/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. You may alternatively use this source under the terms of a specific version of the OGRE Unrestricted License provided you have obtained such a license from Torus Knot Software Ltd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __XSIHELPER_H__ #define __XSIHELPER_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "OgrePrerequisites.h" #include "OgreString.h" #include "OgreColourValue.h" #include "OgreLogManager.h" #include "OgreStringVector.h" #include "OgreSingleton.h" #include "OgreVector3.h" #include "OgreQuaternion.h" #include "OgreHardwareVertexBuffer.h" #define OGRE_XSI_NUM_MESH_STEPS 200 /// Useful function to convert XSI CValue to an Ogre String /* inline Ogre::String XSItoOgre(const XSI::CValue& xsival) { switch(xsival.m_t) { case XSI::CValue::siString: return XSItoOgre(XSI::CString(xsival)); case XSI::CValue::siVector3: return XSItoOgre(XSI::MATH::CVector3(xsival)); default: return XSItoOgre(XSI::CString(xsival.GetAsText())); }; } */ /// Useful function to convert an XSI CString to an Ogre String inline Ogre::String XSItoOgre(const XSI::CString& xsistr) { // XSI CString is wide character if (xsistr.IsEmpty()) { return Ogre::StringUtil::BLANK; } // first find out the size required size_t c = ::wcstombs(0, xsistr.GetWideString(), 2048); // temp character string (add one for terminator) char* tmp = new char[c+1]; // do the real conversion ::wcstombs(tmp, xsistr.GetWideString(), c); tmp[c] = '\0'; Ogre::String ret(tmp); delete [] tmp; return ret; } /// Useful function to convert an Ogre String to an XSI CString inline XSI::CString OgretoXSI(const Ogre::String& str) { // XSI CString is wide character if (str.empty()) { return XSI::CString(); } // first find out the size required size_t c = ::mbstowcs(0, str.c_str(), 2048); // temp character string (add one for terminator) wchar_t* tmp = new wchar_t[c+1]; // do the real conversion ::mbstowcs(tmp, str.c_str(), c); tmp[c] = '\0'; XSI::CString ret(tmp); delete [] tmp; return ret; } inline Ogre::Vector3 XSItoOgre(const XSI::MATH::CVector3& xsiVec) { return Ogre::Vector3(xsiVec.GetX(), xsiVec.GetY(), xsiVec.GetZ()); } inline Ogre::Quaternion XSItoOgre(const XSI::MATH::CQuaternion& xsiQuat) { return Ogre::Quaternion(xsiQuat.GetW(), xsiQuat.GetX(), xsiQuat.GetY(), xsiQuat.GetZ()); } inline Ogre::RGBA XSItoOgre(const XSI::CVertexColor& xsiColour) { Ogre::ColourValue col(xsiColour.r / 255.0f, xsiColour.g / 255.0f, xsiColour.b / 255.0f, xsiColour.a / 255.0f); return Ogre::VertexElement::convertColourValue(col, Ogre::VertexElement::getBestColourVertexElementType()); } inline void LogOgreAndXSI(const Ogre::String& msg) { static XSI::Application app; Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(msg); app.LogMessage(OgretoXSI(msg)); } inline void LogOgreAndXSI(const XSI::CString& msg) { static XSI::Application app; Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(XSItoOgre(msg)); app.LogMessage(msg); } namespace Ogre { class ProgressManager : public Singleton { protected: XSI::ProgressBar mProgressBar; size_t mNumberOfStages; size_t mProgress; public: ProgressManager(size_t numberOfStages); virtual ~ProgressManager(); void progress(void); static ProgressManager& getSingleton(void); static ProgressManager* getSingletonPtr(void); }; enum XSITrackType { XTT_POS_X = 0, XTT_POS_Y = 1, XTT_POS_Z = 2, XTT_ROT_X = 3, XTT_ROT_Y = 4, XTT_ROT_Z = 5, XTT_SCL_X = 6, XTT_SCL_Y = 7, XTT_SCL_Z = 8, XTT_COUNT = 9 }; /** An entry for a Deformer - need original index because this will be boneID */ class DeformerEntry { public: unsigned short boneID; XSI::X3DObject obj; String parentName; StringVector childNames; bool hasVertexAssignments; bool parentIsChainEndEffector; bool hasAnyTracks; Bone* pBone; bool ikSample; double ikSampleInterval; XSI::MATH::CTransformation initialXform; // lists of action source items (probably only one per param?) XSI::AnimationSourceItem xsiTrack[XTT_COUNT]; DeformerEntry(unsigned short theboneID, XSI::X3DObject& theobj) :boneID(theboneID), obj(theobj), hasVertexAssignments(false), parentIsChainEndEffector(false), hasAnyTracks(false), pBone(0) { } }; /// Map from deformer name to deformer entry typedef std::map DeformerMap; /** An entry for animation; allows the userto split the timeline into multiple separate animations. */ struct AnimationEntry { String animationName; long startFrame; long endFrame; double ikSampleInterval; // skeletal only }; /// List of animations typedef std::list AnimationList; /** Record of an XSI GL shader material. */ struct MaterialEntry { String name; XSI::Shader xsiShader; }; /// Map from material name to material entry typedef std::map MaterialMap; /** Record of XSI details that are to become a pass */ struct PassEntry { XSI::CRefArray shaders; }; typedef std::deque PassQueue; /// Map from texture projection name to index typedef std::map TextureProjectionMap; /** Platform-independent file copy (destination folder must exist) Maybe use Boost::filesystem if this gets out of hand */ void copyFile(const String& src, const String& dest); } #endif