/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. You may alternatively use this source under the terms of a specific version of the OGRE Unrestricted License provided you have obtained such a license from Torus Knot Software Ltd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "OgreStableHeaders.h" #include "OgreAnimationTrack.h" #include "OgreAnimation.h" #include "OgreKeyFrame.h" #include "OgreNode.h" #include "OgreLogManager.h" #include "OgreHardwareBufferManager.h" #include "OgreMesh.h" #include "OgreException.h" namespace Ogre { namespace { // Locally key frame search helper struct KeyFrameTimeLess { bool operator() (const KeyFrame* kf, const KeyFrame* kf2) const { return kf->getTime() < kf2->getTime(); } }; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- AnimationTrack::AnimationTrack(Animation* parent, unsigned short handle) : mParent(parent), mHandle(handle) { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- AnimationTrack::~AnimationTrack() { removeAllKeyFrames(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned short AnimationTrack::getNumKeyFrames(void) const { return (unsigned short)mKeyFrames.size(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyFrame* AnimationTrack::getKeyFrame(unsigned short index) const { // If you hit this assert, then the keyframe index is out of bounds assert( index < (ushort)mKeyFrames.size() ); return mKeyFrames[index]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Real AnimationTrack::getKeyFramesAtTime(const TimeIndex& timeIndex, KeyFrame** keyFrame1, KeyFrame** keyFrame2, unsigned short* firstKeyIndex) const { // Parametric time // t1 = time of previous keyframe // t2 = time of next keyframe Real t1, t2; Real timePos = timeIndex.getTimePos(); // Find first keyframe after or on current time KeyFrameList::const_iterator i; if (timeIndex.hasKeyIndex()) { // Global keyframe index available, map to local keyframe index directly. assert(timeIndex.getKeyIndex() < mKeyFrameIndexMap.size()); i = mKeyFrames.begin() + mKeyFrameIndexMap[timeIndex.getKeyIndex()]; #ifdef _DEBUG KeyFrame timeKey(0, timePos); if (i != std::lower_bound(mKeyFrames.begin(), mKeyFrames.end(), &timeKey, KeyFrameTimeLess())) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Optimised key frame search failed", "AnimationTrack::getKeyFramesAtTime"); } #endif } else { // Wrap time Real totalAnimationLength = mParent->getLength(); assert(totalAnimationLength > 0.0f && "Invalid animation length!"); while (timePos > totalAnimationLength && totalAnimationLength > 0.0f) { timePos -= totalAnimationLength; } // No global keyframe index, need to search with local keyframes. KeyFrame timeKey(0, timePos); i = std::lower_bound(mKeyFrames.begin(), mKeyFrames.end(), &timeKey, KeyFrameTimeLess()); } if (i == mKeyFrames.end()) { // There is no keyframe after this time, wrap back to first *keyFrame2 = mKeyFrames.front(); t2 = mParent->getLength() + (*keyFrame2)->getTime(); // Use last keyframe as previous keyframe --i; } else { *keyFrame2 = *i; t2 = (*keyFrame2)->getTime(); // Find last keyframe before or on current time if (i != mKeyFrames.begin() && timePos < (*i)->getTime()) { --i; } } // Fill index of the first key if (firstKeyIndex) { *firstKeyIndex = std::distance(mKeyFrames.begin(), i); } *keyFrame1 = *i; t1 = (*keyFrame1)->getTime(); if (t1 == t2) { // Same KeyFrame (only one) return 0.0; } else { return (timePos - t1) / (t2 - t1); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyFrame* AnimationTrack::createKeyFrame(Real timePos) { KeyFrame* kf = createKeyFrameImpl(timePos); // Insert just before upper bound KeyFrameList::iterator i = std::upper_bound(mKeyFrames.begin(), mKeyFrames.end(), kf, KeyFrameTimeLess()); mKeyFrames.insert(i, kf); _keyFrameDataChanged(); mParent->_keyFrameListChanged(); return kf; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void AnimationTrack::removeKeyFrame(unsigned short index) { // If you hit this assert, then the keyframe index is out of bounds assert( index < (ushort)mKeyFrames.size() ); KeyFrameList::iterator i = mKeyFrames.begin(); i += index; delete *i; mKeyFrames.erase(i); _keyFrameDataChanged(); mParent->_keyFrameListChanged(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void AnimationTrack::removeAllKeyFrames(void) { KeyFrameList::iterator i = mKeyFrames.begin(); for (; i != mKeyFrames.