/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2006 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: bottac@ee.ethz.ch */ class SDL_Surface; class BspTreeNode; class Vector; class Material; class MoviePlayer; class VertexArrayModel; typedef struct { float x; //!< 1st component of the plane's normal float y; //!< 2nd component of the plane's normal float z; //!< 3rd component of the plane's normal float d; //!< distance of the plane to the origin } plane; typedef struct { float mins [ 3 ]; //!< Bounding box min coord. float maxs [ 3 ]; //!< Bounding box max coord. int face; //!< First face for model. int n_faces; //!< Number of faces for model. int brush; //!< First brush for model. int n_brushes; //!< Number of brushes } model; typedef struct { int plane; //!< Plane index. int left; //!< 1st Child index. Negative numbers are leaf indices: -(leaf+1). int right; //!< 2nd Child index. Negative numbers are leaf indices: -(leaf+1). int mins[ 3 ]; //!< Integer bounding box min coord. int maxs[ 3 ]; //!< Integer bounding box max coord. } node; typedef struct { int cluster; //!< Visdata cluster index. int area; //!< Areaportal area. int mins[ 3 ]; //!< Integer bounding box min coord. int maxs[ 3 ]; //!< Integer bounding box max coord. int leafface; //!< First leafface for leaf. int n_leaffaces; //!< Number of leaffaces for leaf. int leafbrush_first; //!< leafbrush for leaf. int n_leafbrushes; //!< Number of leafbrushes for leaf. } leaf; struct brush { int brushside; //!< First brushside for brush. int n_brushsides; //!< Number of brushsides for brush. int texture; //!< Texture index. }; typedef struct { int plane; //!< Plane index. int texture; //!< Texture index. } brushside; struct face { int texture; //!< Texture index. int effect; //!< Index into lump 12 (Effects), or -1. int type; //!< Face type. 1=polygon, 2=patch, 3=mesh, 4=billboard int vertex; //!< Index of first vertex. int n_vertexes; //!< Number of vertices. int meshvert; //!< Index of first meshvert. int n_meshverts; //!< Number of meshverts. int lm_index; //!< Lightmap index. int lm_start [ 2 ]; //!< Corner of this face's lightmap image in lightmap. int lm_size [ 2 ]; //!< Size of this face's lightmap image in lightmap. float lm_origin [ 3 ] ; //!< World space origin of lightmap. float lm_vecs [ 2 ][ 3 ]; //!< World space lightmap s and t unit vectors. float normal[ 3 ]; //!< Surface normal. int size [ 2 ] ; //!< Patch dimensions. } ; typedef struct { float position[ 3 ]; //!< Vertex position. float texcoord[ 2 ][ 2 ]; //!< Vertex texture coordinates. [0][x]=surface, [1][x]=lightmap. float normal[ 3 ]; //!< Vertex normal. unsigned char color [ 4 ]; //!< Vertex color. RGBA. } BspVertex; typedef struct { int offset; } meshvert; //!< Integer offset to mesh vertex typedef struct { float position [ 3 ]; } BspVec; typedef struct { Material* mat; MoviePlayer* aviMat; bool alpha; bool animated; } AMat; typedef struct { unsigned char map [128][128][3]; } lightmap; typedef struct { char name[64]; int flags; int contents; } BspTexture; class BspFile { friend class BspManager; public: BspFile(); int read(const char* name ); void build_tree(); void load_textures(); void tesselate( int iface ); BspTreeNode* get_root(); AMat loadMat( char* mat ); AMat loadAVI(char * mat); private: BspTreeNode* root; char header [ 280 ]; //!< Buffer for header of BSP-File node* nodes; //!< Buffer to store BSP-Tree-Nodes leaf* leaves; //!< Buffer to store BSP-Tree-Leaves plane* planes; //!< Buffer to store planes separateing the space model* bspModels; //!< Buffer to store BSP-Model-List char* leafFaces; //!< Buffer to store leafFaces face* faces; //!< char* leafBrushes; //!< Buffer to store brush indice brush* brushes; //!< Buffer to store brushes brushside* brushSides; //!< char* vertice; //!< meshvert* meshverts; //!< Buffer to store meshverice char* visData; //!< Buffer to store visibility data char* textures; //!< Holds all the texture filename strings char* patchVertice; //!< char* patchIndexes; char* patchTrianglesPerRow; lightmap* lightMaps; //!< Buffer to store lightmap-images int** patchRowIndexes; VertexArrayModel** VertexArrayModels; int patchOffset; int numNodes; int numLeafs; int numVertex; int numPlanes; int numBspModels; int numLeafFaces; int numFaces; int numLeafBrushes; int numTextures; int numPatches; int numBrushSides; int numLightMaps; BspTreeNode* build_tree_rec( int i ); unsigned int loadLightMapToGL(lightmap&); AMat* Materials; unsigned int* glLightMapTextures; unsigned int whiteLightMap; unsigned char whiteTexture[3]; void swapAllBspCoordinates(); void swapCoords(int * array); void swapCoords(float * array); SDL_Surface* testSurf; };