/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: Christoph Renner rennerc@ee.ethz.ch co-programmer: Patrick Boenzli boenzlip@orxonox.ethz.ch June 2006: finishing work on the network stream for pps presentation (rennerc@ee.ethz.ch) July 2006: some code rearangement and integration of the proxy server mechanism (boenzlip@ee.ethz.ch) */ #define DEBUG_MODULE_NETWORK #include "base_object.h" #include "network_protocol.h" #include "udp_socket.h" #include "udp_server_socket.h" #include "monitor/connection_monitor.h" #include "monitor/network_monitor.h" #include "synchronizeable.h" #include "ip.h" #include "network_game_manager.h" #include "shared_network_data.h" #include "message_manager.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "zip.h" #include "src/lib/util/loading/resource_manager.h" #include "network_log.h" #include "player_stats.h" #include "lib/util/loading/factory.h" #include "debug.h" #include "class_list.h" #include #include "network_stream.h" #include "converter.h" #define PACKAGE_SIZE 256 /** * empty constructor */ NetworkStream::NetworkStream() : DataStream() { this->init(); /* initialize the references */ this->pInfo->nodeType = NET_CLIENT; } NetworkStream::NetworkStream( int nodeType) { this->init(); this->pInfo->nodeType = nodeType; switch( nodeType) { case NET_MASTER_SERVER: // init the shared network data SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->setHostID(0); break; case NET_PROXY_SERVER_ACTIVE: // init the shared network data SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->setHostID(0); break; case NET_PROXY_SERVER_PASSIVE: // init the shared network data SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->setHostID(0); break; case NET_CLIENT: break; } SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->setDefaultSyncStream(this); // get the local ip address IPaddress ip; SDLNet_ResolveHost( &ip, NULL, 0); this->pInfo->ip = ip; } /** * generic init functions */ void NetworkStream::init() { /* set the class id for the base object */ this->setClassID(CL_NETWORK_STREAM, "NetworkStream"); this->serverSocket = NULL; this->networkGameManager = NULL; this->networkMonitor = NULL; this->pInfo = new PeerInfo(); this->pInfo->userId = 0; this->pInfo->lastAckedState = 0; this->pInfo->lastRecvedState = 0; this->bRedirect = false; this->currentState = 0; remainingBytesToWriteToDict = Preferences::getInstance()->getInt( "compression", "writedict", 0 ); assert( Zip::getInstance()->loadDictionary( "testdict" ) >= 0 ); this->dictClient = Zip::getInstance()->loadDictionary( "dict2pl_client" ); assert( this->dictClient >= 0 ); this->dictServer = Zip::getInstance()->loadDictionary( "dict2p_server" ); assert( this->dictServer >= 0 ); } /** * deconstructor */ NetworkStream::~NetworkStream() { if ( this->serverSocket ) { serverSocket->close(); delete serverSocket; serverSocket = NULL; } for ( PeerList::iterator i = peers.begin(); i!=peers.end(); i++) { if ( i->second.socket ) { i->second.socket->disconnectServer(); delete i->second.socket; i->second.socket = NULL; } if ( i->second.handshake ) { delete i->second.handshake; i->second.handshake = NULL; } if ( i->second.connectionMonitor ) { delete i->second.connectionMonitor; i->second.connectionMonitor = NULL; } } for ( SynchronizeableList::const_iterator it = getSyncBegin(); it != getSyncEnd(); it ++ ) (*it)->setNetworkStream( NULL ); if( this->pInfo) delete this->pInfo; if( this->networkMonitor) delete this->networkMonitor; } /** * establish a connection to a remote master server * @param host: host name * @param port: the port number */ void NetworkStream::connectToMasterServer(std::string host, int port) { int node = this->peers.size(); this->peers[node].socket = new UdpSocket( host, port ); this->peers[node].userId = 0; this->peers[node].nodeType = NET_MASTER_SERVER; this->peers[node].connectionMonitor = new ConnectionMonitor( 0 ); this->peers[node].ip = this->peers[node].socket->getRemoteAddress(); } /** * establish a connection to a remote proxy server * @param host: host name * @param port: