/*! * @file shader.h * @brief Definition of the Shader rendering class */ #ifndef _SHADER_H #define _SHADER_H #include "base_object.h" #include "shader_data.h" // FORWARD DECLARATION //! The Shader is a Class-wrapper around the OpenGL Shader Language (GLSL). class Shader : public BaseObject { ObjectListDeclaration(Shader); public: class Uniform { public: Uniform(const Shader& shader, const std::string& location) { if (Shader::isSupported()) this->uniform = glGetUniformLocation(shader.getProgram(), location.c_str()) ; }; Uniform(GLhandleARB shaderProgram, const std::string& location) { if (Shader::isSupported()) this->uniform = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, location.c_str()) ; }; void set(float v0) const { if (Shader::isSupported()) glUniform1f(this->uniform, v0); } void set(float v0, float v1) const { if (Shader::isSupported()) glUniform2f(this->uniform, v0, v1); } void set(float v0, float v1, float v2) const { if (Shader::isSupported()) glUniform3f(this->uniform, v0, v1, v2); } void set(float v0, float v1, float v2, float v3) const { if (Shader::isSupported()) glUniform4f(this->uniform, v0, v1, v2, v3); } void set(int v0) const { if (Shader::isSupported()) glUniform1i(this->uniform, v0); } void set(int v0, int v1) const { if (Shader::isSupported()) glUniform2i(this->uniform, v0, v1); } void set(int v0, int v1, int v2) const { if (Shader::isSupported()) glUniform3i(this->uniform, v0, v1, v2); } void set(int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3) const {if (Shader::isSupported()) glUniform4i(this->uniform, v0, v1, v2, v3); } void setV(unsigned int count, float* vv) const; void setV(unsigned int count, int* vv) const; private: GLint uniform; }; public: Shader(); Shader(const std::string& vertexShaderFile, const std::string& fragmentShaderFile = ""); Shader& operator=(const Shader& shader) { this->data = shader.data; return *this; }; const ShaderData::Pointer& dataPointer() const { return data; }; void acquireData(const ShaderData::Pointer& pointer) { this->data = pointer; }; bool load(const std::string& vertexShaderFile, const std::string& fragmentShaderFile = "") { return this->data->load(vertexShaderFile, fragmentShaderFile); } Shader::Uniform getUniform(const std::string& location) { return Shader::Uniform(*this, location); } GLhandleARB getProgram() const { return this->data->getProgram(); } GLhandleARB getVertexS() const { return this->data->getVertexS(); } GLhandleARB getFragmentS() const { return this->data->getFragmentS(); } void activateShader() const; static void deactivateShader(); void debug() const { this->data->debug(); }; static bool checkShaderAbility(); static bool isSupported() { return checkShaderAbility(); }; inline static bool isShaderActive() { return (Shader::storedShader != NULL) ? true : false; }; inline static const Shader* getActiveShader() { return Shader::storedShader; }; inline static void suspendShader() { const Shader* currShader = storedShader; if (storedShader!= NULL) { Shader::deactivateShader(); Shader::storedShader = currShader;} }; inline static void restoreShader() { if (storedShader != NULL) storedShader->activateShader(); storedShader = NULL; }; private: ShaderData::Pointer data; static const Shader* storedShader; }; #endif /* _SHADER_H */