#!/bin/sh #~ Copyright Rene Rivera 2006. #~ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. #~ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at #~ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) set -e #~ Configuration options. mail_from="Rene Rivera " mail_to="Boost " mail_date=`date --iso-8601 --utc` mail_in_reply_to="$2" cvs_branch="$1" cvs_user=":ext:${USER}" cvs_co="cvs -q -z9 -d${cvs_user}@boost.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/boost co -P -r ${cvs_branch}" cvs_dir="${HOME}/devroots" #~ Build bjam. cd ${cvs_dir} ${cvs_co} -d boost_jam_src boost/tools/jam/src cd boost_jam_src LOCATE_TARGET=bin sh ./build.sh #~ Build inspect. cd ${cvs_dir} ${cvs_co} -d boost_${cvs_branch} boost cd boost_${cvs_branch}/tools/inspect/build ${cvs_dir}/boost_jam_src/bin/bjam --v2 #~ Run the inspection. cd ${cvs_dir} cd boost_${cvs_branch} opt="" opt="${opt} -crlf" opt="${opt} -link" opt="${opt} -long_name" opt="${opt} -tab" opt="${opt} -minmax" opt="${opt} -unnamed" ./dist/bin/inspect -text ${opt} > inspect-X.out opt="" opt="${opt} -license" opt="${opt} -copyright" ./dist/bin/inspect -text -brief ${opt} > inspect-LC.out #~ Send email(s) with results. /usr/sbin/sendmail "${mail_to}" <