/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: Benjamin Grauer co-programmer: ... */ #include "functor_list.h" #include "load_param.h" #include "list.h" #include "base_object.h" #include /** * @param object The object this Parameter is loaded too. * @param root: the XML-element to load this option from. * @param paramName: The name of the parameter loaded. * @param paramCount: how many parameters this loading-function takes * @param multi: if false LoadParam assumes only one occurence of this parameter in root, if true it assumes multiple occurences. * @param ...: the parameter information (1. Parameter, 2. Default Value for the Parameter, ...) */ BaseLoadParam::BaseLoadParam(const TiXmlElement* root, BaseObject* object, const char* paramName, int paramCount, bool multi, const void* pointerToParam, ...) { this->setClassID(CL_LOAD_PARAM, "LoadParam"); this->loadString = NULL; this->pointerToParam = pointerToParam; if (paramCount == 0 || this->pointerToParam) this->loadString = "none"; else { if (likely(!multi)) this->loadString = grabParameter(root, paramName); else { if (!strcmp(root->Value(), paramName)) { const TiXmlNode* val = root->FirstChild(); if( val->ToText()) this->loadString = val->Value(); } } } this->paramDesc = NULL; if (LoadClassDescription::parametersDescription) { // locating the class this->classDesc = LoadClassDescription::addClass(object->getClassName()); if ((this->paramDesc = this->classDesc->addParam(paramName)) != NULL) { this->paramDesc->paramCount = paramCount; this->paramDesc->types = new int[paramCount]; this->paramDesc->defaultValues = new char*[paramCount]; va_list types; va_start (types, pointerToParam); char defaultVal[512]; for(int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) { defaultVal[0] = '\0'; // parameters parsed int tmpType = va_arg (types, int); this->paramDesc->types[i] = tmpType; switch (tmpType) { case ParameterInt: sprintf(defaultVal, "%d", va_arg(types, int)); break; case ParameterLong: sprintf(defaultVal, "%0.3f", va_arg(types, l_LONG_TYPE)); break; case ParameterFloat: sprintf(defaultVal, "%0.3f", va_arg(types, double)); break; case ParameterString: sprintf(defaultVal, "%s", va_arg(types, l_STRING_TYPE)); break; case ParameterXML: sprintf(defaultVal, ""); break; } this->paramDesc->defaultValues[i] = new char[strlen(defaultVal)+1]; strcpy(this->paramDesc->defaultValues[i], defaultVal); } va_end(types); int argCount = 0; } } } /** * @param descriptionText The text to set as a description for this Parameter * @returns a pointer to itself. */ BaseLoadParam* BaseLoadParam::describe(const char* descriptionText) { if (LoadClassDescription::parametersDescription && this->paramDesc && !this->paramDesc->getDescription()) { this->paramDesc->setDescription(descriptionText); } return this; } /** * @param paramName the name of the parameter to load */ LoadParamDescription::LoadParamDescription(const char* paramName) { this->types = NULL; this->description = NULL; this->defaultValues = NULL; this->paramName = new char[strlen(paramName)+1]; strcpy(this->paramName, paramName); } /** * removes all the alocated memory */ LoadParamDescription::~LoadParamDescription() { if (this->defaultValues != NULL) { for(int i = 0; i < this->paramCount; i++) { delete[] this->defaultValues[i]; } } delete[] this->types; delete[] this->defaultValues; delete[] this->paramName; delete[] this->description; } /** * @param descriptionText The text to set as a description for this Parameter */ void LoadParamDescription::setDescription(const char* descriptionText) { this->description = new char[strlen(descriptionText)+1]; strcpy(this->description, descriptionText); } /** * prints out this parameter, its input method and the description (if availiable) */ void LoadParamDescription::print() const { PRINT(3)(" <%s>", this->paramName); for (int i = 0; i < this->paramCount; i++) { if (i > 0) PRINT(3)(","); switch (this->types[i]) { default: PRINTF(3)("none"); break; case ParameterBool: PRINT(3)("bool"); break; case ParameterChar: PRINT(3)("char"); break; case ParameterString: PRINT(3)("string"); break; case ParameterInt: PRINT(3)("int"); break; case ParameterUInt: PRINT(3)("Uint"); break; case ParameterFloat: PRINT(3)("float"); break; case ParameterLong: PRINT(3)("long"); break; case ParameterXML: PRINT(3)("XML"); break; } } PRINT(3)("", this->paramName); if (this->description) PRINT(3)(" -- %s", this->description); // default values if (this->paramCount > 0) { PRINT(3)(" (Default: "); for (int i = 0; i < this->paramCount; i++) { if (i > 0) PRINT(3)(", "); if (this->types[i] & ParameterString) { // leave brackets !! PRINT(3)("\"%s\"", this->defaultValues[i]); } else { PRINT(3)("%s", this->defaultValues[i]); } } PRINT(3)(")"); } PRINT(3)("\n"); } /** * A list, that holds all the classes that are loadable (classes not objects!!) */ tList* LoadClassDescription::classList = NULL; /** * if the description of Parameters should be executed */ bool LoadClassDescription::parametersDescription = true; /** * @param className the name of the class to be loadable */ LoadClassDescription::LoadClassDescription(const char* className) { this->className = new char[strlen(className)+1]; strcpy(this->className, className); if (LoadClassDescription::classList == NULL) LoadClassDescription::classList = new tList; LoadClassDescription::classList->add(this); this->paramList = new tList; } /** * deletes a classDescription (deletes all the parameterDescriptions as well */ LoadClassDescription::~LoadClassDescription() { tIterator* iterator = this->paramList->getIterator(); LoadParamDescription* enumParamDesc = iterator->firstElement(); while (enumParamDesc) { delete enumParamDesc; enumParamDesc = iterator->nextElement(); } delete iterator; delete this->paramList; delete[] this->className; } void LoadClassDescription::deleteAllDescriptions() { if (LoadClassDescription::classList != NULL) { tIterator* iterator = LoadClassDescription::classList->getIterator(); LoadClassDescription* delElem = iterator->firstElement(); while (delElem != NULL) { delete delElem; delElem = iterator->nextElement(); } delete iterator; delete LoadClassDescription::classList; } LoadClassDescription::classList = NULL; } /** * adds a class to the list of loadable classes * @param className The name of the class to add this function searches for the className string, and if found just returns the appropriate Class. Otherwise it returns a new classDescription */ LoadClassDescription* LoadClassDescription::addClass(const char* className) { if (LoadClassDescription::classList != NULL) { tIterator* iterator = LoadClassDescription::classList->getIterator(); LoadClassDescription* enumClassDesc = iterator->firstElement(); while (enumClassDesc) { if (!strcmp(enumClassDesc->className, className)) { delete iterator; return enumClassDesc; } enumClassDesc = iterator->nextElement(); } delete iterator; } return new LoadClassDescription(className); } /** * does the same as addClass(const char* className), but with params * @param paramName the name of the parameter to add. */ LoadParamDescription* LoadClassDescription::addParam(const char* paramName) { tIterator* iterator = this->paramList->getIterator(); LoadParamDescription* enumParamDesc = iterator->firstElement(); while (enumParamDesc) { if (!strcmp(enumParamDesc->paramName, paramName)) { delete iterator; //return enumParamDesc; return NULL; } enumParamDesc = iterator->nextElement(); } delete iterator; LoadParamDescription* newParam = new LoadParamDescription(paramName); this->paramList->add(newParam); return newParam; } /** * prints out all loadable Classes, and their parameters * @param fileName prints the output to a File * @todo implement it */ void LoadClassDescription::printAll(const char* fileName) { PRINT(3)("===============================================================\n"); PRINT(3)(" Listing all the Loadable Options (loaded since Game started).\n\n"); if (LoadClassDescription::classList != NULL) { tIterator* classIT = LoadClassDescription::classList->getIterator(); LoadClassDescription* enumClassDesc = classIT->firstElement(); while (enumClassDesc) { PRINT(3)("<%s>\n", enumClassDesc->className); tIterator* paramIT = enumClassDesc->paramList->getIterator(); LoadParamDescription* enumParamDesc = paramIT->firstElement(); while (enumParamDesc) { enumParamDesc->print(); enumParamDesc = paramIT->nextElement(); } delete paramIT; PRINT(3)("\n\n", enumClassDesc->className); enumClassDesc = classIT->nextElement(); } delete classIT; } else PRINT(3)("no Classes defined so far\n"); PRINT(3)("===============================================================\n"); } /** * searches for classes, which beginn with classNameBegin * @param classNameBegin the beginning string of a Class * @return a NEW char-array with ClassNames. The LIST should be deleted afterwards, * !! The strings MUST NOT be deleted !! */ tList* LoadClassDescription::searchClassWithShort(const char* classNameBegin) { unsigned int searchLength = strlen(classNameBegin); tList* retVal = new tList; tIterator* iterator = LoadClassDescription::classList->getIterator(); LoadClassDescription* enumClassDesc = iterator->firstElement(); while (enumClassDesc) { if (strlen(enumClassDesc->className)>searchLength+1 && !strncasecmp(enumClassDesc->className, classNameBegin, searchLength)) { retVal->add(enumClassDesc->className); } enumClassDesc = iterator->nextElement(); } delete iterator; return retVal; } // const LoadParamDescription* LoadParamDescription::getClass(const char* className) // { // tIterator* iterator = LoadClassDescription::classList->getIterator(); // LoadClassDescription* enumClassDesc = iterator->firstElement(); // while (enumClassDesc) // { // if (!strcmp(enumClassDesc->className, classNameBegin, className)) // { // delete iterator; // return enumClassDesc; // } // enumClassDesc = iterator->nextElement(); // } // delete iterator; // // return NULL; // } /** * @param root: The XML-element to grab a parameter from * @param parameterName: the parameter to grab * @returns the Value of the parameter if found, NULL otherwise */ const char* grabParameter(const TiXmlElement* root, const char* parameterName) { const TiXmlElement* element; const TiXmlNode* node; if (root == NULL) return NULL; assert( parameterName != NULL); element = root->FirstChildElement( parameterName); if( element == NULL) return NULL; node = element->FirstChild(); while( node != NULL) { if( node->ToText()) return node->Value(); node = node->NextSibling(); } return NULL; }