/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: Benjamin Wuest co-programmer: ... */ /* this is for debug output. It just says, that all calls to PRINT() belong to the DEBUG_MODULE_NETWORK module For more information refere to https://www.orxonox.net/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/wiki/DebugOutput */ #define DEBUG_MODULE_NETWORK /* include your own header */ #include "converter.h" #include "shell_command.h" #include "debug.h" #include SHELL_COMMAND_STATIC(debug, Converter, Converter::debug); /* using namespace std is default, this needs to be here */ using namespace std; /*! * Standard constructor */ Converter::Converter() { /* set the class id for the base object */ //this->setClassID(CL_ENTITY_MANAGER, "EntityManager"); } /*! * Standard destructor */ Converter::~Converter() { } const int sgnadd = 128; // = 2^7 /*! * Converts an int into a byte-array * @remarks: The int is stored in big-endian * @param x: The int which is to convert * @return: A byte-array that accords the given int value */ byte* Converter::intToByteArray(int x) { const int mod = 256; // = 2^8 byte* result = new byte[INTSIZE]; int sgn; if (x >= 0) sgn = 1; else { sgn = -1; x = -x; } for (int i = 0; i < INTSIZE; i++) { result[i] = x % mod; x /= mod; } if (sgn == -1) result[INTSIZE - 1] += sgnadd; return result; } /*! * Converts an int into a byte-array and stores the result into a given byte-array * @remarks: The int is stored in big-endian * @param x: The int which is to convert * @return: The number of written bytes */ int Converter::_intToByteArray(int x, byte* a, int length) { if (length < INTSIZE) { PRINTF(1)("byte buffer to short to store an int. Needed length %i. Avaiable length %i", INTSIZE, length); return -1; } const int mod = 256; // = 2^8 int sgn; if (x >= 0) sgn = 1; else { sgn = -1; x = -x; } for (int i = 0; i < INTSIZE; i++) { a[i] = x % mod; x /= mod; } if (sgn == -1) a[INTSIZE - 1] += sgnadd; return INTSIZE; } /*! * Converts a byte-array into an int * @param a: The byte-array which is to convert * @param x: The place where the result is stored * @return: The number of read bytes */ int Converter::_byteArrayToInt(const byte* a, int* x) { int mult = 1; const int step = 256; // = 2 ^ 8 *x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < INTSIZE - 1; i++) { *x += a[i] * mult; mult *= step; } if (a[INTSIZE - 1] >= sgnadd) { *x += (a[INTSIZE - 1] - sgnadd) * mult; *x *= -1; } else *x += a[INTSIZE - 1] * mult; return INTSIZE; } int Converter::byteArrayToInt(const byte* a, int* x) { memcpy( x, a, INTSIZE ); return INTSIZE; } int Converter::intToByteArray(int x, byte* a, int length) { if ( length< INTSIZE ) { PRINTF(1)("Byte Array to small : %d\n", length); return 0; } memcpy(a, &x, INTSIZE); return INTSIZE; } /*! * Converts a float into a string containing its binary representation * @param x: The float which is to convert * @return: A string containing the float's binary representation */ char* Converter::floatToBinString(float x) { char* result = new char[200]; int pos = 0; if (x < 0) { result[pos++] = '-'; x = -x; } float sub = 1; while (sub < x) sub *= 2; while ((x > 0 || sub >= 1) && pos < 200) { if (x >= sub) { result[pos] = '1'; x -= sub; } else result[pos] = '0'; pos++; sub /= 2; if (sub == 0.5f) result[pos++] = '.'; } return result; } const int expmult = 8388608; //2^23 float Converter::getDenormConst() { const int exp = 126; float result = 1.0f; for (int i = 0; i < exp; i++) result /= 2.0f; return result; } /*! * Converts a float value into a byte-array and stores the result into a given byte-array * @param x: The float which is to convert * @param a: The byte array where the result is to store * @param length: The length of the array a * @return: The number of written bytes */ int Converter::_floatToByteArray(float x, byte* a, int length) { if (length < FLOATSIZE) { PRINTF(1)("byte buffer to short to store a float. Needed length %i. Avaiable length %i", FLOATSIZE, length); return -1; } //handle 0 else function will loop for ever /*if ( x == 0 ) { for ( int i = 0; i 0) { if (x >= sub) { mantisse += 1; x -= sub; } mantisse *= 2; exponent--; sub /= 2; } exponent++; mantisse /= 2; /// printf("Conv: mantisse = %i exponent = %i \n", mantisse, exponent); //if (mantisse != 0) //{ while (mantisse < expmult) { mantisse *= 2; exponent--; } if (exponent >= 0) mantisse -= expmult; else { //Denormalized while (exponent < 0) { mantisse /= 2; exponent++; } printf("Conv: Denorm"); } //} } /// printf("Conv: mantisse = %i exponent = %i \n", mantisse, exponent); int hx = mantisse + expmult * exponent; //int result = intToByteArray(hx, a, length); intToByteArray(hx, a, length); if (sgn == -1) a[3] += sgnadd; // int hx = mantisse + expmult * exponent; // byte* result = intToByteArray(hx); // if (sgn == -1) // result[3] += sgnadd; //return result; return FLOATSIZE; } /*! * Converts a byte-array into a float value * @param a: The byte-array which is to convert * @param x: The place where the result is to store * @return: The number of read bytes */ int Converter::_byteArrayToFloat(const byte* a, float* x) { //handle 0 /*for (int i = 0; i= sgnadd) sgn = -1; else sgn = 1; /// printf("ReConv: mantisse = %i exponent = %i \n", mantisse, exponent); float emult = 1; if (exponent > 0) for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i++) emult *= 2; else if (exponent < 0) for (int i = 0; i > exponent; i--) emult /= 2; /* float result = mantisse * emult; if (sgn == -1) result = -result; return result; */ *x = mantisse * emult; if (sgn == -1) *x = - *x; return FLOATSIZE; } /*! * Converts a float value into a byte-array * @param x: The float which is to convert * @param a: The array where the result is to store * @param length: The length of the array a * @return: The number of written bytes */ int Converter::floatToByteArray(float x, byte* a, int length) { if ( length< FLOATSIZE ) { PRINTF(1)("Byte Array to small\n"); return 0; } byte* p = (byte*)&x; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) a[i] = p[i]; return FLOATSIZE; } /*! * Converts a byte-array into a float value * @param a: The byte-array which is to convert * @param x: The place where the result is to store * @return: The number of read bytes */ int Converter::byteArrayToFloat(const byte* a, float* x) { *x = *((float*)a); return FLOATSIZE; } /** * copies a strint to a byte array * @param s: string to copy * @param a: byte array * @param length: string length * @return: the used number of bytes in byte array */ int Converter::stringToByteArray( const std::string & s, byte * a, int maxLength ) { if ( s.length()+INTSIZE > maxLength ) { PRINTF(1)("Byte array is too small (%d) to store %d bytes\n", maxLength, s.length()+INTSIZE); return -1; } int n = Converter::intToByteArray( s.length(), a, maxLength ); memcpy( a+INTSIZE, s.c_str(), s.length() ); return s.length() + INTSIZE; } /** * reads a string out of a byte array * @param a: byte array * @param s: string * @param maxLength: max bytes to copy * @return: the number of read bytes in byte array */ int Converter::byteArrayToString( const byte * a, std::string&s, int maxLength ) { int length; int n = Converter::byteArrayToInt( a, &length ); if ( length+1 > maxLength ) { PRINTF(1)("something went wrong length > remaining bytes in buffer\n" ); //TODO remove this for ( int i = -1000; i < 1001; i++ ) { if ( ( a[i] > 'a' && a[i] < 'z' ) || ( a[i] > 'A' && a[i] < 'Z' ) ) printf("%c", a[i]); else printf("."); } printf("\n"); s = ""; return -1; } s = ""; s.append( (char*)a+n, length ); return n+length; } #if 0 /** * reads a string out of a byte array and allocates memory for string * @param a: byte array * @param s: string * @param maxLength: max bytes to copy * @return: the number of read bytes in byte array */ int Converter::byteArrayToStringM( const byte * a, char*& s ) { int length; int n = Converter::byteArrayToInt( a, &length ); s = new char[length+1]; if ( !s ) { PRINTF(1)("Could not allocate memory!\n" ); return -1; } memcpy( s, a+n, length ); s[length] = '\0'; return n+length; } #endif void Converter::floatTest(float x) { //float x = 8.0f; //float x = numeric_limits::infinity(); printf("To Convert: %e\n", x); // byte* res = floatToByteArray(x); // for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // printf("%i ", res[i]); // printf("\n"); // float y = byteArrayToFloat(res); // printf("ReConvert: %e\n", y); // if (x == y) // printf("equal\n"); // else // printf("different\n"); } void Converter::ArrayfloatTest(float x) { //float x = 8.0f; //float x = numeric_limits::infinity(); printf("To Convert: %e\n", x); byte* res = new byte[4]; int wr = floatToByteArray(x, res, 4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) printf("%i ", res[i]); printf(" written bytes: %i \n", wr); float y; int rd = byteArrayToFloat(res, &y); printf("ReConvert: %e\n", y); printf("Read bytes: %i -> ", rd); if (x == y) printf("equal\n"); else printf("different\n"); } void Converter::debug() { printf("We rulez\n"); ArrayfloatTest(0.125f); ArrayfloatTest(64.0f); ArrayfloatTest(0.0f); ArrayfloatTest(5.00091e-29f); //floatTest(-18.0098f); //floatTest(-24.07e23f); //floatTest(-0.0f); //floatTest(-5.67e-29f); //floatTest(-45.7e-32f); //floatTest(45.7e-33f); //floatTest(-45.7e-34f); //floatTest(45.7e-35f); }