/*! \file world.h \brief Holds and manages all game data */ #ifndef _WORLD_H #define _WORLD_H #include "stdincl.h" #include "story_entity.h" class Track; class WorldEntity; class Camera; //! The game environment class World : public StoryEntity { public: World (char* name); World (int worldID); virtual ~World (); template T* spawn (Location* loc, WorldEntity* owner); // template to be able to spawn any derivation of WorldEntity template T* spawn (Placement* plc, WorldEntity* owner); virtual ErrorMessage init (); virtual ErrorMessage start (); virtual ErrorMessage stop (); virtual ErrorMessage pause (); virtual ErrorMessage resume (); virtual void load (); virtual void destroy (); void timeSlice (Uint32 deltaT); void collide (); void draw (); void update (); // maps Locations to Placements void calcCameraPos (Location* loc, Placement* plc); void unload (); bool command (Command* cmd); void setTrackLen (Uint32 tracklen); int getTrackLen (); //bool system_command (Command* cmd); Camera* getCamera (); void spawn (WorldEntity* entity); void spawn (WorldEntity* entity, Location* loc); void spawn (WorldEntity* entity, Placement* plc); tList* entities; // base level data Track* track; Uint32 tracklen; // number of Tracks the World consist of Vector* pathnodes; Camera* localCamera; private: Uint32 lastFrame; //!> last time of frame bool bQuitOrxonox; //!> quit this application bool bQuitCurrentGame; //!> quit only the current game and return to menu bool bPause; char* worldName; int debugWorldNr; GLuint objectList; WorldEntity* localPlayer; void mainLoop (); void synchronize (); void handleInput (); void timeSlice (); void collision (); void display (); void debug (); }; /** \brief spawn a new WorldEntity at a Location \param loc: the Location where the Entity should be spawned \param owner: a pointer to the parent of the Entity \return a pointer to the new WorldEntity or NULL if there was an error You can use this function to spawn any derivation of WorldEntity you want, just specify the desired class within the template specification brackets. Do not attempt to spawn any classes that have NOT been derived from WorldEntity, you won't even be able to compile the code. Note that this version of spawn() works with both free and bound WorldEntities. */ template T* World::spawn(Location* loc = NULL, WorldEntity* owner = NULL) { Location zeroloc; T* entity = new T(); entities->add ((WorldEntity*)entity, LIST_ADD_NEXT); if( loc == NULL) { zeroloc.dist = 0; zeroloc.part = 0; zeroloc.pos = Vector(); zeroloc.rot = Quaternion(); loc = &zeroloc; } entity->init (loc, owner); if (entity->bFree) { track[loc->part].map_coords( loc, entity->get_placement()); } entity->post_spawn (); return entity; } /** \brief spawn a new WorldEntity at a Placement \param lplc: the placement where the Entity should be spawned \param owner: a pointer to the parent of the Entity \return a pointer to the new WorldEntity or NULL if there was an error You can use this function to spawn any FREE derivation of WorldEntity you want, just specify the desired class within the template specification brackets. Do not attempt to spawn any classes that have NOT been derived from WorldEntity, you won't even be able to compile the code. Note that this version of spawn() works with free WorldEntities only, you will provoke an error message if you try to spawn a bound Entity with a Placement. */ template T* World::spawn(Placement* plc, WorldEntity* owner = NULL) { T* entity = new T(); entities->add ((WorldEntity*)entity, LIST_ADD_NEXT); entity->init (plc, owner); if (!entity->bFree) { printf("Can't spawn unfree entity with placement\n"); entities->remove( (WorldEntity*)entity, LIST_FIND_FW); return NULL; } entity->post_spawn (); return entity; } #endif /* _WORLD_H */