/*! \file world.h \brief Holds and manages all game data */ #ifndef _WORLD_H #define _WORLD_H #include "stdincl.h" #include "story_entity.h" class TrackManager; class WorldEntity; class Camera; class PNode; class GLMenuImageScreen; class Skysphere; class Light; class FontSet; //! The game world /** this class initializes everything that should be displayed inside of the current level. it is the main driving factor during gameplay. */ class World : public StoryEntity { public: World (char* name); World (int worldID); virtual ~World (); virtual ErrorMessage init (); virtual ErrorMessage start (); virtual ErrorMessage stop (); virtual ErrorMessage pause (); virtual ErrorMessage resume (); virtual void load (); virtual void destroy (); //static void vertexCallback (GLfloat* vertex); void timeSlice (Uint32 deltaT); void collide (); void draw (); void update (); // maps Locations to Placements //void calcCameraPos (Location* loc, Placement* plc); void unload (); bool command (Command* cmd); virtual void displayLoadScreen(); virtual void releaseLoadScreen(); //bool system_command (Command* cmd); Camera* getCamera (); void spawn (WorldEntity* entity); void spawn (WorldEntity* entity, Vector* absCoor, Quaternion* absDir); tList* entities;//!< A template List of all entities. Every moving thing should be included here, and world automatically updates them. // base level data TrackManager* trackManager; //!< The reference of the TrackManager that handles the course through the Level. Camera* localCamera; //!< The current Camera private: Uint32 lastFrame; //!< last time of frame bool bQuitOrxonox; //!< quit this application bool bQuitCurrentGame; //!< quit only the current game and return to menu bool bPause; //!< pause mode FontSet* testFont; //!< A test Font. \todo fix this, so it is for real. GLMenuImageScreen* glmis; //!< The Level-Loader Display char* worldName; //!< The name of this World int debugWorldNr; //!< The Debug Nr. needed, if something goes wrong GLuint objectList; //!< temporary: \todo this will be ereased soon Skysphere* skySphere; //!< The Environmental Heaven of orxonox \todo insert this to environment insted Light* light; //!< The Lights of the Level WorldEntity* localPlayer; //!< The Player, you fly through the level. PNode* nullParent; //!< The zero-point, that everything has as its parent. void mainLoop (); void synchronize (); void handleInput (); void timeSlice (); void collision (); void display (); void debug (); void swap (unsigned char &a, unsigned char &b); /* \todo: this function doesn't belong here, this should be part of a image class*/ }; #endif /* _WORLD_H */