1 | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?> |
2 | <Wix xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wi'> |
3 | |
4 | <Product |
5 | Name='OGRE XSI v5.x Exporter' |
6 | Id='6F7C886C-AC7C-481B-B244-236DF5D2D312' |
7 | Language='1033' Codepage='1252' |
8 | Version='1.4.5' Manufacturer='OGRE Project'> |
9 | |
10 | <Package Id='????????-????-????-????-????????????' Keywords='Installer' |
11 | Description="OGRE XSI v5.x Exporter Installer" |
12 | Comments='Softimage XSI v5.x Exporter for OGRE' Manufacturer='OGRE Project' |
13 | InstallerVersion='100' Languages='1033' Compressed='yes' SummaryCodepage='1252' /> |
14 | |
15 | <Media Id='1' Cabinet='1.cab' EmbedCab='yes' DiskPrompt="CD 1" /> |
16 | <Property Id='DiskPrompt' Value="OGRE XSI v5.x Exporter Installer [1]" /> |
17 | <!-- Can't automatically determine XSI v5 location |
18 | This is because Softimage have made the path to the 'InstallRoot' property include a key with |
19 | the name of the install folder in it!! RegistrySearch doesn't support wildcards. |
20 | Therefore all we can do is validate what the user selects. Searching the entire system takes too long. |
21 | --> |
22 | |
23 | <!-- Try to validate (doesn't work yet?) --> |
24 | <Property Id="FILEEXISTS"> |
25 | <DirectorySearch Id="CheckFileDir" Path="[INSTALLDIR]\bin" Depth="0"> |
26 | <FileSearch Id="CheckFile" Name="xsi.exe" /> |
27 | </DirectorySearch> |
28 | </Property> |
29 | |
30 | <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'> |
31 | <!-- VC runtimes --> |
32 | <Merge Id='CRT' Language='0' src='C:\Program Files\Common Files\Merge Modules\microsoft_vc80_crt_x86.msm' DiskId='1' /> |
33 | <Merge Id='CRT Policy' Language='0' src='C:\Program Files\Common Files\Merge Modules\policy_8_0_Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86.msm' DiskId='1' /> |
34 | <!-- Exporter files --> |
35 | <Directory Id="SoftimageFolder" LongName="Softimage" Name="Softimg"> |
36 | <Directory Id='INSTALLDIR' Name='XSI_5.11'> |
37 | <Directory Id='XSIAppDir' Name="App" LongName="Application"> |
38 | <Directory Id='XSIBinDir' Name="bin"> |
39 | <Component Id='OgreMainComp' Guid='B79A13E2-E64C-47F0-B412-F0D543639161'> |
40 | <File Id='OgreMainDLL' Name='OgreMain.dll' DiskId='1' |
41 | src='..\..\Common\bin\release\OgreMain.dll' Vital='yes' /> |
42 | </Component> |
43 | </Directory> |
44 | <Directory Id='XSIPluginDir' Name="Plugins"> |
45 | <Component Id='PluginDLLComp' Guid='0DD17F80-C75B-469D-BDE4-9B6841B645B3'> |
46 | <File Id='OgreXSIPlugin' Name='OgreExp.dll' LongName='OgreXSIExporter.dll' DiskId='1' |
47 | src='..\bin\release\OgreXSIExporter.dll' Vital='yes' /> |
48 | </Component> |
49 | </Directory> |
50 | </Directory> |
51 | </Directory> |
52 | </Directory> |
53 | <!-- Docs --> |
54 | <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="PFiles"> |
55 | <Directory Id="OGREFolder" Name="OGRE"> |
56 | <Directory Id="OGREXSIFOLDER" Name="XSI5Exp" LongName="XSI v5 Exporter"> |
57 | <Component Id="DocsComp" Guid="9F67071C-B3D9-4A2D-9F76-FBEDE59CFB4D"> |
58 | <File Id="ReadmeFile" Name="Readme.htm" DiskId="1" |
59 | src="..\OGREXSI_Readme.html" Vital="no"> |
60 | <Shortcut Id="ReadmeShortcut" Directory="OGREXSI5ProgMenuDir" Name="Readme"/> |
61 | </File> |
62 | <File Id="ScreenshotPage1" Name="page1.gif" DiskId="1" |
63 | src="..\page1.gif" Vital="no"/> |
64 | <File Id="ScreenshotPage2" Name="page2.gif" DiskId="1" |
65 | src="..\page2.gif" Vital="no"/> |
66 | <File Id="ScreenshotPage3" Name="page3.gif" DiskId="1" |
67 | src="..\page3.gif" Vital="no"/> |
68 | |
69 | </Component> |
70 | </Directory> |
71 | </Directory> |
72 | </Directory> |
73 | <!-- Start menu --> |
74 | <Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder" Name="PMenu" LongName="Programs"> |
75 | <Directory Id="OGREProgramMenuDir" Name='OGRE'> |
76 | <Directory Id="OGREXSI5ProgMenuDir" Name="XSI5" LongName="XSI v5 Exporter"/> |
77 | </Directory> |
78 | </Directory> |
79 | |
80 | |
81 | </Directory> |
82 | |
83 | <Feature Id='ExporterFeature' Level='1' ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR" Title='Exporter' |
84 | Description='The main exporter files; THIS MUST BE INSTALLED IN YOUR XSI_5.x folder.' |
85 | Absent='disallow' AllowAdvertise='no'> |
86 | <ComponentRef Id='PluginDLLComp' /> |
87 | <ComponentRef Id='OgreMainComp' /> |
88 | <MergeRef Id='CRT' /> |
89 | <MergeRef Id='CRT Policy' /> |
90 | <Condition Level="0">FILEEXISTS</Condition> |
91 | </Feature> |
92 | <Feature Id="DocsFeature" Level='1' ConfigurableDirectory="OGREXSIFOLDER" Title='Documentation' |
93 | AllowAdvertise='no'> |
94 | <ComponentRef Id="DocsComp" /> |
95 | </Feature> |
96 | <!-- enable UI --> |
97 | <UIRef Id="WixUI" /> |
98 | </Product> |
99 | </Wix> |
100 | |
101 | |
102 | |