/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. You may alternatively use this source under the terms of a specific version of the OGRE Unrestricted License provided you have obtained such a license from Torus Knot Software Ltd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "OgreStableHeaders.h" #include "OgreSkeletonFileFormat.h" #include "OgreSkeletonSerializer.h" #include "OgreSkeleton.h" #include "OgreAnimation.h" #include "OgreAnimationTrack.h" #include "OgreKeyFrame.h" #include "OgreBone.h" #include "OgreString.h" #include "OgreDataStream.h" #include "OgreLogManager.h" namespace Ogre { /// stream overhead = ID + size const long STREAM_OVERHEAD_SIZE = sizeof(uint16) + sizeof(uint32); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- SkeletonSerializer::SkeletonSerializer() { // Version number // NB changed to include bone names in 1.1 mVersion = "[Serializer_v1.10]"; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- SkeletonSerializer::~SkeletonSerializer() { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SkeletonSerializer::exportSkeleton(const Skeleton* pSkeleton, const String& filename, Endian endianMode) { // Decide on endian mode determineEndianness(endianMode); String msg; mpfFile = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb"); if (!mpfFile) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_CANNOT_WRITE_TO_FILE, "Unable to open file " + filename + " for writing", "SkeletonSerializer::exportSkeleton"); } writeFileHeader(); // Write main skeleton data LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("Exporting bones.."); writeSkeleton(pSkeleton); LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("Bones exported."); // Write all animations unsigned short numAnims = pSkeleton->getNumAnimations(); msg = "Exporting animations, count="; StringUtil::StrStreamType num; num << numAnims; msg += num.str(); LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(msg); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < numAnims; ++i) { Animation* pAnim = pSkeleton->getAnimation(i); msg = "Exporting animation: " + pAnim->getName(); LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(msg); writeAnimation(pSkeleton, pAnim); LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("Animation exported."); } // Write links Skeleton::LinkedSkeletonAnimSourceIterator linkIt = pSkeleton->getLinkedSkeletonAnimationSourceIterator(); while(linkIt.hasMoreElements()) { const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource& link = linkIt.getNext(); writeSkeletonAnimationLink(pSkeleton, link); } fclose(mpfFile); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SkeletonSerializer::importSkeleton(DataStreamPtr& stream, Skeleton* pSkel) { // Determine endianness (must be the first thing we do!) determineEndianness(stream); // Check header readFileHeader(stream); unsigned short streamID; while(!stream->eof()) { streamID = readChunk(stream); switch (streamID) { case SKELETON_BONE: readBone(stream, pSkel); break; case SKELETON_BONE_PARENT: readBoneParent(stream, pSkel); break; case SKELETON_ANIMATION: readAnimation(stream, pSkel); break; case SKELETON_ANIMATION_LINK: readSkeletonAnimationLink(stream, pSkel); break; } } // Assume bones are stored in the binding pose pSkel->setBindingPose(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SkeletonSerializer::writeSkeleton(const Skeleton* pSkel) { // Write each bone unsigned short numBones = pSkel->getNumBones(); unsigned short i; for (i = 0; i < numBones; ++i) { Bone* pBone = pSkel->getBone(i); writeBone(pSkel, pBone); } // Write parents for (i = 0; i < numBones; ++i) { Bone* pBone = pSkel->getBone(i); unsigned short handle = pBone->getHandle(); Bone* pParent = (Bone*)pBone->getParent(); if (pParent != NULL) { writeBoneParent(pSkel, handle, pParent->getHandle()); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SkeletonSerializer::writeBone(const Skeleton* pSkel, const Bone* pBone) { writeChunkHeader(SKELETON_BONE, calcBoneSize(pSkel, pBone)); unsigned short handle = pBone->getHandle(); // char* name writeString(pBone->getName()); // unsigned short handle : handle of the bone, should be contiguous & start at 0 writeShorts(&handle, 1); // Vector3 position : position of this bone relative to parent writeObject(pBone->getPosition()); // Quaternion orientation : orientation of this bone relative to parent writeObject(pBone->getOrientation()); // Vector3 scale : scale of this bone relative to parent if (pBone->getScale() != Vector3::UNIT_SCALE) { writeObject(pBone->getScale()); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SkeletonSerializer::writeBoneParent(const Skeleton* pSkel, unsigned short boneId, unsigned short