/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: Patrick Boenzli co-programmer: ... */ #define DEBUG_SPECIAL_MODULE DEBUG_MODULE_COLLISION_REACTION #include "collision.h" #include "collision_event.h" #include "physics_interface.h" #include "world_entity.h" #include "cr_physics_ground_walk.h" #include "collision_reaction.h" #include #include "debug.h" #include "aabb.h" #include "cr_defs.h" using namespace std; /** * standard constructor */ CRPhysicsGroundWalk::CRPhysicsGroundWalk () : CollisionReaction() { this->setClassID(CL_CR_PHYSICS_GROUND_WALK, "CRPhysicsGroundWalk"); } /** * standard deconstructor */ CRPhysicsGroundWalk::~CRPhysicsGroundWalk () {} /** * caluculates and applys the reaction to a specific collision * @param collision the collision */ void CRPhysicsGroundWalk::reactToCollision(Collision* collision) { AABB* box = collision->getEntityB()->getModelAABB(); WorldEntity* entity = collision->getEntityB(); if( box == NULL) { PRINTF(2)("this model has no aabb box so there is no correct collision reaction implemented. skipping\n"); return; } float CR_MAX_WALK_HEIGHT = 2.0f; float CR_THRESHOLD = 0.2f; float height = 0; float front = 0; float side = 0; PRINTF(0)("collision raction======================================\n"); const std::vector* collisionEvents = &(collision->getCollisionEvents()); std::vector::const_iterator it = collisionEvents->begin(); for(; it != collisionEvents->end(); it++) { CollisionEvent* ce = (*it); Vector normal = ce->getGroundNormal(); // calculate the collision position Vector collPos = collision->getEntityB()->getAbsCoor() + box->center - ce->getCollisionPosition(); // test the 3 axis differently switch( ce->getType()) { // collision in the x-axis case COLLISION_TYPE_AXIS_X: front = collPos.x - box->halfLength[0]; // object is beneath the plane (ground) if( front <= 0.0f ) { Vector backoff = entity->getAbsDirX() * front; entity->shiftCoor(backoff); } // object is already in the wall else if( ce->isInWall()) { // entity->setAbsCoor(entity->getLastAbsCoor()); } break; // collision in the y-axis case COLLISION_TYPE_AXIS_Y: // calulate the height above ground height = collPos.y - box->halfLength[1]; // object is beneath the plane (ground) if( height <= 0.0f ) { entity->shiftCoor(Vector(0.0f, -height, 0.0f)); } // object is already in the wall else if( ce->isInWall()) { entity->setAbsCoor(entity->getLastAbsCoor()); } break; // collision in the z-axis case COLLISION_TYPE_AXIS_Z: side = collPos.z - box->halfLength[2]; // object is beneath the plane (ground) if( side <= 0.0f ) { entity->shiftCoor(Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, side)); } // object is already in the wall else if( ce->isInWall()) { // entity->setAbsCoor(entity->getLastAbsCoor()); } break; } } PRINTF(0)("collision distances: x: %f, y: %f, z: %f\n", front, height, side); #if 0 if( box != NULL) height = ( ce->getCollisionPosition() - collision->getEntityB()->getAbsCoor() )*(-1.0f) ; else height = ce->getCollisionPosition() - collision->getEntityB()->getAbsCoor() ; if( box != NULL) { if(ce->getCollisionPosition().x <= 0.9 && ce->getGroundNormal().len() <= 1.4f) { collision->getEntityB()->setAbsCoor(collision->getEntityB()->getLastAbsCoor()); return; } if(ce->getCollisionPosition().z <= 0.9 && ce->getGroundNormal().len() <= 1.4f) { collision->getEntityB()->setAbsCoor(collision->getEntityB()->getLastAbsCoor()); return; } if(ce->getGroundNormal().len() <= 0.1f) { collision->getEntityB()->setAbsCoor(collision->getEntityB()->getLastAbsCoor()); return; } if(ce->getGroundNormal().len() >= 1.4f) { downspeed++; collision->getEntityB()->setAbsCoor(collision->getEntityB()->getAbsCoor() + Vector(0.0,-0.08*downspeed,0.0)); return; } if(height.y > box->halfLength[1] + 0.0f ) // Above ground { if(height.y < box->halfLength[1] + 2.3f) // Snap in { downspeed = 0; collision->getEntityB()->setAbsCoor(collision->getEntityB()->getAbsCoor() - Vector(0.0,height.y - box->halfLength[1] - 0.0f,0.0)); } else { downspeed++; collision->getEntityB()->setAbsCoor(collision->getEntityB()->getAbsCoor() + Vector(0.0,-0.08*downspeed,0.0)); } } else { if(height.y < box->halfLength[1] + 0.0f /* && height.y > - 55.0f*/) // below ground { //if(downspeed <= 0) downspeed =1; collision->getEntityB()->setAbsCoor(collision->getEntityB()->getAbsCoor() + Vector(0.0, -height.y + box->halfLength[1] + 2.0f,0.0)); //collision->getEntityB()->setVelocity(Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0)); downspeed = 0; } } }// if(box!= NULL) #endif /* PRINTF(0)("Collision with Ground: \n"); collision->getEntityB()->getAbsCoor().debug(); collision->getEntityB()->setVelocity(Vector()); collision->getEntityB()->setAbsCoor(this->lastPositions[1]); */ } /** * use this to do some collision offline calculations, only called for bContinuousPoll == true */ void CRPhysicsGroundWalk::update(WorldEntity* owner) {}