/*! \file material.h \brief Contains the Material Class that handles Material for 3D-Objects. */ #ifndef _MATERIAL_H #define _MATERIAL_H extern int verbose; //!< will be obsolete soon. #include #include #include #include //! Class to handle Materials. class Material { public: Material (); Material (char* mtlName); Material* addMaterial(char* mtlName); void init(void); ~Material (); void setName (char* mtlName); char* getName (void); void setIllum (int illum); void setIllum (char* illum); void setDiffuse (float r, float g, float b); void setDiffuse (char* rgb); void setAmbient (float r, float g, float b); void setAmbient (char* rgb); void setSpecular (float r, float g, float b); void setSpecular (char* rgb); void setShininess (float shini); void setShininess (char* shini); void setTransparency (float trans); void setTransparency (char* trans); Material* search (char* mtlName); bool select (void); Material* nextMat; //!< pointer to the Next Material of the List. NULL if no next exists. private: char name [50]; int illumModel; float diffuse [4]; float ambient [4]; float specular [4]; float shininess; float transparency; }; #endif