/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: Benjamin Grauer co-programmer: ... */ #define DEBUG_SPECIAL_MODULE DEBUG_MODULE_ANIM #include "animation_player.h" #include "compiler.h" using namespace std; /** * standard constructor */ AnimationPlayer::AnimationPlayer () { this->setClassID(CL_ANIMATION_PLAYER, "AnimationPlayer"); this->setName("AnimationPlayer"); this->animationList = new tList(); this->play(); } /** * the singleton reference to this class */ AnimationPlayer* AnimationPlayer::singletonRef = NULL; /** * standard deconstructor !! DANGER !! when unloading the AnimationPlayer no other Function should reference any Animations, from the animationList because it automatically deletes them. This usually happens when unloading a World. */ AnimationPlayer::~AnimationPlayer () { // deleting the Animation List AND all the elements of the List this->flush(); delete this->animationList; AnimationPlayer::singletonRef = NULL; } /** * adds an Animation to the AnimationList. * @param animation the Animation to handle when adding a Animation the Animation will too be deleted when the AnimationPlayer gets deleted. Consider not adding it, or unadding it with animation->notHandled(); */ void AnimationPlayer::addAnimation(Animation* animation) { this->animationList->add(animation); } /** * removes an Animation from the Animation List, WITHOUT deleting it. * @param animation the Anmination to remove from the List */ void AnimationPlayer::removeAnimation(Animation* animation) { this->animationList->remove(animation); } /** * empties the list AND deletes all the Animations */ void AnimationPlayer::flush() { // deleting the Animation List AND all the elements of the List tIterator* animIt = this->animationList->getIterator(); Animation* anim = animIt->nextElement(); while( anim != NULL) { delete anim; this->animationList->remove(anim); anim = animIt->nextElement(); } delete animIt; delete this->animationList; this->animationList = new tList(); } /** * Ticks all the animations in animationList * @param timePassed the time passed since the last tick. */ void AnimationPlayer::tick(float timePassed) { if (this->bRunning) { // iterate through all the animations and tick them. tIterator* animIt = this->animationList->getIterator(); Animation* anim = animIt->nextElement(); while( anim != NULL) { anim->tick(timePassed); if(unlikely(anim->ifDelete())) { this->animationList->remove(anim); delete anim; } anim = animIt->nextElement(); } delete animIt; } } /** * starts playing the AnimationPlayer */ void AnimationPlayer::play() { this->bRunning = true; } /** * pauses playing of the AnimationPlayer */ void AnimationPlayer::pause() { this->bRunning = false; } /** * @returns the animation from a certain baseobject if multiple are found, it just retruns the first one if none is found it returns NULL */ Animation* AnimationPlayer::getAnimationFromBaseObject(const BaseObject* baseObject) const { tIterator* animIt = this->animationList->getIterator(); Animation* anim = animIt->nextElement(); while( anim != NULL) { if(anim->getBaseObject() == baseObject) { delete animIt; return anim; } anim = animIt->nextElement(); } delete animIt; return NULL; } /** * Outputs some nice debug-information */ void AnimationPlayer::debug() { PRINT(0)("+------------------------------------+\n"); PRINT(0)("+ ANIMATION PLAYER DEBUG INFORMATION +\n"); PRINT(0)("+------------------------------------+\n"); PRINT(0)("| Reference: %p\n", this); PRINT(0)("| CountOfAnims %d\n", this->animationList->getSize()); PRINT(0)("-Animation Information---------------+\n"); // Per ANIMATION DEBUG tIterator* animIt = this->animationList->getIterator(); Animation* anim = animIt->nextElement(); while( anim != NULL) { // anim->debug(); anim = animIt->nextElement(); } delete animIt; PRINT(0)("+--------------------------------AP--+\n"); }