/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: Benjamin Grauer co-programmer: ... */ #define DEBUG_SPECIAL_MODULE DEBUG_MODULE_GRAPHICS #include "text.h" #include "font.h" #include "util/loading/resource_manager.h" #include "debug.h" /** * @brief creates a new Text Element * @param fontFile the Font to render this text in * @param type The renderType to display this font in */ Text::Text(const std::string& fontFile, unsigned int textSize) { this->setClassID(CL_TEXT, "Text"); // initialize this Text this->_font = NULL; this->_size = textSize; this->setSizeY2D(textSize); this->_color = TEXT_DEFAULT_COLOR; this->setAlignment(TEXT_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT); this->setFont(fontFile, FONT_DEFAULT_RENDER_SIZE); } Text::Text(const Text& text) { this->setClassID(CL_TEXT, "Text"); this->_font = NULL; *this = text; } /** * @brief deletes a Text out of memory */ Text::~Text() { if (this->_font != NULL && this->_font != Font::getDefaultFont()) ResourceManager::getInstance()->unload(this->_font); } /** * @brief compare the Text with another Text. * @param text the Text to compare. * @returns true if all the properties Match. */ bool Text::operator==(const Text& text) const { return (this->_text == text._text && this->_size == text._size && this->_font == text._font && this->_color == text._color); } /** * @brief compare this Text's internal String with the text. * @param text the Comparator Text. * @returns true on a match. */ bool Text::operator==(const std::string& text) const { return (this->_text == text); } /** * @brief Copies the properties of one text onto the other one. * @param text: the Text to apply to this one. * @returns This-reference. */ Text& Text::operator=(const Text& text) { this->_size = text._size; this->_color = text._color; this->setAlignment(text.getAlignment()); if (this->_font != NULL) ResourceManager::getInstance()->unload(this->_font); this->_font = (Font*)ResourceManager::getInstance()->copy( text._font ); //!< HACK this->_text = text._text; return *this; } /** * @brief Sets a new Text to the font * @param text the new text to set */ void Text::setText(const std::string& text) { this->_text = text; this->setupTextWidth(); } /** * @brief append some text to the already existing Text. * @param appendText The text to append to this Text. */ void Text::append(const std::string& appendText) { this->_text += appendText; this->setupTextWidth(); } /** * @brief appends one Character to the String. */ void Text::appendCharacter(char character) { this->_text += character; this->setupTextWidth(); } /** * @brief append some text to the already existing Text. * @param appendText The text to append to this Text. */ const std::string& Text::operator <<(const std::string& appendText) { this->append(appendText); return this->_text; } /** * @brief removes char characters from the Text. * * @note this function checks, if the count can be removed, and if so does it. * Otherwise the maximum count of characters will be removed. */ void Text::removeCharacters(unsigned int chars) { if (this->_text.size() > chars) this->_text.resize(this->_text.size()-chars); else if (!this->_text.empty()) this->_text.clear(); this->setupTextWidth(); } /** * @brief clears the Text Line (empies it). */ void Text::clear() { this->_text.clear(); this->setupTextWidth(); } /** * @brief sets the Font of this Text to font from fontFile * @param fontFile the File to load the Font from. * @param fontSize the Size of the Font */ void Text::setFont(const std::string& fontFile, unsigned int fontSize) { Font* newFont = NULL; Font* oldFont = this->_font; // load a new Font if (!fontFile.empty()) { newFont = (Font*)ResourceManager::getInstance()->load(fontFile, TTF, RP_GAME, (int)fontSize); if (newFont == NULL) { newFont = Font::getDefaultFont(); PRINTF(2)("Font %s could not be loaded, probably file not found\n", fontFile.c_str()); } } if (newFont == NULL) newFont = Font::getDefaultFont(); assert(newFont != NULL); // unloading the Font if we alrady have one loaded. this->_font = newFont; if (oldFont != NULL && oldFont != Font::getDefaultFont()) ResourceManager::getInstance()->unload(oldFont); this->setupTextWidth(); } /** * @brief sets the Size of the Font * @param size :the size of the Text */ void Text::setSize(float size) { this->_size = size; this->setSizeY2D(size); this->setupTextWidth(); } /** * @brief draws the Text */ void Text::draw() const { if (unlikely(this->_text.empty())) return; glPushMatrix(); glPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT); // transform for alignment. if (this->getAlignment() == TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT) glTranslatef(-this->getSizeX2D(), 0, 0); else if (this->getAlignment() == TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER || this->getAlignment() == TEXT_ALIGN_SCREEN_CENTER) glTranslatef(-this->getSizeX2D()/2, 0, 0); // drawing this Text. // setting the Blending effects glColor4fv(&this->_color[0]); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR, GL_MODULATE ); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, this->_font->getTexture()); glTranslatef(getAbsCoor2D().x, getAbsCoor2D().y, 0); glRotatef(this->getAbsDir2D(), 0, 0, 1); Glyph* tmpGlyph; float posX = 0.0f; glBegin(GL_QUADS); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->_text.size(); i++) { if(likely((tmpGlyph = this->font()->getGlyphArray()[this->_text[i]]) != NULL)) { glTexCoord2f(tmpGlyph->texCoord[1], tmpGlyph->texCoord[2]); glVertex2d(posX+tmpGlyph->maxX*this->size(), 0); glTexCoord2f(tmpGlyph->texCoord[1], tmpGlyph->texCoord[3]); glVertex2d(posX+tmpGlyph->maxX*this->size(), this->size()); glTexCoord2f(tmpGlyph->texCoord[0], tmpGlyph->texCoord[3]); glVertex2d(posX+tmpGlyph->minX*this->size(), this->size()); glTexCoord2f(tmpGlyph->texCoord[0], tmpGlyph->texCoord[2]); glVertex2d(posX+tmpGlyph->minX*this->size(), 0); posX += tmpGlyph->advance * this->size(); } } glEnd(); glPopAttrib(); glPopMatrix(); } /** * @brief setting up the Text-Width. */ void Text::setupTextWidth() { float width = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->_text.size(); i++) if(this->_font->getGlyphArray()[this->_text[i]] != NULL) width += this->_font->getGlyphArray()[this->_text[i]]->advance; this->setSizeX2D(width * this->size()); } /** * @brief prints out some nice debug information about this text */ void Text::debug() const { PRINT(0)("=== TEXT: %s (with Font:'%s') displaying %s ===\n", this->getName(), this->_font->getName(), this->_text.c_str()); PRINT(0)("Color: r=%0.2f g=%0.2f b=%0.2f a=%0.2f\n", this->_color.r(), this->_color.g(), this->_color.b(), this->_color.a()); }