host.c File Reference

Detailed Description

#include <string.h>
#include "enet/enet.h"




ENetHostenet_host_create (const ENetAddress *address, size_t peerCount, enet_uint32 incomingBandwidth, enet_uint32 outgoingBandwidth)
 Creates a host for communicating to peers.
void enet_host_destroy (ENetHost *host)
 Destroys the host and all resources associated with it.
ENetPeerenet_host_connect (ENetHost *host, const ENetAddress *address, size_t channelCount)
 Initiates a connection to a foreign host.
void enet_host_broadcast (ENetHost *host, enet_uint8 channelID, ENetPacket *packet)
 Queues a packet to be sent to all peers associated with the host.
void enet_host_bandwidth_limit (ENetHost *host, enet_uint32 incomingBandwidth, enet_uint32 outgoingBandwidth)
 Adjusts the bandwidth limits of a host.
void enet_host_bandwidth_throttle (ENetHost *host)

Generated on Wed Jun 6 14:33:50 2007 for enet by  doxygen 1.5.1