[29] | 1 | <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> |
| 2 | <html> |
| 3 | <head> |
| 4 | <title>bcp</title> |
| 5 | <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> |
| 6 | <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../boost.css"> |
| 7 | </head> |
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| 9 | <P> |
| 10 | <TABLE id="Table1" cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="1" width="100%" border="0"> |
| 11 | <TR> |
| 12 | <td valign="top" width="300"> |
| 13 | <h3><a href="../../index.htm"><img height="86" width="277" alt="C++ Boost" src="../../boost.png" border="0"></a></h3> |
| 14 | </td> |
| 15 | <TD width="353"> |
| 16 | <H1 align="center">The bcp utility</H1> |
| 17 | </TD> |
| 18 | <td width="50"> |
| 19 | <h3><a href="../../index.htm"><img height="45" width="43" alt="Boost.Regex Index" src="../../libs/regex/doc/uarrow.gif" |
| 20 | border="0"></a></h3> |
| 21 | </td> |
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| 24 | </P> |
| 25 | <HR> |
| 26 | <p></p> |
| 27 | <P>The bcp utility is a tool for extracting subsets of Boost, it's useful for |
| 28 | Boost authors who want to distribute their library separately from Boost, and |
| 29 | for Boost users who want to distribute a subset of Boost with their |
| 30 | application.</P> |
| 31 | <P>bcp can also report on which parts of Boost your code is dependent on, and what |
| 32 | licences are used by those dependencies.</P> |
| 33 | <H2>Examples:</H2> |
| 34 | <PRE>bcp scoped_ptr /foo</PRE> |
| 35 | <P>Copies boost/scoped_ptr.hpp and dependencies to /foo.</P> |
| 36 | <PRE>bcp boost/regex.hpp /foo</PRE> |
| 37 | <P>Copies boost/regex.hpp and all dependencies including the regex source code (in |
| 38 | libs/regex/src) and build files (in libs/regex/build) to /foo. Does not |
| 39 | copy the regex documentation, test, or example code.</P> |
| 40 | <PRE>bcp regex /foo</PRE> |
| 41 | <P>Copies the full regex lib (in libs/regex) including dependencies (such as the |
| 42 | boost.test source required by the regex test programs) to /foo.</P> |
| 43 | <PRE>bcp regex config build /foo</PRE> |
| 44 | <P>Copies the full regex lib (in libs/regex) plus the config lib (libs/config) and |
| 45 | the build system (tools/build) to /foo including all the dependencies.</P> |
| 46 | <PRE>bcp --scan --boost=/boost foo.cpp bar.cpp boost</PRE> |
| 47 | <P>Scans the [non-boost] files foo.cpp and bar.cpp for boost dependencies and |
| 48 | copies those dependencies to the sub-directory boost.</P> |
| 49 | <PRE>bcp --report regex.hpp boost-regex-report.html</PRE> |
| 50 | <P>Creates a HTML report called <EM>boost-regex-report.html</EM> for the boost |
| 51 | module <EM>regex.hpp</EM>. The report contains license information, |
| 52 | author details, and file dependencies.</P> |
| 53 | <H2>Syntax:</H2> |
| 54 | <PRE>bcp --list [options] module-list</PRE> |
| 55 | <P>Outputs a list of all the files in module-list including dependencies.</P> |
| 56 | <PRE>bcp [options] module-list output-path</PRE> |
| 57 | <P>Copies all the files found in module-list to output-path</P> |
| 58 | <PRE>bcp --report [options] module-list html-file</PRE> |
| 59 | <P>Outputs a html report file containing:</P> |
| 60 | <UL> |
| 61 | <LI> |
| 62 | All the licenses in effect, plus the files using each license, and |
| 63 | the copyright holders using each license. |
| 64 | <LI> |
| 65 | Any files with no recognizable license (please report these to the boost |
| 66 | mailing lists). |
| 67 | <LI> |
| 68 | Any files with no recognizable copyright holders (please report these to the |
| 69 | boost mailing lists). |
| 70 | <LI> |
| 71 | All the copyright holders and the files on which they hold copyright. |
| 72 | <LI> |
| 73 | File dependency information - indicates the reason for the inclusion of any |
| 74 | particular file in the dependencies found.</LI></UL> |
| 75 | <H3>Options:</H3> |
| 76 | <PRE>--boost=path</PRE> |
| 77 | <P>Sets the location of the boost tree to <EM>path. </EM> If this option is |
| 78 | not provided then the current path is assumed to be the root directory of the |
| 79 | Boost tree.</P> |
| 80 | <PRE>--scan</PRE> |
| 81 | <P>Treats the module list as a list of (probably non-boost) files to scan for |
| 82 | boost dependencies, the files listed in the module list are not copied (or |
| 83 | listed), only the boost files upon which they depend.</P> |
| 84 | <PRE>--cvs</PRE> |
| 85 | <P>Only copy files under cvs version control.</P> |
| 86 | <PRE>--unix-lines</PRE> |
| 87 | <P>Make sure that all copied files use Unix style line endings.</P> |
| 88 | <H4>module-list: </H4> |
| 89 | <P>When the --scan option is not used then a list of boost files or library |
| 90 | names to copy, this can be:</P> |
| 91 | <OL> |
| 92 | <LI> |
| 93 | The name of a tool: for example "build" will find "tools/build". |
| 94 | <LI> |
| 95 | The name of a library: for example "regex". |
| 96 | <LI> |
| 97 | The title of a header: for example "scoped_ptr" will find |
| 98 | "boost/scoped_ptr.hpp". |
| 99 | <LI> |
| 100 | The name of a header: for example "scoped_ptr.hpp" will find |
| 101 | "boost/scoped_ptr.hpp". |
