/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: Patrick Boenzli co-programmer: Christian Meyer co-programmer: Benjamin Grauer */ #define DEBUG_SPECIAL_MODULE DEBUG_MODULE_WORLD #include "game_world.h" #include "game_world_data.h" #include "util/loading/resource_manager.h" #include "state.h" #include "class_list.h" #include "substring.h" #include "util/loading/game_loader.h" #include "p_node.h" #include "world_entity.h" #include "player.h" #include "camera.h" #include "environment.h" #include "terrain.h" #include "test_entity.h" #include "terrain.h" #include "md2Model.h" #include "world_entities/projectiles/projectile.h" #include "npcs/npc_test1.h" #include "playable.h" #include "light.h" #include "util/loading/factory.h" #include "fast_factory.h" #include "util/loading/load_param.h" #include "shell_command.h" #include "graphics_engine.h" #include "event_handler.h" #include "sound_engine.h" #include "cd_engine.h" #include "network_manager.h" #include "physics_engine.h" #include "fields.h" #include "glmenu_imagescreen.h" #include "shell.h" #include "animation_player.h" #include "animation3d.h" #include "ogg_player.h" #include "shader.h" #include "game_rules.h" using namespace std; SHELL_COMMAND(speed, GameWorld, setSpeed); SHELL_COMMAND_STATIC(togglePNodeVisibility, GameWorld, GameWorld::togglePNodeVisibility); SHELL_COMMAND_STATIC(toggleBVVisibility, GameWorld, GameWorld::toggleBVVisibility); GameWorld::GameWorld() : StoryEntity() { this->setClassID(CL_GAME_WORLD, "GameWorld"); this->setName("Preloaded World - no name yet"); this->gameTime = 0.0f; this->setSpeed(1.0f); this->shell = NULL; this->showPNodes = false; this->showBV = false; this->dataXML = NULL; } /** * remove the GameWorld from memory * * delete everything explicitly, that isn't contained in the parenting tree! * things contained in the tree are deleted automaticaly */ GameWorld::~GameWorld () { PRINTF(4)("Deleted GameWorld\n"); } /** * loads the parameters of a GameWorld from an XML-element * @param root the XML-element to load from */ void GameWorld::loadParams(const TiXmlElement* root) { StoryEntity::loadParams(root); PRINTF(4)("Loaded GameWorld specific stuff\n"); } /** * this is executed just before load * * since the load function sometimes needs data, that has been initialized * before the load and after the proceeding storyentity has finished */ ErrorMessage GameWorld::init() { /* init the world interface */ this->shell = new Shell(); State::setCurrentStoryEntity(dynamic_cast(this)); this->dataTank->init(); } /** * loads the GameWorld by initializing all resources, and set their default values. */ ErrorMessage GameWorld::loadData() { this->displayLoadScreen(); PRINTF(0)("Loading the GameWorld\n"); PRINTF(3)("> Loading world: '%s'\n", getLoadFile()); TiXmlElement* element; GameLoader* loader = GameLoader::getInstance(); if( getLoadFile().empty()) { PRINTF(1)("GameWorld has no path specified for loading\n"); return (ErrorMessage){213,"Path not specified","GameWorld::load()"}; } TiXmlDocument* XMLDoc = new TiXmlDocument( getLoadFile()); // load the xml world file for further loading if( !XMLDoc->LoadFile()) { PRINTF(1)("loading XML File: %s @ %s:l%d:c%d\n", XMLDoc->ErrorDesc(), this->getLoadFile().c_str(), XMLDoc->ErrorRow(), XMLDoc->ErrorCol()); delete XMLDoc; return (ErrorMessage){213,"XML File parsing error","GameWorld::load()"}; } // check basic validity TiXmlElement* root = XMLDoc->RootElement(); assert( root != NULL); if( root == NULL || root->Value() == NULL || strcmp( root->Value(), "WorldDataFile")) { // report an error PRINTF(1)("Specified XML File is not an orxonox world data file (WorldDataFile element missing)\n"); delete XMLDoc; return (ErrorMessage){213,"Path not a WorldDataFile","GameWorld::load()"}; } /* the whole loading process for the GameWorld */ this->dataTank->loadData(root); this->dataXML = (TiXmlElement*)root->Clone(); delete XMLDoc; this->releaseLoadScreen(); } /** * unload the data of this GameWorld */ ErrorMessage GameWorld::unloadData() { delete this->shell; PRINTF(3)("GameWorld::~GameWorld() - unloading the current GameWorld\n"); this->dataTank->unloadData(); State::setCurrentStoryEntity(NULL); if (this->dataXML) delete this->dataXML; } /** * starts the GameWorld */ bool GameWorld::start() { this->isPaused = false; this->isRunning = true; this->run(); } /** * stops the world. */ bool GameWorld::stop() { PRINTF(3)("GameWorld::stop() - got stop signal\n"); this->isRunning = false; } /** * pauses the game */ bool GameWorld::pause() { this->isPaused = true; } /** * ends the pause Phase */ bool GameWorld::resume() { this->isPaused = false; } /** * main loop of the world: executing all world relevant function * * in this loop we synchronize (if networked), handle input events, give the heart-beat to * all other member-entities of the world (tick to player, enemies etc.), checking for * collisions drawing everything to the screen. */ void GameWorld::run() { /* start the music */ if(this->dataTank->music != NULL) this->dataTank->music->playback(); PRINTF(3)("GameWorld::mainLoop() - Entering main loop\n"); // initialize Timing this->cycle = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TICK_SMOOTH_VALUE; i++) this->frameTimes[i] = 100; this->dtS = 0.0f; this->lastFrame = SDL_GetTicks (); while( this->isRunning) /* @todo implement pause */ { /* process intput */ this->handleInput (); if( !this->isRunning) break; /* network synchronisation */ this->synchronize (); /* process time */ this->tick (); /* process collision */ this->collide (); /* update the state */ this->update (); /* draw everything */ this->display (); } PRINTF(3)("GameWorld::mainLoop() - Exiting the main loop\n"); } /** * synchronize local data with remote data */ void GameWorld::synchronize () {} /** * run all input processing the command node is the central input event dispatcher. the node uses the even-queue from sdl and has its own event-passing-queue. */ void GameWorld::handleInput () { EventHandler::getInstance()->process(); } /** * ticks a WorldEntity list * @param entityList list of the WorldEntities * @param dt time passed since last frame */ void GameWorld::tick(std::list entityList, float dt) { std::list::iterator entity, next; next = entityList.begin(); while (next != entityList.end()) { entity = next++; (*entity)->tick(dt); } } /** * advance the timeline * * this calculates the time used to process one frame (with all input handling, drawing, etc) * the time is mesured in ms and passed to all world-entities and other classes that need * a heart-beat. */ void GameWorld::tick () { Uint32 currentFrame = SDL_GetTicks(); if( !this->isPaused) { // CALCULATE FRAMERATE Uint32 frameTimesIndex; Uint32 getTicks; Uint32 i; frameTimesIndex = this->cycle % TICK_SMOOTH_VALUE; getTicks = SDL_GetTicks(); this->frameTimes[frameTimesIndex] = getTicks - this->lastFrame; this->lastFrame = getTicks; ++this->cycle; this->dtS = 0; for (i = 0; i < TICK_SMOOTH_VALUE; i++) this->dtS += this->frameTimes[i]; this->dtS = this->dtS / TICK_SMOOTH_VALUE / 1000.0f * speed; // TICK everything this->tick(this->dataTank->objectManager->getObjectList(OM_DEAD_TICK), this->dtS); this->tick(this->dataTank->objectManager->getObjectList(OM_ENVIRON), this->dtS); this->tick(this->dataTank->objectManager->getObjectList(OM_COMMON), this->dtS); this->tick(this->dataTank->objectManager->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_00), this->dtS); this->tick(this->dataTank->objectManager->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_00_PROJ), this->dtS); this->tick(this->dataTank->objectManager->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_01), this->dtS); this->tick(this->dataTank->objectManager->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_01_PROJ), this->dtS); /* update tick the rest */ this->dataTank->localCamera->tick(this->dtS); AnimationPlayer::getInstance()->tick(this->dtS); PhysicsEngine::getInstance()->tick(this->dtS); GraphicsEngine::getInstance()->tick(this->dtS); if( likely(this->dataTank->gameRule != NULL)) this->dataTank->gameRule->tick(this->dtS); } this->lastFrame = currentFrame; } /** * this function gives the world a consistant state * * after ticking (updating the world state) this will give a constistant * state to the whole system. */ void GameWorld::update() { GraphicsEngine::getInstance()->update(this->dtS); PNode::getNullParent()->updateNode (this->dtS); SoundEngine::getInstance()->update(); if (this->dataTank->music != NULL) this->dataTank->music->update(); } /** * kicks the CDEngine to detect the collisions between the object groups in the world */ void