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3<title>The Rule</title>
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14      <font size="6" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>The Rule</b></font>
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28<p>The <b>rule</b> is a polymorphic parser that acts as a named place-holder capturing
29  the behavior of an EBNF expression assigned to it. Naming an EBNF expression
30  allows it to be referenced later. The <tt>rule</tt> is a template class parameterized
31  by the type of the scanner (<tt>ScannerT</tt>), the rule's <a href="indepth_the_parser_context.html">context</a> 
32  and its <a href="#tag">tag</a>. Default template parameters are provided to
33  make it easy to use the rule.</p>
34<pre><code><font color="#000000"><span class=identifier>    </span><span class=keyword>template</span><span class=special>&lt;
35        </span><span class=keyword>typename </span><span class=identifier>ScannerT </span><span class=special>= </span><span class=identifier>scanner</span><span class=special>&lt;&gt;,
36        </span><span class=keyword>typename </span><span class=identifier>ContextT </span><span class=special>= </span><span class=identifier>parser_context</span><span class=special>&lt;&gt;</span><span class=identifier>,
37        </span><span class="keyword">typename</span><span class=identifier> TagT </span><span class="special">=</span><span class=identifier> parser_address_tag</span><span class=special>&gt;
38    </span><span class=keyword>class </span><span class=identifier>rule</span><span class=special>;</span></font></code></pre>
39<p>Default template parameters are supplied to handle the most common case. <tt>ScannerT</tt> 
40  defaults to <tt>scanner&lt;&gt;</tt>, a plain vanilla scanner that acts on <tt>char
41  const<span class="operators">*</span></tt> iterators and does nothing special
42  at all other than iterate through all the chars in the null terminated input
43  a character at a time. The rule tag, <tt>TagT</tt>, typically used with <a href="trees.html">ASTs</a>,
44  is used to identify a rule; it is explained <a href="#tag">here</a>. In trivial
45  cases, declaring a rule as <tt>rule&lt;&gt;</tt> is enough. You need not be
46  concerned at all with the <tt>ContextT</tt> template parameter unless you wish
47  to tweak the low level behavior of the rule. Detailed information on the <tt>ContextT</tt> 
48  template parameter is provided <a href="indepth_the_parser_context.html">elsewhere</a>.
50<h3><a name="order_of_parameters"></a>Order of parameters</h3>
51<p>As of v1.8.0, the <tt>ScannerT</tt>, <tt>ContextT</tt> and <tt>TagT</tt> can
52  be specified in any order. If a template parameter is missing, it will assume
53  the defaults. Examples:</p>
54<pre><span class=identifier>    rule</span><span class=special>&lt;&gt; </span><span class=identifier>rx1</span><span class=special>;
55    </span><span class=identifier>rule</span><span class=special>&lt;</span><span class=identifier>scanner</span><span class=special>&lt;&gt; </span><span class=special>&gt; </span><span class=identifier>rx2</span><span class=special>;
56</span>    <span class=identifier>rule</span><span class=special>&lt;</span><span class=identifier>parser_context<code><font color="#000000"><span class=special>&lt;&gt;</span></font></code> </span><span class=special>&gt; </span><span class=identifier>rx3</span><span class=special>;
57    </span><span class=identifier>rule</span><span class=special>&lt;</span><span class=identifier>parser_context<code><font color="#000000"><span class=special>&lt;&gt;</span></font></code></span><span class=special>, </span><span class=identifier>parser_address_tag</span><span class=special>&gt; </span><span class=identifier>rx4</span><span class=special>;
58</span>    <span class=identifier>rule</span><span class=special>&lt;</span><span class=identifier>parser_address_tag</span><span class=special>&gt; </span><span class=identifier>rx5</span><span class=special>;
59</span>    <span class=identifier>rule</span><span class=special>&lt;</span><span class=identifier>parser_address_tag</span><span class=special>, </span><span class=identifier>scanner</span><span class=special>&lt;&gt;, </span><span class=identifier>parser_context<code><font color="#000000"><span class=special>&lt;&gt;</span></font></code> </span><span class=special>&gt; </span><span class=identifier>rx6</span><span class=special>;
60    </span><span class=identifier>rule</span><span class=special>&lt;</span><span class=identifier>parser_context<code><font color="#000000"><span class=special>&lt;&gt;</span></font></code></span><span class=special>, </span><span class=identifier>scanner</span><span class=special>&lt;&gt;, </span><span class=identifier>parser_address_tag</span><span class=special>&gt; </span><span class=identifier>rx7</span><span class=special>;</span></pre>
61<h3><a name="multiple_scanner_support" id="multiple_scanner_support"></a>Multiple scanners</h3>
62<p>As of v1.8.0, rules can use one or more scanner types. There are cases, for
63  instance, where we need a rule that can work on the phrase and character levels.