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } _keyFrameDataChanged(); mParent->_keyFrameListChanged(); mKeyFrames.clear(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void AnimationTrack::_collectKeyFrameTimes(std::vector& keyFrameTimes) { for (KeyFrameList::const_iterator i = mKeyFrames.begin(); i != mKeyFrames.end(); ++i) { Real timePos = (*i)->getTime(); std::vector::iterator it = std::lower_bound(keyFrameTimes.begin(), keyFrameTimes.end(), timePos); if (it == keyFrameTimes.end() || *it != timePos) { keyFrameTimes.insert(it, timePos); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void AnimationTrack::_buildKeyFrameIndexMap(const std::vector& keyFrameTimes) { // Pre-allocate memory mKeyFrameIndexMap.resize(keyFrameTimes.size() + 1); size_t i = 0, j = 0; while (j <= keyFrameTimes.size()) { mKeyFrameIndexMap[j] = static_cast(i); while (i < mKeyFrames.size() && mKeyFrames[i]->getTime() <= keyFrameTimes[j]) ++i; ++j; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void AnimationTrack::populateClone(AnimationTrack* clone) const { for (KeyFrameList::const_iterator i = mKeyFrames.begin(); i != mKeyFrames.end(); ++i) { KeyFrame* clonekf = (*i)->_clone(clone); clone->mKeyFrames.push_back(clonekf); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Numeric specialisations //--------------------------------------------------------------------- NumericAnimationTrack::NumericAnimationTrack(Animation* parent, unsigned short handle) : AnimationTrack(parent, handle) { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- NumericAnimationTrack::NumericAnimationTrack(Animation* parent, unsigned short handle, AnimableValuePtr& target) :AnimationTrack(parent, handle), mTargetAnim(target) { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- const AnimableValuePtr& NumericAnimationTrack::getAssociatedAnimable(void) const { return mTargetAnim; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void NumericAnimationTrack::setAssociatedAnimable(const AnimableValuePtr& val) { mTargetAnim = val; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyFrame* NumericAnimationTrack::createKeyFrameImpl(Real time) { return new NumericKeyFrame(this, time); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void NumericAnimationTrack::getInterpolatedKeyFrame(const TimeIndex& timeIndex, KeyFrame* kf) const { NumericKeyFrame* kret = static_cast(kf); // Keyframe pointers KeyFrame *kBase1, *kBase2; NumericKeyFrame *k1, *k2; unsigned short firstKeyIndex; Real t = this->getKeyFramesAtTime(timeIndex, &kBase1, &kBase2, &firstKeyIndex); k1 = static_cast(kBase1); k2 = static_cast(kBase2); if (t == 0.0) { // Just use k1 kret->setValue(k1->getValue()); } else { // Interpolate by t AnyNumeric diff = k2->getValue() - k1->getValue(); kret->setValue(k1->getValue() + diff * t); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void NumericAnimationTrack::apply(const TimeIndex& timeIndex, Real weight, Real scale) { applyToAnimable(mTargetAnim, timeIndex, weight, scale); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void NumericAnimationTrack::applyToAnimable(const AnimableValuePtr& anim, const TimeIndex& timeIndex, Real weight, Real scale) { // Nothing to do if no keyframes or zero weight, scale if (mKeyFrames.empty() || !weight || !scale) return; NumericKeyFrame kf(0, timeIndex.getTimePos()); getInterpolatedKeyFrame(timeIndex, &kf); // add to existing. Weights are not relative, but treated as // absolute multipliers for the animation AnyNumeric val = kf.getValue() * (weight * scale); anim->applyDeltaValue(val); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- NumericKeyFrame* NumericAnimationTrack::createNumericKeyFrame(Real timePos) { return static_cast(createKeyFrame(timePos)); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- NumericKeyFrame* NumericAnimationTrack::getNumericKeyFrame(unsigned short index) const { return static_cast(getKeyFrame(index)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- NumericAnimationTrack* NumericAnimationTrack::_clone(Animation* newParent) const { NumericAnimationTrack* newTrack = newParent->createNumericTrack(mHandle); newTrack->mTargetAnim = mTargetAnim; populateClone(newTrack); return newTrack; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Node