GameWorld::collide() { CDEngine::getInstance()->checkCollisions(this->dataTank->objectManager->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_00), this->dataTank->objectManager->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_01_PROJ)); CDEngine::getInstance()->checkCollisions(this->dataTank->objectManager->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_01), this->dataTank->objectManager->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_00_PROJ)); CDEngine::getInstance()->checkCollisions(this->dataTank->objectManager->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_00), this->dataTank->objectManager->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_01)); CDEngine::getInstance()->checkCollisions(this->dataTank->objectManager->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_00), this->dataTank->objectManager->getObjectList(OM_COMMON)); CDEngine::getInstance()->checkCollisions(this->dataTank->objectManager->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_01), this->dataTank->objectManager->getObjectList(OM_COMMON)); } /** * render the current frame * * clear all buffers and draw the world */ void GameWorld::display () { // clear buffer glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // draw world this->draw(); // flip buffers GraphicsEngine::swapBuffers(); } /** * runs through all entities calling their draw() methods */ void GameWorld::draw () { GraphicsEngine* engine = GraphicsEngine::getInstance(); // set camera this->dataTank->localCamera->apply (); this->dataTank->localCamera->project (); LightManager::getInstance()->draw(); /* draw all WorldEntiy groups */ engine->draw(State::getObjectManager()->getObjectList(OM_ENVIRON_NOTICK)); engine->draw(State::getObjectManager()->getObjectList(OM_ENVIRON)); engine->draw(State::getObjectManager()->getObjectList(OM_COMMON)); engine->draw(State::getObjectManager()->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_00)); engine->draw(State::getObjectManager()->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_00_PROJ)); engine->draw(State::getObjectManager()->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_01)); engine->draw(State::getObjectManager()->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_01_PROJ)); if( unlikely( this->showBV)) { CDEngine* engine = CDEngine::getInstance(); engine->drawBV(State::getObjectManager()->getObjectList(OM_ENVIRON_NOTICK)); engine->drawBV(State::getObjectManager()->getObjectList(OM_ENVIRON)); engine->drawBV(State::getObjectManager()->getObjectList(OM_COMMON)); engine->drawBV(State::getObjectManager()->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_00)); engine->drawBV(State::getObjectManager()->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_01)); engine->drawBV(State::getObjectManager()->getObjectList(OM_GROUP_01_PROJ)); } if( unlikely(this->showPNodes)) PNode::getNullParent()->debugDraw(0); engine->draw(); // draw the game ruls if( likely(this->dataTank->gameRule != NULL)) this->dataTank->gameRule->draw(); } /** * shows the loading screen */ void GameWorld::displayLoadScreen () { PRINTF(3)("GameWorld::displayLoadScreen - start\n"); this->dataTank->glmis = new GLMenuImageScreen(); this->dataTank->glmis->setMaximum(8); PRINTF(3)("GameWorld::displayLoadScreen - end\n"); } /** * removes the loadscreen, and changes over to the game */ void GameWorld::releaseLoadScreen () { PRINTF(3)("GameWorld::releaseLoadScreen - start\n"); this->dataTank->glmis->setValue(this->dataTank->glmis->getMaximum()); PRINTF(3)("GameWorld::releaseLoadScreen - end\n"); } /** * @brief toggles the PNode visibility in the world (drawn as boxes) */ void GameWorld::togglePNodeVisibility() { if (State::getCurrentStoryEntity() != NULL && State::getCurrentStoryEntity()->isA(CL_GAME_WORLD)) { dynamic_cast(State::getCurrentStoryEntity())->showPNodes = !dynamic_cast(State::getCurrentStoryEntity())->showPNodes; } else PRINTF(2)("The Current Story entity is not a GameWorld\n"); }; /** * @brief toggles the bounding volume (BV) visibility */ void GameWorld::toggleBVVisibility() { if (State::getCurrentStoryEntity() != NULL && State::getCurrentStoryEntity()->isA(CL_GAME_WORLD)) { dynamic_cast(State::getCurrentStoryEntity())->showBV = !dynamic_cast(State::getCurrentStoryEntity())->showBV; } else PRINTF(2)("The Current Story entity is not a GameWorld\n"); };