the port number */ void NetworkStream::connectToProxyServer(std::string host, int port) { int node = this->peers.size(); PRINTF(0)("connect to proxy %s, this is node %i\n", host.c_str(), node); this->peers[node].socket = new UdpSocket( host, port ); this->peers[node].userId = 0; this->peers[node].nodeType = NET_PROXY_SERVER_ACTIVE; this->peers[node].connectionMonitor = new ConnectionMonitor( 0 ); this->peers[node].ip = this->peers[node].socket->getRemoteAddress(); } /** * create a server * @param port: interface port for all clients */ void NetworkStream::createServer(int port) { this->serverSocket = new UdpServerSocket(port); } /** * creates a new instance of the network game manager */ void NetworkStream::createNetworkGameManager() { this->networkGameManager = NetworkGameManager::getInstance(); this->networkGameManager->setUniqueID( SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->getNewUniqueID() ); MessageManager::getInstance()->setUniqueID( SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->getNewUniqueID() ); } /** * starts the network handshake * handsakes are always initialized from the client side first. this starts the handshake and therefore is only * executed as client * @param userId: start handshake for this user id (optional, default == 0) */ void NetworkStream::startHandshake(int userId) { Handshake* hs = new Handshake(this->pInfo->nodeType); hs->setUniqueID( 0 ); assert( peers[userId].handshake == NULL ); peers[userId].handshake = hs; // set the preferred nick name hs->setPreferedNickName( Preferences::getInstance()->getString( "multiplayer", "nickname", "Player" ) ); PRINTF(0)("NetworkStream: Handshake created: %s\n", hs->getCName()); } /** * this functions connects a synchronizeable to the networkstream, therefore synchronizeing * it all over the network and creating it on the other platforms (if and only if it is a * server * @param sync: the synchronizeable to add */ void NetworkStream::connectSynchronizeable(Synchronizeable& sync) { this->synchronizeables.push_back(&sync); sync.setNetworkStream( this ); } /** * removes the synchronizeable from the list of synchronized entities * @param sync: the syncronizeable to remove */ void NetworkStream::disconnectSynchronizeable(Synchronizeable& sync) { // removing the Synchronizeable from the List. std::list::iterator disconnectSynchro = std::find(this->synchronizeables.begin(), this->synchronizeables.end(), &sync); if (disconnectSynchro != this->synchronizeables.end()) this->synchronizeables.erase(disconnectSynchro); oldSynchronizeables[sync.getUniqueID()] = SDL_GetTicks(); } /** * this is called to process data from the network socket to the synchronizeable and vice versa */ void NetworkStream::processData() { // create the network monitor after all the init work and before there is any connection handlings if( this->networkMonitor == NULL) this->networkMonitor = new NetworkMonitor(this); int tick = SDL_GetTicks(); this->currentState++; // there was a wrap around if( this->currentState < 0) { PRINTF(1)("A wrap around in the state variable as occured. The server was running so long? Pls restart server or write a mail to the supporters!\n"); } if ( this->pInfo->isMasterServer()) { // execute everytthing the master server shoudl do if ( serverSocket ) serverSocket->update(); this->updateConnectionList(); } else if( this->pInfo->isProxyServer()) { // execute everything the proxy server should do if ( serverSocket ) serverSocket->update(); this->updateConnectionList(); } else { // check if the connection is ok else terminate and remove if ( !peers.empty() && peers[0].socket && ( !peers[0].socket->isOk() || peers[0].connectionMonitor->hasTimedOut() ) ) { this->handleDisconnect( 0); PRINTF(1)("lost connection to server\n"); } // check if there is a redirection command if( this->bRedirect) { this->handleReconnect( 0); } PRINTF(0)("node count: %i\n", peers.size()); for ( PeerList::iterator it = peers.begin(); it != peers.end(); it++ ) { PRINTF(0)("still got peer: %s\n", it->second.ip.ipString().c_str()); } } this->cleanUpOldSyncList(); this->handleHandshakes(); // update