parentId) { writeChunkHeader(SKELETON_BONE_PARENT, calcBoneParentSize(pSkel)); // unsigned short handle : child bone writeShorts(&boneId, 1); // unsigned short parentHandle : parent bone writeShorts(&parentId, 1); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SkeletonSerializer::writeAnimation(const Skeleton* pSkel, const Animation* anim) { writeChunkHeader(SKELETON_ANIMATION, calcAnimationSize(pSkel, anim)); // char* name : Name of the animation writeString(anim->getName()); // float length : Length of the animation in seconds float len = anim->getLength(); writeFloats(&len, 1); // Write all tracks Animation::NodeTrackIterator trackIt = anim->getNodeTrackIterator(); while(trackIt.hasMoreElements()) { writeAnimationTrack(pSkel, trackIt.getNext()); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SkeletonSerializer::writeAnimationTrack(const Skeleton* pSkel, const NodeAnimationTrack* track) { writeChunkHeader(SKELETON_ANIMATION_TRACK, calcAnimationTrackSize(pSkel, track)); // unsigned short boneIndex : Index of bone to apply to Bone* bone = (Bone*)track->getAssociatedNode(); unsigned short boneid = bone->getHandle(); writeShorts(&boneid, 1); // Write all keyframes for (unsigned short i = 0; i < track->getNumKeyFrames(); ++i) { writeKeyFrame(pSkel, track->getNodeKeyFrame(i)); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SkeletonSerializer::writeKeyFrame(const Skeleton* pSkel, const TransformKeyFrame* key) { writeChunkHeader(SKELETON_ANIMATION_TRACK_KEYFRAME, calcKeyFrameSize(pSkel, key)); // float time : The time position (seconds) float time = key->getTime(); writeFloats(&time, 1); // Quaternion rotate : Rotation to apply at this keyframe writeObject(key->getRotation()); // Vector3 translate : Translation to apply at this keyframe writeObject(key->getTranslate()); // Vector3 scale : Scale to apply at this keyframe if (key->getScale() != Vector3::UNIT_SCALE) { writeObject(key->getScale()); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t SkeletonSerializer::calcBoneSize(const Skeleton* pSkel, const Bone* pBone) { size_t size = STREAM_OVERHEAD_SIZE; // handle size += sizeof(unsigned short); // position size += sizeof(float) * 3; // orientation size += sizeof(float) * 4; // scale if (pBone->getScale() != Vector3::UNIT_SCALE) { size += sizeof(float) * 3; } return size; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t SkeletonSerializer::calcBoneSizeWithoutScale(const Skeleton* pSkel, const Bone* pBone) { size_t size = STREAM_OVERHEAD_SIZE; // handle size += sizeof(unsigned short); // position size += sizeof(float) * 3; // orientation size += sizeof(float) * 4; return size; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t SkeletonSerializer::calcBoneParentSize(const Skeleton* pSkel) { size_t size = STREAM_OVERHEAD_SIZE; // handle size += sizeof(unsigned short); // parent handle size += sizeof(unsigned short); return size; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t SkeletonSerializer::calcAnimationSize(const Skeleton* pSkel, const Animation* pAnim) { size_t size = STREAM_OVERHEAD_SIZE; // Name, including terminator size += pAnim->getName().length() + 1; // length size += sizeof(float); // Nested animation tracks Animation::NodeTrackIterator trackIt = pAnim->getNodeTrackIterator(); while(trackIt.hasMoreElements()) { size += calcAnimationTrackSize(pSkel, trackIt.getNext()); } return size; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t SkeletonSerializer::calcAnimationTrackSize(const Skeleton* pSkel, const NodeAnimationTrack* pTrack) { size_t size = STREAM_OVERHEAD_SIZE; // unsigned short boneIndex : Index of bone to apply to size += sizeof(unsigned short); // Nested keyframes for (unsigned short i = 0; i < pTrack->getNumKeyFrames(); ++i) { size += calcKeyFrameSize(pSkel, pTrack->getNodeKeyFrame(i)); } return size; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t SkeletonSerializer::calcKeyFrameSize(const Skeleton* pSkel, const TransformKeyFrame* pKey) { size_t size = STREAM_OVERHEAD_SIZE; // float time : The time position (seconds) size += sizeof(float); // Quaternion rotate : Rotation to apply at this keyframe size += sizeof(float) * 4; // Vector3 translate : Translation to apply at this keyframe size += sizeof(float) * 3; // Vector3 scale : Scale to apply at this keyframe if (pKey->getScale() != Vector3::UNIT_SCALE) { size += sizeof(float) * 3; } return size; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t SkeletonSerializer::calcKeyFrameSizeWithoutScale(const Skeleton* pSkel, const TransformKeyFrame* pKey) { size_t size = STREAM_OVERHEAD_SIZE; // float time : The time position (seconds) size += sizeof(float); // Quaternion rotate : Rotation to apply at this keyframe size += sizeof(float) * 4; // Vector3 translate : Translation to apply at this keyframe size += sizeof(float) * 3; return size; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SkeletonSerializer::readBone(DataStreamPtr& stream, Skeleton* pSkel) { // char* name String name = readString(stream); // unsigned short handle : handle of the bone, should be contiguous & start at 0 unsigned short handle; readShorts(stream, &handle, 1); // Create new bone Bone* pBone = pSkel->createBone(name, handle); // Vector3 position : position of this bone relative to parent Vector3 pos; readObject(stream, pos); pBone->setPosition(pos); // Quaternion orientation : orientation of this bone relative to parent Quaternion q; readObject(stream, q); pBone->setOrientation(q); // Do we have scale? if (mCurrentstreamLen > calcBoneSizeWithoutScale(pSkel, pBone)) { Vector3 scale; readObject(stream, scale); pBone->setScale(scale); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SkeletonSerializer::readBoneParent(DataStreamPtr& stream, Skeleton* pSkel) { // All bones have been created by this point Bone *child, *parent; unsigned short childHandle, parentHandle; // unsigned short handle : child bone readShorts(stream, &childHandle, 1); // unsigned short parentHandle : parent bone readShorts(stream, &parentHandle, 1); // Find bones parent = pSkel->getBone(parentHandle); child = pSkel->getBone(childHandle); // attach parent->addChild(child); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SkeletonSerializer::readAnimation(DataStreamPtr& stream, Skeleton* pSkel) { // char* name : Name of the animation String name; name = readString(stream); // float length : Length of the animation in seconds float len; readFloats(stream, &len, 1); Animation *pAnim = pSkel->createAnimation(name, len); // Read all tracks if (!stream->eof()) { unsigned short streamID = readChunk(stream); while(streamID == SKELETON_ANIMATION_TRACK && !stream->eof()) { readAnimationTrack(stream, pAnim, pSkel); if (!stream->eof()) { // Get next stream streamID = readChunk(stream); } } if (!stream->eof()) { // Backpedal back to start of this stream if we've found a non-track stream->skip(-STREAM_OVERHEAD_SIZE); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SkeletonSerializer::readAnimationTrack(DataStreamPtr& stream, Animation* anim, Skeleton* pSkel) { // unsigned short boneIndex : Index of bone to apply to unsigned short boneHandle; readShorts(stream, &boneHandle, 1); // Find bone Bone *targetBone = pSkel->getBone(boneHandle); // Create track NodeAnimationTrack* pTrack = anim->createNodeTrack(boneHandle, targetBone); // Keep looking for nested keyframes if (!stream->eof()) { unsigned short streamID = readChunk(stream); while(streamID == SKELETON_ANIMATION_TRACK_KEYFRAME && !stream->eof()) { readKeyFrame(stream, pTrack, pSkel); if (!stream->eof()) { // Get next stream streamID = readChunk(stream); } } if (!stream->eof()) { // Backpedal back to start of this stream if we've found a non-keyframe stream->skip(-STREAM_OVERHEAD_SIZE); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SkeletonSerializer::readKeyFrame(DataStreamPtr& stream, NodeAnimationTrack* track, Skeleton* pSkel) { // float time : The time position (seconds) float time; readFloats(stream, &time, 1); TransformKeyFrame *kf = track->createNodeKeyFrame(time); // Quaternion rotate : Rotation to apply at this keyframe Quaternion rot; readObject(stream, rot); kf->setRotation(rot); // Vector3 translate : Translation to apply at this keyframe Vector3 trans; readObject(stream, trans); kf->setTranslate(trans); // Do we have scale? if (mCurrentstreamLen > calcKeyFrameSizeWithoutScale(pSkel, kf)) { Vector3 scale; readObject(stream, scale); kf->setScale(scale); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SkeletonSerializer::writeSkeletonAnimationLink(const Skeleton* pSkel, const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource& link) { writeChunkHeader(SKELETON_ANIMATION_LINK, calcSkeletonAnimationLinkSize(pSkel, link)); // char* skeletonName writeString(link.skeletonName); // float scale writeFloats(&(link.scale), 1); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t SkeletonSerializer::calcSkeletonAnimationLinkSize(const Skeleton* pSkel, const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource& link) { size_t size = STREAM_OVERHEAD_SIZE; // char* skeletonName size += link.skeletonName.length() + 1; // float scale size += sizeof(float); return size; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SkeletonSerializer::readSkeletonAnimationLink(DataStreamPtr& stream, Skeleton* pSkel) { // char* skeletonName String skelName = readString(stream); // float scale float scale; readFloats(stream, &scale, 1); pSkel->addLinkedSkeletonAnimationSource(skelName, scale); } }