</TD> |
577 | </TR> |
578 | <TR> |
579 | <TD> |
580 | (?=S), (?<=S) |
581 | </TD> |
582 | <TD>Matches only the best match for S (this is only visible if there are capturing |
583 | parenthesis within S).</TD> |
584 | </TR> |
585 | <TR> |
586 | <TD><!--StartFragment --> (?!S), (?<!S)</TD> |
587 | <TD>Considers only whether a match for S exists or not.</TD> |
588 | </TR> |
589 | <TR> |
590 | <TD><!--StartFragment --> (?(condition)yes-pattern | no-pattern)</TD> |
591 | <TD>If condition is <EM>true</EM>, then only <EM>yes-pattern</EM> is considered, |
592 | otherwise only <EM>no-pattern</EM> is considered.</TD> |
593 | </TR> |
594 | </TABLE> |
595 | </P> |
596 | <H3><A name="variations"></A>Variations</H3> |
597 | <P>The options <A href="syntax_option_type.html#perl"><EM>normal, ECMAScript, JavaScript</EM> |
598 | and <EM>JScript</EM></A> are all synonyms for <EM>Perl</EM>.</P> |
599 | <H3><A name="options"></A>Options</H3> |
600 | <P>There are a <A href="syntax_option_type.html#Perl">variety of flags</A> that |
601 | may be combined with the <EM>Perl</EM> option when constructing the regular |
602 | expression, in particular note that the <A href="syntax_option_type.html#Perl">newline_alt</A> |
603 | option alters the syntax, while the <A href="syntax_option_type.html#Perl">collate, |
604 | nosubs and icase</A> options modify how the case and locale sensitivity |
605 | are to be applied.</P> |
606 | <H3><A name="mods"></A>Modifiers</H3> |
607 | <P>The perl <EM>smix</EM> modifiers can either be applied using a (?smix-smix) |
608 | prefix to the regular expression, or with one of the regex-compile time flags <EM><A href="syntax_option_type.html#Perl"> |
609 | no_mod_m, mod_x, mod_s, and no_mod_s</A></EM>. |
610 | </P> |
611 | <H3><A name="refs">References</H3> |
612 | <P><A href="http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html"> Perl 5.8.</A></P> |
613 | <HR> |
614 | <P></P> |
615 | <p>Revised |
616 | <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%d %B, %Y" startspan --> |
617 | 21 Aug 2004 |
618 | <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="39359" --></p> |
619 | <P><I>© Copyright <a href="mailto:jm@regex.fsnet.co.uk">John Maddock</a> 2004</I></P> |
620 | <I> |
621 | <P><I>Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, |
622 | Version 1.0. (See accompanying file <A href="../../../LICENSE_1_0.txt">LICENSE_1_0.txt</A> |
623 | or copy at <A href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</A>).</I></P> |
624 | </I> |
625 | </body> |
626 | </html> |