1 | #include "OgreExport.h" |
2 | #include "resource.h" |
3 | |
4 | static OgreMaxExport_General* sInst; |
5 | |
6 | void OgreMaxExport_General::onInitDialog(HWND hDlg) { |
7 | OgreMaxExport_TabPaneHandler::onInitDialog(hDlg); |
8 | |
9 | // set the initial dialog state |
10 | std::stringstream ss; |
11 | SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(m_hDlg, IDC_TXT_EXPORT_DIR), m_config.getExportPath().c_str()); |
12 | SendMessage(GetDlgItem(m_hDlg, IDC_CHK_FLIP_YZ), BM_SETCHECK, (m_config.getInvertYZ() ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED), 0); |
13 | |
14 | ss << m_config.getScale(); |
15 | SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(m_hDlg, IDC_TXT_SCALE), ss.str().c_str()); |
16 | } |
17 | |
18 | void OgreMaxExport_General::onInvertYZ(bool checked) { |
19 | m_config.setInvertYZ(checked); |
20 | } |
21 | |
22 | void OgreMaxExport_General::onSetScale(float newScale) { |
23 | } |
24 | |
25 | void OgreMaxExport_General::onExportDirectoryChanged(const std::string& newDirectory) { |
26 | m_config.setExportPath(newDirectory); |
27 | } |
28 | |
29 | void OgreMaxExport_General::onDestroy() { |
30 | update(); |
31 | } |
32 | |
33 | // read the contents from the dialog controls |
34 | void OgreMaxExport_General::update() { |
35 | |
36 | char buf[64]; |
37 | |
38 | // export path is not settable in the dialog at this time, skip it |
39 | |
40 | // get the scale and invert-YZ settings |
41 | m_config.setInvertYZ(BST_CHECKED==IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hDlg, IDC_CHK_FLIP_YZ)); |
42 | |
43 | // we really can only do this here unless we want to process every keystroke in the scale edit box |
44 | GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(m_hDlg, IDC_TXT_SCALE), buf, 64); |
45 | float scale = atof(buf); |
46 | |
47 | if (scale == 0.0f) //sets to 0.0 if the text cannot be converted; change to 1.0 in that case |
48 | scale = 1.0f; |
49 | |
50 | m_config.setScale(scale); |
51 | } |
52 | |
53 | // for the sake of sanity, keep the dlgproc and the handler class implementation here in the same source file |
54 | INT_PTR CALLBACK GeneralTabDialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { |
55 | |
56 | switch(message) { |
57 | case WM_INITDIALOG: |
58 | sInst = (OgreMaxExport_General*) lParam; |
59 | |
60 | sInst->onInitDialog(hDlg); |
61 | SetWindowPos(hDlg, HWND_TOP, 10, 40, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE); |
62 | ShowWindow(hDlg, SW_SHOW); |
63 | break; |
64 | |
65 | case WM_COMMAND: |
66 | switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { |
68 | switch(HIWORD(wParam)) { |
69 | case BN_CLICKED: |
70 | break; |
71 | |
72 | } |
73 | break; |
74 | case IDC_CHK_FLIP_YZ: |
75 | sInst->onInvertYZ(BST_CHECKED==IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_CHK_FLIP_YZ)); |
76 | break; |
77 | } |
78 | break; |
79 | |
80 | case WM_DESTROY: |
81 | sInst->onDestroy(); |
82 | break; |
83 | } |
84 | return FALSE; |
85 | } |
86 | |