the network monitor this->networkMonitor->process(); // order of up/downstream is important!!!! // don't change it this->handleDownstream( tick ); this->handleUpstream( tick ); } /** * if we are a NET_MASTER_SERVER or NET_PROXY_SERVER_ACTIVE update the connection list to accept new * connections (clients) also start the handsake for the new clients */ void NetworkStream::updateConnectionList( ) { //check for new connections NetworkSocket* tempNetworkSocket = serverSocket->getNewSocket(); // we got new network node if ( tempNetworkSocket ) { int clientId; // if there is a list of free client id slots, take these if ( freeSocketSlots.size() > 0 ) { clientId = freeSocketSlots.back(); freeSocketSlots.pop_back(); } else { clientId = 1; for ( PeerList::iterator it = peers.begin(); it != peers.end(); it++ ) if ( it->first >= clientId ) clientId = it->first + 1; } peers[clientId].socket = tempNetworkSocket; // create new handshake and init its variables peers[clientId].handshake = new Handshake(this->pInfo->nodeType, clientId, this->networkGameManager->getUniqueID(), MessageManager::getInstance()->getUniqueID()); peers[clientId].handshake->setUniqueID(clientId); peers[clientId].connectionMonitor = new ConnectionMonitor( clientId ); peers[clientId].userId = clientId; PRINTF(0)("num sync: %d\n", synchronizeables.size()); // get the proxy server informations and write them to the handshake, if any (proxy) assert( this->networkMonitor != NULL); PeerInfo* pi = this->networkMonitor->getFirstChoiceProxy(); if( pi != NULL) { peers[clientId].handshake->setProxy1Address( pi->ip); } pi = this->networkMonitor->getSecondChoiceProxy(); if( pi != NULL) peers[clientId].handshake->setProxy2Address( pi->ip); // check if the connecting client should reconnect to a proxy server peers[clientId].handshake->setRedirect(/*this->networkMonitor->isReconnectNextClient()*/true); // the connecting node of course is a client peers[clientId].nodeType = NET_CLIENT; peers[clientId].ip = peers[clientId].socket->getRemoteAddress(); // check if there are too many clients connected (DEPRECATED: new: the masterserver sends a list of proxy servers) // if ( clientId > SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->getMaxPlayer() ) // { // // peers[clientId].handshake->setRedirect(true); // // // // peers[clientId].handshake->doReject( "too many connections" ); // PRINTF(0)("Will reject client %d because there are to many connections!\n", clientId); // } // else // { // PRINTF(0)("New Client: %d\n", clientId); // } PRINTF(0)("New Client: %d\n", clientId); } //check if connections are ok else remove them for ( PeerList::iterator it = peers.begin(); it != peers.end(); ) { if ( it->second.socket && ( !it->second.socket->isOk() || it->second.connectionMonitor->hasTimedOut() ) ) { std::string reason = "disconnected"; if ( it->second.connectionMonitor->hasTimedOut() ) reason = "timeout"; PRINTF(0)("Client is gone: %d (%s)\n", it->second.userId, reason.c_str()); this->handleDisconnect( it->second.userId); it++; continue; } it++; } } void NetworkStream::debug() { if( SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->isMasterServer()) { PRINT(0)(" Host ist Master Server with ID: %i\n", this->pInfo->userId); } else if( SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->isProxyServer()) { PRINT(0)(" Host ist Proxy Server with ID: %i\n", this->pInfo->userId); } else { PRINT(0)(" Host ist Client with ID: %i\n", this->pInfo->userId); } PRINT(0)(" Got %i connected Synchronizeables, showing active Syncs:\n", this->synchronizeables.size()); for (SynchronizeableList::iterator it = synchronizeables.begin(); it!=synchronizeables.end(); it++) { if( (*it)->beSynchronized() == true) PRINT(0)(" Synchronizeable of class: %s::%s, with unique ID: %i, Synchronize: %i\n", (*it)->getClassCName(), (*it)->getCName(), (*it)->getUniqueID(), (*it)->beSynchronized()); } PRINT(0)(" Maximal Connections: %i\n", SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->getMaxPlayer() ); } /** * @returns the number of synchronizeables registered to this stream */ int NetworkStream::getSyncCount() { int n = 0; for (SynchronizeableList::iterator it = synchronizeables.begin(); it!