| 102 | <LI> |
| 103 | The name of a file: for example "boost/regex.hpp".</LI></OL> |
| 104 | <P>When the --scan option is used, then a list of (probably non-boost) files to |
| 105 | scan for boost dependencies, the files in the module list are not therefore |
| 106 | copied/listed.</P> |
| 107 | <H4>output-path: |
| 108 | </H4> |
| 109 | <P>The path to which files will be copied (this path must exist).</P> |
| 110 | <H2>Dependencies</H2> |
| 111 | <P>File dependencies are found as follows:</P> |
| 112 | <UL> |
| 113 | <LI> |
| 114 | C++ source files are scanned for #includes, all #includes present in the boost |
| 115 | source tree will then be scanned for their dependencies and so on.</LI> |
| 116 | <LI> |
| 117 | C++ source files are associated with the name of a library, if that library has |
| 118 | source code (and possibly build data), then include that source in the |
| 119 | dependencies.</LI> |
| 120 | <LI> |
| 121 | C++ source files are checked for dependencies on Boost.test (for example to see |
| 122 | if they use cpp_main as an entry point).</LI> |
| 123 | <LI> |
| 124 | HTML files are scanned for immediate dependencies (images and style sheets, but |
| 125 | not links).</LI></UL> |
| 126 | <P>It should be noted that in practice bcp can produce a rather "fat" list of |
| 127 | dependencies, reasons for this include:</P> |
| 128 | <UL> |
| 129 | <LI> |
| 130 | It searches for library names first, so using "regex" as a name will give you |
| 131 | everything in the libs/regex directory and everything that depends on. |
| 132 | This can be a long list as all the regex test and example programs will get |
| 133 | scanned for their dependencies. If you want a more minimal list, then try |
| 134 | using the names of the headers you are actually including, or use the --scan |
| 135 | option to scan your source code.</LI> |
| 136 | <LI> |
| 137 | If you include the header of a library with separate source, then you get that |
| 138 | libraries source and all it's dependencies. This is deliberate and in |
| 139 | general those extra dependencies are needed.</LI> |
| 140 | <LI> |
| 141 | When you include a header, bcp doesn't know what compiler you're using, so it |
| 142 | follows all possible preprocessor paths. If you're distributing a subset of |
| 143 | Boost with you're application then that is what you want to have happen in |
| 144 | general.</LI></UL> |
| 145 | <P>The last point above can result in a substantial increase in the number of |
| 146 | headers found compared to most peoples expectations. For example bcp |
| 147 | finds 274 header dependencies for boost/shared_ptr.hpp: by running bcp in |
| 148 | report mode we can see why all these headers have been found as dependencies:</P> |
| 149 | <UL> |
| 150 | <LI> |
| 151 | All of the Config library headers get included (52 headers, would be |
| 152 | about 6 for one compiler only).</LI> |
| 153 | <LI> |
| 154 | A lot of MPL and type traits code that includes workarounds for broken |
| 155 | compilers that you may or may not need. Tracing back through the code |
| 156 | shows that most of these aren't needed unless the user has |
| 157 | defined BOOST_SP_USE_QUICK_ALLOCATOR, however bcp isn't aware of whether |
| 158 | that preprocessor path will be taken or not, so the headers get included just |
| 159 | in case. This adds about 48 headers (type traits), plus another 49 from |
| 160 | MPL.</LI> |
| 161 | <LI> |
| 162 | The Preprocessor library gets used heavily by MPL: this adds another 96 |
| 163 | headers.</LI> |
| 164 | <LI> |
| 165 | The Shared Pointer library contains a lot of platform specific code, split up |
| 166 | into around 22 headers: normally your compiler would need only a couple of |
| 167 | these files.</LI></UL> |
| 168 | <P>As you can see the number of dependencies found are much larger than those used |
| 169 | by any single compiler, however if you want to distribute a subset of Boost |
| 170 | that's usable in any configuration, by any compiler, on any platform then |
| 171 | that's exactly what you need. If you want to figure out which Boost |
| 172 | headers are being used by your <EM>specific </EM>compiler then the best way to |
| 173 | find out is to prepocess the code and scan the output for boost header |
| 174 | includes. You should be aware that the result will be very platform and |
| 175 | compiler specific, and may not contain all the headers needed if you so much as |
| 176 | change a compiler switch (for example turn on threading support).</P> |
| 177 | <P> |
| 178 | <P> |
| 179 | <HR> |
| 180 | <P></P> |
| 181 | <P></P> |
| 182 | <p>Revised |
| 183 | <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%d %B, %Y" startspan --> |
| 184 | 28 June 2004 |
| 185 | <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="39359" --> |
| 186 | </p> |
| 187 | <P><I>© Copyright <a href="mailto:jm@regex.fsnet.co.uk">John Maddock</a> 2003-4</I></P> |
| 188 | <P align="left"><I>Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. |
| 189 | (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</a>) |
| 190 | </I></P> |
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