/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: David Gruetter co-programmer: Benjamin Grauer Created by Dave: this file is actually quite similar to player.cc and so is skybox.h similar to player.h With that said, things should be clear:) Edited: Bensch: more constructors, changeability, comments... Patrick: giving it the common orxonox style, not much to do... good work Dave! */ #define DEBUG_SPECIAL_MODULE DEBUG_MODULE_WORLD_ENTITY #include "skybox.h" #include "stdincl.h" #include "material.h" #include "vector.h" #include "resource_manager.h" #include "model.h" //#include "world_entity.h" using namespace std; /** \brief Constructs a SkyBox and takes fileName as a map. \param fileName the file to take as input for the SkyBox */ SkyBox::SkyBox(char* fileName) { this->setClassName("SkyBox"); this->material = new Material*[6]; for (int i = 0; i <6; i++) { this->material[i] = new Material(); this->material[i]->setIllum(3); this->material[i]->setDiffuse(0.0,0.0,0.0); this->material[i]->setSpecular(0.0,0.0,0.0); this->material[i]->setAmbient(2.0, 2.0, 2.0); } this->setMode(PNODE_MOVEMENT); this->setSize(1900.0); } /** \brief default destructor */ SkyBox::~SkyBox() { PRINTF(5)("Deleting the SkyBox\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) delete this->material[i]; delete []this->material; } /** \brief sets A set of textures when just giving a Name and an extension: usage: give this function an argument like setTexture("skybox", "jpg"); and it will convert this to setTextures("skybox_top.jpg", "skybox_bottom.jpg", "skybox_left.jpg", "skybox_right.jpg", "skybox_front.jpg", "skybox_back.jpg"); */ void SkyBox::setTexture(const char* name, const char* extension) { char* top = new char[strlen(name)+strlen(extension)+ 6]; char* bottom = new char[strlen(name)+strlen(extension)+ 9]; char* left = new char[strlen(name)+strlen(extension)+ 7]; char* right = new char[strlen(name)+strlen(extension)+ 8]; char* front = new char[strlen(name)+strlen(extension)+ 8]; char* back = new char[strlen(name)+strlen(extension)+ 7]; sprintf(top, "%s_top.%s", name, extension); sprintf(bottom, "%s_bottom.%s", name, extension); sprintf(left, "%s_left.%s", name, extension); sprintf(right, "%s_right.%s", name, extension); sprintf(front, "%s_front.%s", name, extension); sprintf(back, "%s_back.%s", name, extension); this->setTextures(top, bottom, left, right, front, back); delete []top; delete []bottom; delete []left; delete []right; delete []front; delete []back; } /** \brief Defines which textures should be loaded onto the SkyBox. \param top the top texture. \param bottom the bottom texture. \param left the left texture. \param right the right texture. \param front the front texture. \param back the back texture. */ void SkyBox::setTextures(const char* top, const char* bottom, const char* left, const char* right, const char* front, const char* back) { this->material[0]->setDiffuseMap(top); this->material[1]->setDiffuseMap(bottom); this->material[2]->setDiffuseMap(left); this->material[3]->setDiffuseMap(right); this->material[4]->setDiffuseMap(front); this->material[5]->setDiffuseMap(back); this->rebuild(); } /** \param size The new size of the SkyBox */ void SkyBox::setSize(float size) { this->size = size; this->rebuild(); } /** \brief draws the SkyBox */ void SkyBox::draw() { glPushMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); Vector r = this->getAbsCoor(); glTranslatef(r.x, r.y, r.z); this->model->draw(); glPopMatrix(); } /** \brief rebuilds the SkyBox this must be done, when changing the Size of the Skybox (runtime-efficency) */ void SkyBox::rebuild() { if (this->model) delete model; model = new Model(); model->addVertex (-0.5*size, -0.5*size, 0.5*size); model->addVertex (0.5*size, -0.5*size, 0.5*size); model->addVertex (-0.5*size, 0.5*size, 0.5*size); model->addVertex (0.5*size, 0.5*size, 0.5*size); model->addVertex (-0.5*size, 0.5*size, -0.5*size); model->addVertex (0.5*size, 0.5*size, -0.5*size); model->addVertex (-0.5*size, -0.5*size, -0.5*size); model->addVertex (0.5*size, -0.5*size, -0.5*size); model->addVertexTexture (0.0, 0.0); model->addVertexTexture (1.0, 0.0); model->addVertexTexture (1.0, 1.0); model->addVertexTexture (0.0, 1.0); model->addVertexNormal (0.0, 0.0, 1.0); model->addVertexNormal (0.0, 1.0, 0.0); model->addVertexNormal (0.0, 0.0, -1.0); model->addVertexNormal (0.0, -1.0, 0.0); model->addVertexNormal (1.0, 0.0, 0.0); model->addVertexNormal (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0); model->setMaterial(material[0]); model->addFace (4, VERTEX_TEXCOORD_NORMAL, 3,2,4, 4,3,4, 6,4,4, 5,1,4); // top model->setMaterial(material[1]); model->addFace (4, VERTEX_TEXCOORD_NORMAL, 7,4,2, 8,1,2, 2,2,2, 1,3,2); // bottom model->setMaterial(material[2]); model->addFace (4, VERTEX_TEXCOORD_NORMAL, 1,1,3, 2,2,3, 4,3,3, 3,4,3); // left model->setMaterial(material[3]); model->addFace (4, VERTEX_TEXCOORD_NORMAL, 5,3,1, 6,4,1, 8,1,1, 7,2,1); // right model->setMaterial(material[4]); model->addFace (4, VERTEX_TEXCOORD_NORMAL, 2,1,6, 8,2,6, 6,3,6, 4,4,6); // front model->setMaterial(material[5]); model->addFace (4, VERTEX_TEXCOORD_NORMAL, 7,1,5, 1,2,5, 3,3,5, 5,4,5); // back model->finalize(); }