=synchronizeables.end(); it++) if( (*it)->beSynchronized() == true) ++n; //return synchronizeables.size(); return n; } /** * check if handshakes completed. if so create the network game manager else remove it again */ void NetworkStream::handleHandshakes( ) { for ( PeerList::iterator it = peers.begin(); it != peers.end(); it++ ) { if ( it->second.handshake ) { // handshake finished if ( it->second.handshake->completed() ) { //handshake is correct if ( it->second.handshake->ok() ) { // the counter part didn't mark it free for deletion yet if ( !it->second.handshake->allowDel() ) { // make sure this is a client if( this->pInfo->isClient()) { SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->setHostID( it->second.handshake->getHostId() ); this->pInfo->userId = SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->getHostID(); it->second.nodeType = it->second.handshake->getRemoteNodeType(); it->second.ip = it->second.socket->getRemoteAddress(); // add the new server to the nodes list (it can be a NET_MASTER_SERVER or NET_PROXY_SERVER) this->networkMonitor->addNode(&it->second); // get proxy 1 address and add it this->networkMonitor->addNode(it->second.handshake->getProxy1Address(), NET_PROXY_SERVER_ACTIVE); // get proxy 2 address and add it this->networkMonitor->addNode(it->second.handshake->getProxy2Address(), NET_PROXY_SERVER_ACTIVE); // now check if the server accepted the connection if( it->second.handshake->redirect() ) { this->bRedirect = true; } // create the new network game manager and init it this->networkGameManager = NetworkGameManager::getInstance(); this->networkGameManager->setUniqueID( it->second.handshake->getNetworkGameManagerId() ); // init the new message manager MessageManager::getInstance()->setUniqueID( it->second.handshake->getMessageManagerId() ); } PRINT(0)("handshake finished id=%d\n", it->second.handshake->getNetworkGameManagerId()); it->second.handshake->del(); } else { // handshake finished registring new player if ( it->second.handshake->canDel() ) { if ( this->pInfo->isMasterServer() ) { it->second.nodeType = it->second.handshake->getRemoteNodeType(); it->second.ip = it->second.socket->getRemoteAddress(); this->networkMonitor->addNode(&it->second); this->handleNewClient( it->second.userId ); if ( PlayerStats::getStats( it->second.userId ) && it->second.handshake->getPreferedNickName() != "" ) { PlayerStats::getStats( it->second.userId )->setNickName( it->second.handshake->getPreferedNickName() ); } } else if ( this->pInfo->isProxyServer() ) { it->second.nodeType = it->second.handshake->getRemoteNodeType(); it->second.ip = it->second.socket->getRemoteAddress(); this->networkMonitor->addNode(&it->second); this->handleNewClient( it->second.userId ); if ( PlayerStats::getStats( it->second.userId ) && it->second.handshake->getPreferedNickName() != "" ) { PlayerStats::getStats( it->second.userId )->setNickName( it->second.handshake->getPreferedNickName() ); } } PRINT(0)("handshake finished delete it\n"); delete it->second.handshake; it->second.handshake = NULL; } } } else { PRINT(1)("handshake failed!\n"); it->second.socket->disconnectServer(); } } } } } /** * this functions handles a reconnect event received from the a NET_MASTER_SERVER or NET_PROXY_SERVER */ void NetworkStream::handleReconnect(int userId) { this->bRedirect = false; PeerInfo* pInfo = &this->peers[userId]; PRINTF(0)("===============================================\n"); PRINTF(0)("Client is redirected to the other proxy servers\n"); PRINTF(0)(" user id: %i\n", userId); PRINTF(0)(" connecting to: %s\n", this->networkMonitor->getFirstChoiceProxy()->ip.ipString().c_str()); PRINTF(0)("===============================================\n"); // flush the old synchronization states, since the numbering could be completely different pInfo->lastAckedState = 0; pInfo->lastRecvedState = 0; // temp save the ip address here IP