64  Rule/scanner mismatch has been a source of confusion and is the no. 1 <a href="faq.html#scanner_business">FAQ</a>.
65  To address this issue, we now have multiple scanner support. Example:</p>
66<pre><span class=special>    </span><span class=keyword>typedef </span><span class=identifier>scanner_list</span><span class=special>&lt;</span><span class=identifier>scanner</span><span class=special>&lt;&gt;, </span><span class=identifier>phrase_scanner_t</span><span class=special>&gt; </span><span class=identifier>scanners</span><span class=special>;
68    </span><span class=identifier>rule</span><span class=special>&lt;</span><span class=identifier>scanners</span><span class=special>&gt;  </span><span class=identifier>r </span><span class=special>= </span><span class=special>+</span><span class=identifier>anychar_p</span><span class=special>;
69    </span><span class=identifier>assert</span><span class=special>(</span><span class=identifier>parse</span><span class=special>(</span><span class=string>&quot;abcdefghijk&quot;</span><span class=special>, </span><span class=identifier>r</span><span class=special>).</span><span class=identifier>full</span><span class=special>);
70    </span><span class=identifier>assert</span><span class=special>(</span><span class=identifier>parse</span><span class=special>(</span><span class=string>&quot;a b c d e f g h i j k&quot;</span><span class=special>, </span><span class=identifier>r</span><span class=special>, </span><span class=identifier>space_p</span><span class=special>).</span><span class=identifier>full</span><span class=special>);</span></pre>
71<p>Notice how rule <tt>r</tt> is used in both the phrase and character levels.
73<p>By default support for multiple scanners is disabled.  The macro
74  <tt>BOOST_SPIRIT_RULE_SCANNERTYPE_LIMIT</tt> must be defined to the
75  maximum number of scanners allowed in a scanner_list.  The value must
76  be greater than 1 to enable multiple scanners.  Given the
77  example above, to define a limit of two scanners for the list, the
78  following line must be inserted into the source file before the
79  inclusion of Spirit headers:
81<pre><span class=special>    </span><span class=preprocessor>#define </span><span class=identifier>BOOST_SPIRIT_RULE_SCANNERTYPE_LIMIT</span> <span class=literal>2</span></pre>
82<table width="80%" border="0" align="center">
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84    <td class="note_box"><img src="theme/bulb.gif" width="13" height="18"> See
85      the techniques section for an <a href="techniques.html#multiple_scanner_support">example</a> 
86      of a <a href="grammar.html">grammar</a> using a multiple scanner enabled
87      rule, <a href="scanner.html#lexeme_scanner">lexeme_scanner</a> and <a href="scanner.html#as_lower_scanner">as_lower_scanner.</a></td>
88  </tr>
90<h3>Rule Declarations</h3>
91<p>The rule class models EBNF's production rule. Example:</p>
92<pre><code><font color="#000000">    <span class=identifier>rule</span><span class=special>&lt;&gt; </span><span class=identifier>a_rule </span><span class=special>= </span><span class=special>*(</span><span class=identifier>a </span><span class=special>| </span><span class=identifier>b</span><span class=special>) </span><span class=special>& </span><span class=special>+(</span><span class=identifier>c </span><span class=special>| </span><span class=identifier>d </span><span class=special>| </span><span class=identifier>e</span><span class=special>);</span></font></code></pre>
93<p>The type and behavior of the right-hand (rhs) EBNF expression, which may be
94  arbitrarily complex, is encoded in the rule named a_rule. a_rule may now be
95  referenced elsewhere in the grammar:</p>
96<pre><code><font color="#000000">    <span class=identifier>rule</span><span class=special>&lt;&gt; </span><span class=identifier>another_rule </span><span class=special>= </span><span class=identifier>f </span><span class=special>&gt;&gt; </span><span class=identifier>g </span><span class=special>&gt;&gt; </span><span class=identifier>h </span><span class=special>&gt;&gt; </span><span class=identifier>a_rule</span><span class=special>;</span></font></code></pre>
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99    <td class="note_box"><img src="theme/alert.gif" width="16" height="16"> <b>Referencing
100      rules <br>
101      </b><br>
102      When a rule is referenced anywhere in the right hand side of an EBNF expression,
103      the rule is held by the expression by reference. It is the responsibility
104      of the client to ensure that the referenced rule stays in scope and does
105      not get destructed while it is being referenced. </td>
106  </tr>
108<pre><span class=special>    </span><span class=identifier>a </span><span class=special>= </span><span class=identifier>int_p</span><span class=special>;
109    </span><span class=identifier>b </span><span class=special>= </span><span class=identifier>a</span><span class=special>;
110    </span><span class=identifier>c </span><span class=special>= </span><span class=identifier>int_p </span><span class=special>&gt;&gt; </span><span class=identifier>b</span><span class=special>;</span></pre>
111<h3>Copying Rules</h3>
112<p>The rule is a weird C++ citizen, unlike any other C++ object. It does not have
113  the proper copy and assignment semantics and cannot be stored and passed around
114  by value. If you need to copy a rule you have to explicitly call its member
115  function <tt>copy()</tt>:</p>
116<pre><span class=special>    </span><span class=identifier>r</span><span class="special">.</span><span class=identifier>copy()</span><span class=special>;</span></pre>
117<p>However, be warned that copying a rule will not deep copy other referenced
118  rules of the source rule being copied. This might lead to dangling references.