specialisations //--------------------------------------------------------------------- NodeAnimationTrack::NodeAnimationTrack(Animation* parent, unsigned short handle) : AnimationTrack(parent, handle), mTargetNode(0) , mSplines(0), mSplineBuildNeeded(false) , mUseShortestRotationPath(true) { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- NodeAnimationTrack::NodeAnimationTrack(Animation* parent, unsigned short handle, Node* targetNode) : AnimationTrack(parent, handle), mTargetNode(targetNode) , mSplines(0), mSplineBuildNeeded(false) , mUseShortestRotationPath(true) { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- NodeAnimationTrack::~NodeAnimationTrack() { delete mSplines; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void NodeAnimationTrack::getInterpolatedKeyFrame(const TimeIndex& timeIndex, KeyFrame* kf) const { TransformKeyFrame* kret = static_cast(kf); // Keyframe pointers KeyFrame *kBase1, *kBase2; TransformKeyFrame *k1, *k2; unsigned short firstKeyIndex; Real t = this->getKeyFramesAtTime(timeIndex, &kBase1, &kBase2, &firstKeyIndex); k1 = static_cast(kBase1); k2 = static_cast(kBase2); if (t == 0.0) { // Just use k1 kret->setRotation(k1->getRotation()); kret->setTranslate(k1->getTranslate()); kret->setScale(k1->getScale()); } else { // Interpolate by t Animation::InterpolationMode im = mParent->getInterpolationMode(); Animation::RotationInterpolationMode rim = mParent->getRotationInterpolationMode(); Vector3 base; switch(im) { case Animation::IM_LINEAR: // Interpolate linearly // Rotation // Interpolate to nearest rotation if mUseShortestRotationPath set if (rim == Animation::RIM_LINEAR) { kret->setRotation( Quaternion::nlerp(t, k1->getRotation(), k2->getRotation(), mUseShortestRotationPath) ); } else //if (rim == Animation::RIM_SPHERICAL) { kret->setRotation( Quaternion::Slerp(t, k1->getRotation(), k2->getRotation(), mUseShortestRotationPath) ); } // Translation base = k1->getTranslate(); kret->setTranslate( base + ((k2->getTranslate() - base) * t) ); // Scale base = k1->getScale(); kret->setScale( base + ((k2->getScale() - base) * t) ); break; case Animation::IM_SPLINE: // Spline interpolation // Build splines if required if (mSplineBuildNeeded) { buildInterpolationSplines(); } // Rotation, take mUseShortestRotationPath into account kret->setRotation( mSplines->rotationSpline.interpolate(firstKeyIndex, t, mUseShortestRotationPath) ); // Translation kret->setTranslate( mSplines->positionSpline.interpolate(firstKeyIndex, t) ); // Scale kret->setScale( mSplines->scaleSpline.interpolate(firstKeyIndex, t) ); break; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void NodeAnimationTrack::apply(const TimeIndex& timeIndex, Real weight, Real scale) { applyToNode(mTargetNode, timeIndex, weight, scale); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Node* NodeAnimationTrack::getAssociatedNode(void) const { return mTargetNode; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void NodeAnimationTrack::setAssociatedNode(Node* node) { mTargetNode = node; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void NodeAnimationTrack::applyToNode(Node* node, const TimeIndex& timeIndex, Real weight, Real scl) { // Nothing to do if no keyframes or zero weight or no node if (mKeyFrames.empty() || !weight || !node) return; TransformKeyFrame kf(0, timeIndex.getTimePos()); getInterpolatedKeyFrame(timeIndex, &kf); // add to existing. Weights are not relative, but treated as absolute multipliers for the animation Vector3 translate = kf.getTranslate() * weight * scl; node->translate(translate); // interpolate between no-rotation and full rotation, to point 'weight', so 0 = no rotate, 1 = full Quaternion rotate; Animation::RotationInterpolationMode rim = mParent->getRotationInterpolationMode(); if (rim == Animation::RIM_LINEAR) { rotate = Quaternion::nlerp(weight, Quaternion::IDENTITY, kf.getRotation(), mUseShortestRotationPath); } else //if (rim == Animation::RIM_SPHERICAL) { rotate = Quaternion::Slerp(weight, Quaternion::IDENTITY, kf.getRotation(), mUseShortestRotationPath); } node->rotate(rotate); Vector3 scale = kf.getScale(); // Not sure how to modify scale for cumulative anims... leave it alone //scale = ((Vector3::UNIT_SCALE - kf.getScale()) * weight) + Vector3::UNIT_SCALE; if (scl != 1.0f && scale != Vector3::UNIT_SCALE) { scale = Vector3::UNIT_SCALE + (scale - Vector3::UNIT_SCALE) * scl; } node->scale(scale); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void NodeAnimationTrack::buildInterpolationSplines(void) const { // Allocate splines if not exists if (!mSplines) { mSplines = new Splines; } // Cache to register for optimisation Splines* splines = mSplines; // Don't calc automatically, do it on request at the end splines->positionSpline.setAutoCalculate(false); splines->rotationSpline.setAutoCalculate(false); splines->scaleSpline.setAutoCalculate(false); splines->positionSpline.clear(); splines->rotationSpline.clear(); splines->scaleSpline.clear(); KeyFrameList::const_iterator i, iend; iend = mKeyFrames.end(); // precall to avoid overhead for (i = mKeyFrames.begin(); i != iend; ++i) { TransformKeyFrame* kf = static_cast(*i); splines->positionSpline.addPoint(kf->getTranslate()); splines->rotationSpline.addPoint(kf->getRotation()); splines->scaleSpline.addPoint(kf->getScale()); } splines->positionSpline.recalcTangents(); splines->rotationSpline.recalcTangents(); splines->scaleSpline.recalcTangents(); mSplineBuildNeeded = false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void NodeAnimationTrack::setUseShortestRotationPath(bool useShortestPath) { mUseShortestRotationPath = useShortestPath ; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- bool NodeAnimationTrack::getUseShortestRotationPath() const { return mUseShortestRotationPath ; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void NodeAnimationTrack::_keyFrameDataChanged(void) const { mSplineBuildNeeded = true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- bool NodeAnimationTrack::hasNonZeroKeyFrames(void) const { KeyFrameList::const_iterator i = mKeyFrames.begin(); for (; i != mKeyFrames.end(); ++i) { // look for keyframes which have any component which is non-zero // Since exporters can be a little inaccurate sometimes we use a // tolerance value rather than looking for nothing TransformKeyFrame* kf = static_cast(*i); Vector3 trans = kf->getTranslate(); Vector3 scale = kf->getScale(); Vector3 axis; Radian angle; kf->getRotation().ToAngleAxis(angle, axis); Real tolerance = 1e-3f; if (!trans.positionEquals(Vector3::ZERO, tolerance) || !scale.positionEquals(Vector3::UNIT_SCALE, tolerance) || !Math::RealEqual(angle.valueRadians(), 0.0f, tolerance)) { return true; } } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void NodeAnimationTrack::optimise(void) { // Eliminate duplicate keyframes from 2nd to penultimate keyframe // NB only eliminate middle keys from sequences of 5+ identical keyframes // since we need to preserve the boundary keys in place, and we need // 2 at each end to preserve tangents for spline interpolation Vector3 lasttrans; Vector3 lastscale; Quaternion lastorientation; KeyFrameList::iterator i = mKeyFrames.begin(); Radian quatTolerance(1e-3f); std::list removeList; unsigned short k = 0; ushort dupKfCount = 0; for (; i != mKeyFrames.end(); ++i, ++k) { TransformKeyFrame* kf = static_cast(*i); Vector3 newtrans = kf->getTranslate(); Vector3 newscale = kf->getScale(); Quaternion neworientation = kf->getRotation(); // Ignore first keyframe; now include the last keyframe as we eliminate // only k-2 in a group of 5 to ensure we only eliminate middle keys if (i != mKeyFrames.begin() && newtrans.positionEquals(lasttrans) && newscale.positionEquals(lastscale) && neworientation.equals(lastorientation, quatTolerance)) { ++dupKfCount; // 4 indicates this is the 5th duplicate keyframe if (dupKfCount == 4) { // remove the 'middle' keyframe removeList.push_back(k-2); --dupKfCount; } } else { // reset dupKfCount = 0; lasttrans = newtrans; lastscale = newscale; lastorientation = neworientation; } } // Now remove keyframes, in reverse order to avoid index revocation std::list::reverse_iterator r = removeList.rbegin(); for (; r!