/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific main-programmer: Patrick Boenzli co-programmer: @todo: direction in which the projectile flights @todo: a target to set/hit */ #define DEBUG_SPECIAL_MODULE DEBUG_MODULE_WEAPON #include "test_gun.h" #include "world_entities/projectiles/projectile.h" #include "world_entity.h" #include "static_model.h" #include "weapon_manager.h" #include "util/loading/factory.h" #include "animation3d.h" #include "fast_factory.h" using namespace std; CREATE_FACTORY(TestGun, CL_TEST_GUN); /** * standard constructor creates a new weapon */ TestGun::TestGun ( int leftRight) : Weapon() { this->init(); this->leftRight = leftRight; this->objectComponent1 = new PNode(); Animation3D* animation1 = this->getAnimation(WS_SHOOTING, this->objectComponent1); Animation3D* animation2 = this->getAnimation(WS_ACTIVATING, this); Animation3D* animation3 = this->getAnimation(WS_DEACTIVATING, this); //parent->addChild(this->objectComponent1, PNODE_ALL); this->addChild(this->objectComponent1); animation1->setInfinity(ANIM_INF_CONSTANT); animation2->setInfinity(ANIM_INF_CONSTANT); animation3->setInfinity(ANIM_INF_CONSTANT); if( this->leftRight == W_LEFT) { this->setEmissionPoint(1.0, -0.6, -0.2); animation1->addKeyFrame(Vector(0, 0, 0), Quaternion(), 0.1, ANIM_LINEAR, ANIM_NULL); animation1->addKeyFrame(Vector(-0.4, 0, 0), Quaternion(), 0.1, ANIM_LINEAR, ANIM_NULL); animation1->addKeyFrame(Vector(0, 0, 0), Quaternion(), 0.0, ANIM_LINEAR, ANIM_NULL); animation2->addKeyFrame(Vector(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), Quaternion(), 0.3, ANIM_LINEAR, ANIM_NULL); animation2->addKeyFrame(Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Quaternion(), 0.3, ANIM_LINEAR, ANIM_NULL); animation3->addKeyFrame(Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Quaternion(), 0.3, ANIM_LINEAR, ANIM_NULL); animation3->addKeyFrame(Vector(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), Quaternion(), 0.3, ANIM_LINEAR, ANIM_NULL); } else if( this->leftRight == W_RIGHT) { this->setEmissionPoint(1.0, -0.6, 0.3); this->objectComponent1->setRelCoor(Vector(0,0,0.35)); animation1->addKeyFrame(Vector(0, 0, .5), Quaternion(), 0.1, ANIM_LINEAR, ANIM_NULL); animation1->addKeyFrame(Vector(-0.4, 0, .5), Quaternion(), 0.1, ANIM_LINEAR, ANIM_NULL); animation1->addKeyFrame(Vector(0, 0, .5), Quaternion(), 0.0, ANIM_LINEAR, ANIM_NULL); animation2->addKeyFrame(Vector(.0, .0, 1.0), Quaternion(), 0.3, ANIM_LINEAR, ANIM_NULL); animation2->addKeyFrame(Vector(.0, .0, .0), Quaternion(), 0.3, ANIM_LINEAR, ANIM_NULL); animation3->addKeyFrame(Vector(.0, .0, 0.0), Quaternion(), 0.3, ANIM_LINEAR, ANIM_NULL); animation3->addKeyFrame(Vector(.0, .0, 1.0), Quaternion(), 0.3, ANIM_LINEAR, ANIM_NULL); } } TestGun::TestGun(const TiXmlElement* root) { this->init(); if (root != NULL) this->loadParams(root); } /** * standard deconstructor */ TestGun::~TestGun () { // model will be deleted from WorldEntity-destructor } void TestGun::init() { this->setClassID(CL_TEST_GUN, "TestGun"); // this->model = (Model*)ResourceManager::getInstance()->load("models/guns/test_gun.obj", OBJ, RP_CAMPAIGN); this->loadModel("models/guns/test_gun.obj"); this->setStateDuration(WS_SHOOTING, .1); this->setStateDuration(WS_RELOADING, .1); this->setStateDuration(WS_ACTIVATING, .4); this->setStateDuration(WS_DEACTIVATING, .4); this->setEnergyMax(100000); this->increaseEnergy(100000); //this->minCharge = 2; this->setActionSound(WA_SHOOT, "sound/laser.wav"); this->setActionSound(WA_ACTIVATE, "sound/voices/lasers.wav"); this->setCapability(WTYPE_ALLDIRS | WTYPE_DIRECTIONAL); this->setProjectileType(CL_LASER); this->prepareProjectiles(20); } void TestGun::loadParams(const TiXmlElement* root) { Weapon::loadParams(root); } /** * this activates the weapon This is needed, since there can be more than one weapon on a ship. the activation can be connected with an animation. for example the weapon is been armed out. */ void TestGun::activate() { } /** * this deactivates the weapon This is needed, since there can be more than one weapon on a ship. the activation can be connected with an animation. for example the weapon is been armed out. */ void TestGun::deactivate() { } /** * fires the weapon this is called from the player.cc, when fire-button is been pushed @todo: the ObjectManager deliveres Projectiles not TestBullets! this should be diffrent */ void TestGun::fire() { Projectile* pj = this->getProjectile(); if (pj == NULL) return; pj->setParent(PNode::getNullParent()); pj->setVelocity(this->getAbsDir().apply(Vector(1,0,0))*250 + VECTOR_RAND(5)); pj->setAbsCoor(this->getEmissionPoint()); pj->setAbsDir(this->getAbsDir()); pj->activate(); } /** * this will draw the weapon */ void TestGun::draw () const { /* draw gun body */ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef (this->getAbsCoor ().x, this->getAbsCoor ().y, this->getAbsCoor ().z); Vector tmpRot = this->getAbsDir().getSpacialAxis(); glRotatef (this->getAbsDir().getSpacialAxisAngle(), tmpRot.x, tmpRot.y, tmpRot.z ); if( this->leftRight == W_RIGHT) glScalef(1.0, 1.0, -1.0); static_cast(this->getModel())->draw(1); glPopMatrix(); /* draw objectComponent1: gun coil - animated stuff */ glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef (this->objectComponent1->getAbsCoor ().x, this->objectComponent1->getAbsCoor ().y, this->objectComponent1->getAbsCoor ().z); tmpRot = this->objectComponent1->getAbsDir().getSpacialAxis(); glRotatef (this->objectComponent1->getAbsDir().getSpacialAxisAngle(), tmpRot.x, tmpRot.y, tmpRot.z ); static_cast(this->getModel())->draw(0); glPopMatrix(); }