119  Again, it is the responsibility of the client to ensure that all referenced
120  rules stay in scope and does not get destructed while it is being referenced.
121  Caveat emptor.</p>
122<p>If you copy a rule, then you'll want to place it in a storage somewhere. The
123  problem is how? The storage can't be another rule:</p>
124<pre>    <code><font color="#000000"><span class=identifier>rule</span><span class=special>&lt;&gt;</span></font></code> r2 <span class="special">=</span> <span class=identifier>r</span><span class="special">.</span><span class=identifier>copy()</span><span class=special>; </span><span class="comment">// BAD!</span></pre>
125<p>because rules are weird and does not have the expected C++ copy-constructor
126  and assignment semantics! As a general rule: <strong>Don't put a copied rule
127  into another rule! </strong>Instead, use the <a href="stored_rule.html">stored_rule</a> 
128  for that purpose.</p>
129<h3>Forward declarations</h3>
130<p>A <tt>rule</tt> may be declared before being defined to allow cyclic structures
131  typically found in BNF declarations. Example:</p>
132<pre><code><font color="#000000"><span class=special>    </span><span class=identifier>rule</span><span class=special>&lt;&gt; </span><span class=identifier>a</span><span class=special>, </span><span class=identifier>b</span><span class=special>, </span><span class=identifier>c</span><span class=special>;
134    </span><span class=identifier>a </span><span class=special>= </span><span class=identifier>b </span><span class=special>| </span><span class=identifier>a</span><span class=special>;
135    </span><span class=identifier>b </span><span class=special>= </span><span class=identifier>c </span><span class=special>| </span><span class=identifier>a</span><span class=special>;</span></font></code></pre>
137<p>The right-hand side of a rule may reference other rules, including itself.
138  The limitation is that direct or indirect left recursion is not allowed (this
139  is an unchecked run-time error that results in an infinite loop). This is typical
140  of top-down parsers. Example:</p>
141<pre><code><font color="#000000"><span class=special>    </span><span class=identifier>a </span><span class=special>= </span><span class=identifier>a </span><span class=special>| </span><span class=identifier>b</span><span class=special>; </span><span class=comment>// infinite loop!</span></font></code></pre>
142<table width="80%" border="0" align="center">
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144    <td class="note_box"><img src="theme/lens.gif" width="15" height="16"> <b>What
145      is left recursion?<br>
146      </b><br>
147      Left recursion happens when you have a rule that calls itself before anything
148      else. A top-down parser will go into an infinite loop when this happens.
149      See the <a href="faq.html#left_recursion">FAQ</a> for details on how to
150      eliminate left recursion.</td>
151  </tr>
153<h3>Undefined rules</h3>
154<p>An undefined rule matches nothing and is semantically equivalent to <tt>nothing_p</tt>.</p>
156<p>Like any other C++ assignment, a second assignment to a rule is destructive
157  and will redefine it. The old definition is lost. Rules are dynamic. A rule
158  can change its definition anytime:</p>
159<pre><code><font color="#000000"><span class=identifier>    r </span><span class=special>= </span><span class=identifier>a_definition</span><span class=special>;
160</span><span class=identifier>    r </span><span class=special>= </span><span class=identifier>another_definition</span><span class=special>;</span></font></code></pre>
161<p>Rule <tt>r</tt> loses the old definition when the second assignment is made.
162  As mentioned, an undefined rule matches nothing and is semantically equivalent
163  to <tt>nothing_p</tt>.
