Source Distribution

You can retrieve the source to ENet by downloading it in either .tar.gz form or accessing the cvs distribution directly.

The most recent stable release (1.1) can be downloaded here.

To access ENet via anonymous CVS, you must use the CVSROOT with an empty password.

        $ cvs -z3 -d login
Hit the return key when prompted for a password.
        $ cvs -z3 -d co -l .
        $ cvs -z3 co enet

This will create a CVS directory in the current directory, and with the second command will proceed to check the enet module out of CVS. Any problems with CVS access or request for write access should be sent via email to ENet Mailing List.

Generated on Wed Jun 6 14:33:50 2007 for enet by  doxygen 1.5.1