/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ### File Specific: main-programmer: Benjamin Grauer */ #include "gui_video.h" #include "gui_gtk.h" #include "sdlincl.h" #include /** \brief Creates the Video-Option-Frame */ GuiVideo::GuiVideo(void) { Frame* videoFrame; //!< The Frame that holds the video options. videoFrame = new Frame("Video-Options:"); videoFrame->setGroupName("video"); { Box* videoBox; //!< The Box that holds the video options. videoBox = new Box('v'); { CheckButton* fullscreen; //!< CheckButton for fullscreen-mode Menu* resolution; //!< Menu for the resolution CheckButton* wireframe; //!< CheckButton for wireframe Mode. fullscreen = new CheckButton(CONFIG_NAME_FULLSCREEN); fullscreen->setFlagName("windowed", "q", 1); fullscreen->setDescription("Starts orxonox in windowed mode"); fullscreen->saveability(); videoBox->fill(fullscreen); resolution = new Menu(CONFIG_NAME_RESOLUTION); getResolutions(resolution); resolution->saveability(); resolution->setFlagName("resolution", "r", 0); resolution->setDescription("Sets the resolution of orxonox"); videoBox->fill(resolution); wireframe = new CheckButton(CONFIG_NAME_WIREFRAME); wireframe->setFlagName("wireframe", "w", 0); wireframe->setDescription("Starts orxonox in wireframe mode"); wireframe->saveability(); videoBox->fill(wireframe); videoBox->fill(advancedWindowCreate()); } videoFrame->fill(videoBox); } setMainWidget(videoFrame); } /** \brief Destructs the Video-stuff */ GuiVideo::~GuiVideo(void) { // nothing to do here. } /** \brief Creates a window, and all it contains for the Source-update. */ Widget* GuiVideo::advancedWindowCreate(void) { // advanced-Performance-Options Window* advancedWindow; //!< A Window to display advanced options. Button* advancedButton; //!< A Button to open the Advanced Video Performance Window. // the button, that opens this Window. advancedButton = new Button("advanced"); // the Window itself advancedWindow = new Window("Advanced Video Options"); advancedWindow->setGroupName(CONFIG_SECTION_VIDEO_ADVANCED); { Box* advancedBox; //!< A Box to pack the options into. advancedBox = new Box('v'); { CheckButton* shadows; //!< CheckButton for shadows CheckButton* fog; //!< CheckButton for fog. CheckButton* reflections; //!< CheckButton for reflections CheckButton* textures; //!< CheckButton for textures Menu* textureDetail; //!< Menu for the Texture-Detail. Label* modelDetailLabel; //!< Label for model-detail. Menu* modelDetail; //!< model-detail. CheckButton* particles; //!< If the Particles should be enabled Label* antiAliasingLabel; //!< Label for the anti-aliasing mode. Menu* antiAliasing; //!< Menu for the Antialiasing-mode. Label* filterMethodLabel; //!< Label for filtering-Method. Menu* filterMethod; //!< Menu for filtering Method. Button* closeButton; //!< A Button to close the Advanced-settingsWindow. // Advanced Performance Options shadows = new CheckButton(CONFIG_NAME_SHADOWS); shadows->saveability(); advancedBox->fill(shadows); fog = new CheckButton(CONFIG_NAME_FOG); fog->saveability(); advancedBox->fill(fog); reflections = new CheckButton(CONFIG_NAME_REFLECTIONS); reflections->saveability(); advancedBox->fill(reflections); textures = new CheckButton(CONFIG_NAME_TEXTURES); textures->saveability(); advancedBox->fill(textures); textureDetail = new Menu(CONFIG_NAME_TEXTURE_DETAIL, "low", "medium", "high", "lastItem"); textureDetail->setDefaultValue(1); textureDetail->saveability(); advancedBox->fill(textureDetail); modelDetailLabel = new Label(CONFIG_NAME_MODEL_DETAIL); advancedBox->fill(modelDetailLabel); modelDetail = new Menu(CONFIG_NAME_MODEL_DETAIL, "low", "high", "lastItem"); modelDetail->setDefaultValue(1); modelDetail->saveability(); advancedBox->fill(modelDetail); particles = new CheckButton(CONFIG_NAME_PARTICLES_ENABLED); particles->saveability(); particles->setDefaultValue(1); advancedBox->fill(particles); antiAliasingLabel = new Label("Anti-Aliasing-depth:"); advancedBox->fill(antiAliasingLabel); antiAliasing = new Menu(CONFIG_NAME_ANTI_ALIASING, "0", "1", "2", "4", "8", "lastItem"); antiAliasing->setDefaultValue(2); antiAliasing->saveability(); advancedBox->fill(antiAliasing); filterMethodLabel = new Label("Filtering Method:"); advancedBox->fill(filterMethodLabel); filterMethod = new Menu(CONFIG_NAME_FILTER_METHOD, "none", "linear", "bilinear", "trilinear", "anisortopic", "lastItem"); filterMethod->setDefaultValue(1); filterMethod->saveability(); advancedBox->fill(filterMethod); closeButton = new Button("close"); #ifdef HAVE_GTK2 closeButton->connectSignal("button_press_event", advancedWindow, Window::windowClose); #endif /* HAVE_GTK2 */ advancedBox->fill(closeButton); } advancedWindow->fill(advancedBox); } #ifdef HAVE_GTK2 advancedButton->connectSignal("button_press_event", advancedWindow, Window::windowOpen); advancedWindow->connectSignal("destroy", advancedWindow, Window::windowClose); advancedWindow->connectSignal("delete_event", advancedWindow, Window::windowClose); #endif /* HAVE_GTK2 */ Window::addWindow(advancedWindow); return advancedButton; } /** \brief sets all resolutions to the menu \param menu the Menu to set The resolutions to. */ void GuiVideo::getResolutions(Menu* menu) { SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); SDL_Rect **modes; int i; int x = 0,y =0; // check for difference char tmpChar[100]; /* Get available fullscreen/hardware modes */ modes=SDL_ListModes(NULL, SDL_FULLSCREEN|SDL_HWSURFACE); /* Check is there are any modes available */ if(modes == (SDL_Rect **)0){ PRINTF(2)("No video-modes available!\n"); exit(-1); } /* Check if our resolution is restricted */ if(modes == (SDL_Rect **)-1){ PRINTF(2)("All resolutions available.\n"); } else{ /* Print valid modes */ PRINT(5)("Available Modes\n"); for(i = 0; modes[i] ;++i) { if (x != modes[i]->w || y != modes[i]->h) { PRINTF(5)(" %d x %d\n", modes[i]->w, modes[i]->h); sprintf(tmpChar, "%dx%d", modes[i]->w, modes[i]->h); menu->addItem(tmpChar); x = modes[i]->w; y = modes[i]->h; } } } SDL_Quit(); }