164<h3>Dynamic Parsers</h3>
165<p>Hosting declarative EBNF in imperative C++ yields an interesting blend. We
166  have the best of both worlds. We have the ability to conveniently modify the
167  grammar at run time using imperative constructs such as <tt>if</tt>, <tt>else</tt> 
168  statements. Example:</p>
169<pre><code><font color="#000000"><span class=special>    </span><span class=keyword>if </span><span class=special>(</span><span class=identifier>feature_is_available</span><span class=special>)
170        </span><span class=identifier>r </span><span class=special>= </span><span class=identifier>add_this_feature</span><span class=special>;</span></font></code></pre>
171<p>Rules are essentially dynamic parsers. A dynamic parser is characterized by
172  its ability to modify its behavior at run time. Initially, an undefined rule
173  matches nothing. At any time, the rule may be defined and redefined, thus, dynamically
174  altering its behavior.</p>
175<h3>No start rule</h3>
176<p>Typically, parsers have what is called a start symbol, chosen to be the root
177  of the grammar where parsing starts. The Spirit parser framework has no notion
178  of a start symbol. Any rule can be a start symbol. This feature promotes step-wise
179  creation of parsers. We can build parsers from the bottom up while fully testing
180  each level or module up untill we get to the top-most level.</p>
181<h3><a name="tag"></a>Parser Tags</h3>
182<p>Rules may be tagged for identification purposes. This is necessary, especially
183  when dealing with <a href="trees.html">parse trees and ASTs</a> to see which
184  rule created a specific AST/parse tree node. Each rule has an ID of type <tt>parser_id</tt>.
185  This ID can be obtained through the rule's <tt>id()</tt> member function:</p>
186<pre><code><font color="#000000"><span class=identifier>    my_rule</span><span class=special>.</span><span class=identifier>id</span><span class=special>(); </span><span class=comment>//  get my_rule's id</span></font></code></pre>
187<p>The <tt>parser_id</tt> class is declared as:</p>
188<pre>    <span class="keyword">class</span> <span class="identifier">parser_id</span><br>    <span class="special">{</span><br>    <span class="keyword">public</span><span class="special">:</span><br>                    parser_id<span class="special">();</span><br>        <span class="keyword">explicit</span>    parser_id<span class="special">(</span><span class="keyword">void const</span><span class="special">*</span> p<span class="special">);</span><br>                    parser_id<span class="special">(</span><span class="keyword">std::size_t</span> l<span class="special">);</span>
190        <span class="keyword">bool</span>        <span class="keyword">operator</span><span class="special">==(</span><span class="identifier">parser_id</span> <span class="keyword">const</span><span class="special">&amp;</span> x<span class="special">)</span> const<span class="special">;</span><br>        <span class="keyword">bool</span>        <span class="keyword">operator</span><span class="special">!=(</span><span class="identifier">parser_id</span> <span class="keyword">const</span><span class="special">&amp;</span> x<span class="special">)</span> const<span class="special">;</span>
191        <span class="keyword">bool</span> <span class="keyword">       operator</span><span class="special">&lt;(</span><span class="identifier">parser_id</span> <span class="keyword">const</span><span class="special">&amp;</span> x<span class="special">)</span> const<span class="special">;</span>
192        <span class="special"></span><span class="keyword">std::size_t</span><span class="identifier"> to_long</span><span class="special">()</span> <span class="keyword">const</span><span class="special">;
193    };</span></pre>
195<p>The rule's <tt>TagT</tt> template parameter supplies this ID. This defaults
196  to <tt>parser_address_tag</tt>. The <tt>parser_address_tag</tt> uses the address
197  of the rule as its ID. This is often not the most convenient, since it is not
198  always possible to get the address of a rule to compare against. </p>
200<p>It is possible to have specific constant integers to identify a rule. For this
201  purpose, we can use the <tt>parser_tag&lt;N&gt;</tt>, where N is a constant
202  integer:</p>
203<pre><code><font color="#000000"><span class=identifier>    rule</span><span class=special>&lt;</span><span class=identifier>parser_tag</span><span class="special">&lt;</span><span class=identifier>123</span><span class="special">&gt; &gt; </span><span class="identifier">my_rule</span><span class="special">; </span><span class="comment">//  set my_rule's id to 123</span></font></code></pre>
205<p>The <tt>parser_tag&lt;N&gt;</tt> can only specifiy a <strong>static ID</strong>,
206  which is defined at compile time. If you need the ID to be <strong>dynamic</strong> 
207  (changeable at runtime), you can use the <tt>dynamic_parser_tag</tt> class as
208  the <tt>TagT</tt> template parameter. This template parameter enables the <tt>set_id()</tt> 
209  function, which may be used to set the required id at runtime:</p>
210<pre><code><font color="#000000"><span class=identifier>    rule</span><span class=special>&lt;</span><span class=identifier>dynamic_parser_tag</span><span class="special">&gt; </span><span class="identifier">my_dynrule</span><span class="special">;</span>
211    my_dynrule.set_id(1234);    <span class="comment">// set my_dynrule's id to 1234</span></font></code></pre>
212<p>If the <tt>set_id()</tt> function isn't called, the parser id defaults to the
213  address of the rule as its ID, just like the <tt>parser_address_tag</tt> template
214  parameter would do. </p>
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221  </tr>
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225<p class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 1998-2003 Joel de Guzman<br>
226  <br>
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228    License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
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