/*! \file model.h \brief Contains the Model Class that handles 3D-Models */ #ifndef _MODEL_H #define _MODEL_H #include "../stdincl.h" #include "array.h" #include "material.h" #include "vector.h" using namespace std; enum PRIMITIVE {PLANE, CUBE, SPHERE, CYLINDER}; //! Class that handles 3D-Models. it can also read them in and display them. class Model { public: Model(void); Model(PRIMITIVE type); Model(char* modelName); virtual ~Model(void); void setName(const char* name); void draw(void) const; void draw(int groupNumber) const; void draw(char* groupName) const; int getGroupCount() const; protected: char* name; //!< This is the name of the Model. bool finalized; //!< Sets the Object to be finalized. //! This is the placeholder of one Vertex beloning to a Face. struct FaceElement { int vertexNumber; //!< The number of the Vertex out of the Array* vertices, this vertex points to. int normalNumber; //!< The number of the Normal out of the Array* normals, this vertex points to. int texCoordNumber; //!< The number of the textureCoordinate out of the Array* vTexture, this vertex points to. FaceElement* next; //!< Point to the next FaceElement in this List. }; //! This is the placeholder of a Face belonging to a Group of Faces. /** \todo take Material to a call for itself. This can also be a Material-Change switch. That means if you want to change a Material inside of a group, you can create an empty face and apply a material to it, and the Importer will cahnge Colors */ struct Face { int vertexCount; //!< The Count of vertices this Face has. FaceElement* firstElem; //!< Points to the first Vertex (FaceElement) of this Face. char* materialString; //!< The Name of the Material to which to Change. Face* next; //!< Pointer to the next Face. }; //! Group to handle multiple Models per obj-file. struct Group { char* name; //!< the Name of the Group. this is an identifier, that can be accessed via the draw (char* name) function. GLuint listNumber; //!< The number of the GL-List this Group gets. Face* firstFace; //!< The first Face in this group. Face* currentFace; //!< The current Face in this Group (the one we are currently working with.) int faceMode; //!< The Mode the Face is in: initially -1, 0 for FaceList opened, 1 for Material, 3 for triangle, 4 for Quad, 5+ for Poly \todo ENUM... int faceCount; //!< The Number of Faces this Group holds. Group* next; //!< Pointer to the next Group. }; Array* vertices; //!< The Array that handles the Vertices. int verticesCount; //!< A global Counter for vertices. Array* normals; //!< The Array that handles the Normals. Array* vTexture; //!< The Array that handles the VertexTextureCoordinates. Group* firstGroup; //!< The first of all groups. Group* currentGroup; //!< The currentGroup. this is the one we will work with. int groupCount; //!< The Count of Groups. Material* material; //!< Initial pointer to the Material. This can hold many materials, because Material can be added with Material::addMaterial(..) float scaleFactor; //!< The Factor with which the Model should be scaled. \todo maybe one wants to scale the Model after Initialisation bool initialize(void); bool initGroup(Group* group); bool initFace (Face* face); bool cleanup(void); bool cleanupGroup(Group* group); bool cleanupFace(Face* face); bool cleanupFaceElement(FaceElement* faceElem); public: bool addGroup(char* groupString); bool addVertex(char* vertexString); bool addVertex(const float x, const float y, const float z); bool addFace(char* faceString); bool addFace(const float faceElemCount, ...); bool addVertexNormal(char* normalString); bool addVertexNormal(const float x, const float y, const float z); bool addVertexTexture(char* vTextureString); bool addVertexTexture(const float u, const float v); bool addUseMtl(char* mtlString); void finalize(void); protected: bool importToGL(void); bool addGLElement(FaceElement* elem); bool buildVertexNormals(void); void cubeModel(void); void cylinderModel(void); }; #endif