proxyIP = pInfo->handshake->getProxy1Address(); // disconnect from the current server and reconnect to proxy server // pInfo->socket->reconnectToServer( proxyIP.ipString(), proxyIP.port()); this->handleDisconnect( userId); this->connectToProxyServer(proxyIP.ipString(), 9999); #warning the ports are not yet integrated correctly in the ip class // and restart the handshake // this->startHandshake( userId); } /** * handles the disconnect event * @param userId id of the user to remove */ void NetworkStream::handleDisconnect( int userId ) { peers[userId].socket->disconnectServer(); delete peers[userId].socket; peers[userId].socket = NULL; if ( peers[userId].handshake ) delete peers[userId].handshake; peers[userId].handshake = NULL; if ( peers[userId].connectionMonitor ) delete peers[userId].connectionMonitor; peers[userId].connectionMonitor = NULL; for ( SynchronizeableList::iterator it2 = synchronizeables.begin(); it2 != synchronizeables.end(); it2++ ) { (*it2)->cleanUpUser( userId ); } if( SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->isMasterServer()) NetworkGameManager::getInstance()->signalLeftPlayer(userId); this->freeSocketSlots.push_back( userId ); PRINTF(0)("nodes: %i\n", peers.size()); peers.erase( userId); PRINTF(0)("nodes: %i\n", peers.size()); // this->pInfo->userId = 0; // this->pInfo->lastAckedState = 0; // this->pInfo->lastRecvedState = 0; // this->pInfo->connectionMonitor = NULL; // this->pInfo->handshake = NULL; // this->pInfo->socket = NULL; // this->pInfo->nodeType = NET_CLIENT; } /** * handle upstream network traffic * @param tick: seconds elapsed since last update */ void NetworkStream::handleUpstream( int tick ) { int offset; int n; for ( PeerList::reverse_iterator peer = peers.rbegin(); peer != peers.rend(); peer++ ) { offset = INTSIZE; // reserve enough space for the packet length // continue with the next peer if this peer has no socket assigned (therefore no network) if ( !peer->second.socket ) continue; // header informations: current state n = Converter::intToByteArray( currentState, buf + offset, UDP_PACKET_SIZE - offset ); assert( n == INTSIZE ); offset += n; // header informations: last acked state n = Converter::intToByteArray( peer->second.lastAckedState, buf + offset, UDP_PACKET_SIZE - offset ); assert( n == INTSIZE ); offset += n; // header informations: last recved state n = Converter::intToByteArray( peer->second.lastRecvedState, buf + offset, UDP_PACKET_SIZE - offset ); assert( n == INTSIZE ); offset += n; // now write all synchronizeables in the packet for ( SynchronizeableList::iterator it = synchronizeables.begin(); it != synchronizeables.end(); it++ ) { int oldOffset = offset; Synchronizeable & sync = **it; // do not include synchronizeables with uninit id and syncs that don't want to be synchronized if ( !sync.beSynchronized() || sync.getUniqueID() < 0 ) continue; // if handshake not finished only sync handshake if ( peer->second.handshake && sync.getLeafClassID() != CL_HANDSHAKE ) continue; // if we are a server (both master and proxy servers) and this is not our handshake if ( ( SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->isMasterServer() || SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->isProxyServer() ) && sync.getLeafClassID() == CL_HANDSHAKE && sync.getUniqueID() != peer->second.userId ) continue; /* list of synchronizeables that will never be synchronized over the network: */ // do not sync null parent if ( sync.getLeafClassID() == CL_NULL_PARENT ) continue; assert( sync.getLeafClassID() != 0); assert( offset + INTSIZE <= UDP_PACKET_SIZE ); // server fakes uniqueid == 0 for handshake if ( ( SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->isMasterServer() || SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->isProxyServer() ) && sync.getUniqueID() <= SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->getMaxPlayer() + 1) // plus one to handle one client more than the max to redirect it n = Converter::intToByteArray( 0, buf + offset, UDP_PACKET_SIZE - offset ); else n = Converter::intToByteArray( sync.getUniqueID(), buf + offset, UDP_PACKET_SIZE - offset ); assert( n == INTSIZE ); offset += n; // make space for packet size offset += INTSIZE; n = sync.getStateDiff( peer->second.userId, buf + offset, UDP_PACKET_SIZE-offset, currentState, peer->second.lastAckedState, -1000 ); offset += n; assert( Converter::intToByteArray( n, buf + offset - n - INTSIZE, INTSIZE ) == INTSIZE ); // check if all data bytes == 0 -> remove data and the synchronizeable from the sync process since there is no update // TODO not all synchronizeables like this maybe add Synchronizeable::canRemoveZeroDiff() bool allZero = true; for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if ( buf[i+oldOffset+2*INTSIZE] != 0 ) allZero = false; } // if there is no new data in this synchronizeable reset the data offset to the last state -> dont synchronizes // data that hast not changed if ( allZero ) { offset = oldOffset; } } // all synchronizeables written for ( SynchronizeableList::iterator it = synchronizeables.begin(); it != synchronizeables.end(); it++ ) { Synchronizeable & sync = **it; if ( !sync.beSynchronized() || sync.getUniqueID() < 0 ) continue; sync.handleSentState( peer->second.userId, currentState, peer->second.lastAckedState ); } assert( Converter::intToByteArray( offset, buf, INTSIZE ) == INTSIZE ); // now compress the data with the zip library int compLength = 0; if ( SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->isMasterServer() || SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->isProxyServer()) compLength = Zip::getInstance()->zip( buf, offset, compBuf, UDP_PACKET_SIZE, dictServer ); else compLength = Zip::getInstance()->zip( buf, offset, compBuf, UDP_PACKET_SIZE, dictClient ); if ( compLength <= 0 ) { PRINTF(1)("compression failed!\n"); continue; } assert( peer->second.socket->writePacket( compBuf, compLength ) ); if ( this->remainingBytesToWriteToDict > 0 ) writeToNewDict( buf, offset, true ); peer->second.connectionMonitor->processUnzippedOutgoingPacket( tick, buf, offset, currentState ); peer->second.connectionMonitor->processZippedOutgoingPacket( tick, compBuf, compLength, currentState ); } } /** * handle downstream network traffic */ void NetworkStream::handleDownstream( int tick ) { int offset = 0; int length = 0; int packetLength = 0; int compLength = 0; int uniqueId = 0; int state = 0; int ackedState = 0; int fromState = 0; int syncDataLength = 0; for ( PeerList::iterator peer = peers.begin(); peer != peers.end(); peer++ ) { if ( !peer->second.socket ) continue; while ( 0 < (compLength = peer->second.socket->readPacket( compBuf, UDP_PACKET_SIZE )) ) { peer->second.connectionMonitor->processZippedIncomingPacket( tick, compBuf, compLength ); packetLength = Zip::getInstance()->unZip( compBuf, compLength, buf, UDP_PACKET_SIZE ); if ( packetLength < 4*INTSIZE ) { if ( packetLength != 0 ) PRINTF(1)("got too small packet: %d\n", packetLength); continue; } if ( this->remainingBytesToWriteToDict > 0 ) writeToNewDict( buf, packetLength, false ); assert( Converter::byteArrayToInt( buf, &length ) == INTSIZE ); assert( Converter::byteArrayToInt( buf + INTSIZE, &state ) == INTSIZE ); assert( Converter::byteArrayToInt( buf + 2*INTSIZE, &fromState ) == INTSIZE ); assert( Converter::byteArrayToInt( buf + 3*INTSIZE, &ackedState ) == INTSIZE ); offset = 4*INTSIZE; peer->second.connectionMonitor->processUnzippedIncomingPacket( tick, buf, packetLength, state, ackedState ); //if this is an old state drop it if ( state <= peer->second.lastRecvedState ) continue; if ( packetLength != length ) { PRINTF(1)("real packet length (%d) and transmitted packet length (%d) do not match!