= removeList.rend(); ++r) { removeKeyFrame(*r); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyFrame* NodeAnimationTrack::createKeyFrameImpl(Real time) { return new TransformKeyFrame(this, time); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- TransformKeyFrame* NodeAnimationTrack::createNodeKeyFrame(Real timePos) { return static_cast(createKeyFrame(timePos)); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- TransformKeyFrame* NodeAnimationTrack::getNodeKeyFrame(unsigned short index) const { return static_cast(getKeyFrame(index)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- NodeAnimationTrack* NodeAnimationTrack::_clone(Animation* newParent) const { NodeAnimationTrack* newTrack = newParent->createNodeTrack(mHandle, mTargetNode); newTrack->mUseShortestRotationPath = mUseShortestRotationPath; populateClone(newTrack); return newTrack; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VertexAnimationTrack::VertexAnimationTrack(Animation* parent, unsigned short handle, VertexAnimationType animType) : AnimationTrack(parent, handle), mAnimationType(animType) { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VertexAnimationTrack::VertexAnimationTrack(Animation* parent, unsigned short handle, VertexAnimationType animType, VertexData* targetData, TargetMode target) : AnimationTrack(parent, handle), mAnimationType(animType), mTargetVertexData(targetData), mTargetMode(target) { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VertexMorphKeyFrame* VertexAnimationTrack::createVertexMorphKeyFrame(Real timePos) { if (mAnimationType != VAT_MORPH) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Morph keyframes can only be created on vertex tracks of type morph.", "VertexAnimationTrack::createVertexMorphKeyFrame"); } return static_cast(createKeyFrame(timePos)); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VertexPoseKeyFrame* VertexAnimationTrack::createVertexPoseKeyFrame(Real timePos) { if (mAnimationType != VAT_POSE) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Pose keyframes can only be created on vertex tracks of type pose.", "VertexAnimationTrack::createVertexPoseKeyFrame"); } return static_cast(createKeyFrame(timePos)); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VertexAnimationTrack::apply(const TimeIndex& timeIndex, Real weight, Real scale) { applyToVertexData(mTargetVertexData, timeIndex, weight); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VertexAnimationTrack::applyToVertexData(VertexData* data, const TimeIndex& timeIndex, Real weight, const PoseList* poseList) { // Nothing to do if no keyframes or no vertex data if (mKeyFrames.empty() || !data) return; // Get keyframes KeyFrame *kf1, *kf2; Real t = getKeyFramesAtTime(timeIndex, &kf1, &kf2); if (mAnimationType == VAT_MORPH) { VertexMorphKeyFrame* vkf1 = static_cast(kf1); VertexMorphKeyFrame* vkf2 = static_cast(kf2); if (mTargetMode == TM_HARDWARE) { // If target mode is hardware, need to bind our 2 keyframe buffers, // one to main pos, one to morph target texcoord assert(!data->hwAnimationDataList.empty() && "Haven't set up hardware vertex animation elements!"); // no use for TempBlendedBufferInfo here btw // NB we assume that position buffer is unshared // VertexDeclaration::getAutoOrganisedDeclaration should see to that const VertexElement* posElem = data->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(VES_POSITION); // Set keyframe1 data as original position data->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding( posElem->getSource(), vkf1->getVertexBuffer()); // Set keyframe2 data as derived data->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding( data->hwAnimationDataList[0].targetVertexElement->getSource(), vkf2->getVertexBuffer()); // save T for use later data->hwAnimationDataList[0].parametric = t; } else { // If target mode is software, need to software interpolate each vertex Mesh::softwareVertexMorph( t, vkf1->getVertexBuffer(), vkf2->getVertexBuffer(), data); } } else { // Pose VertexPoseKeyFrame* vkf1 = static_cast(kf1); VertexPoseKeyFrame* vkf2 = static_cast(kf2); // For each pose reference in key 1, we need to locate the entry in // key 2 and interpolate the influence const VertexPoseKeyFrame::PoseRefList& poseList1 = vkf1->getPoseReferences(); const VertexPoseKeyFrame::PoseRefList& poseList2 = vkf2->getPoseReferences(); for (VertexPoseKeyFrame::PoseRefList::const_iterator p1 = poseList1.begin(); p1 != poseList1.end(); ++p1) { Real startInfluence = p1->influence; Real endInfluence = 0; // Search for entry in keyframe 2 list (if not there, will be 0) for (VertexPoseKeyFrame::PoseRefList::const_iterator p2 = poseList2.begin(); p2 != poseList2.end(); ++p2) { if (p1->poseIndex == p2->poseIndex) { endInfluence = p2->influence; break; } } // Interpolate influence Real influence = startInfluence + t*(endInfluence - startInfluence); // Scale by animation weight influence = weight * influence; // Get pose assert (p1->poseIndex <= poseList->size()); Pose* pose = (*poseList)[p1->poseIndex]; // apply applyPoseToVertexData(pose, data, influence); } // Now deal with any poses in key 2 which are not in key 1 for (VertexPoseKeyFrame::PoseRefList::const_iterator p2 = poseList2.begin(); p2 != poseList2.end(); ++p2) { bool found = false; for (VertexPoseKeyFrame::PoseRefList::const_iterator p1 = poseList1.begin(); p1 != poseList1.end(); ++p1) { if (p1->poseIndex == p2->poseIndex) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { // Need to apply this pose too, scaled from 0 start Real influence = t * p2->influence; // Scale by animation weight influence = weight * influence; // Get pose assert (p2->poseIndex <= poseList->size()); const Pose* pose = (*poseList)[p2->poseIndex]; // apply applyPoseToVertexData(pose, data, influence); } } // key 2 iteration } // morph or pose animation } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VertexAnimationTrack::applyPoseToVertexData(const Pose* pose, VertexData* data, Real influence) { if (mTargetMode == TM_HARDWARE) { // Hardware // If target mode is hardware, need to bind our pose buffer // to a target texcoord assert(!data->hwAnimationDataList.empty() && "Haven't set up hardware vertex animation elements!"); // no use for TempBlendedBufferInfo here btw // Set pose target as required size_t hwIndex = data->hwAnimDataItemsUsed++; // If we try to use too many poses, ignore extras if (hwIndex < data->hwAnimationDataList.size()) { VertexData::HardwareAnimationData& animData = data->hwAnimationDataList[hwIndex]; data->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding( animData.targetVertexElement->getSource(), pose->_getHardwareVertexBuffer(data->vertexCount)); // save final influence in parametric animData.parametric = influence; } } else { // Software Mesh::softwareVertexPoseBlend(influence, pose->getVertexOffsets(), data); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VertexMorphKeyFrame* VertexAnimationTrack::getVertexMorphKeyFrame(unsigned short index) const { if (mAnimationType != VAT_MORPH) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Morph keyframes can only be created on vertex tracks of type morph.", "VertexAnimationTrack::getVertexMorphKeyFrame"); } return static_cast(getKeyFrame(index)); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VertexPoseKeyFrame* VertexAnimationTrack::getVertexPoseKeyFrame(unsigned short index) const { if (mAnimationType != VAT_POSE) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Pose keyframes can only be created on vertex tracks of type pose.", "VertexAnimationTrack::getVertexPoseKeyFrame"); } return static_cast(getKeyFrame(index)); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyFrame* VertexAnimationTrack::createKeyFrameImpl(Real time) { switch(mAnimationType) { default: case VAT_MORPH: return new VertexMorphKeyFrame(this, time); case VAT_POSE: return new VertexPoseKeyFrame(this, time); }; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- bool VertexAnimationTrack::hasNonZeroKeyFrames(void) const { if (mAnimationType == VAT_MORPH) { return !mKeyFrames.empty(); } else { KeyFrameList::const_iterator i = mKeyFrames.begin(); for (; i != mKeyFrames.end(); ++i) { // look for keyframes which have a pose influence which is non-zero const VertexPoseKeyFrame* kf = static_cast(*i); VertexPoseKeyFrame::ConstPoseRefIterator poseIt = kf->getPoseReferenceIterator(); while (poseIt.hasMoreElements()) { const VertexPoseKeyFrame::PoseRef& poseRef = poseIt.getNext(); if (poseRef.influence > 0.0f) return true; } } return false; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void VertexAnimationTrack::optimise(void) { // TODO - remove sequences of duplicate pose references? } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- VertexAnimationTrack* VertexAnimationTrack::_clone(Animation* newParent) const { VertexAnimationTrack* newTrack = newParent->createVertexTrack(mHandle, mAnimationType); newTrack->mTargetMode = mTargetMode; populateClone(newTrack); return newTrack; } }