\n", packetLength, length); peer->second.socket->disconnectServer(); continue; } while ( offset + 2 * INTSIZE < length ) { assert( offset > 0 ); assert( Converter::byteArrayToInt( buf + offset, &uniqueId ) == INTSIZE ); offset += INTSIZE; assert( Converter::byteArrayToInt( buf + offset, &syncDataLength ) == INTSIZE ); offset += INTSIZE; assert( syncDataLength > 0 ); assert( syncDataLength < 10000 ); Synchronizeable * sync = NULL; // look for the synchronizeable in question for ( SynchronizeableList::iterator it = synchronizeables.begin(); it != synchronizeables.end(); it++ ) { // client thinks his handshake has id 0!!!!! if ( (*it)->getUniqueID() == uniqueId || ( uniqueId == 0 && (*it)->getUniqueID() == peer->second.userId ) ) { sync = *it; break; } } // this synchronizeable does not yet exist! create it if ( sync == NULL ) { PRINTF(0)("could not find sync with id %d. try to create it\n", uniqueId); // if it is an old synchronizeable already removed, ignore it if ( oldSynchronizeables.find( uniqueId ) != oldSynchronizeables.end() ) { offset += syncDataLength; continue; } // if the node we got this unknown sync from is a client we ignore it (since it has no rights to create a new sync) if ( peers[peer->second.userId].isClient() ) { offset += syncDataLength; continue; } int leafClassId; if ( INTSIZE > length - offset ) { offset += syncDataLength; continue; } Converter::byteArrayToInt( buf + offset, &leafClassId ); assert( leafClassId != 0 ); BaseObject * b = NULL; /* These are some small exeptions in creation: Not all objects can/should be created via Factory */ /* Exception 1: NullParent */ if( leafClassId == CL_NULL_PARENT || leafClassId == CL_SYNCHRONIZEABLE || leafClassId == CL_NETWORK_GAME_MANAGER ) { PRINTF(1)("Don't create Object with ID %x, ignored!\n", (int)leafClassId); offset += syncDataLength; continue; } else b = Factory::fabricate( (ClassID)leafClassId ); if ( !b ) { PRINTF(1)("Could not fabricate Object with classID %x\n", leafClassId); offset += syncDataLength; continue; } if ( b->isA(CL_SYNCHRONIZEABLE) ) { sync = dynamic_cast(b); sync->setUniqueID( uniqueId ); sync->setSynchronized(true); PRINTF(0)("Fabricated %s with id %d\n", sync->getClassCName(), sync->getUniqueID()); } else { PRINTF(1)("Class with ID %x is not a synchronizeable!\n", (int)leafClassId); delete b; offset += syncDataLength; continue; } } int n = sync->setStateDiff( peer->second.userId, buf+offset, syncDataLength, state, fromState ); offset += n; } if ( offset != length ) { PRINTF(0)("offset (%d) != length (%d)\n", offset, length); peer->second.socket->disconnectServer(); } for ( SynchronizeableList::iterator it = synchronizeables.begin(); it != synchronizeables.end(); it++ ) { Synchronizeable & sync = **it; if ( !sync.beSynchronized() || sync.getUniqueID() < 0 ) continue; sync.handleRecvState( peer->second.userId, state, fromState ); } assert( peer->second.lastAckedState <= ackedState ); peer->second.lastAckedState = ackedState; assert( peer->second.lastRecvedState < state ); peer->second.lastRecvedState = state; } } } /** * is executed when a handshake has finished */ void NetworkStream::handleNewClient( int userId ) { // init and assign the message manager MessageManager::getInstance()->initUser( userId ); // do all game relevant stuff here networkGameManager->signalNewPlayer( userId ); } /** * removes old items from oldSynchronizeables */ void NetworkStream::cleanUpOldSyncList( ) { int now = SDL_GetTicks(); for ( std::map::iterator it = oldSynchronizeables.begin(); it != oldSynchronizeables.end(); ) { if ( it->second < now - 10*1000 ) { std::map::iterator delIt = it; it++; oldSynchronizeables.erase( delIt ); continue; } it++; } } /** * writes data to DATA/dicts/newdict * @param data pointer to data * @param length length */ void NetworkStream::writeToNewDict( byte * data, int length, bool upstream ) { if ( remainingBytesToWriteToDict <= 0 ) return; if ( length > remainingBytesToWriteToDict ) length = remainingBytesToWriteToDict; std::string fileName = ResourceManager::getInstance()->getDataDir(); fileName += "/dicts/newdict"; if ( upstream ) fileName += "_upstream"; else fileName += "_downstream"; FILE * f = fopen( fileName.c_str(), "a" ); if ( !f ) { PRINTF(2)("could not open %s\n", fileName.c_str()); remainingBytesToWriteToDict = 0; return; } if ( fwrite( data, 1, length, f ) != length ) { PRINTF(2)("could not write to file\n"); fclose( f ); return; } fclose( f ); remainingBytesToWriteToDict -= length; }